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A Project work is a necessary requirement in the successful completion of a

Master’s degree in Business Administration. It provides an opportunity for the
students to implement the knowledge they have acquired throughout their
studies in Business Administration and to carryout in depth research into a
topic related to their area of interest under the supervision of a faculty guide.

It is a practical, in-depth study of a problem, issue, opportunity, technique or

procedure – or some combination of these aspects of business. Typically, you
will be required to define an area of investigation, carve out research design,
assemble relevant data, analyse the data, draw conclusions and make
recommendations. Your project should demonstrate organisational, analytical
and evaluative skills, and, where appropriate, an ability to design a suitable
implementation and review procedure.

The purpose of a dissertation must be clear and provide answers to the


1. Why the chosen topic is of interest and important from both academic and
practical point of view?
2. What are the benefits to the academic as well as business world?

The objective of the project is to help the student develop research ability to
apply multi disciplinary concepts, tools and techniques to solve the
organizational problems.

2. Dissertation classification:

 Business Data Analysis: Focuses on a particular business issue and then

interprets data gathered to suggest implementation of solutions.
 Case Study: A Case study uses a specific example to illustrate a theoretical
approach, a general trend or a variety of management problems. It can
refer to general problems and trends as well as to specific ones.
 Comparative Study: Comparative analysis can clarify the behavior or
distinguishing characteristics of some phenomenon. It can be applied in a
variety of contexts. (eg comparing models or methods or trends at a
national or corporate level etc)
 Conceptual Study: This is likely to be the methodology of selection and
discussion of theoretical material and descriptive material, in context, and
detailed comparison of theories in terms of their applicability. The focus is
not on discovering something but on reaching a judgment about the value
of concepts or theories.
 Sectoral Study: A review and assessment of the current condition and
future prospects of a given sector of the economy. It may include a
statistical analysis of the size, demographic, pricing, competition and other
economic dimensions of a sector of the economy.

Chapters: The chapters may broadly be divided into five as follows:


1 Introduction
2 Review of literature and Research design
3 Profile of the /Business/Selected Organization/
4 Data Analysis and Interpretation
5 Findings, conclusions and Recommendations

The Chapters mentioned above should have the following subdivisions:

Chapter 1: Introduction: Introduction includes

 Industry Profile
 Theoretical background of the study.

Chapter 2: Review of Literature and Research Design

 Introduction
 Review of Literature
 Statement of the Problem
 Scope of the Study
 Objectives of the Study
 Operational Definitions of Concept
 Methodology
 Limitations of Study
 Chapter Scheme

Chapter 3: Profile of the Business/Selected Organization/ Respondents

Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 5: Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions

 Summary of Findings
 Conclusion
 Suggestions


The students are required to adhere to the following instructions.

1. Typing should be done on one side of the A-4 size executive bond paper
2. The left side margin should not be less than 1.5 inches, the right top and
bottom margin should be 1 inch.
3. The text of the project should be double spaced; quotations and foot notes
should be in single space.
4. Chapter heading should be capitalized and should be kept at center. Section
heading and subdivision headings should be typed on the left hand margin
in title case, say for example, Foreign Direct Investment.
5. Tables, graphs and diagrams should have respective number, captions and
6. All pages in main text except prefatory items should carry the Arabic
numerals placed on the bottom at the centre. As already mentioned, Title
page, Acknowledgment Table of contents etc. should be numbered in lower
case Roman numerals.
7. Numbering of chapters, divisions and sub-divisions should be done, using
Arabic numerals only. For example, sub-division 3 under division 5 of
chapter 1 should be numbered as 1.5.3.
8. Table and Figures appearing in the main text should have appropriate
numbers and captions. If there is a First table in Chapter Three, the number
of Table should be assigned as 3.1. Table and Figures should appear at the
9. Endnotes should be numbered consecutively within each chapter or
throughout the entire report. Citations on the main text should carry the
author(s)’ name with year, say for example, Ramesh (2009) or (Ramesh,
2009) as the case requires. The full reference for the citation should contain
full information for identifications, viz., author’s name, the title of the
publication, year of publication, publisher’s name and the place of
publication and page number. Follow the Harvard system of reference.
10.Students are required to preserve the valued manuscripts (initial drafts) as
the same has to be produced during the Viva-Voce Examination if it is asked


Any attempt to copy from another (Present or Previous) student or to copy

large chunks from academic or other sources without approximately
referencing those sources will trigger the full weight of plagiarism
procedures. University will initiate stern action.

Format of Synopsis

 The synopsis should have minimum pages of 3 and should not exceed 5.
 The first page carries the Name of the student, Registration Number,
and Title of dissertation.
 The subsequent pages should contain:
 Title of the study
 Introduction to the topic chosen
 Statement of the problem
 Objectives
 Methodology
 Sampling
 Plan of Analysis, and
 Chapter Scheme
The synopsis should be neatly typewritten in A4 Size paper with 1-inch margin
on all the sides.


Date of Topics discussed Progress as on date Signature of

the the faculty

The Guide is expected to meet the student at least once a week.


Title < Font size Arial Narrow 18-All caps & Bold>

Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the

award of the Degree of<Font Size Arial Narrow 14>



< Font size Arial Narrow 14-All caps &Bold>

By(Font Size 14-Italic)

Name<Font size Arial Narrow 14-Title Case)
Reg. No. …

Under the guidance of

Name of guide .<Font size Arial Narrow 14-Title Case)
Designation of guide <Font size Arial Narrow 12-Title Case)
Institution <Font size Arial Narrow 20-All caps& Color Bold)
Bangalore University
2014–2015(Font Size 14)
Table of Contents

Chapter Particulars Page No.

1 Introduction 09
2 Review of Literature 46


Table No. Description Page No.

1.1 Types of products 09
2.1 Advertising gains 46


Figure No. Description Page No.

1.1 Map of India 08

Bibliography (System of Referencing)

References should be indicated in your dissertation in the following format:


Abraham, K. (2001) The Dynamics of Economic Reforms (Economic Liberalisation and Political
Transformation), New Delhi: McGraw Publishers.

Edited Volume

Aharoni, Y. (2009) “On Measuring the Success of Privatisation”, in Ramamurthi, R. and Vernon, R.
(eds) Privatisation and Control of State Owned Enterprises. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.


Boardman, D. and Vining, S. (1989) “Ownership in Competitive Environments: A Comparison of the

Performance of Mixed, Private and SOEs”, Journal of Law and Economics, April, Vol. 1, No,32, pp.16-
Reports and Gazettes
Asian Development Bank (2008) India: Statistical Abstract 2008, April, 2008, Manila, ADB.

Newspapers and Magazines

Ahluwalia, M. (2003) ‘Some of the criticism directed at the IMF is not valid’, an exclusive interview,
D+C [Development & Cooperation], September, vol.30.


Ministry of Finance(2008) “Privatisation”, Viewed on 06/11/2003 in the MoF Website,

Ram Mohan, T.T. (2004) “Privatisation in China: Softly, Softly Does it”, accessed on 02/10/2010 at

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