Yllana Bay View College, Inc.: "The Builder of Future Leaders"

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Yllana Bay View College, Inc.

“The Builder of Future Leaders”

Senior High School Department
Enerio Street, Balangasan District, Pagadian City
Contact Number: (062) 2154176 / Email Address: ybvcshsdept@yahoo.com


Instructor’s Name: Arex Pantallano Days: MWF Time: 11:40 am to 01:10 am

Subject: Empowerment Technologies Grade & Block: Grade 12 / Block A1
Dates: January 23, 25, & 28, 2019 Room Number: Computer Laboratory 2

 Topic/ Lesson Basic Web Page Creation

 Time Frame 4.5 Hours
At the end of the lesson, the students CAN:

 Create a web page using Microsoft Word;

 Learning Outcomes
 Create your own website using a free host;
 Design a website using an online WYSIWYG platform; and
 Edit and insert elements for their website.
 Lesson Outline
The teacher will state the objectives of the lesson that the student will be
able to:
 Create a web page using Microsoft Word;
 Create your own website using a free host;
 Design a website using an online WYSIWYG platform; and
 Edit and insert elements for their website.
The teacher will discuss to the students that to imagine how our
A. Introduction ancestors have their ways in fishing, they use the basic ways that is using
rod or spears to catch a fish but in today’s world huge companies rule
the fishing industry with their huge fishing vessels with huge nets to
catch fish by the truckload. However, that is not the case in a web page
creation; here we will discuss about the internet, the free courtesy of
website providers that provide the basic functionalities for our website to
function and learn to create a decent website that would benefit the

An Online Pre-test will be conducted a day before the proper discussion.

The teacher will ask;
- How hard it is to create a web page?
- What about a site that gives you full control over its design?
B. Motivation - They will interview 3 of their classmates and ask them to name a
website they normally visit but are not familiar to them.
- Ask them what makes the site – graphics, layout, or content.

January 22, 2018

C. Instruction / Delivery
January 24, 2018

 Web Page creation using

 Web Page design using an
Online WYSIWYG Platform
January 26, 2018

Exploration 8.1.Adding Contents to your Website

It is now time to add content to your website. Here are a few site pages and
elements that you should add;

1. Home page content – entices your visitors with contents like photos of
your hobby or interest plus text content
2. About Me/Contact Me – adds a page containing a form element which
allows visitors to email you. You may also add links to your Twitter
3. Blog – creates a page that includes details about your Photobucket
D. Practice account
4. Photo Gallery – a page that contains photos from your Photobucket
5. Community – a page that contains links to 10 of your classmate’s
websites including a short description

Turn to Shine

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of WYSIWYG editor?

2. What is the difference between your WordPress blog and your Jimdo
3. List down 3 more WYSIWYG web hosting services and their URL.

Take the Challenge

- Create a blog post on your WordPress blog advertising your
E. Enrichment
newly created website. Make sure you insert details about your
website that will entice your readers to visit it.

 An Online Post-Test will be conducted

F. Evaluation  Checking of their platform sites or blogs.

 Empowerment Technologies Innovative Training Works, Inc. First
Edition, REX Books tore
 Internet Sources

G. Recommended Resources Materials:

 Edmodo Account
and Materials
 Internet Connection
 Bond/pad paper
 Pen
 Computer / tablets / Android Cell phone
 Board and marker (chalk board and chalk)
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