Unit-5: 10 Mark Questions As Per Syllabus 2017

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Unit-5 : 10 Mark Questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       What do you understand by SustainableDevelopment? When businesses use natural

resources for their survival, how is it justified to control their growth and prosperity?
2.       Examine briefly major tools used(indicators of ) for assessing the progress of sustainable
2.a Explain efforts undertaken by India for Sustainable Development?
3.       Explain the Sustainable Development Goals
4.       Explain Millennium Development Goals and how far it is successful
5.       Explain the efforts of sustainable development with particular reference to any firm
6.       What is an Environmental Management System(EMS)?
7.       Explain major provisions of ISO 14001
8.       Explain how ISO14001 help reduce the impact of humankind on environment
9.       Explain the process of Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
10.   Describe the Environmental Impact Statement ( EIS)
11.   Explain briefly the environmental audit and howit is different from environment review
12.   Explain briefly the environmental audit and how it is different from normal audit
13.   Briefly describe different types of eco-labelling
14.   What do you understand by energy conservation? How does a business contribute to energy
15.   What do you understand by energy conservation? How does a household  to energy
16.   What do you understand by energy conservation? How does a business contribute to energy
conservation? Explain with specific reference to any firm in india
17.   Explain BEE star rating system
18.   Explain the difference between energy conservation and energy efficiency with suitable
19.   Briefly describe provisions of Energy Conservation Act 2001
20.    Explain Energy Conservation Building Codes in India
21.   Explain the functions of Energy Service Companies(ESCOs)
22.   Describe how you can make your home energy efficient
23.   Explain the elements of strategic energy energy management program
24.   Describe waste management hierarchy with suitable examples bringing out the importance at
each level
25.   What are the problems faced by the unorganised  waste  picking and recycling industry
26.   Explain the MSW disposal mechanism and essential requirements for its success
27.   Explain the concept of 3Rs and how far Producers Extended Responsibility (EPR) contribute to
its success
28.   Explain the role and function sof World Council for sustainable development
29.   Explain millennium Development Goals

30.   Briefly describe Sustainable development goals and how far India achieved progress in this

Unit-4: 10 Mark Questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       Why environment studies are important?
2.       Why should we create awareness about environment management?
3.       Explain Ecosystem its major components and its importance inenvironmental management?
4.       Describe millennium ecosystem assessment and its significance
5.       Name three important International conferences that shaped the ecosystem management of
recent times and explain their significance
6.       Explain major provisions of Energy Policy 2014
7.       Describe GOI Framework for managing Natural environment?
8.       Describe energy resources and how it issignificant for India
9.       Briefly describe renewable energy sources in india
10.   Explain forest /water/mineral /land resources in India
11.   Explain the legal frame work / Pollution Control and management efforts of GOI
12.   Explain pollution of Water/Air/Soil and how it impacts environment
13.   How does humankind impact the natural environment?
14.   How does humankind impact the forests/mineral/energy/water/land /food resources
15.   Briefly describe efforts taken by UN for reducing Pollution/Impact of Climatic change
16.   What is IPCC ? and what contributions has it given for fighting climatic change
17.   Describe the progress achieved by United Nations in fighting climatic change
18.   Describe Recent Environmental Policy of GOI
19.   Explain Green India Mission
20.   Explain major provisions of Biodiversity act 2002
21.   Explain the problems with Global warming
22.   Describe the initiatives taken for reducing the impact of global warming
23.   Describe the initiatives taken by GOI forreducing the impact of global warming
24.   What are the major initiatives under NationalAction Plan for Climatic Change 2008
25. What are the  Cliamtic Changes experienced in India

Unit-3: 10 Mark Questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       Explain how religion affects business with examples
2.       Explain briefly with examples how language affects business
3.       What is meant by aculturization? What process do MNCs follow
4.       How does customs and traditions affect business
5.       Explain the population dynamics on business
6.       Population policy of India
7.       How does Demographic trends affect Business in a nation
8.       What strategies companies follow for entering global market place
9.       Explain the entry strategies normally followed by the domestic firm for global market place
10.   Explain the significance of Fx for MNC
11.   Explain the significance of global presence for a firm
12.   Describe the strategies for a MNC in the globalised world
13.   Explain how a Small /Medium Business can withstand Globalisation
14.   What are the strategic tools that help diagonise strategic position of the firm; explain any one of
15.   How does a firm go global and what modes of entry /strategies are open to it
16.   Describe the risk in international business
17.   Trade creates wealth. Explain
18.   Explain Porter’s 5 Forces/PEST/SWOT/BCG Matrix
19.   What risks firm face in the international markets
20.   Explain Political Risks
21.   Why do internal conflicts occur in State
22.   How do MNCs cope up with multicultural environment
23.   Explain popular strategies used by MNCs to move blocked funds
24.   Describe how operating risks are mitigated
25.   How do firms cope up with global competition
26. what is Globalisation? Briefly explain the impact of globalisation on socio-economic
conditions of Indian Society?
27. Explain  Social Transformation in India and its Implications for Business?

Unit-2: 10 Mark questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       Explain briefly how poverty is measured
2.       Describe briefly how inequality is measured
3.       Describe the tools  used for measurement of Economic Growth
4.       Explain the relationship among poverty-inequality-growth
5.       Trace the industrial policy changes in India
6.       Explain the implications of urbanisation
7.       Describe the rural-urban dynamics
8.       Explain the nature of Development finance
9.       Name and explain major DFIs in India
10.   Describe capital market/Money market/primary market/secondary market
11.   What is financial inclusion and explain measures in this respect for developmental finance
12.   Explain the concept of ‘Fortune  at the Bottom of the Pyramid’ give examples from India
13.   Explain steps taken by GOI for reaching out to the Bottom of The Pyramid for creating fortune
14.   Critically evaluate  the programmes of GOI with respect to urbanisation

15.   How does urbanisation relate to business growth? Enumerate with real life examples

Unit-1: 10 Marks questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       What is meant by Ecological view of Business
2.       What is business ecosystem? Give two examples
3.       Explain the role of business in Society
4.       Explain the role of Govt in society
5.       Bring out the difference  between State and Nation
6.       Explain the Economic role of Govt in society
7.       What is ‘Business’? explain the term stakeholders
8.       How does a business impact and get impacted by Society? Give examples from India
9.       How does a business impact and impacted by Government? Give examples from India
10.   Briefly explain Interdependence of Business-Government –society
11.   How does conflict of interest figure in Business-Government relationship
12.   How does conflict of interest figure out in business-Society relationship
13.   Name the tool available for fulfilling the responsibility to society by a business and explain the
methods used
14.   Name the tool used by the Business for balancing conflict of interest  with the management and
describe the avenues available to the firm
15.   Describe functions of the State
16.   How does State affect the Market dynamics
17.   Explain the legal environment of Business
18.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Business environment
19.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Social environment of business
20.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Economic environment of business
21.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Technological environment of business
22.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Political environment of business
23.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Demographic environment of business
24.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the Natural environment of business
25.   Explain Factors/Elements  in the global environment of business
26.   Privatisation
27.   Liberalisation
28.   What do you understand by Business Ethics?
29.   Explain the angle of business ethics from the point of technology in Business
30.   Explain how CSR creates value for Business
31.   Describe code of Ethics with particular reference to any company
32.   Describe a successful incident of CSR that created value for business and how it achieved it
33.   Explain the strategic importance of CSR activities for a firm
34.   What do you understand by “TBL’ how does it affected the evolution of CSR
35.   What do you understand by “3Ps” how does it affected the evolution of CSR
36.   Explain the relevant sections of Companies Act 2013 regarding CSR in India
37.   Explain different type/levels  of CSR responsibilities undertaken by firms
38.   Describe different approaches to CSR
39.   Describe types of Corporate social responsibility
40.   Trace the history of CSR initiatives in India
41.   Explain the Companies Act 2013 provisions on CSR
42.   Explain briefly the Socio-Economic Implications of Indian Constitution with examples
43.   Enumerate major economic legislation of GOI and their impact on business
44.   Enumerate major social legislations of GOI and their implications for business
45.   Explain how deregulation has impacted business
46.   Explain how deregulation has impacted business in India
47.   What are the challenges faced by NGOs
48.   How NGOs are significant in globalised world
49.   What are NGOs? Give examples of NGO intervention in World Bank / UN decisions
50.   Explain NGOs. Explain how Kudumbasree has changed the rural economy
51.   Describe the role of NGOs in 12th 5 year plan
52.   Trace the change in perception by GOI about NGO in planning for development

53.   Describe the challenges faced by the NGO sector in India

Unit-5: 2 mark questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.    Sustainable development(SD)
2.   List principles of SD
3.  WorldCommission on Environment and Development (WCED)
4.    WorldCouncil for Sustainable Development(WCSD)
5.      Rio Declaration
6.      HDI
7.      Gross National Happiness Index
8.      Happy Planet Index
9.      STAMP
10.   GRI
11.   ISO 26000:2010
12.   SEEA
13.   Sustainable Development goals
14.   Millenium Development goals
15.   TBL
16.   The 3Ps
17.   ESG
18.   EMS
19.   ISO 14000
20.   Environmental Audit
21.   EIA
22.   EIS
23.   Eco labelling
24.   Energy conservation
25.   BEE
26.   BEE star rating
27.   Write short note on Building Code:GRIHA/IGBC/BEE
28.   The 3Rs
29.   Extended Producers Responsibility(EPR) 

Unit-4: 2 Mark Questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       Define ecosystem
2.       Define natural environment
3.       Renewable resources
4.       Non-renewable resources
5.       Give two examples of excessive use of Natural Resources that led to massive Environmental
6.       Write short note on water/forest/mineral/food/ energy/land resources
7.       Name 5 different ways in which Humankind impact natural resources
8.       Define pollution
9.       Write short notes on air/water/soil pollution
10.   Pollution control board
11.   Air quality Index
12.   Green tribunal
13.   Define Climatic change and state one example from India
14.   Define Climatic change and state one example from outside India
15.   Ozone depletion
16.   Green house effect
17.   Carbon trading
18.   Write short note on Montreol protocol/Kyoto Protocol/Paris agreement
19.   Co2 Sequestration
20.   IPCC
21.   TERI
22.   UNEP
23.   Green India Mission
24.   Biodiversity Act 2002
25.   Kerala state Biodiversity Board
26.   NAPCC
27.   List impact of population on environment
28.   List impact of Economic growth on environment
29. What is meant by Climatic Change?

Unit-3 : 2 Mark questions as per Syllabus 2017

1.       Define custom
2.       Define  Tradition
3.       one example for adaptation of host country custom
4.       one example for adaptation of host country tradition
5.       one example for adaptation of host country language
6.       one example for modifying product to suit host country religion
7.       demographic dividend
8.       butterfly generation
9.       millennial generation
10.    list two examples for emergence of new business consequent to demographic change from
outside India
11.   Globalisation
12.   Two primary reasons for sub-prime crisis
13.   Name transfer risks in globalisation
14.   Name operational risks in globalisation
15.   Name ownership risks in globalisation
16.   List entry strategies in globalisation
17.   List defences available to of SME units in times of Globalisation
18.   Exchange rate
19.   Regional integration
20.   SAARC
21.   Financial sysyem
22.   SEBI/RBI/EXIM Bank/NABARD/IRDA/TRAI/Central electricity Commission/IFCI
23.   IMF/WTO/UN/TRIPS/world bank
24.   Tort
25.   Banking
26.   Insurance
27.   List two examples of social transformation consequent too globalisation in India

28.   List three business ideas that flourish in India consequent to globalisation

Unit-2: 2 mark Questions as per syllabus 2017

1.       Poverty
2.       Economic growth
3.       Inequality
4.       Kuznets ratio’s ratio
5.       Gini Coefficient
6.       Rural – urban dynamics
7.       Urbanisation
8.       Urban area
9.       Golden triangle law
10.   Inclusive growth
11.   PGI triangle
12.   Name the two channels through which inequlity impacts poverty reduction
33.   Pro-poor growth
14.   Diversification
15.   Components of urban growth
16.   List two methods for measurement of economic growth
17.   List tools for measuring poverty
18.   List tools for measuring inequality
19.   Explain the meaning of “ Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid”
20.   List two Indian examples for successful  use of item no: 19
21.   List factors contributing to urbanisation
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Unit-1 : 2 Mark Questions as per Syllabus 2017
Short Notes @ 2 marks
1         Business Ecosystem
2.      List two examples from India for Business Ecosystem
3.       List five examples for Business ecosystems
4.       List characteristics of Business Ecosystems
5.       Is PPP, a Business ecosystem? Justify
6.       Business
7.       Government
8.       Value
9.       Ideas
10.   Monopoly
11.   Oligopoly
12.   Collectivism
13.   Mixed economy
14.   Corporatism
15.   Managerialism
16.   Neoconservatism
17.   Culture
18.   Institutions
99.   Society
20.   Pluralistic society
21.   Special interest group
22.   Ethics
23.   Business ethics
24.   Stakeholders of Business
25.   Internal stakeholders
26.   External stakeholders
27.   Triple Bottom Line(TBL)
28.   CSR
29.   List principles of CSR
30.   List type of CSR
31.   Carroll’s CSR Pyramid
32.   Corporate Governance
33.   Companies Act 2013 of India and CSR
44.   In India, CSR is like another tax . Explain
35.   Indian Constitution and Business regulation
36.   Directive Principles under Indian constitution and Business regulation
37.   List role of state
38.   List two major types of Regulations used by Govts
39.   NGO: What are they? Give example for one International and a domestic NGO
40.   List type of NGOs
41.   List roles of NGOs
42.   Business Environment
43.   Social environment of business
44.   Economic environment
45.   Technological environment
46.   Political environment
47.   Demographic environment
48.   Natural environment
49.   Legal environment
50.   Privatisation
51.   Liberalisation
52.   globalisation
53.   Global environment
54.   Nation and State concepts
55.   NGO
56.   WSF
57.   Name two domestic and two international NGOs
58.   Explain How NGOs can be registered in India
59.   Non-Profit organisation
60.   NGO – Darpan
61.   ANERT
62.   COPART
63.   Name 5 CSR Models and also name the organisation that  put forward these .
64.   Karmayog Index of CSR
65.   Dimensions of CSR activities

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