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Volume 9 / Issue 4 April 2020

Blue Net
Nets are of many sorts
Some to trap Fish or Birds
To snare a Hare or to hold Hair
Many nets of capture and kill
But the Yogi casts his net
that is both of Light and Darkness
A Cosmic Net that breathes both
Life and Death like they are One.
I for one has been in this
Cosmic Blue Net by choice
or so I would like to think
This is not a trap but a release
from puny nets of shame and fame
of friends and foe. Of love and hate
of familiar and unfamiliar
Now shamelessly casting the net
for all to deliver them to Him
My lord of the Blue Net

Love & Blessings



Dear Readers,
“When we face a struggle like this one, at the Isha Yoga Center for the second
this is the time to turn inward,” shared Council Meet, to discuss ways to teach
Sadhguru in a special darshan he held and transmit Yoga in its purest form.
recently, in light of the current global
Moreover, Sadhguru shared his wisdom
Coronavirus outbreak. He cautions us on
with officers and sailors of the Southern
the importance of social distancing and
Naval Command (SNC). Also read about
responsible action in times like these, and
the spectacular concerts by the renowned
advises on how to go through this period
talents in Indian classical music and dance
successfully and gracefully. Read about
who performed at Yaksha this year.
it in this issue’s Lead Article. As a matter
Most importantly, we recap the biggest
of precaution, due to the pandemic, Isha
celebration of the year: Mahashivaratri.
programs have been cancelled worldwide
The theme of the 2020 celebrations
for the time being.
challenged us to look at death in a way
As we face these unprecedented we never have before. And finally, we
challenges and potentially frictional times, look back at the Samyama program, the
Sadhguru offers a new perspective on intensive weeklong meditation program
how to best be with others in the latest with Sadhguru that many seekers aspire
Musings article titled “End the Blame to attend at least once in their lifetime.
Game.” Find out the “One Act that
Also in this issue, Swami Vasunanda,
Changed Krishna Forever” in this month’s
who has been with Sadhguru for 25
Mahabharat article, where Sadhguru also
years, recounts his many responsibilities
points out striking similarities between the
in Isha, from a part-time volunteer to an
description of the mythical Brahmastra
ashram cook, to a brick maker for the
and today’s nuclear weapons.
Dhyanalinga, educator for tribal children
In the News & Events section, we recount and, above all, as a spiritual seeker On The
the happenings at the ashram in the last Path of the Divine.
few weeks, including the Thaipusam
Last but not least, we suggest trying out
celebrations, which were filled with
our delicious Gotu Kola Chutney recipe. It
devotion, from Vijji Ma’s Aradhana,
is not only sure to please your taste buds,
which celebrates the 23rd anniversary
but, more importantly, revered for its
of her Mahasamadhi to the culmination
medicinal properties. This potent herb is
of the Shivanga Sadhana for ladies and
said to boost cognitive functions, reduce
a concluding satsang with Sadhguru.
stress and anxiety, have a detox effect, and
Members of the Indian Yoga Association
enhance your overall health and wellbeing.
(IYA), including Swami Ramdev, Smt.
Hansa Yogendra, and Swami Chidanand Enjoy the read!
Saraswati, among others, came together The Editorial Team

Contact the Editorial Team:

Isha Forest Flower, Isha Yoga Center, Velliangiri Foothills, Ishana Vihar Post, Coimbatore – 641114
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Part 64: One Act that Changed

Coronavirus – Challenge and Chance 04 Krishna Forever 07

Coronavirus – Challenge and Chance 4

End the Blame Game 6

Part 64: One Act that Changed Krishna Forever 7


Thaipusam: Savoring the Sweetness of Devotion 9
Indian Yoga Association Moves in a New Direction 10
Spirituality Takes Command at SNC 11
Yaksha Day 1: Smt. Kala Ramnath and the Singing Violin 11
Yaksha Day 2: The Melodious Hyderabad Brothers and the Ardent Devotees 12
Yaksha Day 3: Smt. Sharmila Biswas & Troupe – Odissi Dance Takes Center-Stage 12
A Mahashivaratri for ‘All Who Shall Die’ 13
Samyama 2020 with Sadhguru: Transformational Gift of a Lifetime 16


Swami Vasunanda 17


Isha – Program & Event Highlights 20

Gotu Kola Chutney 21

Master of Thy Self 23


Coronavirus – Challenge

In a special Darshan at the Isha Yoga Center on 15 March 2020, Sadhguru addresses the current
Coronavirus pandemic. He explains what distinguishes this virus outbreak from other infectious diseases
like malaria or dengue and suggests how to conduct ourselves in this situation. He also points out what
qualities are in high demand now, how to best use this time of slowdown and self-quarantine, and why we
need to differentiate between precaution and panic.

How to Face an Invisible We cannot kill, so we must lie low. This is the time
to sit back, look at our lives, reflect, strategize the
Adversary? trajectory of what we want our life to be, and above
There are times where inaction becomes more all, realize the fragile nature of our existence. Most
significant than action. This is a time like that. The human beings do not understand this on a day-to-
less you do, the better – in terms of work, and day basis. Our life is very fragile – a microscopic
especially in terms of travel. Because, we have seen virus can kill us.
many infectious diseases. India has gone through
The adversaries that we are facing are invisible.
bouts of malaria, and more recently dengue and
That is what makes them so dangerous. Because
chikungunya. For all three of these infectious
we are the carriers, if it is transmitted from one
diseases, the carriers are mosquitoes. So we always
person to another, we need to understand that if
took measures to exterminate the mosquitoes.
one person is missing in between, it will not go to
But in the present situation, we are the carriers.
the next person. Therefore, we have grounded all


of us who generally travel extensively, all the Inner Taking Responsibility for Others
Engineering Ishangas, including myself. Many used
to complain about the travel – now they must enjoy
and Yourself
being here. Now you must learn how to be without There is no need to cause too much panic about it.
much to do. And above all, those who had no time There is a difference between being precautious and
to do Yoga, here it is. If you could not close your panicky – panicky means you will do all the wrong
eyes and meditate because you were busy, here you things; precautious means you do the right things.
are. This is the time to close your eyes and sit. The simplest thing you can do is to stay away from
everyone. Keep your outside activities to a minimum.
Time for a Reality Check This is not the time to travel the world. As many of
This is a reality check for all of us. The fragile life that you have been so busy you could not meditate or
we are, have we organized ourselves to understand do Shambhavi Mahamudra – now is the time. You
and live here, knowing how fragile and transient can use the time you have to build yourself up. We
our life is – have we planned for a life like that? Or cannot decide what life throws at us, but what we
are you living in a make-believe world of your own, make out of it is hundred percent ours.
thinking you are going to be here forever? This is a
reality check as to who we are.
“This is the time to sit back, look at our lives,
Let us make use of this. If you could not enlighten
yourself by yourself, at least use the virus. It is reflect, strategize the trajectory of what we
making you realize – just like that, someone might want our life to be, and above all, realize the
sneeze and you will die. It is a good lesson and a fragile nature of our existence.”
good reminder. This is not a time to be panicky, but
we need to be precautious. We are taking every
possible step that we can practically take in the Right now, for some reason, nature has thrown a
ashram. Every one of you should cooperate and be deadly virus at us. Let us make the best out of it. It
part of it. If you see anyone even a little down, make will go. Whether the summer will kill it, it will die by
sure they get checked. itself, or go some other way, we do not know. But
it will not last forever. In the meantime, because it
The Highest Value Is Life is an invisible enemy, we just bow our heads and
We want to go through this successfully and sit around for some time. Let it pass. If it was a big
gracefully. How about you? What India is doing giant, we would have fought it. Because the virus
right now, considering the kind of population that needs us for transportation, all we need to do right
we are, it is an incredible effort. We are making a now is not provide the transportation. You must
strategy of preparation and prevention, not just make this commitment. That way, you will ensure
for the nation but for all the nations that share a that you will not be the carrier who gives the virus
border with us. This is going to cost us enormously. to another human being. If the virus comes to you,
In terms of people and businesses, the nation and it must stop with you. You must take care of this.
the world are going to take an enormous economic
hit. There is an enormous cost to this, but any cost Balance and Intelligence Are
is better than being dead. Right now, the focus is on Needed Most
staying alive. Scientific predictions talk about life cycles of the
To stay alive, you just have to be missing in action virus, and how that plays out. Whether it will settle
and keep your traveling shoes off for a little while. before the 15th of April or not depends on whether
Your friendships, your closeness to people, all this we go by the directives or we get tired of the virus
you must miss for some time. The love should be precautions and go about our business as usual,
nurtured in your heart; it need not be expressed which would have an enormous cost. When life
for some time. Ensure that neither you nor anyone around you is in crisis, then your intelligence, your
around you falls victim to the virus. You have to take physical health, your sense of balance, your wisdom,
care to neither put yourself nor anyone around at everything is of utmost value. When we face a
risk. You must live with this commitment until this struggle like this one, this is the time to turn inward.
is over. If you have a cough, stay away from others.
This is not discrimination. This is just sense. Those
who are sensible will survive these situations. Those
who are senseless will be brave and dead.


End the Blame Game

What to do when you feel like the world is against you? What if wherever you go, you seem to encounter
"horrible" people? Sadhguru offers a new perspective.

Questioner: I often get into trouble with people There are no wonderful people in the world. If you
around me – at home, with friends, and even manage to create a certain atmosphere, everyone’s
society at large. How to handle these situations in wonderful; if you do not, everyone can be horrible.
a better way? So, you must look at the expectations you have
of people. Otherwise, wherever you go, you will
Sadhguru: Most human beings have absolutely
think it is a horrible place. I and many of our Inner
unrealistic expectations about other people. Put
Engineering Ishangas have been teaching programs
yourself to the test: Whatever you expect from
in prisons.
other people, are you yourself capable of fulfilling
those expectations? This should fix most of it. Your Generally your idea of a horrible person is a rapist,
expectations are such that you yourself cannot a murderer, or someone who did other horrible
fulfill them. But you expect the other person to be things. But even with them, we have a wonderful
able to fulfill them – whether it is a spouse, a friend, time – because of the atmosphere we create for
a parent, or whoever. them. So, if wherever you go, the worst things are
happening, then you must look at yourself. This
This is the reason why everyone wants to meet a
is like, a young lady went to the doctor and said,
wonderful person, so that they can mess him or
“Doctor, my body is hurting so badly, wherever
her up. Never aspire to meet a wonderful person.
I touch it.” The doctor looked at her; she looked
Aspire to become the wonderful person that you
young and healthy. He said, “Really? Tell me, where
expect others to be. Whatever your idea of the
is it hurting?” She touched her knee and said, “Ahh.”
most wonderful person is, you should become that.
She touched her elbow – “Oohh.” She touched her
When people meet you, they must think you are a
neck – “Ahh.” The doctor said, “Come here,” and he
wonderful person. You must not be looking for a
put a plaster on her forefinger.
wonderful person.


One Act that Changed MAHABHARAT
Krishna Forever PART 64

What happened so far: After Ashwatthama found out that the Pandavas had lied to his father about
his death and thus killed the unarmed Dronacharya, he sought revenge. Along with Kritavarma and
Kripacharya, he sneaked into the Pandava camp at night. Thinking he found the five Pandavas lying there
asleep, Ashwatthama cut their throats, only to find out later that actually, he killed the Pandavas’ children.

The Brahmastra – A Nuclear of a nuclear weapon today. He said if someone

lets it out and it finds its full effect, the whole
Weapon? world would be destroyed. Because Ashwatthama
The Pandavas pursued Ashwatthama because he released a Brahmastra, Arjuna also released a
had killed their five children. They found him, and Brahmastra. Then Vyasa and Krishna interfered and
a duel ensued between Arjuna and Ashwatthama. said, “Whatever may be your anger, your hatred, or
Ashwatthama, a desperate, almost deranged your cause, you cannot use a Brahmastra, because
man by now, pulled out a Brahmastra. We do not everyone will be destroyed; the planet will be
know what exactly it was, but Vyasa’s description destroyed. Withdraw it!”
of the Brahmastra is very close to the description


Arjuna withdrew his astra, but Ashwatthama did No other Kuru woman could ever get pregnant
not know how to withdraw his. They ordered him because of Ashwatthama’s curse. Krishna took the
to neutralize it, but he said, “I cannot neutralize it; I just born infant and put his hand over his body. He
can only redirect it.” And because of the meanness spent a certain amount of time, transferring his
of his heart, he added, “I will redirect it to the future own life energy into the stillborn child, and within
Pandavas who are yet to be born, so that their clan a few minutes, the child came alive and cried. A cry
will cease to exist.” The only Pandava offspring of jubilation erupted. Then Krishna came out of the
who was still in the mother’s womb, was the child room. He was unsteady on his legs; his face was
of Uttara, Abhimanyu’s wife. Because of the way pale, he was like half a life. No one had ever seen
Ashwatthama redirected his Brahmastra, it would him like that.
have affected not only that child; no other children
Satyaki, his cousin and a close assistant, who
would be born in the Pandava lineage after this. It is
knew him right from his childhood, had never seen
like they diffused the bomb, but they could not stop
Krishna like this – tottering on his legs, weak, pale,
the radiation.
without spirit. Krishna sat down on a stone bench.
Krishna Saves the Pandavas’ After giving him some time, Satyaki asked, “What
is this? Why are you like this? It is just a child. You
Progeny even fought the battle effortlessly!” Krishna said,
When Ashwatthama uttered this curse, Krishna “Bringing someone to life is far more difficult than
cursed him, “May you wander with a deranged mind fighting a war. It is far more difficult than killing a
for the full length of the Kali Yuga; may you not die. million people. For this, I had to pour out my life.”
The relief of death will come to all of us – it will not No one had ever seen him like that, without energy,
come to you. With a deranged mind, you will roam liveliness, and joy. Then he closed his eyes and sat
this planet,” because he killed unborn children. Then in meditation, in a samadhi state, for a period of
Uttara gave birth to a stillborn child, and there was time. He came back revived, but after that, he was
a big cry of distress. They called Krishna because generally a quiet man, not the exuberant Krishna
this was the only child left in the Kuru lineage. that people had seen before.


Thaipusam: Savoring the
Sweetness of Devotion NEWS & EVENTS

A sea of women (and men) attend the culmination Women offer ney deepam, ghee lamps, to Devi,
satsang with Sadhguru for the 21-day Shivanga symbolizing complete surrender to Her Grace.
Sadhana for Ladies.

Women gather around Vijji Ma’s picture after an emotional Aradhana to bow in homage.

Isha Yoga Center, 8 Feb 2020: Thaipusam, the feminine presence was in full bloom that day, as a
full moon day in the Tamil month of Thai, is one sea of women from all over the world swarmed the
of the most special days of the year for Isha, as it ashram for the culmination of the 21-day Shivanga
marks various significant celebrations. Thousands sadhana. This day also marked the 10th anniversary
gathered at the Adiyogi Alayam in the presence of Linga Bhairavi Devi’s consecration. By the end of
of Sadhguru for Vijji Ma’s Aradhana, during which the satsang with Sadhguru, everyone in attendance
Sandeep Narayan, her son-in-law and much sought- was left with a gleeful smile as they savored the
after musician, gave a soulful rendition of Carnatic sweetness of devotion that pervaded the air.
classics that brought nearly everyone to tears. The


Indian Yoga Association Moves in
a New Direction

The IYA Council includes Yogrishi Swami Ramdev Maharaj, Smt. Hansa Yogendra, Swami Chidanand
Saraswati, Sadhguru, and others.

Isha Yoga Center, 10 Feb 2020: Spiritual leaders

of India converged for the second Council Meet
of the Indian Yoga Association (IYA), where they
explored ways and means to spread Yoga by
creating the right infrastructure to transmit these
practices without dilution. The role of institutional
partnerships, government support, and promotion
of Yoga in educational institutions were also
discussed. Smt. Hansa Yogendra, Director of The
Yoga Institute in Mumbai, shared her happiness
about having Sadhguru guiding the other members
of IYA. “Such people can make things move in life.
Such people are required. Sadhguru has made
all the complicated things so simple. He gave a
direction to this entire Indian Yoga Association.
Today's meeting made everything so clear that I am
most happy.”
10 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020
Spirituality Takes Command at SNC

Kochi, Kerala, 9 Feb 2020: Sadhguru was invited

to address the officers and sailors of the Southern
Naval Command (SNC) at INS Venduruthy, the
largest training establishment of the Indian
Navy. Sadhguru’s session was attended by 3500
from INS Venduruthy, with another 7500 Navy
personnel from different naval bases of the SNC
joining through live telecast. A commander at
Defense Services Staff College (DSSC) raised a
probing question: “How to get a sense of purpose
if we don’t identify with our country?” to which
Sadhguru wisely replied, “We have forgotten
this now, but in this culture, before a child’s
education started, the first thing that he utters
is Aham Brahmasmi – that means ‘my identity is
cosmic; everything belongs to me.’ Because if one
is empowered with science and technology and
they have a limited identity, they are a disaster for
everybody. Does it mean to say we have come to Vice Admiral Anil Kumar Chawla, the current Flag
a place where we can simply embrace everybody Officer Commanding-in-Chief SNC, and his wife
and live like this? No, that’s not the reality, but Sapana Chawla, President Navy Wives Welfare
that is a possibility – we should never give up Association (NWWA), presented mementos to
that possibility.” Sadhguru.

Yaksha Day 1: Smt. Kala Ramnath and the

Singing Violin

Isha Yoga Center, 18 Feb 2020: Every year

in anticipation for Mahashivaratri, Isha invites
renowned artists to showcase India’s rich,
unparalleled classical arts. Yaksha promises three
exquisite evenings that immerse the audience in
the exuberance of Indian music and dance. On the
first night, Smt. Kala Ramnath, widely recognized
as one of the world’s 50 best instrumentalists for
her “Singing Violin,” wooed the crowd with her
melodies. The Hindustani violinist, who was born
into a dynasty of prodigious musical talent, later
became a pre-eminent disciple of the legendary
vocalist Pandit Jasraj. Smt. Kala Ramnath, with
a blissful smile on her face throughout the
night, demonstrated exceptional mastery as the
music began to pick up pace halfway through,
driving some to tears of ecstasy. Accompanied
Yaksha 2020 debuts with classical violinist on the tabla by Ramdas Palsule, the hour-long
Kala Ramnath performance was nothing short of riveting.

April 2020 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 11

Yaksha Day 2: The Melodious Hyderabad
Brothers and the Ardent Devotees

Isha Yoga Center, 19 Feb 2020: The energy at

the ashram was in ebullition on the second day
of Yaksha, as it coincided with the culmination
of the 42-day Shivanga Sadhana for men. It
marked the welcoming of thousands of devotees
who completed a pada yatra, walking nearly
500 kilometers from their hometowns to the
ashram, carrying a 3.5 ton wooden ratham
with icons of the 63 Nayanmars (Tamil saints).
Later in the evening, well-known Carnatic
vocalists and classical maestros from Hyderabad,
Shri D.  Raghavachari and Shri D. Seshachari,
popularly known as the Hyderabad Brothers,
gave a spectacular performance. Their music,
with a penchant for singing Tyagaraja kritis and
bringing alive the tradition of singing padams and
javalis, was bright, imaginative, and full of verve
and vigor. The Hyderabad Brothers have clearly
mastered merging their poles-apart singing styles
Carnatic vocalists, the Hyderabad Brothers, charm into an enchanting synchrony as the softness of
the crowd on the second day of Yaksha Shri Raghavachary’s voice combines with the
resonance of Sri Seshachari’s. It is no wonder they
have remained popular for nearly 50 years!

Yaksha Day 3: Smt. Sharmila Biswas & Troupe –

Odissi Dance Takes Center-Stage

Isha Yoga Center, 20 Feb 2020: Smt. Sharmila

Biswas has made considerable contributions
to the development and promotion of Odissi
dance and music in the past two decades. On
the last day of Yaksha, the eminent Odissi dance Sharmila
exponent and her troupe graced the stage Biswas
with performances that had everyone at the concludes
edge of their seat. The final piece, a dramatic Yaksha
choreography by Smt. Sharmila, presented a 2020 with
novel perspective on the story of Shurpanakha a spectacular
from the epic Ramayana. With the use of masks as performance
props, Smt. Sharmila brought closer to our hearts
a character who embodied conflicting emotions
of love and wrath, of lust and resentment, which
led not only to the eventual demise of those she
loved but, ultimately, her own. It was a powerful
reminder of how miscommunication among “Alas! Perhaps if Shurpanakha had attended Inner
persons and communities can truly be disastrous. Engineering, she could have changed her fate,” an
audience member was overheard stating.
12 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020
A Mahashivaratri for
‘All Who Shall Die’

Sadhguru greets
the lakhs of devotees on
Mahashivratri night in
the presence of Adiyogi

April 2020 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 13

Vice President Venkaiah Naidu joins Sadhguru in releasing new book titled 'Death'

Isha Yoga Center, 21 Feb 2020: Gajendra Singh Shekhawat; Tamil Nadu Legislative
Assembly Ministers S.  P. Velumani, Dindugul
The theme for Mahashivaratri this year was “Living
C. Srinivasan, and Udumalai K.  Radhakrishnan;
Death,” coinciding with the much-anticipated
and Karnataka Minister of Medical Education
release of the new book Death – An Inside Story
Dr. K. Sudhakar.
authored by Sadhguru. The Chief Guest at the
celebrations, Honorable Vice President of India,
Shri Venkaiah Naidu, first took a tour of the Isha
Yoga Center, paying a visit to Linga Bhairavi, the
Naga shrine, and Dhyanalinga, where Sadhguru
performed the Pancha Bhuta Aradhana, a cleansing
of the five elements. Then, the Vice President joined
the stage to light the Maha Yoga Yagna, which
symbolizes the spread of Yoga through the world.
Addressing the audience in the presence of Adiyogi,
the Vice President said, “Adiyogi is an inspiration and
a representation of Yoga which is not a belief but a
technology to transform yourself.” He congratulated
Sadhguru for organizing Mahashivaratri on “such a
grand scale” and making it “a truly global festival.”
This heartfelt rendition of a rural woman's song to
Speaking on the theme, Sadhguru said, “We are
Mahadeva by Ananya Bhat was a show stealer at
living death. We can say we are living, or we can
say we are dying, and it is not different. Death is not
an event that happens once. Death is happening; it
is a process; one day it will be complete. The most Performances by folk artists accented the festivities
beautiful thing about life is nobody fails; everybody this year, giving the night a magically earthy
shall pass!” atmosphere. Other performances included an
eclectic mix of artists, such as the Lebanese band
While thousands gathered at the Isha Yoga Center Sodaf Beirut, Parthiv Gohil and his troupe, singer
to participate in the nightlong celebrations, over Karthik with Sounds of Isha, Kabir Café, as well
10  million watched the live streaming of the event on as several classical dancers, including students of
YouTube and Facebook as well as over 100 channels Isha Samskriti, and a fantastic gymnastics group.
across the world. Among the dignitaries present at Sandeep Narayan, young Carnatic classical vocalist,
the event were the Governor of Himachal Pradesh and Ragini Shankar with her illuminated violin gave
Bandaru Dattatreya; Union Jal Shakti Minister an astonishing recital. A memorable part of the

14 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020

night was when Sadhguru and many in the crowd
broke into tears during a heartfelt rendition of the
song “Sojugada Sooju Mallige” by Ananya Bhat.
The performances drew the audience into joyful
dancing and attracted many admirers in the online
space, making #DontYawnTillDawn one of the top
trends on Twitter on Mahashivaratri night.
Sadhguru publicly thanked a group of farmers for
their invaluable efforts to feed India and the rest of
the world. As an ode to Tamil culture, the Thevaram
album, an outpouring of Tamil devotion by the
children of Isha Samskriti, was released. Time flew Devotees enjoying the nightlong event
by so quickly that before they knew it, the audience
had been led into the much-awaited, powerful
midnight meditation, leaving many with even more
energy to dance through the night.
The Maha Annadanam, an offering of food to
everyone who visits the Center on Mahashivaratri,
was served to all visitors. As prasadam, visitors
received a rudraksh bead from the one lakh and
eight rudraksh beads that adorned Adiyogi over
the last year. They were also given a Sarpa Sutra,
a consecrated copper snake ring, worn on the left
ring finger to promote stability and wellbeing. The
night ended with a lively performance by folk artist Kabir Cafe was one of the many musical
Anthony Daasan, followed by a heartfelt talk by performances of this spectacular night
Sadhguru. In the wake of dawn, tears rolling from
their shut eyes, smiles on their lips, the crowd
devotionally chanted “Shiva Shambho” as they
held on to the last moments of an immensely
transformative night.

Sadhguru thanks a group of farmers for their

continued efforts to feed India and the world

Sadhguru, bursting with energy, danced Sadhguru leads the audience into the much
throughout the night of Mahashivaratri anticipated and powerful midnight meditation
April 2020 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 15
Children of Isha Samskriti release the new album A great capture of an Isha Samskriti child
Thevaram, an outpouring of Tamil devotion performing the fire dance

Singer Karthik with Sounds of Isha set the stage on Lebanese band Sodaf Beirut opens the event with
fire this Mahashivaratri a beautiful blend of contemporary and oriental

Samyama 2020 with Sadhguru:

Transformational Gift of a Lifetime

Isha Yoga Center, 1–8 Mar 2020: “A world full of

love, light and laughter. It is possible!” was what
a Samyama participant shared on the last day
of the program. In the consecrated space of the
Adiyogi Alayam, intense seekers sat in silence,
in search of the ultimate. During the program,
volunteers were exceptionally vigilant and took
great measures to assure the safety of everyone
in light of the worldwide coronavirus outbreak.
A Samyama participant sums up the experience
best by sharing, “I know how impactful and
meticulously planned Isha programs are, but
these past few days, the way everything unfolded,
Sadhguru was simply masterful in how he led us
through this life-changing process. This is the best Sadhguru conducts the Samyama program at
gift I could have ever received.” the Isha Yoga Center

16 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020


Swami Vasunanda
Divine Play

In this series, each month, one of our Isha Brahmacharis or Sanyasis shares their individual background,
observations, and experiences of what it means for them to walk this sacred “Path of the Divine.”
Here, Swami Vasunanda, who has been with Sadhguru for 25 years, recounts his many activities and
responsibilities in Isha, from a part-time volunteer to an ashram cook, a brick maker for the Dhyanalinga,
an educator for tribal children, and above all, a spiritual seeker.

“I will have to do all this!” I thought, slightly inspired me most was the way the volunteers
exasperated and nervous, looking at all the twisted offered themselves. So after the class, I wanted
poses in a magazine article on Yoga. My nephew to join them, and actively started to volunteer.
had been insisting that I do some Yoga class, and I Initially, I volunteered on the initiation days of Isha
wasn’t sure if I was really made for such a gymnastic Yoga classes in and around Coimbatore. Soon, I was
feat. But he gave me no choice. This is how I landed involved in most of the Isha activities in Coimbatore
up in my first class with Sadhguru – where my life and was visiting the ashram every Sunday.
changed forever.
The Screaming Silence
When Sadhguru initiated us into Shoonya, the whole
room seemed to be vibrating with the sound of the In May 1995, I had the opportunity to volunteer for
beeja1 mantra. I felt I was in a trance. On the closing the first Samyama in the ashram. For a group of over
day, we assembled at the Sadhguru Sri Brahma Seva 200 participants, we were just eleven volunteers
Ashram in Coimbatore. It turned out that it was who did everything – cooking, hall setup, security,
just 1 km away from where I used to stay, but I had hall volunteering, everything. We had to shift food
never visited the place before. “This person looks from what is now the 2nd gate to T-block, carrying
like our Sadhguru,” I thought looking at Sadhguru huge vessels by hand. It was very hectic and a lot
Sri Brahma’s photo in the Seva Ashram. The class of hard work, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. I hadn’t
had a very profound effect on me overall, but what done Samyama by then, so the whole atmosphere
seemed even more mystical. The entire ashram
seemed to have been enveloped in an esoteric
 Primordial sound or mantra silence, yet we heard people screaming, making
April 2020 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 17
various animal sounds, and rolling all over the place. Brahmacharya in 2000. I felt a certain freedom
After the first couple of days, all the participants within me after the initiation.
came out for sadhana at midnight, which happened
in the moonlight. It was just amazing to be a part of Laying the Bricks
it. Soon I too had a taste of this in my first Samyama. My first activity after I moved to the ashram full-
time was to oversee the manufacturing of bricks
Exuberant Procession for the Dhyanalinga. I was a physics graduate and
Another intense volunteering experience for me before coming to the ashram, I was helping my
was when the Avudaiyar for the Dhyanalinga was brother in our small family business of stationery
brought from Karur. I joined the procession from manufacturing. I, therefore, didn’t have even
Singanallur office where Vijji Ma did an arati to a remote exposure to any construction work.
the Avudaiyar2. We were so excited that we made Since I knew that those bricks were being used
the procession into a kind of an exuberant party. for such momentous work, I was truly nervous
Volunteers colored their faces, tied ribbons around when I was given this activity. But, as it happens
their heads, played drums, and danced throughout. with everything that we do here, things simply
I was in the rear of the truck where the Avudaiyar fell in place. We manufactured two lakh bricks in
was kept, but it didn’t prevent me from jiving non- three months. It was quite something to spread
stop. Witnessing Sadhguru, who joined us later, them out systematically to dry in five sheds that
perform a miracle to get the overweight truck to we had specifically fabricated for this purpose and
cross a narrow bridge, added to the excitement. protect them during the rainy season – which was
almost the year-round weather at the time. It was
The Last Darshan fascinating to see how we made temporary kilns to
On January 23, 1997 evening, I received a call from burn the bricks. Most of the bricks were used in the
another volunteer, asking me to get some unusual Dhyanalinga, while the rest, I think, were used in
items and immediately rush to the ashram. Only the T-block construction.
after I came here, I learnt that those items were
needed for Vijji Ma’s cremation. After handing over
“No Complaints!”
the materials to a Brahmachari, I joined the line When the kitchen shifted
to take her last Darshan. When I went near her to from T-block to Old
touch her feet, my eyes met Sadhguru’s. Till today, I Biksha Hall, which was
remember that glance of Sadhguru’s – though I am earlier attached to Spanda
not able to describe the depth of it. We stayed in Hall, I was asked to take
the ashram overnight and left in the morning after care of the cooking. I
the cremation. didn’t have any cooking
skills, but somehow did
Three Invitations something out of my little
During these years, I asked Sadhguru three times if experience of cooking
I could come to the ashram full-time. Each time he during the programs.
said, “Yes!” But then, I couldn’t make up my mind. Some people liked what
Actually, on one side, there was a deep longing to I cooked and some did
fully commit to the spiritual process that Sadhguru not. But I just gave my best. One day we cooked for
was offering us, but on the other side, I had no 2,000 people – I was super thrilled to see that we
understanding or clarity of what it was about. I could do that. I was astonished when I heard that
used to see Brahmacharis in the ashram working for Mahashivaratri 2017, we had prepared food for
very hard and used to wonder if I would be able to over one lakh people! I know what a humungous
offer myself like that. Slowly, I realized no matter task it must have been for the Akshaya3 team.
how much I thought about this, it didn’t make a Some of my fondest moments in this activity
difference. I did not have an explanation for what were when Sadhguru came to eat with us a few
I felt while volunteering or while in the presence times upon my request. Then I was shifted to the
of Sadhguru, nor could I shake off my logical mind Singanallur office as the caretaker of the kitchen
arguing against giving myself totally to something there, which involved everything from purchasing
that I didn’t understand. Finally, in 1997, I moved vegetables to washing vessels and mopping
to the ashram full-time. I was initiated into

 The base of the linga

2 3
 The Ashram kitchen

18 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020

the floor after cooking. During this time, once I In 2006, Sadhguru announced that he was going
approached Sadhguru about some personal issue to start Isha Vidhya schools. I remember being
that I was facing. “No complaints,” he said before I surprised and wondered if there was really that
could tell him about this issue. The way he said this much need for Isha to get into such an elaborate
to me, it just sunk within me that I must learn to and resource-consuming initiative. But when I
handle my personal issues myself and allow him to went to see the first Isha Vidhya school and saw
do what he needs to do, instead of spending time their infrastructure, the teachers and the school
in sorting out our personal quarrels. Since then, I curriculum, I bowed down to Sadhguru within
have never approached Sadhguru about any issue. myself for making such a wonderful opportunity
Yet again, the highest reward of cooking in the available to rural children. “This will put them on
Singanallur office was when Sadhguru came to eat par with their city counterparts,” I rejoiced about it.
there a few times.
We went from village to village, convincing parents
The Final Involvement to send their young children to school, and somehow
got 100 tribal children to study in Isha Vidhya on
In 2004, I shifted back to the ashram to take full scholarship, which provided tuition, bus fee,
care of the security activity at the 2nd Gate (the uniforms, books, copies, and other stationery. In
security office near Welcome Point). This is where 2015, this first batch of Isha Vidhya students took
I first encountered a few tiny beings who hijacked the 10th class board examination, and all of them
my attention for the next 14 years – and it is so passed with a whopping aggregate score of 89.6%.
even today. Some of these children are now studying in medical
It was about 5 p.m. in the evening. A few village girls and engineering schools. This is the touch and grace
came to me and asked if I had a bicycle that they of Sadhguru.
could ride for a while. At first, I was surprised by this
request, but then, when I paid attention to them,
It is Not Simple to Educate
I realized that they were very poor children and Rural India
wanted to just enjoy cycling. Unfortunately, I didn’t
have a bicycle, nor could I find one in the ashram.
But I got to talk to them and found out that they
were from the nearby tribal village Dhanikandi. To
my surprise, these children had been coming to the
ashram every evening. “What class do you study in?”
I asked one of them. “Eight!” the girl said with pride.
Just to tease her, I asked her to write a few words in
English. To my shock, she could not even spell some
of the alphabets properly. Upon enquiring with
the other children, I realized the situation was the
same with the others also. I felt so bad for them and
asked them to come an hour early for their evening
meal in the ashram for some lessons in English
and Mathematics. They all came the next day an Some children who joined Isha Vidhya, however,
hour early, very eager to learn English, but I never dropped out after a year because of various social
expected what happened next. reasons – no parents, a drunken father, or a
mentally ill parent – such were the heartbreaking
The Class of 25
situations at home. Somehow, we found donors
There were 25 children of all ages – from 4 to 14 and arranged scholarships for thirteen such girls
years old. They were too joyful and noisy, and it was and got them admitted in a residential school in
impossible for me to teach them anything. “Only if Coimbatore, with the help of some Isha meditators.
you are in Standards 6–8, you come tomorrow,” I But to my shock, eleven of them also dropped out
told them. Some seemed brokenhearted when they from this hostel within a year. We realized that
heard this, but there was no way I could handle that many of those girls dropped out because they felt
group on my own. So from the next day, our classes lonely. So, this time we took groups of girls together
started to happen in the room next to the 2nd Gate from each village. Today, about 30 such girls are
security. Slowly, children from other tribal villages studying in Coimbatore on full scholarship from
also started to join these classes. the Foundation. About 10 years ago, there were
only 2–3 degree holders in perhaps twenty tribal

April 2020 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 19

villages around the ashram. Now we have a bunch well and mostly gave priority to the activity that
of them graduating every year. One of the two girls I was doing. Sometimes I struggled a lot within
from the first batch who didn’t drop out from the myself during the activity, but I always thought that
hostel completed her B. Ed. degree last year, and is happened because I was not able to fix something
now teaching in Isha Vidhya. These children make on the outside. Last year, I sat for Samyama and also
me proud. attended the Samyama Sadhana that same year.
With the support from the Sangha4, I’ve been able
to regularize my sadhana in the last one year. The
difference within myself is palpable – my experience
of life on the day when my full sadhana happens,
and the day when it doesn’t, is starkly different.
This stability in sadhana has brought some clarity
about the beauty and purpose of this path. It has
made me feel even closer to Sadhguru within myself.
I wish one day, I see Sadhguru with an enlightened
eye. I am grateful to the Sangha for bringing me to
this state of longing.
“Though there are many struggles and
Hurdles on the Path – One Sound
Keeps me on Track –
Sadhana Works as a Torchlight on Shambho!”
this Path
This is an excerpt of Swami’s sharing. Read the full article
As I had said before, I never took up Brahmacharya on the Isha Blog.
with any clarity or understanding about the path or
spiritual process. I decided to walk it only because
I wanted to be close to Sadhguru and give myself
more completely as a volunteer. This perhaps was
one reason why I couldn’t keep up my sadhana very 3
 Isha Brahmacharis and Sanyasis


Date Program Place Contact

Inner Engineering Georgia World Congress

25–26 +1(931)488-8448
Completion with Center (GWCC)
April 2020
Sadhguru Atlanta, Georgia – USA

Inner Engineering San Mateo County

16–17 +1(931)488-8448
Completion with Event Center
May 2020
Sadhguru San Mateo – USA

Yantra Ceremony Isha Yoga Center,

844 844 7708
18 Jun 2020 Velliangiri Foothills,
With Sadhguru
Coimbatore – India

Nanmai Uruvam Isha Yoga Center,

844 844 7707
4 Jul 2020 Ceremony with Velliangiri Foothills,
Sadhguru (Ishanga 7%) Coimbatore – India

Current at the time of print, however subject to change. For full program schedules and updates, please visit
20 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020
Gotu Kola Chutney


1 cup fresh Gotu Kola leaves (Vallarai/ 1. Heat 1 teaspoon of oil in a pan. Add the dals and
Mandukarparni/Centella asiatica) red chillies.
2 teaspoons sesame oil 2. Chop the tomatoes.
2 teaspoons skinless split black gram 3. When the chilies change color, add the tomatoes.
(dhuli urad dal)
4. Sauté till the raw smell disappears. Remove from heat
2 teaspoons split Bengal gram and cool.
(chana dal; Indian chickpeas)
5. Put in the jar of a mixer with the tamarind, salt, and
3–6 red chilies (to taste)
palm sugar/jaggery.
3 medium tomatoes
6. Heat the remaining oil in the pan and sauté the Gotu
1 small ball tamarind Kola leaves.
Salt (to taste) 7. When the leaves become soft, remove from heat and
1 tablespoon palm sugar cool. Add to the jar of mixer.
(or jaggery/cane sugar)
8. Grind everything together to a paste. Serve.

NOTE: Gotu Kola, Mandukarparni (Sanskrit), Centella helps in maintaining youthful vigor and strength.
asiatica (scientific name), or Vallarai (Tamil) is a small It also improves the receptivity of the mind, memory,
annual plant that is grown naturally around ponds, voice, physical stamina, complexion, and digestive
streams, fields, and gardens. The leaves of the plant, capacity. It is also good for diabetics and people
which are slightly bitter in taste, are mainly used as a suffering from anemia.
tonic and diuretic. According to Ayurveda, Gotu Kola

April 2020 ISHA FOREST FLOWER | 21


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Courtesy Zen Speaks

Published by: B. RAJESH CHANDER on behalf of ISHA FOUNDATION

Published from 117/50, Luz Church Road, Mylapore, Chennai – 600 004, TAMILNADU

Printed by: S. PRAKASH; at FINE DOTS, No.15, Boo Begum 3rd Street,
Anna Salai, Chennai – 600 002, TAMILNADU. Editor: K. SEKAR

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Idea of Creation.
as we ourselves are the
All our ideas are nothing

24 | ISHA FOREST FLOWER April 2020

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