CE Review ProbStat 2

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CE Comprehensive Review



Determine the probability p, or an estimate of it, for each of the following events:
1. An odd number appears in a single toss of a fair die
2. At least one head appears in two tosses of a fair coin
3. An ace, 10 of diamonds, or 2 of spades appears in drawing a single card from a well-shuffled
ordinary deck of 52 cards.
4. The sum 7 appears in a single toss of a pair of fair dice

How many four-digit numbers can be formed with the 10 digits 0, 1, 2, . . ., 9, if

5. the last digit must be zero and repetitions are not allowed?
6. the last two digits are odd and repetitions are allowed?
7. if the numbers formed are even and repetitions of the digits are not allowed?
8. if the numbers formed are divisible by 5 and repetitions of the digits are not allowed?

9. A ball is drawn from a box containing 6 red balls, 4 white balls and 5 blue balls. Determine the
probability that the ball drawn is red or white.

10. In how many ways can 10 rivets be punched on a sheet if only 4 holes are available?

11. In how many ways can a bids and awards committee of 5 people be chosen out of 9 people?

12. A committee of 3 members is to be formed consisting of one representative each from labor,
management,and the public. If there are 3 possible representatives from labor, 2 from
management, and 4 from the public, determine how many different committees can be formed?

13. Four different mathematics books, six different physics books, and two different chemistry books
are to be arranged on a shelf. How many different arrangements are possible if the books in each
particular subject must all stand together.

14. If 20% of the bolts produced by a machine are defective, determine the probability that out of 4
bolts chosen at random, less than two bolts will be defective.

15. If the probability of a defective bolt is 0.1, find the mean for the number of defective bolts in a total
of 400 bolts.

16. If the probability of a defective bolt is 0.1, what is the standard deviation for the number of
defective bolts in a total of 400 bolts.

17. Ten percent of the tools produced in a certain manufacturing process turn out to be defective. Find
the probability that in a sample of 10 tools chosen at random, exactly 2 will be defective, by using
binomial distribution.

18. If the probability that a concrete cylinder will fail from curing errors when tested is 0.001,determine
the probability that out of 2000 sample cylinders, more than 2, individuals will fail.

19. According to statistics report on construction accidents, the average number of construction falls
per year is 3 per 1,000 workers. Find the probability that in a large firm maintaining a total of
20,000 workers in the region there will be fewer than 5 falls per year.

20. Out of 800 construction firms with 5 projects each, how many would you expect to have 3
government projects? Assume equal probabilities for government and private projects.

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