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Wounds and Ulcers: Back to the Old Nomenclature

Article  in  Wounds: a compendium of clinical research and practice · December 2010

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1 author:

Michel H E Hermans
Hermans Consulting LLC


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Wounds and Ulcers: Back to the Old

Michel H. Hermans, MD

WOUNDS 2010;22(11):289–293 Abstract: Currently, most skin lesions are called wounds and primarily
are divided into acute and chronic, the difference being the time peri-
From Hermans Consulting, Inc., od during which they have been in existence and/or their tendency to
Newtown, Pennsylvania heal properly or not. Etiology is not taken into account when applying
the definitions of chronic versus acute. The traditional definition of
Address correspondence to: wounds and ulcers was based primarily on etiology, where a wound
Michel H. Hermans, MD (now called an acute or surgical wound) was said to be caused by vio-
Hermans Consulting, Inc. lence (eg, an outside force such as a bullet, a surgical incision) and
3 Lotus Place an ulcer, presently called a chronic “wound,” was defined as being
Newtown PA 18940 caused by some kind of internal etiology (eg, venous hypertension with
Phone: 215-579-9745 its secondary consequences to skin integrity). Based on the differ-
Email: hermansconsulting@com- ences in etiology and physiology, morbidity and mortality, therapeutic options and requirements, and other aspects of different types of skin
lesions, this author proposes to reinstitute the “old” nomenclature.

he traditional, non-medical definition of a wound according to many

T encyclopedias is “a break in the continuity of any bodily tissue due to

violence, where violence is understood to encompass any action by
an external agent.”1–3 The same encyclopedias mention inflammation, a grad-

ual occurrence and/or chronic nature, and an internal factor in their defini-
tions of an ulcer.
However, in the medical community virtually all skin lesions now are
called wounds (diabetic, venous, pressure, surgical, fungating carcinoma,
traumatic, etc.). Generally, the term wound is not used in relation to the injur-
ing mechanism anymore. Whether the primary tissue breakdown is internal
or caused by an external force is not taken into account either, nor are other
physiological aspects. A chronic wound is defined as one that has been in
existence for more than 3 weeks or that has failed to proceed through an
orderly and timely process to produce anatomic and functional integrity or
proceed through the repair process without establishing a sustained and

functional result.4
If an ulcer is defined as a gradual disturbance of tissues by an underlying
(and thus internal) etiology/pathology and a wound (as in trauma) as an
acute disturbance of tissues by an external force, the observed differences
Vol. 22, No. 11 November 2010 289

in appearance, demographics, anatomical locations, prolonged and persistent inflammation may occur. For
physiology and pathology, as well as the required med- example, in a venous leg ulcer persistent PMNs increase
ical interventions, possible medical options and out- ROS production,6 thus inducing a vicious cycle.
comes become a great deal more logical. Metalloproteinases (MMPs) are produced by many dif-
For the purposes of this commentary, a chronic lesion ferent types of cells,7,8 and when tissue is injured, they
will be referred to as an “ulcer,” while the term “wound” begin to break down several components of the dam-

will refer to trauma. aged extracellular matrix, which is a necessary step prior
to the influx of “rebuilding” cells and humoral com-
Etiology pounds. MMP activity is counterbalanced by tissue
Trauma is derived from the Greek word meaning inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs).9,10 In an ulcer
“wound.” As mentioned, trauma is caused by an external (as well as during the development of a hypertrophic
force, whether accidental or by choice (an operation) scar)11 the balance between MMP activity (over

and whether by physical contact or, for example, certain expressed) and TIMP activity (relatively under
types of radiation (a thermal injury). expressed) is disturbed.8 One of the consequences of all
According to the “traditional” medical and encyclope- these imbalances in MMPs and TIMPs in an ulcer is inhi-
dia definition, an ulcer is caused by an internal etiology. bition of angiogenesis and continuous breakdown of the
A venous leg ulcer is the consequence of venous stasis, extracellular matrix.12 Many compounds, such as metallo-
which leads to physiological and anatomical changes: the proteinases (MMPs) are not active in resting, non-dam-
skin lesions are secondary to these changes. Similar prin- aged tissue.13
ciples lie behind the development of diabetic foot ulcers The physiological difference between a wound and a
and pressure ulcers. Along the same lines, a radiation trauma is illustrated by the number of stromal cells
“burn,” as opposed to a thermal injury, is not really a burn expressing MMP-1 and MMP-3, which is greater in chron-
and, thus not a wound but an ulcer: ionizing radiation to ic than in acute lesions. In contrast, MMP-10 is not detect-
treat malignancies is very powerful, and depending on ed in the dermis of ulcers.8 TIMP-1 expression near the
the type of radiation, penetrates deep into the tissue. basement membrane is positive in acute, but not in
Often direct primary damage is caused to the vascular chronic, lesions.8
structures,5 which leads to secondary tissue damage, Cytokine profiles in ulcers differ from those in trau-
including skin breakdown. ma.14,15 Tarnuzzer et al15 showed major differences in the
levels of epithelial growth factor, tumor necrosis factor-a
Physiology (TNF-a), transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and

Healing is a complex process but, in principle, all insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), in fluid obtained
lesions go through similar steps: hemostasis, inflamma- from a healing mastectomy incision, compared to fluid
tion, proliferation and remodeling, again with similar cel- obtained from ulcers. They and others16 also confirmed
lular and humoral contributions. Certain lesions more or the significant differences in protease levels.

less skip some of the sequential steps by themselves: sur- The imbalance in “destroying and rebuilding” forces,
gical, sutured incisions do not develop a visible granulat- as well as the disruption in signaling pathways,17 confirm
ing surface. In other lesions, such as full thickness burns, the chronically inflamed status of an ulcer,18 which
surgical intervention (excision and grafting) is used to indeed is caused by an underlying etiology/pathology.
avoid the regular healing sequence (granulation) and to Studies indicate that ionizing radiation induces modu-
speed up closure. lation of cytokine and chymokine expression by skin,
Reactive oxygen species (ROS), proteinases and many involving, among others, interleukin-1, -6, and -8, TNF-a,
other soluble mediators (secreted by neutrophils which TGF-β,19,20 and the expression of some of the cytokines is
rapidly invade a skin lesion in very large numbers) and dose dependent.19,20 Indeed, instead of radiation burns
cells are crucial for dealing with necrosis, debris and these injuries should be called radiation ulcers or, even
microbial invasion. The humoral compounds need care- better, cutaneous radiation syndrome since, clinically, this

ful regulation, since they are naturally aggressive and cor- type of lesion behaves like an ulcer, not like a wound.
rosive. Normally, for every up-regulating mechanism, a None of the events mentioned above is primarily relat-
down-regulating, counter-acting mechanism exists in the ed to time, either; for example, the imbalance of MMPs
body. When this balance is not adequate, a situation of and TIMPs in ulcers can be identified very early on, not

only after 3 weeks have passed, as the definition of a show the typical aspects of long lasting (hyper) inflam-
“chronic wound” indicates. matory influences; normal, but not excessive signs of
inflammation are present. Even a non-infected, full-thick-
Influence of Microorganisms ness burn that has not been excised for 3 weeks does not
A biofilm is a protective polysaccharide matrix pro- necessarily show signs of hyperinflammation or other
duced by bacteria. Most, if not all, ulcers develop a serious problems at its edges. In contrast, the skin sur-

biofilm over time, while biofilm formation in trauma rounding, for example, a venous leg ulcer, is often
seems to be less common unless they remain open for a indurated, with signs of lipodermatosclerosis and hyper-
prolonged period and, possibly, become an ulcer.21–23 pigmentation and may show signs of allergic reactions
Biofilms are considered to play a major role in (prevent- due to the many allergenic compounds (lanolin in
ing) wound healing24: the presence of a biofilm, more creams) to which the patient may have been exposed.
than that of planktonic bacteria, may very well con- These periwound skin problems, again, are the result of

tribute to maintaining the chronic status of an ulcer25 or underlying pathology,31 either the same that caused the
even to a skin lesion becoming a chronic one.26 primary lesion or secondary to the prolonged inflamma-
tory status of the primary lesion and they contribute to
Location and Size the overall healing problems.
Venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers
and ulcers due to tropical diseases27 have typical loca- Clinical Relevance
tions. For example, pressure ulcers most commonly are The differences between an ulcer and a wound have
located on the buttocks, sacrum, hip, heels, scapulae, and clinical relevance. By definition, the occurrence of trau-
occiput.28 In contrast, trauma occurs everywhere on the ma cannot be prevented, but ulceration or its reoccur-
body. rence can. Proper foot inspection and foot care,32 includ-
The relative size of a lesion plays a practical role: 200 ing reconstructive surgery for Charcot’s foot,33 reduces
cm2 for a venous leg ulcer is considered large whereas the incidence and recurrence of diabetic foot ulcers.
that size trauma (eg, burn) in an adult would represent Similarly, pressure ulcer prevention, by taking appropri-
close to 2% of the total body surface area (TBSA). A burn ate measures is often successful and the use of compres-
is considered medium size when it would be approxi- sion is known to prevent (recurrence of) venous ulcera-
mately 20% TBSA. tion.34 Thus, primary outcome in ulcer care, in addition to
The differences in size and location have implications healing, is preventing recurrence.
for the amount of dressings, dressing techniques and Acute mortality from ulcers is rare and is therefore not

dressing time involved. Complex dressing techniques, a major clinical concern. In contrast, major trauma rapid-
such as the application of compression bandages, are ly leads to acute and very serious morbidity and the
generally not required in trauma care but major skin trau- injury itself, as well as some of its accompanying syn-
ma requires daily or sometimes twice daily dressing dromes, such as systemic inflammatory response syn-

changes. Size of a lesion also has immediate implications drome (SIRS) or myoglobinuria,35 may lead to rapid
for where and how a patient is treated, since it has an death.36 Thus, major trauma requires acute, extensive, and
impact on overall morbidity (see below): many ulcers are often interventional care, which is expensive, but when
treated in outpatient clinics whereas large lesions compared to ulcer care of relatively short duration and
require hospitalization, often in specialized units (eg, survival, through prevention or treatment of shock, res-
burn units, surgical intensive care units). piratory failure, etc. is, at least initially, often the primary
The size of a lesion also has implications for possible outcome.
systemic effects; very extensive lesions, particularly The difference in etiology and mechanism of injury
when they are accompanied by a large amount of necro- also guides the differences in treatment; wounds usually
sis, may lead to the absorption of massive amounts of tox- are treated to heal by primary intention (through sutur-
ins, potentially leading to life threatening systemic ing, the use of flaps, etc.). Ulcers, even deep ones, usual-

effects.29,30 ly are treated with a variety of dressings, heal by second-

ary intention and have a much poorer tendency to heal
Periwound Skin unless the underlying etiology is treated.37,38 Surgical
Skin surrounding a trauma, at least initially, does not wound bed preparation usually entails more rigorous
Vol. 22, No. 11 November 2010 291

and aggressive excision than traditional ulcer debride- lesions are not based on how long they have been in
ment with curette, scissors, and/or enzymes. existence but on what has caused them still makes a lot
The prevention or treatment of hypertrophic scars, of sense. The etiology/pathology based definition is bet-
keloid, and contracture formation is an important out- ter related to appearance, demographics, outcomes, and,
come in trauma care. Significant scar formation is usually most importantly, therapeutic possibilities and require-
not a major problem, particularly for patients with dia- ments than the age of the lesion per se

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