Device-Independent Security of Quantum Cryptography Against Collective Attacks

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Device-independent security of quantum cryptography against collective attacks

Antonio Acı́n1,2 , Nicolas Brunner3 , Nicolas Gisin3 , Serge Massar4, Stefano Pironio1, Valerio Scarani3
ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain
ICREA-Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, 08010 Barcelona, Spain
Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, CH-1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland
Laboratoire d’information quantique, CP 225, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1050 Brussels, Belgium
(Dated: June 25, 2007)
We present the optimal collective attack on a Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocol in the
“device-independent” security scenario, where no assumptions are made about the way the QKD
devices work or on what quantum system they operate. Our main result is a tight bound on the
Holevo information between one of the authorized parties and the eavesdropper, as a function of
the amount of violation of a Bell-type inequality.
arXiv:quant-ph/0702152v2 25 Jun 2007

Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) allows two parties, other requirements than the essential ones listed above.
Alice and Bob, to generate a secret key in the presence of It is therefore “device-independent” in the sense that it
an eavesdropper, Eve. The secret key can then be used needs no knowledge of the way the QKD devices work,
for different tasks, for instance encryption of a message. provided quantum physics is correct and provided Alice
In 1984, Bennett and Brassard invented the first QKD and Bob do not allow any unwanted signal to escape from
protocol, known as BB84 [1]. A few years later, Ekert in- their laboratories.
dependently rediscovered that quantum correlations can In a collective attack, Eve applies the same attack on
be used to distribute secrecy [2]. Since then, research each particle of Alice and Bob, but no other limitations
on quantum cryptography has witnessed enormous ad- are imposed to her. In particular she can keep her sys-
vances, both theoretical and experimental [3]. tems in a quantum memory and perform a (coherent)
Existing QKD schemes rely for security on several as- measurement on them at any time. Collective attacks
sumptions. The basic one is that any eavesdropper, how- are very meaningful in QKD because a bound on the key
ever powerful, must obey the laws of quantum physics. In rate for these attacks becomes automatically a bound for
addition to it, there are two other requirements, without the most general attacks if a de Finetti theorem can be
which no shared secret key can be established. The first applied, as is the case in the usual security scenario [10].
one is the freedom and secrecy of measurement settings: The physical basis for our device-independent security
on each particle, both Alice and Bob should be allowed proof is the fact that measurements on entangled par-
to choose freely among at least two measurement settings ticles can provide Alice and Bob with non-local corre-
(e.g., the two bases of BB84) and this choice should not lations, i.e., correlations that cannot be reproduced by
be known to Eve, at least as long as she can act on the in- shared randomness (local variables), as detected by the
coming quantum states (in BB84, the bases are revealed, violation of Bell-type inequalities. Considered in the per-
but only after the measurements are performed). The spective of QKD, the fact that Alice’s and Bob’s symbols
second requirement, even more obvious, is the secrecy of are correlated in a non-local way, whatever be the under-
outcomes: at no stage there should be a leakage of in- lying physical details of the apparatuses that produced
formation about the final key. These two requirements those symbols, implies that Eve cannot have full infor-
can be summarized by saying that no unwanted classical mation about them, otherwise her own symbol would be
information must leak out of Alice’s and Bob’s labora- a local variable able to reproduce the correlations.
tories. If an implementation has a default in this point This intuition has been around for some time [2, 11,
(e.g., if a Trojan Horse attack is possible, or if Eve can 12]. Quantitative progress has been possible however
access Bob’s computer), no security can be guaranteed. only recently, thanks to the pioneering work of Barrett,
In addition to these essential requirements, existing se- Hardy and Kent [13] and to further extensions [7, 9, 14].
curity proofs [4, 5, 6] assume that Alice and Bob have (al- For conceptual interest and mathematical simplicity, all
most) perfect control of the state preparation and of the these works studied security against a supra-quantum
measurement devices. This assumption is often critical: Eve, who could perform any operation compatible with
for instance, the security of the BB84 protocol is entirely the no-signalling principle. The proof of Ref. [13] ap-
compromised if Alice and Bob, instead of sharing qubits plies only to the zero-error case; those in Refs [7, 9] al-
as usually assumed, share 4-dimensional systems [7, 8]. low for errors but restrict Eve to perform individual at-
At first sight, control of the apparatuses seems to be tacks; Masanes and Winter [14] proved non-universally-
an inescapable requirement. Remarkably, this is not the composable security under the assumption that Eve’s at-
case: we present here a device-independent security proof tack is arbitrary but is not correlated with the classical
against collective attacks by a quantum Eve for the pro- post-processing of the raw key. In this paper, we focus on
tocol described in Ref. [9]. Our proof holds under no the more realistic situation in which Eve is constrained

by quantum physics, and prove universally-composable tem of Alice and Bob. Specifically, we assume that the
security against collective attacks. total state shared by the three parties has the product
The protocol. The protocol that we study is a modifi- form |ΨABE i = |ψABE i and that the measurements
cation of the Ekert 1992 protocol [2] proposed in Ref. [9]. are a function of the current setting only, e.g., for Alice
Alice and Bob share a quantum channel consisting of Mk = M (Ajk ). (From now on, we thus simply write the
a source that emits pairs of entangled particles. On measurement M (Aj ) as Aj ).
each of her particles Alice chooses between three possi- For collective attacks, the secret key rate r under one-
ble measurements A0 , A1 and A2 , and Bob between two way classical postprocessing from Bob to Alice is lower-
possible measurements B1 and B2 . All measurements bounded by the Devetak-Winter rate [16],
have binary outcomes labelled by ai , bj ∈ {+1, −1} (note
however that the quantum systems may be of dimen- r ≥ rDW = I(A0 : B1 ) − χ(B1 : E) , (2)
sion larger than 2). The raw key is extracted from the which is the difference bewteen the mutual information
pair {A0 , B1 }. In particular, the quantum bit error rate between Alice and Bob, I(A0 : B1 ) = 1 − h(Q) (h is the
(QBER) is Q = prob(a0 6= b1 ). As mentioned in the in- binary entropy), and the HolevoP quantity between Eve
troduction, Eve’s information is bounded by evaluating and Bob, χ(B1 : E) = S(ρE ) − 12 b1 =±1 S(ρE|b1 ). Note
Bell-type inequalities, since these are the only entangle- that the rate is given by (2) because χ(A0 : E) ≥ χ(B1 :
ment witnesses which are independent of the details of E) holds for our protocol [9, 17]; it is therefore advanta-
the system. In our case, Alice and Bob use the measure- geous for Alice and Bob to do the classical postprocessing
ments A1 , A2 , B1 , and B2 on a subset of their particles to with public communication from Bob to Alice.
compute the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) poly- Upper-bound on the Holevo quantity. To find Eve’s
nomial [15] optimal collective attack, we must find the largest value
S = ha1 b1 i + ha1 b2 i + ha2 b1 i − ha2 b2 i , (1) of χ(B1 : E) compatible with the observed parameters
without assuming anything about the physical systems
which defines the CHSH inequality S ≤ 2. We note that and the measurements that are performed. Our main
there is no a priori relation between the value of S and result is the following.
the value of Q: these are the two parameters which are Theorem. Let |ψABE i be a quantum state and
available to estimate Eve’s information. Without loss of {A1 , A2 , B1 , B2 } a set of measurements yielding a vio-
generality, we suppose that the marginals are random for lation S of the CHSH inequality. Then after Alice and
each measurement, i.e., hai i = hbj i = 0 for all i and j. Bob have symmetrized their marginals,
Were this not the case, Alice and Bob could achieve it p !
a posteriori through public one-way communication by 1 + (S/2)2 − 1
χ(B1 : E) ≤ h . (3)
agreeing on flipping a chosen half of their bits. This 2
operation would not change the value of Q and S and
would be known to Eve. Before presenting the proof of this bound, we give an
Eavesdropping. In the device-independent scenario, explicit attack which saturates it; this example clarifies
Eve is assumed not only to control the source (as in usual why the bound (3) is independent of Q. Eve sends to
entanglement-based QKD), but also to have fabricated Alice and Bob the two-qubit Bell-diagonal state
Alice’s and Bob’s measuring devices. The only data avail- 1+C 1−C
able to Alice and Bob to bound Eve’s knowledge are the ρAB (S) = PΦ+ + PΦ− , (4)
2 2
observed relation between the measurement settings and
outcomes, without any assumption on how the measure- where PΦ± are√ the projectors
p on the Bell states |Φ i =
(|00i ± |11i) 2 and C = (S/2) − 1. She defines the
ments are actually carried out or on what system they
operate. In complete generality, we may describe this measurements to be B1 = σz , B2 = σx and A1,2 =
√ 1 C
situation as follows. Alice, Bob, and Eve share a state σ ± √1+C
1+C 2 z
σ . Any value of Q can be obtained
2 x
⊗n ⊗n
|ΨiABE in HA ⊗HB ⊗HE , where n is the number of bits by choosing A0 to be σz with probability 1 − 2Q and to
of the raw key. The dimension d of Alice and Bob Hilbert be a randomly chosen bit with probability 2Q. This at-
spaces HA = HB = Cd is unknown to them and fixed by tack is impossible within the usual assumptions because
Eve. The measurement Mk yielding the k th outcome of here not only the state ρAB , but also the measurements
Alice is defined on the k th subspace of Alice and chosen taking place in Alice’s apparatus depend explicitly on
by Eve. This measurement depends on the k th setting the observed values of S and Q. The state (4) has a nice
Ajk chosen by Alice, but possibly also on all previous interpretation: it is the two-qubit state which gives the
settings and outcomes: Mk = M (Ajk , Āk−1 , ak−1 ) where highest violation S of the CHSH inequality for a given
Āk−1 = (Aj1 , . . . , Ajk−1 ) and āk−1 = (aj1 , . . . , ajk−1 ). value of the entanglement, measured by the concurrence
The situation is similar for Bob. C [18].
Collective attacks. In this paper, we focus on collective We now present the proof of the Theorem stated above,
attacks where Eve applies the same attack to each sys- in four steps; see Ref. [17] for more details.

Proof, Step 1. It is not restrictive to suppose P that Eve fact sending the mixture ρ̄ = 12 (ρ + ρ̃), i.e., that she is
sends to Alice and Bob a mixture ρAB = c pc ρcAB of sending a state invariant under σy ⊗ σy . Now, through
two-qubit states, together with a classical ancilla (known an appropriate choice of basis that leaves invariant the
to her) that carries the value c and determines which (x, z) plane, and corresponding to the freedom to define
measurements Aci and Bjc are to be used on ρcAB . the orientation of ŷ and the direction of x̂ for both Al-
The proof of this first statement relies critically on the ice and Bob (see [17] for the explicit transformations),
simplicity of the CHSH inequality (two binary settings every σy ⊗ σy invariant two-qubit state can be written
on each side). We present the argument for Alice, the in the Bell basis, ordered as {|Φ+ i, |Ψ− i, |Φ− i, |Ψ+ i}, in
same holds for Bob. First, we may assume that the two the canonical form
measurements A1,2 of Alice are von Neumann measure-  
λΦ+ ir1
ments, if necessary by including ancillas in the state ρAB  −ir1 λΨ− 
shared by Alice and Bob. Thus A1 and A2 are hermitian ρ̄ =  , (5)
λΦ− ir2 
operators on Cd with eigenvalues ±1. It follows from

−ir2 λΨ+
this that A1 A2 is a unitary, hence diagonalizable, oper-
ator. In the basis of Cd formed by the eigenvectors of with λΦ+ ≥ λΨ− , λΦ+ ≥ λΦ− ≥ λΨ+ and r1 , r2 real.
A1 A2 , one can show that A1 and A2 are block-diagonal, Finally, we repeat an argument similar to the one given
with blocks ofPsize 1 × 1 or 2 × 2 [17, 19]. In other above: since ρ̄ and its conjugate ρ̄ ∗ produce the same
words, Aj = c Pc Aj Pc where the Pc s are projectors statistics for Alice and Bob’s measurements and provide
of rank 1 or 2. From Alice’s standpoint, the measure- Eve with the same information, we can suppose without
ment of Ai thus amounts at projecting in one of the (at loss of generality that Alice and Bob rather receive the
most) two-dimensional subspaces defined by the projec- mixture 21 (ρ̄ + ρ̄ ∗ ), which is Bell-diagonal.
tors Pc , followed by a measurement of the reduced ob- Proof, Step 3. For a Bell-diagonal state ρλ with eigen-
servable Pc Ai Pc = ~a ci · ~σ . Clearly, it cannot be worse for values λ ordered as above and for measurements in the
Eve to perform the projection herself before sending the (x, z) plane,
state to Alice and learn the value of c. The same holds !
for Bob. We conclude that in each run of the experiment
1 + (Sλ /2)2 − 1
Alice and Bob receive a two-qubit state. The deviation χλ (B1 : E) ≤ F (Sλ ) = h , (6)
from usual proofs lies in the fact that the measurements
to be applied can depend explicitly on the state. √ p
where Sλ = 2 2 (λΦ+ − λΨ− )2 + (λΦ− − λΨ+ )2 is the
Proof, Step 2. Each state ρcAB can be taken to be a
largest violation of the CHSH inequality by the state ρλ .
Bell-diagonal state and the measurements Aci and Bjc to
This step is mainly computational; we sketch it here
be measurements in the (x, z) plane.
and refer to [17] for details. For Bell-diagonal states,
To reduce the problem further in this way, we use some for any choice of B1 = cos ϕσz + sin ϕσx , one has
freedom in the labeling together with two applications S(ρE|b1 =0 ) = S(ρE|b1 =1 ) ≥ h(λΦ+ + λΦ− ) with equality
of a usual argument. For fixed c (we now omit the in- if and only if B1 = σz . It follows that
dex c), let us first choose the axis of the Bloch sphere
on Alice’s side in such a way that ~a1 and ~a2 define the χλ (B1 : E) ≤ H(λ) − h(λΦ+ + λΦ− ) . (7)
(x, z) plane, and similarly on Bob’s side. Eve is a priori
distributing any two-qubit state ρ of which she holds a The right hand side of this expression is in turn bounded
purification. Now, recall that we have supposed, without by the function F (S √λ )pappearing in (6). It now suffices to
loss of generality, that all the marginals are uniformly notice that Sλ = 2 2 (λΦ+ − λΨ− )2 + (λΦ− − λΨ+ )2 is
random. Here comes an argument which is typical of the maximal violation of the CHSH inequality by the
QKD [5]: knowing that Alice and Bob are going to sym- state ρλ [18, 20]; it is achieved for B1 = σz , B2 = σx ,
metrize their marginals, Eve does not lose anything in and A1 and A2 depending explicitly on the λ’s.
providing them a state with the suitable symmetry. The Proof, Step 4. To conclude the proof,P note that if
reason is as follows. First note that since the (classi- Eve sends a mixture of Bell-diagonal states λ pλ ρλ and
cal) randomization protocol that ensures hai i = hbj i = 0 chooses the measurements
P to be in the (x, z) plane, then
is done by Alice and Bob through public communica- χ(B1 : E) = P λ p λ χ λ (B 1 : E). Using
P (6), we then find
tion, we can as well assume that it is Eve who does it, χ(B1 : E) ≤ λ p λ F (Sλ ) ≤ F ( λ pλ Sλ ), where the
i.e., she flips the value of each outcome bit with prob- last inequality holds because F is concave. But since the
ability one half. But because the measurements of Al- observed
P violation S of CHSH is necessarily such that
ice and Bob are in the (x, z) plane, we can equivalently, S ≤ λ pλ Sλ and since F is a monotonically decreasing
i.e., without changing Eve’s information, view the clas- function, we find χ(B1 : E) ≤ F (S).
sical flipping of the outcomes as the quantum operation Key rate. Given the bound (3), the key rate (2) can be
ρ → ρ̃ = (σy ⊗ σy )ρ(σy ⊗ σy ) on the state ρ. We con- computed for any values of Q and S. As √ an illustration,
clude that it is not restrictive to assume that Eve is in we study correlations satisfying S = 2 2(1 − 2Q), and

channels are present. It also applies to the situation

where the apparatuses are entirely untrusted and pro-
vided by the eavesdropper herself. In this latter case,
0.8 the proof cannot be applied to any existing device yet,
because of the detection loophole which arises due to inef-
0.6 usual scenario
ficient detectors and photon absorption. These processes
imply that sometimes Alice’s and Bob’s detectors will not

fire. A possible strategy to apply our proof to this new


situation is for Alice and Bob to replace the absence of
a click by a chosen outcome, in effect replacing detection
0.2 device−independent inefficiency by noise. However the amount of detection
inefficiency that can be tolerated in this way is much
0 lower than the one present in current quantum commu-
1 3 5 7.1 9 11
Q [%]
nication experiments. In Bell tests, this problem is often
circumvented by invoking additional assumptions such as
FIG. 1: Extractable secret-key rate against collective attacks the fair sampling hypothesis — a very reasonable one if
in the usual scenario [χ(B1 : E) given by eq. (8)] and in the the aim is to constrain possible models of Nature, but
device-independent scenario √[χ(B1 : E) given by eq. (3)], for hardly justified if the device is provided by an untrusted
correlations satisfying S = 2 2(1 − 2Q). Eve. In the light of the present work, the “detection loop-
hole” thus becomes a meaningful issue in applied physics.
In conclusion, we have found the optimal collective at-
which arise from the state |Φ+ i after going through a de- tack on a QKD protocol in the device-independent sce-
polarizing channel, or through a phase-covariant cloner, nario, in which no other assumptions are made than the
or more generally from any Bell-diagonal ρAB such that validity of quantum physics and the absence of any leak-
λΦ+ ≥ λΨ− and λΦ− = λΨ+ , when doing the measure- √ age of classical information from Alice’s and Bob’s lab-
ments A0 = B1 = σz ,√B2 = σx , A1 = (σz + σx )/ 2 oratories. If a suitable de Finetti-like theorem can be
and A2 = (σz − σx )/ 2. We consider these correla- demonstrated in this scenario, the bound that we have
tions because of their experimental significance, but it presented here will in fact be the bound against the most
is important to stress that Alice and Bob do not need general attacks.
to assume that they perform the above qubit measure-
Acknowledgements. We are grateful to C. Branciard,
ments. The corresponding key rate is plotted in Fig. 1
I. Cirac, A. Ekert, A. Kent, R. Renner and C. Simon
as a function of Q. For the sake of comparison, we have
for fruitful discussions. We acknowledge financial sup-
also plotted the key rate under the usual assumptions
port from the Swiss NCCR “Quantum Photonics”, the
of QKD for the same set of correlations. In this case,
EU Qubit Applications Project (QAP) Contract number
Alice and Bob have a perfect control of their appara-
015848, the Spanish projects FIS2004-05639-C02-02 and
tuses, which we have assumed to faithfully perform the
Consolider QOIT, the Spanish MEC for a “Juan de la
qubit measurements given above. The protocol is then
Cierva” grant, and the IAP project Photonics@be of the
equivalent to Ekert’s, which in turn is equivalent to the
Belgian Science Policy.
entanglement-based version of BB84: Eve’s information
on the key is determined by the “phase error” [4], which
can be computed for our protocol using √ the formalism of
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