Business Plan-Sample 2

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Marketing Plan

Marketing Goals

Athletix Financial Services has a vision to provide excellent financial advice to professional
basketball players. Our aim is to create a reputation of being one the most reliable and
trustworthy financial services within the athletic community. When searching for the right
financial advisors professional athletes struggle to find an advisor who is not too much of a fan
and cannot objectively consult with them( Investopedia, 2016). Athletix has found the solution to
this problem. By providing our clients with advisors who are former athletes, they are able to
build a trustworthy bond from the start.

During the first year of operation, Athletix is aiming for 25 returning clients. This number will
help to promote the growth of our company. 25 in the first year is a solid target goal because it
will allow our employees to develop close bonds with their clients. This will contribute to the
reputation we hope to build within the NBA community. As our reputation builds Athletix aims
to double our clients by the second year. Within year 4 and 5 our target clients is projected to
grow to 200 clients.

Projected Market Growth

Figure 8: Projected Customer Growth--First 5 Years

As seen in Figure 8, Athletix hopes to see growth over the next 5 years. By building credibility
within the NBA community through our former NBA player advisors, we can obtain our goal of
200 returning clients in the first five years.

Customer Service

At Athletix we understand that we are dealing with a group of young players who are
accumulating lots of money at a fast rate. An athlete can make $10 million and taxes take half so
they take home $5 million and end up spending it at an absurd rate(Carter,2014). With a young
athletes first instinct being to go out and spend their money on fancy cars and homes, they can be
left in a terrible financial situation. Especially when taxes come around and realize they have no
money left to pay their dues.

Our advisors can solve these problems for the young NBA players. It is our job to service our
customers and provide them with what they want. If they want the luxury of purchasing a new
lamborghini we can ensure this happens while still providing financial education and long-term
financial success.

Advertising Plan

This will be the main message used to promote our service throughout the NBA community.
“Athletix Financial Services understands the difficulties professional athletes can face when it
comes to their finances. At Athletix our main goal is to serve your financial needs. With our

experienced advisors, who were once former NBA players, we ensure that you will no longer
experience financial stress.”

Our main source of advertisement will through social media outlets. In the NBA there are 33
players with at least 2 million followers on Instagram while in the NFL there is only 9
(Haberstrog, 2018). With the NBA being the highest social media users in all professional sports,
our best advertising strategy will be reaching out through social media(Figure 11).

Through our employees, the former NBA players, instagrams and twitter pages along with our
own instagram page we will be able to reach a large population of our clients. To ensure that we
get our name out there we will also implement advertising at the NBA basketball arenas.

Figure 9: Social Media Use

Recruiting Clients

Athletix will use our former NBA players a main source of advertisement. Through their
instagrams they will create posts promoting Athletix. Along with encouraging the idea of
reaching out for financial help. Based on the high amounts of social media use from young NBA
players we can expect that they will engage with the post.

By having the former players encourage financial advisory, our target audience will be reminded
of the importance. Not only that but by having a credible source promote our company we hope
to continue to create reputation of trustworthiness.

Social Media

Athletix will have its own Instagram page called @AthletixFS. The purpose of the Instagram
page will be to advertise ourselves as reliable and trustworthy. We will post photos of our clients
and their positive reviews in order to encourage this.

It is also important that our promoters tag us in all their Instagram post relating to Athletix
Financial Services. By tagging @AthletixFS, clients will be able to quickly access our page.
Once on our page there will be a link in our bio that leads to our website. The main goal of our
website is to demonstrate to clients who we are and how we can help them achieve their financial
goals. The website will provide a contact number that they can call 7 days a week from 8-6 to
ask any questions about our company. This will contribute to our goal of advertising ourselves as
reliable and to serve our customer.

Game Advertisements

Athletix final source of advertisement will be at NBA arenas. By getting our name out there we
hope to evoke curiosity among the players, encouraging them to look into financial advising.
Incorporating our advertisement message on the electronic screens in the arena will contribute to
validating our reputation of trustworthy.

Figure 10: Example of Electronic Advertisement

Market Budget

To consistently bring in clients we must keep up with our marketing campaign. With our main
source of marketing being social media our expenses can be cut down. The highest expense will
be advertising in NBA arenas. The expenses shown in this budget are the minimum costs we
expect in the first year of operation.


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