PM Chapter 10

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Lopez, Christian Denn J.


Principles of Marketing (Chapter 10)


1. What are the three general types of communication media?

1. Verbal
2. Non- verbal
3. Visual

2. Briefly explain the elements of promotion.

 Personal Selling is where businesses use people (the "sales force") to sell the product
after meeting face-to-face with the customer. The sellers promote the product through
their attitude, appearance and specialist product knowledge. They aim to inform and
encourage the customer to buy, or at least trial the product.
 Advertising is a marketing tactic involving paying for space to promote a product, service,
or cause. The actual promotional messages are called advertisements, or ads for short.
The goal of advertising is to reach people most likely to be willing to pay for a
company's products or services and entice them to buy.
 Sales promotion is the process of persuading a potential customer to buy the
product. Sales promotion is designed to be used as a short-term tactic to boost sales –
it is rarely suitable as a method of building long-term customer loyalty. Some sales
promotions are aimed at consumers.
 Public relations consist of a wide variety of communication efforts designed to contribute or
create positive attitudes and opinions toward an organization and its products.
 Publicity is the public visibility or awareness for any product, service or company. It may also
refer to the movement of information from its source to the general public, often but not
always via the media.

3. What are the elements of communication?

 Message
 Source of the message
 Communications channel
 Receiver
4. List the steps in communication process.

1. Encoding the message

2. Transmitting a message through a channel
3. Decoding the message
4. Feedback

5. What are the different types of advertising?

 Consumer advertising
 Business-to-business advertising
 Direct action advertising
 Indirect action advertising
 Customer service advertising
 Public service advertising
 Primary-demand advertising
 Selective-demand advertising

5. What are the steps in developing an advertising campaign?

1. Defining objectives
2. Establishing a budget
3. Creating a message
4. Selecting a media
5. Evaluating effectiveness

7. What are the importance of public relations?

The purpose of public relation is to actively manage publicity to establish and maintain a positive
organizational image and to provide the public with information about the organization’s products,
policies, or personnel. Also, it identifies, establishes, and maintains beneficial relationship
between the organization and the public.

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