Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Dri

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Determination of volatile organic compounds in drinking and environmental


Article  in  TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry · February 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2011.08.011


66 2,407

2 authors:

N. Sridhara Chary Amadeo R Fernández-Alba

Czech University of Life Sciences Prague Universidad de Almería


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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012

Determination of volatile organic

compounds in drinking and
environmental waters
Nallanthigal Sridhara Chary, Amadeo R. Fernandez-Alba

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are of prime concern due to their toxicity and persistence in the environment.
We focus on sample-preparation methods, instruments used and concentrations reported in the determination of VOCs in
aquatic matrices (e.g., seawater, river water, groundwater and drinking water). We pay special attention to sample-enrichment
methods and mention the application of different detectors with respective sensitivities.
We note that, among the sample-pre-concentration methods, purge-and-trap and solid-phase microextraction were the most
chosen methods, which enabled excellent recoveries for a wide range of VOCs. Among the detectors, the mass-selective detector
was unchallenged, due to the remarkable sensitivity and detection based on mass. Tandem mass spectrometry is still emerging for
determining VOCs, since not many papers have been published on it.
The compounds detected most were the halogenated volatiles [e.g., dichloroethane, trichloroethane, bromodichloromethane
and dibromochloromethane (DBCM)], followed by benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX). Trihalomethanes have also
been reported as a result of water-disinfection byproducts. Finally, the VOC levels detected most were the trihalo-alkanes
(trichloromethane: 1900 ng/L in estuary surface water; tribromomethane: 147–762 ng/L in drinking water; and, DBCM:92–399 ng/L
in drinking water), and among BTEX were benzene (3.9–141.7 ng/L in seawater) and xylene (4.3–332 ng/L in seawater).
We also note the need for quality assurance and mention the European Union Directive regarding VOCs.
ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX); Drinking water; Environment; Environmental water; Gas chromatography;
Halogenated volatile; Method detection limit; Sample-enrichment method; Volatile organic compound; VOC Solvents Emissions Directive

Abbreviations: ACF, Activated carbon filter; AED, Atomic emission detector; BDCM, Bromodichloromethane; BTEX, Benzene toluene,
ethylbenzene, xylene; CLSA, Closed Loop Stripping Analysis; CMS, Capillary membrane sampler; CRM, Certified reference material; DAI, Direct
aqueous injection; DBCM, Dibromochloromethane; DBM, Dibromomethane; DCB, Dichlorobenzene; DCE, Dichloroethane; DCEY, Dichloroeth-
ylene; DCM, Dichloromethane; DELCD, Dry electrolytic conductivity detector; DVB, Divinylbenzene; EAQC, European Analytical Quality Control;
ECD, Electron capture detector; EI-PTR, Equilibrium inlet proton-transfer reaction; FIA, Flow-injection analyzer; FID, Flame-ionization detector; GC,
Gas chromatography; GIS, Geographical information system; HF-LPME, Hollow fiber-liquid-phase microextraction; HS, Headspace; IBMP,
2-Isobutyl 3-methoxy pyrazine; IMS, Ion-mobility spectrometry; INCAT, Inside needle capillary adsorption trap; IPMP, 2-Isopropyl 3-methoxy
pyrazine; IRMS, Isotope ratio mass spectrometry; IRMM, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements; ITMS, Ion trap mass spectrometer;
LIMS, Laboratory information management system; LLE, Liquid-liquid extraction; LOD, Limit of detection; MI, Membrane introduction; MIMS,
Membrane-introduction mass spectrometer; 2-MIB, 2-Methyl isoborneol; MSD, Mass-selective detector; MRM, Multiple-reaction monitoring; MTBE,
Methyl tert-butyl ether; NIST, National Institute of Standards and Technology; NMIJ, National Metrology Institute of Japan; P&T, Purge and trap;
PDMS, Polydimethylsiloxane; PDPID, Pulsed discharge photoionization detector; PFBHA, 1,2,3,4,5-Pentafluorobenzylhydroxylamine; PID, Photo
ionization detector; PLOT, Porous layer open tubular; PT, Proficiency test; QA, Quality assurance; QC, Quality control; QUASIMEME, Quality
Assurance of Information in Marine Environmental Monitoring in Europe; RSD, Relative standard deviation; SBSE, Stir-bar sorptive extraction; SCMS,
Supported capillary membrane sampling; SIM, Selective ion monitoring; SPDE, Solid-phase dynamic extraction; SPME, Solid-phase microextraction;
TBE, Tetrabromoethylene; TBM, Tribromomethane; 2,4,6TCA, 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole; TCE, Trichloroethane; TCEY, Trichloroethylene; TCM,
Trichloromethane; THM, Trihalomethane; TLHS, Thin-layer headspace; TOF-MS, Time-of-flight mass spectrometry; USEPA, United States
Environmental Protection Agency; VOC, Volatile organic compound; WFD, Water Framework Directive; WISE, Water Information System of Europe

Nallanthigal Sridhara Chary, Amadeo R. Fernandez-Alba*

IM DEA-Agua (Madrid Institute of Advance Studies-Water), Punto Net, Edificio ZYE, Parque Cientifico Technologico de la Universidad de Alcala,
28805 Alcala de Henares, Madrid, Spain

* Amadeo R. Fernandez-Alba*
Corresponding author.
Pesticide Residue Research Group, University of Almeria, 04120 Almaria, Spain

60 0165-9936/$ - see front matter ª 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.trac.2011.08.011
Author's personal copy

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

1. Introduction aqueous systems, their properties (e.g., low boiling point,

high vapor pressure and hydrophobicity) should be
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are one of the chief taken into account.
issues in the environment and their wide distribution has Gas chromatography (GC) has been the first choice
raised major concerns, in particular with environmental and an efficient technique in determining and under-
sciences. VOCs correspond to a class of organics that are standing the distribution and the occurrence of VOCs in
characterized by their highly volatile nature under the environment. In most GC systems, performance in
existing environmental conditions. The chemical char- the determination of VOCs was improved by combining
acteristics (e.g., low water solubility, high lipid solubility, GC with classical detectors [e.g., flame-ionization detec-
semi-volatility and ability to pass through biological tor (FID), electron-capture detector (ECD), and photo-
membranes and accumulate in the fatty tissues) make ionization detector (PID)] and modern detectors [e.g.,
them of great concern in the environment. mass-selective detector (MSD)], which have been widely
Many definitions are available for VOCs {e.g., USEPA accepted for separation, identification and quantification
defines VOCs as chemical compounds that contribute to of VOCs at ng/L or lg/L levels.
creation of photochemical ozone [1], and the EU Solvents All recent technical developments in GC have cer-
Directive defines VOCs as organic compounds having tainly contributed to the current analytical possibilities
vapor pressure of 10 Pa at 20C [2]}. There are other for measuring VOCs in environmental matrices. The
definitions that characterize VOCs as compounds with purpose of this article is to present an overview of the
vapor pressure less than 13.3 Pa at 25C [3]. most efficient analysis of VOCs, emphasizing the methods
The main subgroups of VOCs include halogenated of sample preparation and separation, detection, the
organics, monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, organic range of concentrations of different VOCs reported in
sulfides and sulfoxides, BTEXs, THMs, acetone, and different water sources, and the most frequently detected
esters. VOCs may be of biogenic or anthropogenic origin. compounds. We review research articles to understand
Anthropogenic sources raise more concern than natural the best possible sample enrichment and detection
sources. Major anthropogenic sources of VOCs to the methods. Also, we present and discuss the limitations
aquatic environment are paints and coatings, gasoline, and the advantages of each technique and methods to
solvents, industrial and urban wastewaters, urban and facilitate fast, rapid analysis of VOCs.
rural run-offs, and atmospheric depositions.
The analysis of VOCs is of growing interest due to their
impact on global environmental conditions and human 2. Extraction and analysis of VOCs using GC
health. Apart from accumulating and persisting in the
environment, VOCs contribute to the increased green- In aquatic samples, VOCs are reported in the range
house effects and associated ozone depletion. Of total ng/L–lg/L, hence determination of the truthful concen-
dissolved organic carbon, 10% is VOCs in relatively tration is typically achieved when large volumes are
unpolluted waters and the concentrations are much injected. Alternatively, sample-enrichment techniques
higher in raw waters from different anthropogenic can be applied to entrap a representative sample that can
sources [4]. Once received in water, VOCs will behave in be subjected to GC analysis. The sensitivity of the detector
ways influenced by their physicochemical properties (e.g., used, appropriate sample preparation and pre-concen-
dilution, toxicological changes, and biodegradation will tration methods applied become significant for the trace
play important roles in the stability and the concentra- determination of VOCs. There have been research publi-
tions in water). Further, for halogenated VOCs, the sub- cations with reference to sampling, sampling prepara-
stitution of halogens is known to affect the chemical and tion, method development and analysis of diverse VOCs
toxicological properties in water. Hence, to get deep [4–12]. By contrast, in this section, we present a sum-
insight into the occurrence and the behavior of VOCs, mary of sample-enrichment methods, chromatographic
analytical techniques at environmental background separation, detectors used and LODs. Table 1 presents the
levels (lg/L and ng/L) become crucial. Analysis of envi- different sample-preparation methods in VOC analysis
ronmental waters is not a simple issue, not only because and the most frequent detectors employed with GC. Also
of the diversity of analytes and the range of their available included are LODs and limits of quantification (LOQs)
concentrations but also due to the complexity of the of sample-enrichment methods for different aquatic
matrix in which they are present. Hence, choosing matrices. Fig. 1 shows different sample-preparation and
appropriate methods of sample enrichment, determina- direct sample-introduction methods along with detectors
tion, isolation and quantification needs to depend on the available for GC.
nature of the sample.
The highly volatile nature limits the analytical tech- 2.1. Sample-introduction and enrichment techniques
nique used for enrichment and quantification of a VOC, In the analysis of environmental water matrices, sample
so, when determining the concentrations of VOCs in enrichment is a crucial, decisive step wherein the 61
Table 1. Main publications addressing analysis of volatile organic compounds in various aqueous matrices

Compounds Matrix Sample preparation/analysis LOD LOQ Ref.

Purge and trap technique
Halogenated organic compounds Waters (tap, mineral) P&T/GC-AED 0.05–0.5 lg/L 0.1–2.0 lg/L [16]
BTEX and other volatiles Wastewaters P&T/GC-FID 0.32–2.39 lg/L NR [20]
BTEX and halogenated organic Household and bottled waters P&T/GC-MS 0.06–0.11 lg/L NR [62]
Chlorinated hydrocarbons and aromatic Estuary waters P&T/GC-MS 0.79–28 ng/L NR [17]
Halomethanes and other volatiles Drinking waters P&T/SPME, GC-MS 0.002–0.2 lg/L NR [19]
Hydrocarbons and halocarbons Tap water and groundwater Spray and trap/GC-FID-ECD 0.93–1.71 lg/L NR [18]

Headspace techniques
Chlorinated alkanes, alkenes, mono and Wastewaters, river waters HS-GC-MS 0.1 lg/L NR [25]
polycyclic aromatics
BTEX Drinking waters HS-GC-MS 0.01 lg/L NR [34]
Halogenated organic compounds Waters Microwave-assisted HS-HAPSITE GC-MS NR NR [37]
Halogenated organic compounds, Aqueous samples ITEX 2, HS/GC-MS 1–10 ng/L NR [24]
benzenes, xylenes, fuel oxygenates etc.
BTEX, chlorinated hydrocarbons Environmental aqueous matrix HS-GC-PID-FID 0.22–7.48 lg/L NR [42]
BTEX Spiked drinking waters HS-GC-MS NR NR [35]

HS-SPME/SPDE techniques
MTBE, BTEX Lake waters HS-SPME/GC-FID 0.01–1.0 lg/L 0.1–0.5 [26]
Chlorinated hydrocarbons waters HS -SPME/GC-MS 106–195 ng/L NR [30]
Chemical by-products (e.g., geosmin, 2- Tap waters HS- SPME/GC-ITMS 0.38–0.65 ng/L NR [58]
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons Waters and wastewaters HS-SPME, GC-ECD 0.08–23.8 ng/L 0.25–79.3 ng/L [29]
Chloroform, trichloro, tetrachloro Ground waters HS-SPME/GC-MS 0.0009–0.05 lg/L 0.001–0.1 lg/L [9]
Author's personal copy

ethylene, etc.
MTBE Water and gasoline HS-SPME/IMS 0.7–4.9 lg/L NR [38]
BTEX Drinking waters HS-SPME/GC-TOF-MS 0.015–0.477 lg/L NR [69]
Chlorinated toluenes River water and sewage HS-SPME/GC-MS-MS 0.03–0.33 pg/L 0.13–0.71 lg/L [39]
Taste and odorous compounds Lake and reservoir waters HS-SPME/GC-ITMS 5–140 ng/L NR [27]
BTEX Wastewaters HS-SPME/GC-lFID < 1.5 lg/L NR [28]
BTEX Drinking and Wastewaters INCAT-SPME/GC-FID 0.019–0.125 lg/L 0.052–0.341 lg/L [31]
Halogenated organics, BTEX and mono Seawater Purge with N2 gas SPME/GC-MS 25–49 pg/L NR [40]
aromatic compounds
BTEX Melted snow waters HS-SPDE/GC-MS 19–30 ng/L 53–89 ng/L [36]

LLE and LPME techniques

Geosmin and MIB Drinking waters LLE/GC-MS 1–5 ng/L NR [41]
Geosmin and MIB Tap waters HS-LPME/GC-MS 1.0–1.1 ng/L NR [44]
BTEX River waters and wastewaters HF-LPME/GC-FID 5–30 lg/L NR [43]
Other sample introduction and preparation techniques
THMs Drinking waters CMS/GC-ECD 0.3–0.7 lg/L 0.9–35 lg/L [48]
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012
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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

sensitivity, the selectivity and the reliability of the ana-

AED, Atomic emission detector; BTEX, Benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene; CLSA, Closed loop stripping analysis; CMS, Capillary membrane sampler; DAI, Direct aqueous injection;
DMSO, Dimethyl sulfoxide; ECD, Electron-conductivity detector; FID, Flame-ionization detector; GC-MS, Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; HF-LPME, Hollow-fiber liquid-phase

In-tube extraction device; ITMS, Ion-trap mass spectrometry; 2-MIB, 2-methylisoborneol; MTBE, Methyl tert-butyl ether; PID: Photoionization detector; P&T, Purge and trap; SCMS, Supported
capillary membrane sampling; SPDE, Solid-phase dynamic extraction; SPE, Solid-phase extraction; SPME, Solid-phase microextraction; THM, Trihalomethane; TOF: Time of flight; VOC,
microextraction; HS, Headspace; IBMP, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxy pyrazine; INCAT, Inside needle capillary adsorption trap; IPA, Isopropyl alcohol; IPMP, 2-isopropyl-3-methoxy pyrazine; ITEX 2,
[59] lytical method are improved. This step mainly helps in
partitioning the analyte of interest from the complex
aqueous matrix. Taking into account the time taken for
sample pre-concentration, cost, solvents or gas used,
0.81–20 lg/L

micro and miniature techniques are being developed and

widely used. Since the concept of ‘‘green chemistry’’ is
 1 ng/L

greatly encouraged, recycling of solvents used or, more



correctly, sample enrichment without using solvents is

much preferred. Among sample-enrichment methods,
direct aqueous injection (DAI), purge and trap (P&T),
liquid-liquid extraction (LLE), headspace (HS), and
1.09–6.86 lg/L
0.07–2.8 lg/L

2–12 pmol/L
0.1–6.1 lg/L

membrane-based techniques (solid-phase microextrac-

 1 ng/L

tion, SPME) are practised. Information on sample-prep-

10 ng/L

aration methods with advances and preferences is


available [9].

2.1.1. Direct aqueous injection. DAI for sample intro-

Online GC-MS with automatic sampling device

duction has been reported in a small number of studies.

This is the only technique to skip the sample-preparation
step in analyzing VOCs. It can be applied only when the
sample is clear or contains very small amounts of
organic matter.
In the determination of BTEX, Kubinec et al. [13]
employed Chromosorb P-NAW as absorbing material in
DAI with LiCl/GC-FID

the liner of the injection port to retain water and other


non-volatiles while the BTEX stripped into the column.


This method was reported to perform better with a



method LOD of 0.6–1.1 lg/L.

Pettersson and Roeraade [14] proposed direct sample
analysis for polar VOCs using a precolumn packed with
lithium chloride. A capillary column was coupled in
series for the real separation of analytes. In the precol-
umn, the lithium chloride retained the entire water
WWTPs, rainfall waters, etc.

matrix leaving behind all polar and non-polar VOCs,

which were then transferred to the capillary column.
The LODs and the LOQs obtained by this direct analysis
Volatile organic compound; WWTP, Wastewater-treatment plant.
Drinking waters

Drinking waters

were 1 lg/L.

River waters

Another study presented the analysis of 24 VOCs in


groundwater. Volumes of 1–10 lL were directly injected

into the GC without any pre-concentration step and
the method LODs were reported to be 0.07 lg/L and
2.8 lg/L [15].
DAI looks to be a convenient method, but the GC
needs to be equipped with a deactivated guard column
between the injector and the analytical column. The
Acetone, acetaldehyde, propene,

guard column traps non-volatiles or high-molecular-

weight compounds, preventing them from collecting in
BTEX, MTBE, butyl alcohol

the analytical column.

The main limitations of DAI are possible interferences
DMSO, IPA, acetone
Chlorinated toluenes
Geosmin and MIB

NR: Not reported.

due to matrix effects and incompatibility of the station-

ary films of capillary columns with FID detectors [13].
Polar VOCs

Another sample-introduction method, but not so


popular, is membrane-introduction mass spectrometry


(MIMS), where the analytes are introduced directly into

the mass spectrometer without chromatographic 63
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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012

Figure 1. Sample extraction and analysis scheme for VOCs in environmental and drinking waters.

separation. Before introduction, the sample is passed Campillo et al. [16] used capillary trap and thermally
through a thin membrane where the extraction occurs, desorbed P&T for the determination of volatile halogens
so analytes on the membrane diffuse and evaporate and trihalo-methanes in drinking waters. A purge-gas
directly into the mass spectrometer where ionization flow rate of 40 mL/min, a desorption time of 4 min and
takes place. MIMS has advantages because of its cost temperature up to 200C were reported to achieve im-
effectiveness, short analysis time, exclusion of solvents, proved extraction efficiencies with the highest peak areas
high sample throughput and real-time monitoring and for all the THMs analyzed.
sampling of VOCs, but it lacks sensitivity at ultra-trace P&T extraction was applied to study 25 VOCs,
levels [4,5,7,8,10]. including monocyclic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydro-
carbons in the southern North Sea [17]. A sample ali-
2.1.2. Purge and trap methods. Due to the high quot of 60 mL was purged for 20 min at a flow rate of
sensitivity and recoveries, P&T still remains the most 50 mL/min, and the compounds were trapped using a
frequently used pre-concentration method for the water trap at 15C and thermally desorbed at 275C
analysis of VOCs in water. Apart from sensitivity, P&T for 15 min. Sample recoveries were 106 ± 29%,
has the advantages of precision and possibility of auto- 92 ± 34% and 82 ± 24% for TCM, toluene and chloro-
mation. The drawbacks of P&T are its complexity and benzene, respectively. This method was reported to be
the interference of water vapor generated in the purge sensitive with good precision for the extraction of VOCs
stage. from seawater.

Author's personal copy

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

A spray and trap device was successfully developed 20 compounds in water samples [24]. The functioning of
and used in a pre-concentration method for on-line ITEX 2 was similar to that of P&T, which is much sim-
monitoring of dissolved VOCs in tap water and ground- pler and affordable, and requires very low volumes of
water [18]. Extraction of BTEX was conducted using the sample. ITEX 2 was reported to be a sound alternative to
spray and trap and was compared with a P&T system. the P&T technique with method LODs of 1–10 ng/L.
The recovery values were inconsistent and clearly indi- P&T provides reliable analytical information, but it is
cated poor sensitivity of the spray and trap system time consuming, needs complex instrumentation and is
compared with P&T at different sample concentrations labor intensive, particularly when many samples need to
when extraction of BTEX was exhaustive. be analyzed, so making it unsuitable for on-line, real-
Studies were conducted using SPME and P&T to select time monitoring of VOCs.
an appropriate sample-preparation method for analysis
of VOCs in drinking waters using GC-MS. Results 2.1.3. Headspace and HS-SPME methods. The next most
revealed that signals were overlapped when SPME was popular sample-enrichment methods used for VOC
used for extraction of DBCM and tetrabromoethylene determination in water are HS and HS-SPME. HS anal-
(TBE). By contrast, P&T was reported to have better ysis is a technique to separate and to collect VOCs (in the
performance for extraction of halogenated VOCs with R2 gas phase) from aqueous samples. HS techniques have
values greater than 0.998 and LODs of 0.002–0.2 lg/L been very popular and widely used in the analysis of
with recoveries of 81–117%, fulfilling the sensitivity VOCs in diverse waters. The advantage of HS techniques
requirements [19]. is that the VOCs of the sample can be analyzed directly
P&T sample preparation was predominant in many of without any interference so as to reduce the possibility of
the studies for analyzing monocyclic hydrocarbons, hal- matrix effects. Since the entire analysis occurs in a closed
ogenated organics, BTEX, and halomethanes in drinking system, reproducibility can be high.
waters and other environmental waters [20–22]. The applicability of HS alone was demonstrated for the
Zoccolillo et al. [22] used P&T injection to extract halo- analysis of 53 chloroorganics in wastewaters, treated
genated hydrocarbons from waters. The samples were waters and river waters from Russia [25]. A low-volume,
purged and cold trapped ( 100C) using liquid nitrogen highly inert, heated volatile interface was optimized and
for enrichment of chlorinated hydrocarbons and THMs in the results showed good consistency and confirmed
tap waters, mineral waters and snow. This modification anthropogenic pollution sources in river waters. The HS
resulted in high accuracy and reproducibility, and pre-concentration method was found to possess good
achieved sensitivity (1 ng/L) in order to make this recovery values at the lg/L level (LOD, 0.1 lg/L).
method suitable for slightly contaminated waters [e.g., For occurrence and fate modeling studies of BTEX and
found in remote areas in environmental monitoring methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) in Swiss lake waters,
(concentrations 0.5–100 ng/L)]. This work also reported Schmidt et al. [26] applied HS-SPME with a Combi-PAL
that, by changing the cold-trap temperature, the inter- auto sampler to the pre-concentration of waters to
ference of carbon dioxide during the cryo-concentration obtain good reproducibility. These values were reported
can be avoided. to be much better than HS alone. The method of HS
Development of a P&T continuous flow system followed by SPME had sample-recovery values of
(PATCY) for the analysis of halogenated organics in 105–110% with good sensitivity and reproducibility.
waters allowing stable carbon isotope analysis was Taste and odorous compounds in lake and reservoir
demonstrated by Auer et al. [23]. The PATCY system is waters were quantified by Furtula et al. [27] by applying
designed to adapt sample size, depending on sample an HS-SPME method using a 65-lm polydimethylsilox-
concentration, to meet GC LODs of ng/L. This was ane/divinylbenzene (PDMS/DVB) fiber. The sample
mainly designed for high-volume sampling for haloge- recoveries were 84–113% with geosmin and 100% for
nated VOCs in waters to allow stable carbon-isotope 2-methylisoborneol (MIB).
analysis. The ultrasonic nebulizer combined ultrasonic A PDMS/DVB-membrane fiber with HS-SPME was also
and spray extraction to make it successful in determi- reported to have good recovery (98.4–111.4%) and
nation of the carbon-isotope ratio of halogenated VOCs. consistency in the determination of BTEXs in waste-
The PATCY was regulated and compared with the waters with method LODs of <1.5 lg/L [28].
available P&T systems and showed throughput higher The HS-SPME method was successfully applied for the
than that of regular P&T in analyzing contaminated analysis of chlorinated volatiles in drinking waters and
groundwaters with LODs of 0.5 ng carbon absolute. This effluents of a water-treatment plant [29]. All the
system can be applied successfully to the stable carbon extraction parameters were studied. For SPME, four dif-
isotope of halogenated VOCs with boiling points of ferent fibers were tested and 85-lm CAR/PDMS was
32–187C. reported to give best extraction efficiency. It was also
Recently, a novel in-tube extraction device (ITEX 2) stated that this fiber used in SPME can be used for 60
was developed and successfully evaluated for analyzing cycles for the enrichment of water samples. The HS 65
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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012

volume was also optimized and a 15-mL volume was field-based HS sampling. This showed a significant in-
found to yield the best recoveries. Along with the above, crease in sensitivity and reduced time, even though it is
an extraction time of 30 min at a temperature of 35C not widely accepted due to the associated risk of sub-
resulted the best sample preparation [29]. jecting VOCs to microwave energy [37].
Sun et al. [30] investigated the use of an activated In HS-SPME, a cooled SPME fiber coated with a film of
carbon filter (ACF) in SPME for the extraction of chlori- dodecylsulfate-doped polypyrrole coupled to ion-mobility
nated hydrocarbons in water. The ACF was also evalu- spectrometry (IMS) equipped with corona-discharge
ated for various parameters, including scanning electron ionization was suggested for the determination of MTBE
microscopy, which was found to be suitable to use along in waters. These results were compared with literature
with HS for analyzing VOCs in waters. The ACF was values of SPME and found to be at the same level as
preferred due to its resistance to organic solvents, commercially-available SPME membranes [38]. Studies
endurance at high temperatures and recycling capacity. reporting usage of commercially-available SPE, SPME
HS with inside needle capillary adsorption trap alone for the pre-concentration of drinking waters, tap
(INCAT) using Porapak Q and wet alumina as sorption waters, river waters and sewage and sea water samples
material was a viable option for the analysis of BTEX in have also been successful in quantification of VOCs [38–
water samples. Application of INCAT increased extrac- 40].
tion capacity over regular SPME with LOD and LOQ Overall, we can infer that application of HS-SPME is
below 0.5 lg/L [31]. Concentrations of MTBE in urban advantageous due to it taking less time for sample pre-
and non-urban groundwaters in Germany were quan- concentration and having the desired sensitivity.
tified and HS-SPME was found to be an appropriate
sample-enrichment method for complete extraction of 2.1.4. Liquid-liquid extraction and liquid-phase microextrac-
MTBE in groundwaters [32]. The spiked reagent waters tion. LLE is a commonly used sample-extraction tech-
with concentration of 0.01 lg/L gave recoveries of nique, which uses relatively large volumes of solvents,
83–118% and the spike concentration of 0.02 lg/L gave and, because of this, researchers have shifted to alter-
a recovery rate of 96–125% with relative standard native extraction methods. In the past few years, there
deviation (RSD) of <11% with an LOD of 10 ng/L. have been some studies using LLE for extractions of
Determination of acetone in seawater was conducted by VOCs. Hexane LLE was performed for the detection of
derivatization using 1,2,3,4,5-pentafluorobenzylhydr- geosmin and MIB in drinking waters of Shanghai to
oxylamine (PFBHA) followed by SPME [33]. An LOD of understand the serious odor problem of waters. The
3.0 nM was reported in the analysis of Nordic seawaters sample recoveries were found to be >50% for MIB and
with good recovery (at an optimum pH of 3.7). 80% for geosmin with method LODs of 1.0 ng/L and
Kavcar et al. [34] applied an automated HS sampler 5.0 ng/L for geosmin and MIB, respectively [41].
attached to GC-MSD to study the risk associated with Kistemann et al. [42] conducted a long-term investi-
VOCs in the drinking waters of residents of Izmir, gation to assess groundwater contamination by VOCs in
Turkey. The analyte recovery using automated HS Germany and their associated public-health issues. LLE
technique was good with LODs of 0.01 lg/L. Coupling of was applied for sample extraction using pentane as sol-
HS to MS has also been found to reduce sample-extrac- vent and the quantities of VOCs determined were
tion time dramatically with good, reproducible recovery transferred to a geographic information system (GIS) for
values during the determination of BTEX and corre- spatial analysis. A sample-extraction method based on
sponding mixtures in polluted waters [35]. The HS-MS polypropylene hollow-fiber liquid-phase microextraction
data were used to develop an associated three-parameter (HF-LPME) was applied as an alternative for the
Gaussian curve. This was used for standard multilogistic extraction of VOCs from water. In this extraction, a
regression model for VOCs in drinking-water samples hydrophobic membrane made of polypropylene sepa-
and showed maximum abundance. rates the sample and the organic phase. The amount of
HS with solid-phase dynamic extraction (HS-SPDE) organic solvent inside the HF and in the pores is much
was verified for the quantitative determination of BTEX less than the LLE method [43]. Four different organic
and aldehydes in melted snow waters [36]. A cooling solvents were tested, and N-octanol was chosen. Good
device (down to 15C) to control temperature of the reproducibility was obtained with RSD values of 2.02–
SPDE needle during extraction showed positive impact as 4.61%.
the GC response improved by cooling the SPDE needle HF-LPME is supposed to be directly compatible with
and the sensitivity remained similar even after 60 cycles. GC [43]. Recently, geosmin and MIB were extracted
For all the compounds, the highest GC response was using solvent microdrop HS-LPME from tap waters with
observed at a desorption volume of 500 lL with a average recoveries of 95.4–113.7%. Under optimized
desorption flow rate of 50 lL/sec [36]. detection and extraction conditions, the LODs were
Microwave energy as a heating source instead of 1.1 ng/L and 1.0 ng/L for geosmin and MIB, respectively
conventional resistive-based heating was tested for [44].

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

LLE is mainly used because it is easy and does not the sample results in the division of analytes between the
require any additional equipment. LLE is not a preferred matrix and the stationary phase (PDMS). After extrac-
sample pre-concentration method due to its limitation of tion, the deposited analytes are thermally desorbed or
needing large volumes of solvent and the availability of extracted using appropriate solvent and analyzed using
alternative extraction techniques. GC. Since there is no need to dry the stir bar before
analysis, the loss of VOCs at this stage is negligible,
2.1.5. Closed loop stripping analysis. In closed loop making this extraction technique advantageous.
stripping analysis (CLSA), VOCs in the liquid phase are SBSE uses single-step extraction with recoveries much
trapped on a multichannel sorbent trap by pumping the higher than SPME. SBSE is easy to apply and to auto-
purge gas in a closed circuit via aqueous phase and the mate, and it can be used for heterogeneous aqueous
trap. The trap retains the VOCs that are then extracted medias. Its robust nature, high sensitivity, and repeat-
from the trap using small amounts of appropriate sol- ability are its main advantages. Its chief limitations are
vent. Very few authors have reported use of this sample- its single apolar polymer (PDMS), which can be applied
enrichment method for the determination of VOCs in to medium-high volatility and medium-high thermo-
aqueous systems. stability analytes when thermal desorption is employed.
An occurrence study of chlorinated toluene in Llob- Solvents that are compatible with PDMS can only be
regat River, Spain, was reported by Marti et al. [45], who adopted if liquid desorption is applied. SBSE is currently
applied CLSA with activated carbon filters as sorbents to used in food, biomedical and environmental analysis
trap the analytes. The sample recoveries were 99–104% [48,49].
with an RSD <10%.
Coupling SPME and CLSA was proposed for the anal- 2.1.8. Other miscellaneous methods. Supported capillary
ysis of MIB and geosmin in drinking waters [46]. An membrane sampling (SCMS) was evaluated for the
LOD of 10 ng/L of MIB and geosmin was achieved using analysis of THMs in drinking waters. A metal body with
CLSA/SPME with a polyacrylate phase and analysis by helical shaped groves along a 90-cm silicone membrane
GC-MS. Further, it was concluded that CLSA/SPME with a length exposed to sample of 75 cm was used for
provided a faster, solvent-free and less labor-intensive sample pre-concentration. The sample recoveries were
method than CLSA alone. In spite of these positive > 100% for three of the four THMs analyzed with LODs
factors, this method has not appeared popular for the of 0.1–6.1 lg/L [50].
extraction of VOCs in water. A needle-trap device with Carbopack X as a sorbent
material with modified metal liner to desorb analytes
2.1.6. Thin-layer headspace. In thin-layer HS (TLHS), trapped in the needle-trap device was proposed to ana-
the aqueous sample to be analyzed is continuously lyze BTEX in water samples [51]. This sample pre-con-
pumped into a special TLHS column. The sample runs centration method showed good repeatability with RSDs
down a spiral thermostatic glass tube and a stream of of 0.5–11.6% for five different concentrations studied
clean purging gas is run in a counter-current system. with LODs of 0.05–0.07 lg/L. The merits of this method
The VOCs in the aqueous sample are released into the are its cost-effectiveness, rapidity in analysis and
purged gas. The water vapor and the volatile analytes mechanical robustness. Drawbacks include limited
then enter a second column, where the water vapor and amount of sample, limited desorption temperature
analyte condense together. The condensed water vapor compared to injection port and eluted zones that are
thus becomes a stream of liquid sorbent and the analytes somewhat depressed.
partition between the gas and the condensing water. Extraction of VOCs from aqueous phase to gas phase
This condensate from the TLHS column is collected and was demonstrated using a microdialysis membrane that
further analyzed by DAI-GC. was interfaced with GC. With this system, the recoveries
For TLHS, the samples should not be too volatile were well within the matching ranges of other extrac-
because they will form two-phase mixtures that will be tion methods. The lowest detectable concentrations with
difficult for DAI in GC. Application of TLHS preconcen- microdialysis membrane were 5 mM without any pre-
tration is predominantly seen in the analysis of biological concentration and 0.01 mM for volatile hydrophobic
fluids [6,7]. Application of TLHS to preconcentration of analytes [52]. A single instrument was presented for the
environmental and drinking waters is limited to one or selective analysis of THMs.
two studies [47], as observed from the publications after An improved version of capillary membrane
the year 2000. sampler-flow-injection analyzer (CMS-FIA) was based on
the fluorescence reaction between nicotinamide and
2.1.7. Stir-bar sorptive extraction. In SBSE, the stir bars basic solution of THM. The products formed by this
are coated with PDMS, typically to 0.5–1-mm thickness. reaction will be excited at 370 nm and will emit in
For the extraction, the stir bars are introduced into 450 nm range, the intensity at 450 nm being
the flask containing the sample being analyzed. Stirring proportional to the concentration of THMs. This selective 67
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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012

analysis showed a recovery of 108% with LODs of was very good in both columns with notable retention
2.5 lg/L. This method was further compared with times.
USEPA methods 502.2 and 552.3 in chloraminated Application of a PLOT divinylbenzene GC capillary
distribution system, exhibiting reproducible results in the column as a part of DAI-GC was found to be successful in
range 0.2–5 lg/L [53]. separating polar and non-polar VOCs in groundwaters
[15]. This column was preceded by a deactivated guard
2.2. Chromatographic separation column for filtering non-volatiles before entering the
While the separation of VOCs mainly relies on interac- analytical column. The PLOT column showed good
tion with the stationary phase, since interaction with performance when held at 200C for 15 min.
mobile phase is negligible, the choice of column chosen Yazdi et al. [43] demonstrated separation using a
in combination with passable temperature programs for CP-Sil 24CB (50% phenyl, 50% dimethylsiloxane) cap-
separation is crucial. A good basis for selection of a illary column, WCOT Fused silica, for analyzing BTEX in
column involves differences in intermolecular interac- water matrices. This column was shown to produce
tions, as an aid to develop a reliable method for the superior peak separation for BTEX in river water
separation of VOCs. resulting in different retention times.
A wide range of columns have been used for the sep- Dimethysiloxane stationary phase columns were
aration of VOCs in aqueous samples [54]. Among these, found to be most preferred choice for separation of a
fused silica capillary columns coated with a liquid phase variety of water samples.
used to be popular. Most of them have a polysiloxane
stationary phase that is combined with different phenyl, 2.3. Detectors and method detection limits
cyanopropylphenyl groups to obtain different degrees of The detectors most widely used for identification and
polarity. quantification of VOCs in aquatic matrices include MSDs,
Silicone-based columns are commercially available electron-capture detectors (ECDs), flame-ionization
and frequently reported in VOC analysis of waters (e.g., detectors (FIDs) and photo-ionization detectors (PIDs)
AT-502.2, Sil5CB, DB-5, SPE-1, HP-1, CP select 624, sensitive for aromatic hydrocarbons. Among these, the
VF-5, VF-624, Rtx-5M5, OV-624, OV-1701, and WCOT MSD is very potent and highly preferred, since it rapidly
– all with 100% poly dimethysiloxane). identifies target and non-target analytes by comparing
The DB 1701 column is also frequently used in the them with the library of spectra of known compounds.
separation of VOCs. Made of 14%-cyanopropyl-phenyl)- For qualitative analysis and identification of VOCs in
methyl polysiloxane, it is known to provide desired sep- highly complex matrices (e.g., contaminated waters),
arations and can be rinsed with solvent. Some columns this detection method can be decisive in exact quantifi-
(e.g., VOCOL, RTX-VGC, DB-VRX, DB-624, DB-608, cation of the compound.
RTx-502, RTx-volatile, and AT-624) are a series of
specially synthesized stationary phases of unique selec- 2.3.1. Classical detectors. Applications of FID for
tivity, due to the presence of cyanopropyl and phenyl hydrocarbons and ECD for halocarbons are well dem-
groups that are configured for different environmental onstrated.
analyses with good thermal stability. Among these, the The ECD, which is known to be highly specific for
most frequently used and reported is the DB-624 capil- detection of halogenated VOCs, is reported to achieve
lary column. good LODs (0.93–1.71 lg/L) in various aqueous matri-
Apart from the above, there are some multipurpose ces [20]. By switching the water sources between tap
columns especially designed for analysis of VOCs, keep- water and groundwater, the sensitivity of ECD detected
ing in view the USEPA-specified method. Capillary the range in concentrations (10.14–54.20 lg/L) and
column with methylsilicone gum as stationary phase has maintained its stability throughout the operation.
been successfully applied for the separation of chlori- LODs of ng/L were obtained in the determination of
nated hydrocarbons in snow waters and tap waters [22]. trihaloalkanes in drinking waters and chlorinated sec-
With the methylsilicone column, the temperature pro- ondary effluents. Method LODs of 0.08–23.8 ng/L and
gram of 40C/min to 120C and holding for 1.5 min at LOQs of 0.25–79.3 ng/L with good correlation coeffi-
final temperature with a total run time of 5.50 min cients were reported [e.g., for BTEX, isopropyl alcohol,
yielded best resolution. dimethyl sulfide, and acetone in complex matrices (e.g.,
For analyzing different VOCs in wastewaters, treated wastewaters)].
waters, rainfall waters and river waters, different col- Wu et al. [55] demonstrated use of GC-FID for ana-
umns were applied to achieve suitable separation. A lyzing various VOCs in untreated and treated waste-
porous layer open tubular (PLOT) column was applied waters, rainfall waters and river water known to be
for light carbon number C2–C4 VOCs (alkanes, alkenes contaminated with wastewaters. The method LOD was
and aromatics), and heavier species C4–C10 VOCs were 0.14–1.02 lg/L for determining VOCs in wastewaters
separated by DB-1 column [55]. The peak separation and river waters. FID, which is said to be sensitive for

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

non-aromatic compounds, was successfully used for the aromatic hydrocarbons in estuary surface waters, LODs
quantification of BTEX in environmental waters (river were 0.79–28 ng/L [17], in contrast with similar types
and wastewater) with LODs of 5–30 lg/L. Further, the of seawater with reported LODs of 25–49 pg/L for hal-
RSDs obtained for BTEX were in agreement with previ- ogenated compounds, monoaromatics and BTEX [40].
ously reported studies using FID [43]. In all the above, selective ion monitoring (SIM) mode
The fate and the occurrence of MTBE and BTEX in was employed for analysis to achieve much lower LODs.
Swiss lake waters were quantified using FID, where the LODs at the lg/L level were obtained for BTEX
lower LOD of 0.05 lg/L was reported [26]. Some 17 (LOD, 0.01 lg/L), THMs (LOD, 4–20 lg/L) and MTBE
different VOCs were quantified in real-time monitoring of (LOD, 0.01 lg/L) in drinking waters [19,32–34], which
wastewaters using GC-FID with LODs of 0.32–2.39 lg/L. were supposed to have very much lower matrix inter-
This system is reported to be reliable, rugged and ference than seawaters.
excellent for continuous monitoring of wastewaters from A low-resolution ion trap mass spectrometer (ITMS)
treatment plants with accuracies of 0.3–23.5% [20]. was employed for the determination of taste and odorous
An analytical protocol was developed to study the compounds. Compounds (viz hexanal, heptanal,
diversity of VOCs on the Fortaleza coast, Brazil, using 2t,4t-heptadienal, 2t,4t-octadienal, 2t,6t-nonadienal,
GC-PID-FID in series [56]. The studies revealed that, 2t,6c-nonadienal, MIB, 2t,4t-nonadienal, b-cyclocitral,
except for carbon tetrachloride, all other VOCs showed 2t,4t-decadienal, geosmin and b-ionone) were quantified
higher sensitivity with PID than FID, with LODs of in several lake and reservoir water samples from British
0.22–7.48 lg/L. Columbia, Canada. The LODs were reported to be at ng/L
Application of an induced plasma atomic emission levels and the quantification of the analytes was carried
spectrometry detector (AED) was demonstrated by out in both full-scan and SIM mode [27].
Campillo et al. [16] for the determination of halogenated Application of ITMS was reported in the analysis of
organics in drinking waters. This detector was reported MIB, 2-isobutyl-3-methoxy pyrazine (IBMP), 2-isopro-
to be sensitive for the determination of THMs with LODs pyl-3-methoxy pyrazine (IPMP) and 2,4,6-trichloroani-
0.05–0.5 lg/L, and it was proposed for regular moni- sole (2,4,6-TCA) in order to determine musty odors of
toring of VOCs in waters. There are not many studies water samples. The ITMS was used in SIM mode with
reporting use of AED for comparison, as this detector has LODs of 0.38–0.65 ng/L for spiked tap waters and
become outdated. 0.32–0.66 ng/L for spiked lake waters [58].
Recently, an online membrane-introduction (MI) Regueiro et al. [39] analyzed the concentrations of
interface coupled with FID/ECD was demonstrated for chlorinated toluene in river waters and sewage with GC-
online determination of VOCs in water samples at sub- ITMS. GC-MS/MS was operated in full-scan mode with
lg/L levels. This instrument was said to be effective for mass ranges of 80–500 m/z, and targets were identified
online screening and real-time monitoring analysis of comparing their mass spectra and retention times with
varied water samples. The LODs of MI-FID and MI-ECD those of standard solutions. LODs were 270–330 pg/L
were reported to be 0.4–118 lg/L and 0.2–10 lg/L, for monochloro toluene and 30–47 pg/L for polychloro
respectively. These results were further compared with toluene.
MIMS, and it was found that both detection methods An HS-SPME device coupled with IMS was reported for
were compatible [57]. the first time for the analysis of MTBE in waters. In IMS,
the analytes are thermally desorbed and transferred to
2.3.2. Mass-selective detector. Irrespective of the VOC the measuring cell. The ionization takes place by irra-
and the sample matrix to be analyzed, the MSD remained diation with 63Ni source on the way to the collision cell,
dominant among detection methods for the determina- and IMS is a gas-phase electrophoretic technique, where
tion of VOCs in aqueous matrices. MSDs are becoming the ions are separated based on their mass, charge and
more popular because of the excellent selectivity they collision cross section. The LODs were reported to be
provide based on molecular masses. 0.7–4.9 lg/L. IMS offers portability and high sensitivity
Although the ECD can offer selectivity and low LODs, with short analysis time, which can be effective for VOC
it has limited dynamic range and finds application analysis [38].
mostly for halogenated compounds, but the interferences Recently a study was published for measuring iso-
frequently observed make MSD more accepted in ana- prene, propene, acetone, acetaldehyde, and methanol in
lyzing halogenated compounds. The ranges of LOD differ seawater using the bubbling-type equilibrator for equil-
from matrix to matrix, depending on the compounds ibration between seawater and air. The equilibrator
being analyzed. For analyzing chlorinated hydrocarbons inlet-proton-transfer-reaction (EI-PTR-MS) system was
in melted snow waters and tap waters, the LOD of the designed by combining the bubbling-type equilibrator
MSD was 0.1–0.04 lg/L for tap waters [22] and with a (PTR)-MS instrument. This method is mainly for
19–30 ng/L for BTEX in melted snow waters [36]. For measuring the concentration of dissolved VOC on the
the same chlorinated hydrocarbons and monocyclic open ocean surface and will be useful in quantifying the 69
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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012

production and consumption of VOCs in biological 1.8–24.7 lg/L (TBM), 3.1–55.3 lg/L (BDCM) and
activity. This study demonstrated that the EI-PTR-MS 2–66.5 lg/L (DBCM) [16]. Studies conducted on the
system can be a viable tool in understanding global occurrence and the risk assessment of VOCs revealed
production of VOCs [59]. high amounts of THMs along with BTEX, wherein the
The use of a pulsed-discharge photoionization detector overall concentrations were below LODs to 35 lg/L. The
(PDPID) was proposed by Emmert et al. [60] for the concentrations of THMs were found to be high in tap
detection of THMs in drinking waters with an LOD of waters and concentrations of BTEXs were high in non-
0.5 lg/L. tap waters. These concentrations were reported after
Another possibility of the dry electrolytic conductivity studying the demographics of drinking-water consump-
detector (DELCD) was recommended for monitoring tion rates and household sample collection from almost
THMs in drinking water with LODs of <1.0 lg/L [61]. 100 houses [25]. The presence of THMs in drinking
In the review by Dewulf and co-workers [7], pertain- waters is well documented in some studies {1.28–
ing to volatile halogenated compounds, two emerging 762 ng/L [29]}, as a result of reaction between chlorine
MS-based detectors were reported; the first one is the and organic matter in waters.
plasma-based MS microwave-induced plasma-AED; and, Kolb and Puttmann [32] studied drinking-water
the second is isotope ratio MS (IRMS). Application of samples from 50 cities of Germany for MTBE concen-
these two detectors in the detection of halogenated VOCs trations. MTBE was reported to be 17–712 ng/L, and
was mentioned with examples. From the above reports, attributed to the contamination of groundwaters that
it is evident that MSD remains the detector of choice and were used for as a source of drinking water.
the MS-MS detector can achieve excellent resolutions Al-Mudhaf et al. [62] conducted a survey of volatile
and sensitivities for quantifying VOCs in waters. contaminants in household drinking waters and branded
A very limited number of published articles reported bottled waters, and reported 12 VOCs in 93% of samples
use of tandem MS for identification and quantification of analyzed. BTEX and styrene were detected most in these
VOCs. One article published in 2003 reported application samples, and the concentrations were increasing in line
of tandem MS, but this report covered the analysis of with the storage time. Except for styrene, all other con-
semi-VOCs in drinking waters. We could practically centrations were found to be below 20 lg/L, a guideline
identify and locate only one publication reporting the set by WHO.
application of tandem MS for the quantification of VOCs Different drinking water types from tap waters and
[39]. This gives more insight into the application of bottled water sources were tested and quantified for the
tandem MS studies in the analysis of VOCs in aquatic presence of VOCs. Among the samples analyzed, 97%
matrices. were shown to contain VOCs below the WHO-designated
levels. Except for two water samples that contained
60 lg/L of BDCM, the total quantities of THMs were 0–
3. Frequently reported compounds and ranges 322 lg/L with tap water (0.1–0.3 lg/L), spring waters
detected (0–7.6 lg/L), distilled waters (0.1–18.1 lg/L), and fla-
vored waters (0–5.7 lg/L) [21].
This section encompasses the most frequently detected
VOCs in different aquatic media. Table 2 presents the 3.2. Other environmental waters
ranges of compounds along with the concentrations Here, we report the concentrations of VOCs in surface
reported in various publications in water matrices (e.g., waters, seawater, rain water, and snow. Occurrence of
tap waters, groundwaters, drinking waters, seawaters, 25 VOCs was studied in surface waters over a period of
and wastewaters). Compounds that have most fre- three years in the southern part of North Sea [17]. This
quently been determined include halogenated hydro- study reported that TCM and TCE were frequently found
carbons, aromatic hydrocarbons, VOCs, MTBE, BTEX at concentrations of 1900 ng/L and 270 ng/L, respec-
and chlorinated toluenes. Amongst these, the dominant tively, and that concentrations of chlorinated hydro-
compounds were the halogenated compounds. In most carbons were below 10 ng/L and the monocyclic
of the studies, it was observed that compounds identified aromatics were 2.8–18 ng/L.
and detected as volatiles mostly have at least one of the VOCs (viz chlorinated alkanes, and aromatic hydro-
halogens. carbons) were determined in treated wastewaters and
river waters that receive the treated wastewaters, and
3.1. Drinking waters the concentrations in the river waters were found to be
This section covers concentrations of VOCs in tap waters, below 0.1 lg/L [25].
bottled waters and other drinking waters. Some 10 dif- Simultaneous sampling of six chlorinated hydrocar-
ferent tap waters were studied for concentrations of bons and five monocyclic hydrocarbons was reported in
THMs that were often reported. The concentrations of Yokohama, Japan. This study indicated that DCM and
THMs were reported to be 1–40.8 lg/L (TCM), TCEY were abundant among chlorinated hydrocarbons,

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Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

Table 2. Ranges and concentrations of frequently detected volatile organic compounds reported in various aquatic matrices

Matrix Compounds Ranges detected Most detected concentrations Ref.

Tap waters TCM, TBM, BDCM, DBCM Tap waters: 1.0–66.5 lg/L Tap waters [16]
TCM 1–40.8 lg/L
TBM 1.8–24.7 lg/L
BDCM 3.1–55.3 lg/L
DBCM 2–66.5 lg/L
Surface waters MTBE, BTEX MTBE 0.29–1.4 lg/L – [26]
BTEX 0.39–2.05 lg/L
Snow and tap Chlorinated hydrocarbons Overall ranges: 1.7–394 ng/L Tap waters: TCM 44.9 ng/L [22]
waters TCM, TCE, TCEY, BDCM and TCM 13–236 ng/L TCE 130 ng/L
DBCM TCE 1.6–130 ng/L TCEY 95.3 ng/L
TCM 2.7–53 ng/L Tetrachloroethylene 40.4 ng/L
BDCM 0–249 ng/L Snow:
DBCM 0–57 ng/L TCM 12.8 ng/L
Tetrachloroethylene 3.8 ng/L
Estuary surface DCE, TCM, TCE, DCP, PCE, Chlorinated hydrocarbons DCE 13 ng/L [17]
waters HCB, TOL, XYL, DCB and TCB <LOD–1900 ng/L CHCL3 1900 ng/L
Monocyclic aromatics: 2.8– TCE 270 ng/L
18 ng/L PCE 280 ng/L
TOL 680 ng/L
XYL 170 ng/L
DCB 210 ng/L
Wastewater- TOL, MTBE, acetone 20 ppb–<1 mg/L Acetone 400 lg/L [55]
treatment plant DMSO and IPA DMSO 23 lg/L
IPA 641 lg/L
Seawater Halogenated organics 10–150 pmol/L BDCM 12.9 pmol/L [23]
16 of 24 compounds were 1-Bromo-2-chloroethane 3.3 nmol/L
identified and detected
Drinking waters TCM (71%), BDCM (46%), Levels: <LOD–35 lg/L. TCM 34.58 lg/L [34]
DBCM (47%), TBM (45%) BDCM 21.23 lg/L
BTEXs BEN (47%), TOL (96%), TOL 1.60 lg/L
XYL (74%), and NAP (70%), NAP 0.90 lg/L
Drinking waters TCM, TBM, BDCM, DBCM, TCE, Drinking waters: Drinking waters: [29]
and secondary DCAN and TCP 1.28–762 ng/L TCM 6–32 ng/L
effluents Wastewaters: TBM 147–762 ng/L
9–838 ng/L BDCM 16–97 ng/L
DBCM 92–399 ng/L
TCM 202–771 ng/L
BDCM 99–283 ng/L
DBCM 32–220 ng/L
DCAN 198–838 ng/L
TCP 211–556 ng/L
Seawater TCM, ethyliodide, DCBM, Halogenated: 0.2–1400 ng/L BEN 3.9–141.7 ng/L [40]
DBCM, BEN, TOL, EB, XYL and BTEX and mono-aromatics: 1.5– TOL 3.6–172 ng/L
Others 2900 ng/L XYL 4.3–332 ng/L
C5, C8, C9, C10, aliphatic Aliphatic hydrocarbons and EB 2.5–119 ng/L
hydrocarbons others:0.6–15,800 ng/L EI 30.5 ng/L
DBCM 2.90 ng/L
Melted snow BTEXs BTEXs: <DL – 0.236 lg/L TOL 0.236 lg/L [36]
waters EB 0.112 lg/L
Wastewater Acetone, TCM, TCE, TOL, NAP Total VOCs 200–1200 lg/L – [20]
and DCB
River waters and Chlorinated TolueneÕs Only 2,4-DCT was reported – [39]
sewage 38.3 ± 1.1 pg/L
Seawater CTC, TOL, BEN, TCE, EB, XYL Average concentration TOL 1.63 lg/L [56]
0.18–6.8 lg/L XYL 1.15 lg/L
TCE 1.08 lg/L
Seawater Isoprene, propene, acetone, Propene 84.9–286.4 pmol/L Propene 287 pmol/L [59]
acetaldehyde, and methanol Isopropene 36.9–118.7 pmol/L Methanol 325 nmol/L
Methanol 77.9–325 nmol/L
Acetone 4.4–41.3 nmol/L
(continued on next page) 71
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Table 2. continued

Matrix Compounds Ranges detected Most detected concentrations Ref.

Bottled and tap TCM, TBM, BDCM and DBCM Tap water: 0–322 lg/L TCM 0.12–0.73 lg/L [21]
water samples Spring water: 0–7.6 lg/L TBM 0.01–0.24 lg/L
Flavored: 0–5.7 lg/L DBCM 0.59–0.64 lg/L
BDCM 0.07–6.25 lg/L
Lake and BTEXs and Geosmin Lake waters: 0.044–2.16 lg/L Geosmin 26 ng/L [27]
reservoir waters BEN 2.165 lg/L

BDCM, Bromodichloromethane; BEN, Benzene; BTEX, Benzene toluene, ethylbenzene, xylene; CDBM, Chlorodibromomethane; CDS,
Carbon disulfide COS, Carbonyl sulfide; CTC, Carbon tetrachloride; DBCM, Dibromochloromethane; DBCP, 1,2-dibrome-3-chloropropane;
DBM, Dibromomethane; DCAN, Dichloroacetonitrile; DCB, Dichlorobenzene; DCE, Dichloroethane; DCEY, Dichloroethylene; DCM,
Dichloromethane; DCP, Dichloropropane; DCT, Dichlorotoluene; DMSO, Dimethyl sulfoxide; EB, Ethylbenzene; EI, Ethyliodide; HCB,
Hexachloro 1,3, butadiene; IPA, Isopropyl alcohol; MTBE, Methyl tert-butyl ether; PCE, Petrachloroethane; TBE, Tetrabromoethylene; TBM,
Tribromomethane; 2,4,6TCA, 2,4,6 trichloro anisole; TCB, Trichlorobenzene; TCE, Trichloroethane; TCEY, Trichloroethylene; TCNM, Tri-
chloronitromethane; TCM, Trichloromethane; TCP, 1,1,1 trichloro 2, propanone; TOL, Toluene; WWTP, Wastewater-treatment plant; XYL,

and toluene and DCB were abundant in aromatic Apart from those above, a few other VOCs were
hydrocarbons, respectively. It was further reported that reported, including acetone, dimethyl sulfide, isopropyl
the concentrations were several hundred times higher in alcohol, and naphthalene [20,52].
dew water than rain water, indicating more hydrophobic
volatiles tend to accumulate in dew waters. Mild con-
centrations of 10–150 pmol/L halogenated volatiles 4. Most detected compounds and concentrations
were also found in sewage waters, which were analyzed
using the stable carbon-isotope method and attributed to In spite of their relatively high air-water partition coef-
atmospheric depositions [23]. ficient, VOCs are ubiquitous in water matrices. In this
Surface seawater collected from the Irish Sea was section, we emphasize the concentrations of compounds
reported to have halogenated volatiles, BTEX and quantified and chiefly detected in various waters. In
aliphatic hydrocarbons in the ranges 0.2–1400 ng/L, Table 2, we present the concentrations of each com-
1.5–2900 ng/L and 0.6–15,800 ng/L, respectively [40]. pound said to be most commonly detected. These VOCs
Among the detected halogenated volatiles, the concen- levels are reported in the range pg/L to lg/L in aquatic
trations of brominated compounds were attributed to matrices.
biogenic sources, while the chlorinated compounds were In tap waters, the most detected compounds were the
due to anthropogenic sources coming from rivers. halomethanes, among which the commonly reported
After halogenated organics, the most frequently re- concentrations were TCM, TBM, BDCM and DBCM, which
ported volatiles are BTEX. Schmidt et al. [26] reported comprised disinfection byproducts. TCM was reported
BTEX in the range 0.39–2.05 lg/L in a Swiss lake, to be 1–40.8 lg/L, 44.9 ng/L, and 0.12–0.73 lg/L,
which was used as a drinking-water source, and the respectively, in various tap waters, followed by BDCM
likely source of these compounds were the discharges 3.1–55.3 lg/L and 0.07–6.25 lg/L [16,21,22].
from boating activity on the lake. Zoccolillo et al. [22] detected TCE, TCEY and tetra-
Sieg et al. [36] observed BTEX in melted snow waters chloro-ethylene at 130 ng/L, 95.3 ng/L and 40.4 ng/L,
in the range 3.9–15.3%. respectively, in tap waters.
In seawater, concentrations of toluene and xylene In drinking waters, TCM and TBM were most widely
(680 ng/L and170 ng/L, respectively) in estuary waters reported with concentrations for TCM of 34.58 lg/L [34]
were determined by Huybrechts et al. [17]. and 6–32 ng/L [29], and concentrations for TBM of
MTBE (17–712 ng/L) was also reported in drinking 147–762 ng/L [29] and 20.1 lg/L [61].
waters [32]. In seawater, TCM (1900 ng/L), DCE (13 ng/L), TCE
Other recent studies have reported toluene and xylene (270 ng/L), and tetrachloro ethane (280 ng/L) were
concentrations in seawater matrices in the range 1.15– detected [17]. DBCM (2.9 ng/L) was also reported in
1.63 lg/L [53]. seawater along with ethyliodide (30.5 ng/L) [40].
Some of the recent studies have also reported con- Cavlcante et al. [56] determined TCE (1.08 lg/L) with
centrations of halogenated organics and BTEX in sea- trace concentrations of toluene (1.63 lg/L) and xylene
water [53]. One of the popular VOCs reported in different (1.15 lg/L) in the coastal waters of Brazil. Recently,
environmental water matrices is MTBE, which was while studying the air-sea exchange of VOCs, propene
found to be 0.29–1.4 lg/L in surface waters [26]. and methanol concentrations were detected during

Author's personal copy

Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012 Trends

continuous measurement studies of VOCs in seawater accurate presentation of the concentrations in different
[59]. waters.
Next to halogenated compounds are BTEX, which are It was also reported that the Quality Assurance of
most frequently detected in aquatic matrices. Of BTEX, the Information in Marine Environmental Monitoring in
most commonly detected and reported singly are toluene Europe (QUASIMEME) working group was established to
and xylene. Toluene was detected in dew waters conduct inter-laboratory testing studies on volatile
(9.69 nM), estuary water (680 ng/L), drinking water organochlorine and trichlorobenzene in seawater [5]. On
(1.6 lg/L), seawater (4.3–332 ng/L), melted snow water the equivalent lines to QUASIMEME, QA information
(0.236 lg/L) and groundwater (0.04 lg/L) [17,34,36, centers for monitoring and inter-laboratory analysis of
40,56]. By contrast, xylene concentrations were reported VOCs in various environmental waters should be incor-
mostly in estuary waters as 170 ng/L, and 4.3–332 ng/L porated to report more accurate concentrations of VOCs.
and 1.15 lg/L in seawater, respectively [17,40,56]. Such programs can translate into a reference database
Benzene (3.9–141.7 ng/L), DCB (210 ng/L) and ethyl center for continual studies on VOCs.
benzene (2.5–119 ng/L) were also quantified in seawater Recently, European Analytical Quality Control in
[17,40]. association with Water Information System of Europe
The occurrence of VOCs in seawater was attributed to (EAQC-WISE) created a network of proficiency-test (PT)
atmospheric deposition, while halogenated VOCs (e.g., in providers to support the implementation of the Water
estuaries, groundwater, and lake waters) are mostly Framework Directive (WFD) [66]. This network is
correlated with anthropogenic activities. The haloge- expected to implement the WFD by providing PT
nated compounds detected in drinking waters result schemes for effective implementation and evaluation in a
from the byproducts of disinfection processes. synchronized manner. Further, we anticipate that this
network will promote coordinated performance evalua-
tion of all European laboratories involved in WFD
5. Quality assurance and EU quality standards monitoring and analysis program. In the first year, the
network organized two rounds of PTs in October/
Analytical reliability and accuracy are very significant November 2009, of which one concerned VOCs. More
aspects to be considered when any data related to than 100 analytical laboratories from across Europe
monitoring of environmental contaminant are reported. participated in this program, and details of this network
Advanced quality assurance (QA) and quality control program are reported elsewhere [66].
(QC) measures have to be employed (e.g., standard- Another addition would be application of statistical
addition tests, addition of surrogates, internal standards data analysis using different statistical models that can
or isotope tagging should be implemented for more aid proper elucidation of results and provide improved
accurate determination of aquatic environmental con- understanding of environmental distribution of VOCs.
centrations). For analytical QC, one of the studies has reported the
Spiking known amounts of recovery standards or statistical analysis of matrix-spike and laboratory-con-
surrogates can facilitate losses during storage, trans- trol samples for analyzing VOCs in groundwaters. All the
portation and sample preparation. Addition of certified analytical information was loaded to a laboratory
reference materials (CRMs) to assess the analytical per- information management system (LIMS) database for
formance is preferred over laboratory reference materi- evaluation. This statistical analysis revealed that mean
als. Nevertheless, currently no CRMs are available for recovery values of all analytes studied from matrix-spike
VOCs in waters, as verified from Institute for Reference samples and laboratory-control samples were almost
Materials and Measurements (IRMM), Europe, and same [67]. Also, the development of statistical models
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), can become an effective support for giving a hypothetical
USA. CRMs for VOCs are available for air and food projection of concentrations of VOCs in waters, keeping
samples [63,64]. in view the various environmental changes that can
Shimizu and co-workers [65] from the National affect the quantities of VOCs over a period of time. This
Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) have reported would also help establish plausible connections between
development of high-purity CRMs for VOCs in water the sources of VOCs and the concentrations determined.
samples. One of the highly recommended, broadly In the Directive of the European Parliament and
approved methods to validate analytical data is by par- Council (2008/105/EC) [68], the maximum allowable
ticipation in inter-laboratory testing using GC methods limits of benzene (50 lg/L) and chloroalkanes (1.4 lg/L)
with the same detection techniques. Comparison of the are the only VOCs present. Even though the environ-
results within different laboratories and conducting mental quality standards list comprises dichlorometh-
performance audits for various VOCs, including haloge- ane, trichloromethane and naphthalene, maximum
nated compounds, BTEX, MTBE and other frequently permissible limits have not been mentioned for these
reported compounds, have to be considered for more compounds. Hence, this warrants the need for accurate 73
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Trends Trends in Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 32, 2012

determination of different VOCs in a wide range of Acknowledgments

aquatic matrices based on which the permissible limits N. Sridhara Chary thankfully acknowledges Marie-Curie
can be set for the remaining set of VOCs. Actions for providing an AMAROUT Fellowship.

6. Conclusions References
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