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Hunting Argument

1) If a person is in a situation in which they can kill a non

human animal for sustenance, then it is morally acceptable for
them to do so.

2) In some cases of hunting, a person is in a situation in which

they can kill an animal for sustenance.

3) Therefore, in some cases of hunting it is acceptable for a

person to kill an animal for sustenance

Use of Animals in Zoos

1) If a person is in a situation in which they can save a non-

human animal, who is at risk for extinction, by putting them in
captivity then it is morally acceptable for them to do so

2) In some cases, zoo’s are saving an non-human animal, who is

at risk for extinction, by putting them in captivity


Animal Experimentation

1) If a person is in a situation in which they have the opportunity

to to acquire knowledge that is beneficial for other living beings,
then it is morally acceptable for this person to do so.
2) In some cases of animal experimentation, a person has the
opportunity to acquire knowledge that is beneficial for other
living beings.

3) Therefore some cases of animal experimentation in which

knowledge is acquired that benefits other living beings is
morally acceptable

Morally obligatory to refrain from eating meat?

1) If a person is in a situation in which the act of eating a food

product that when produced causes more harm than good then it
is morally obligatory to refrain from eating that food product.

2) In most cases of consumable meat a person is eating a food

product whose production causes more harm than good.

3) Therefore

Regan and Singer ~ Moral Status: Animals having the same

status as Humans
1) Something is morally valuable if and only if it is sentient
2) Many non-human animals are sentient
3) Therefore, many non-human animals are morally valuable
4)There is no reasonable way to argue that one morally valuable
being is more morally valuable than another morally valuable
5)Therefore, there is no reasonable way to argue that a morally
valuable human animal is more morally valuable than one of the
morally valuable non-human animals

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