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Class, Object and Use case Diagrams

Task 01: Aggregation vs Composition (10 Scores)

1. Give us four examples of a part-whole relationship, two examples of an
aggregation and two examples of a composition relationship.
Argue for each of the four cases why it is an aggregation or an
composition respectively. (Such an argument would consist of the generic
criterion for choosing the respective type of association and one or two
sentences arguing why the criterion applies here.)

1.Wild geese and wild goose groups, because the wild goose group is
composed of wild geese, wild geese can leave the geese group
independent existence.
2.The car and the wheels, the car is the whole, and the wheels are the
parts. Even without the car, the wheels can exist separately from the car
and can be used by other cars.

1.Window and button, because press twist is a part of the window, there is
a window, the natural button, the window disappeared, the button also
2.Geese and wings, because each goose has two wings, and the wings
can not live alone from the geese.

Task 02: Create class diagram (10 Scores)

2. Draw Class diagram for library system with following classes: Member,
Librarian, Teacher, student, copy, and book.
Describe each of the following elements what they mean (one word or a
short sentence)
 Attributes, state
 Methods, behavior
 Relationships, Refers to the interrelationship of class diagrams
 Multiplicity.The specification of how many instances a class can
have is known as multiplicity.

Task 03: Create Class and Object diagram (10 Scores)

3. a) Draw the class diagram. Model the relationship of a role, president with
his country. 
Please do the following:
Create the class diagrams with attributes, methods and add multiplicities
to all association ends.( add for each of the classes minimum three
meaningful attribute and at least one method)
b) Then create an object diagram that conforms to the class diagram
containing at least two presidents.
k 04: Create Use Case diagram (20 Scores)
Do the following:
Class 20: Choose Questions 4th & 5th
Class 21: Choose Questions 6th & 7th
4. Develop the Use Cases for a Library System
– supports library
– library lends books and magazines to borrowers who are registered in the
system, as are books and magazines
– library buys new titles, eventually in multiple copies
– Old books and magazines are removed when out of date.
– borrower can reserve a book or magazine not currently available
5. Develop the Use Cases for East China University of Technology (ECUT)
Registration System.
– Professors indicate which courses they will teach on-line.

– A course catalog can be printed

– Allow students to select on-line four courses for upcoming semester.

– No course may have more than 10 students or less than 3 students.

– When the registration is completed, the system sends information to the billing

– Professors can obtain course rosters on-line.

– Students can add or drop classes on-line.

6. Develop the Use Cases for online shopping of books

7. Create use case diagram for a simple hotel information system.

– Tour Group customers and Individual customers

– Tour Group customers are those who have made reservations through a tour
operator in advance, while Individual customers make their reservations directly
with the hotel

– Both types of customers can book, cancel, check-in and check-out of a room by
phone or via the Internet

Due date: Monday, 18.05.2020, 08:00AM

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