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Module in Hand Hygiene

I. Title: Hand Hygiene against COVID-19

II. Introduction: (background)

Hand Hygiene practices help prevent the spread of infection; it’s essential to understand
the significance

III. Overview: (purpose, organization, uses)

Active hand hygiene is a simple and so far effective manner to avoid sickness. Washing
hands can stop the spread of germs, plus those that are resistant to antibiotics and are becoming
tough, if not incredible, to treat.

Washing hands is the most important way today to stop the spread of COVID-19. Hands can
pick-up germs from other people or from objects that are touched by others, such as door knobs,
light switches and even pencils. When the hands come in contact with the nose, mouth or eyes,
germs can enter your body to cause illness.

IV. Instruction:

The steps of handwashing are taught initially by watching the handwashing video and
then by performing handwashing with adult supervision. Flash cards (for sighted learners) are
secondhand to communicate how and when to wash hands. Added activities contain creating
handprint painting, a worksheet and coloring page.

V. Pre Test:

VI. Objectives:

Learners will learn:

1. Hand hygiene keeps them safe from COVID-19
2. The important times to wash their hands.
3. The steps of good handwashing

VII. Learning Activities:

VIII. Formative Tests:

IX. Summative Evaluation:

Washing your hands properly takes about as long as singing “Happy Birthday” twice, using the
images below from WHO (2020)
WHO, recommends that in order to develop, generally, hand hygiene practices and to stop the
spread of the COVID-19 virus the following were said:
1. Provide universal access to public hand hygiene stations and making their use obligatory on
entering and leaving any public or private commercial building and any public transport facility.
2. Improve access to hand hygiene facilities and practices in health care facilities.

But, when soap and water are inaccessible, hand sanitizers and wipes are considered suitable
substitute as these are based on alcohol to defeat positive viruses (including coronaviruses) and
microbes. That’s why our hands are the front lines in the combat against COVID-19.

Prepared by:

Vivian S. Saulo

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