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Talent Battle Live Training

Verbal Ability
-Cloze Test

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• ClozeTest

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• Read first 3 lines to get an idea of the passage. Once the theme of the paragraph is clear, it
becomes easy to fill in the blanks.

• Link the sentences together: Always remember, it is a passage, so the sentences are linked to
one another. Never make a mistake of treating every sentence an individual one.

• Type of word to fill in: Look at the blanks carefully and try to assess which kind of word to
put in the blank. Words can be based on grammar, prepositions, tenses, vocabularyetc.

• Tone: Passage may contain some specific tone like narrative, critical, sarcastic, humorous etc.
So, always make a right choice of a word.

• Negate options: Sometimes, words are too close, eliminating wrong choices canhelp.

• Key words: Pay close attention to key words/ clues in the sentences before and after the
given blank. This video is sole property of Talent Battle Pvt. Ltd. Strict penal action will be taken against unauthorized piracy of this video
Q.1) Today most businessmen are very worried. To begin with, they are not used to competition. In the past
they sold whatever ...(1)... produced at whatever prices they chose. But ...(2)... increasing competition,
customers began to ...(3)... and choose. Imports suddenly became ...(4)... available and that too at cheaper

1. It he they we
2. With by after from
3. Buy take pick want
4. Hardly easily frequently conveniently
5. Costs returns dividends prices

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Q.2) As a rule of thumb, a manned mission costs from fifty to a hundred times more than a comparable
unmanned mission. Thus, for scientific exploration alone, ...(1)... missions, employing machine intelligence,
are ...(2)... However, there may well be ...(3)... other than scientific for exploring ...(4)... social, economic,
political, cultural or ...(5)...

1.Manned unmanned space lunar

2.Liked wanted used preferred
3.Reasons causes clues objects
4.Moon sun space mission
5. Casual historic historical geographical

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Q.3) The principal advantage in having a clear cut objective of business is that it does not derail; the
enterprise does not stray ...(1)... the direct route that it has set for ...(2)... Enterprises with well defined
objectives can conveniently undertake ...(3)... and follow long range development policies. Recognition of
objectives ...(4)... the temptation to compromise long range ...(5)... for short term gains and improves
coordination in work and consistency in policy.

1.From on along towards

2.Others industry itself government
3.Production research audit appraisal
4.Invites defers shifts removes
5. Objectives loses interests profits

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Q.4) Each species has its special place or habitat. An ...(1)... bird-watcher can look at ...(2)... forest, meadow,
lake, swamp or field and ...(3)... almost exactly what birds he ...(4)... find there ...(5)... birds are found all over
the world; others ...(6)... themselves to certain areas. Still ...(7)... migrate from one country to another in
...(8)... in search of warmth and ...(9)... and then return in spring, ...(10)... the season is more favorable.

1. Expert experienced advanced active

2. The some a certain
3. Predict suggest prophecy calculate
4. Should must might will
5. More some most all
6. Keep entrust confine involve
7. Some others few all
8. Winter summer spring autumn
9. Seeds crops fruit food
10. While until after when

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Q.5) Recent discoveries ...(1)... that Indians of early days ...(2)... to have been ...(3)... civilized ...(4)... many
ways. They had massive public buildings and comfortable dwelling houses ...(5)... mostly of brick. They had
...(6)... arrangements ...(7)... good sanitation, and an elaborate drainage system. They knew how to write
...(8)... their language, which has not yet been ...(9)... was not alphabetic but syllabic ...(10)... the Sumerian

1. Shown derived investigated seen reflected

2. Intend decided behave proved appear
3. Intermittently highly positively rarely consistently
4. On under through in to
5. Designed formulated built construct building
6. Less ignored made started not
7. Inspite against by from for
8. But because while since perhaps
9. Written deciphered formed talked used
10. Across closely before like similarly

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Q.6) Some scholars were exploring the forest of Middle America. They 1. Reasonable surely apparently
discovered some buildings which were in ruins. These buildings were
...(1)... ruined by the encroaching forest. It was also clear that these 2. Ordinary new great
buildings were no ordinary structures. They were remnants of a ...(2)... 3. To at for
civilization. The scholars got interested. They excavated more and
discovered ...(3)... their utmost surprise the remains of flourishing 4. When as while
civilization-the Maya's ...(4)... they named it. Thus it was as late in
5. At then the
...(5)... 19th that the secrets of new civilization were ...(6)... For
sometime the scholars believed that the Mayan's must have ...(7)... the 6. Unparalleled unearthed unmatched
descendants of ancient Egyptians or one of the lost tribes of Israel; or
perhaps a brand of the South East Asia's immigrants. However they 7. Been become being
could not come to an unanimous decision. Nonetheless the fact remains
8. An a the
that even-to day the Mayan is one of ...(8)... most ancient civilizations.
This civilization was situated in the ...(9)... of Middle America. It covered 9. Head heart tail
an area equivalent to France, ...(10)... spread across Guatemala, Belize
and some part of Mexico Honduras. It started in 2500 B.C and continued 10. And yet but
its progress till 34 ...(11)... later. Throughout its period of progress, the 11. Years centuries decades
people struggled against the invading ...(12)... They used to burn the
plants and make the land ...(13)... for civilization. Their staple food was 12. Civilization enemies forests
maize. but even while ...(14)... for existence, they found time to build
13. Fertile good properly
remarkable buildings for ...(15)... they used mortar, sandstone and
volcanic rock. The buildings do tell us about the technological advances 14. Fighting struggling doing
they had attained.
15. That which it
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Q.7. The young student was delighted to be told of his winning the first prize in an oratorical competition conducted by the
Film Federation of India. the selection gave him the rare opportunity of meeting the matinee-idol in person. He anxiously
looked forward to the ...(1)... he was given a ...(2)... welcome by the ...(3)... The boy was ...(4)... by the reception. He was so
...(5)... that he did not utter a word for sometime. He even ...(6)... to offer the conventional greetings. When he did recover
his ...(7)... he greeted the ...(8)... with folded hands. This got an immediate ...(9)... from the matinee-idol . The boy was
asked about his ...(10)... hobby. He had no ...(11)... in admitting that it was going to films. Next he was asked to ...(12)... the
film he liked the most. The boy was careful to name a film in which the idol had a leading ...(13)... This was followed by a
question about the reason for the ...(14)... The boy mentioned a few ...(15)... of the film.

1. Event accident incident

2. Cold frantic warm
3. Federation actor leader
4. Overjoyed silenced happy
5. Affected afflicted reject
6. Imagined forgot pretended
7. Composure nervousness condition
8. Relative dignitary leader
9. Rejoinder rejection response
10. Favourite fashionable favourable
11. Inclination disposition hesitation
12. Refer mention maintain
13. Role person act
14. Preference selection alternative
15. Scenes merits achievements

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Q.8) Indian culture is rich and ( 1 ) and as a result unique in its very own
way. Our manners, way of communicating with one another, etc are one of the Q1.
important components of our culture. Even though we have accepted modem (a) Diverse (b) averse (c)poor (d)reconciliatory
means of living, improved our lifestyle, our values and beliefs remain Q2.
unchanged. A person can change his way of clothing, way of eating and living (a) Remains (b) remain (c) remaining (d) reverent
but the rich values in a person always, ( 2 ) unchanged because they are
deeply rooted within our hearts, mind, body, and soul, which we receive from Q3.
(a) ill-treat (b) dealsin
our culture. Indian culture ( 3 ) guests as god and serves Them and takes care (c)treats (d)treated
of them as if they are a part of the family itself. Even though we do not have
anything to eat, the guests are never left hungry and are always looked after Q4.
by the members of the family. Elders and the respect for elders is a major (a)diversive (b)driven (c)devastating (d)driving
component in Indian culture. Elders are the ( 4 ) force for any family and Q5.
hence the love and respect for elders comes from ( 5 ) and is not artificial. An (a) within (b)surrounding
( 6 ) takes blessings from his elders by touching their feet. Elders drill and pass (c)proximity (d)outside
on the Indian culture within us as we grow. Respect one another is another
lesson that is taught from the books of Indian culture. All people are alike and Q6.
(a) Individual (b) illiterate
respecting one another is ones duty. In foreign countries the relation ( 7 ) the (c) enriched (d)elder
boss and the employee is like a ( 8 ) and slave and is purely monetary whereas
in Indian culture the relation between the Q7.
boss and the employee is more like homely (a) among (b) with (c) between (d) of
relations unlike foreign countries. Helpful nature is another ( 9 ) Q8.
feature in our Indian culture. Right from our early days of childhood, we are (a) master (b)zamindar (c)owner (d)warden
taught to help one another ( 10 ) help and distress. If not monetary then at
least in kind or nonmonetary ways. Indian culture tells us to multiply and Q9.
(a) stricken (b) striking (c) negative (d) damnable
distribute joy and happiness and share sadness and pain. It tells us that by all
this we can develop cooperation and better living amongst ourselves and Q10.
subsequently make this world a better place to livein. (a) for need (b) needful (c) in need of (d) for wantof

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Q.9) Chatbots are now part of 1) cultural narrative and are 2) even more
sophisticated. It is hard to find 3) who has not had an interaction with a chatbot or
virtual assistant. As chatbots and virtual assistants 4) more sophisticated, they 5)
to respond with increasing empathy and personalization, 6) tracking the
customer 7) . Whether voice or text activated, bots 8) able to help usersfind
9) and answers 24 X 7, on any device or channel faster than ever 10) . In
fact, more and more people are rating messaging as a top choice for customer service.

1) The, a
2) becoming
3) someone
4) get
5) will be able
6) seamlessly
7) journey
8) will be
9) products
10) before This video is sole property of Talent Battle Pvt. Ltd. Strict penal action will be taken against unauthorized piracy of this video
Q.10)Technology has 1) our lives and influenced nearly 2) industry, including
fitness. From apps to wearables, technology is constantly 3) the way 4) fitness
industry functions. Mobile technology, fitness wearables and data, and smart equipment 5)
shaping the way health clubs 6) equipment manufacturers operate today.
Engaging members via mobile with digital fitness challenges, reward programs, push
notifications and wearable integration not only 7) fitness operators to 8)
existing relationships with clients 9) also build 10) them.
1) revolutionized
2) every
3) changing
4) the
5) are
6) and
7) allows
8) foster
9) but
10) on
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Q.11)Rainforests 1) a wide variety of ecosystems services, from regulating rainfall to purifying
groundwater and keeping fertile soil from 2) ; deforestation in one area can seriously damage food
production and 3) to clean water in an entire region. The value of globalecosystem services 4)
estimated at 33 trillion USD each year (almost half of globalGDP), 5) these services have
been taken for granted without a mechanism to make the market reflect their value. Rainforests are also a
home and 6) of income for a huge number of people in Africa, Asia and SouthAmerica. 7)
this, economic pressures frequently drive both logical communities 8) national governments in the
developing world to 9) these forests in ways that are unsustainable, clear-cutting vast areas10)
fuel, timber, mining or agriculturalland.
1) offer
2) decoding
3) access
4) has been
5) but
6) source
7) despite
8) and
9) exploit
10) for
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Q.12)A greenhouse is a glass-covered structure (1) (uses, using, used) to grow plants. It has
transparent glass that allows sunlight to pass (2) (out, through, inside), but does not allow the
heat inside to escape. The same (3) (effect, affect) occurs on the earth. The (4) (sun’s,
suns, sun) radiation (5) (passes, passing) through the atmosphere to heat the earth’s surface.
When heated, the earth’s surface produces infrared radiation, which has a longer wavelength than that of
sunlight. This infrared radiation rises into the atmosphere where gases, such ascarbon dioxide, (6)
(prevents, prevent, prevented) the infrared radiation from escaping into space. The
concentrations of these gases, (7) (that, those, which) are called greenhouse gases, control how
much-infrared radiation escapes.

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