One Syllable Adjectives

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One syllable adjectives (tall, small, old)

Teacher David and I are very good friends. We go to the same university
and we like English a lot! I am older than him, but we have a great time
when we are together. Each Monday we go to the university by bus, but I
don’t like it because I’m smaller than him and we have to stay on our feet
the whole time. For him, it is easy to do that because he is the tallest person
in my class.

Adjectives ending in “e” (brave, close)

Colombia is one of the closest countries to Brazil, connected by the Amazon
jungle. This past week, millions of trees have turned into ashes. That means
that thousands of wild animals are dead now or without a place to live.
However, some of the bravest indigenous communities are fighting to stop
the fire from spreading around the whole forest. We all need to act now
before it’s too late.

Consonant-vowel-consonant adjectives (big, sad, hot)

My sister is so smart that she always helps me to do my English homework.
However, I feel bad because I want to do them by myself. The thing is that I
really try to understand the English language, but sometimes the fear to
make mistakes is bigger than my desire to be fluent. Anyways, I know that I
need to stop feeling like this because I want to be better each day.

Adjectives ending in “y” (happy, easy)

Colombian people are happier than people from other countries because we
have lots of fun things to do, such as “la Feria de las Flores” where you can
see the most beautiful flowers in the world. Also, you can go to “El Eje
Cafetero”, where you can learn about Colombian coffee and its production
process, as well as its importance for Colombian culture and traditions.
Falling in love with Colombia is the easiest thing to do in the world, it’s

Two or more syllable adjectives (interesting, beautiful)

Medellin city is famous for its amazing tourist attractions like the Graffiti Tour
in “la comuna 13”. There, you can find some of the most beautiful pieces of
urban art in the whole city. Many graffities are full of colorful messages and
pictures, they are amazing. Also, they are more interesting than regular
graffities, because they reflect our culture and passion for art.

Irregular adjectives (good, better, best - Bad, worse, the worst)

My school is one of the best institutions in Itagüí. Here, the students like to
learn about different things, like English. For example, The Spelling bee
contest is a good opportunity for students to be braver and more fluent in
English. The only bad thing is that not all of us get to participate in it, but it
doesn’t mean that we can’t try. There is no worse feeling than knowing that
you had a very nice opportunity to learn but you wasted it. 

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