Fable - Natalia Gallo

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The Fisherman & the Little Fish

A poor Fisherman, who lived on the fish he caught, had bad luck one day and caught nothing but a
very small fry.

The Fisherman was about to put it in his basket when the little Fish said:

"Please spare me, M r. Fisherman! I am so small it is not worthwhile to carry me home. When I am
bigger, I shall make you a much better meal. "

But the Fisherman quickly put the fish into his basket.

"How foolish I should be, “he said, " to throw you back .

However small you may be, you are better than nothing at all. "

A small gain is worth more than a large promise.


ðə ˈfɪʃərˌmæn & ðə ˈlɪtəl fɪʃ ə pur ˈfɪʃərˌmæn, hu laɪvd ɑn ðə fɪʃ hi kɑt, hæd
bæd lʌk wʌn deɪ ænd kɑt ˈnʌθɪŋ bʌt ə ˈvɛri smɔl fraɪ.

ðə ˈfɪʃərˌmæn wʌz əˈbaʊt tu pʊt ɪt ɪn hɪz ˈbæskət wɛn ði ˈlɪtəl fɪʃ sɛd :

"Pliz spɛr mi, ɛm ɑr. ˈfɪʃərˌmæn! aɪ æm soʊ smɔl ɪt ɪz nɑt ˈwɜr
ˈθwaɪl tu ˈkæri mi hoʊm. wɛn aɪ æm ˈbɪgər, aɪ ʃæl meɪk ju ə mʌʧ ˈbɛtər mil. "

Bʌt ðə ˈfɪʃərˌmæn ˈkwɪkli pʊt ðə fɪʃ ˈɪntu hɪz ˈbæskət.

"Haʊ ˈfulɪʃ aɪ ʃʊd bi, " hi sɛd, " tu θroʊ ju bæk .

ˌhaʊˈɛvər smɔl ju meɪ bi, ju ɑr ˈbɛtər ðæn ˈnʌθɪŋ æt
ɔl. "

ə smɔl geɪn ɪz wɜrθ mɔr ðæn ə lɑrʤ ˈprɑməs.

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