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Bernhard Riemann


In this part I talk about to life and the contributions that Bernhard remann made on the

world, also the differents discoveries and theories that could be he offer to the differents

mathematician, is an important person because he contribute and has a strong knowladge to

advance more and more the area of maths, also he was a idol and inspiration of other

mathematicians, his life was a little strong, because he was an introverted person and suffered

from various diseases, but still he managed to be one of the best mathematical.

Bernhard Riemann’s life

His full name is George Friedrich Bernhard Riemann who was born on 17th September

1826, in the village of Breselenz near Dannenberg, Germany, his mother was Charlotte Ebell who

died when he was a child, His father Friedrich Bernhard Riemann was a pastor, George was

married to Elise Koch in 1862 and they had one daughter. when Riemann was a child, his greatest

fear was public speaking, to produce nervious attacks, but despite of that he was mathematical

genius, able to make exceptional calculation.

In 1840, Bernhard Riemann went to middle school, and he was inspired to study

mathematics, he was able to solve a biggest mathematics problems with ability and dexterity, all

people and teacher´s was surprise for him ability, but he also took classes of philology and

theology to be a priest and when his father moved him from university of Göttingen and his
principal focus was study mathematics, where developed a stronger contributions to the field of

mathematics and dispite to his bad health, he was one of the best mathematicians of all time.

He had an extraordinary command over complex analysis which he interconnected with

topology and number theory. Other revolutionary contributions include the tensor analysis,

theory of functions, differential geometry and the most notable being the theory of manifolds. His

work in geometry defined new probabilities by generalizing the notions of distance and

curvature. Many theorems are named after him for example the Reimann-Roch theorem. He

pursued general actuality proofs, rather than constructive proofs that actually produce the objects.

( Emilio Ferral, pg.2, )

A lot of principles of modern physics be based on Reimann of the geometry of space,

and he was one of the mathematicians that Einstein based on when he created the theory of

relativity, thanks to the conferences give for Reimann. Finally, Reimann got sick of tuberculosis

that was which was the cause of his death. Riemann died on 20th July 1866.



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