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,Carryouteither part A or part B.

A) Refer to the Child-to-child activity sheet given in Annexure 1 of Block 3
B) Refer to the puppet play given in Unit 13, Block 4 (DNE-3)

For A :

Organise a session with one child from your locality to go through the child-to-
child activity. After making sure that the child you select has understood the
activity correctly, ask the child to explain the main principles, concepts and
practices in the sheet to another child. Then observe how the child goes about
explaining things to another child. Record your detailed observations

For B :

Organise a puppet show for a small group of children using stick puppets. At the
end of the puppet show ask the children questions to find out how much they have
understood. Record your detailed observations and suggestions for improvement.

Guidelines for (A) :

I 1) Carefully note the process you went through in order to explain the activity to
the child. You must give all essential information about the child -age, sex,
socio-economic background, any other factors of importance such as level of
, schgoling.
2) Next note the way in which the child decides on whom helshe would select in
order to pass on the knowledge gained.

3) Record all details about this second chihf.
4) Make a detailed note on how the child you selected explained the principles,

II concepts and practices involved.

1 Guidelines for (B) :

I 1) Make sure the puppets you make are big enough for your group of children.
i Draw the puppets to scale on a foolscap sheet exactly the way you made them
and submit this along with your response to the activity. Keep the stick puppets
you prepared in case the counsellor asks to see them.
2) Carefully record the way in which you organised the puppet show. Did you
make a puppet theatre of your own? Who helped you with the show?
3) Write down the list of questions you devised to assess the knowledge gained by
the children and their answers to these questions.
4) On the basis of the reactions of the children, give suggestions for improving
your performance. It does not matter if you made a few mistakes. You will not
lose marks or credit for discussing how you could find solutions to possible

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