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I would like to start by saying that I was very young, I was only 15 when I joined the

army as a radiotelegraphist. I liked my specialty and my work very much. Since then I
have been stationed aboard different naval vessels. My first ship was a destroyer,
Alcala Galiano was its name and I sailed on it for a year.

My next ship was a submarine, Narval, where I worked for another year. Afterwards, for
three years I was in a corvette. Descubierta, was its name. Later on I went to the NCO
school where I became a communications specialist sergeant. Some Years later as a
communications officer, I was working on the PDA carrier for 6 years, and another six
years in the minehunter seals as chief of operations. When I got the rank of lieutenant
commander I was assigned to the main station of the satellite in Madrid and since 2012
I am in the communications satellite program office of the defense ministry. I am very
happy to be Director of different satcom projects. Such as the F-110 frigates, the
submarine s-80, the MH90 helicopter or the A400 aircraft.
Finally, I would like to say that in my work and within my responsibility, I need to have a
very close contact with the strongest companies in the sector of communications by
military satellites such as INDRA, Telefónica, AICOX THALES ... etc. we use very
advanced technology and this requires always being at the vanguard of SATCOM

Texto Personal 2

My name is Lorenzo and I am fifty-seven years old. I'm married to Emilia and I have a
child and my wife another child. Although I like children very much, we do not have a
child in common. I have 4 siblings, two boys and two girls, and I do not have a mother,
because she died very young.

I would like to start by saying that I am from Cartagena, which is a small town in the
south-east of Spain close to Alicante and Murcia, next to the sea.
Since I was a child I have always liked everything related to the sea, diving, sailing,
fishing. I have a small boat that I use for sport fishing but I live in Madrid and I am very
far from the sea.

I also like the world of horses, especially dressage. It is very nice to see how a
great animal as the horse has more nobility than even the human being.
Spain has great riders but not great horses. I had one but he died. The best
rider is a girl I know, her name is Beatriz Ferrez, who has been an Olympic
rider. The value of these animals can reach more than 2 million euros and it is a
very expensive sport.
TEST pág. 64
1. Es la a, so va con adjetivos. So much con sustantivos incontables y so
many con sustantivos plurales.
4. Es la b. Es un uso raro del do, para enfatizar. No vale la tuya porque la
tail question está en negativa.
6. Es la b, Como va con guiones, actúa como adjetivo, así que sin eses.
7. a. Older and older, cada vez más viejos. La tuya no vale porque older ya
lleva el más, no se puede poner con more.
8. Es la a. Feel like va con gerundio.
11. Es la b. con las fechas con número y mes, va On.
12. Es la d. Million people, sin ese.
14. Es la a. Con adjetivos el enough va después del adjetivo.
16. Es la b. Tener razón va con el verbo to be right.
19. Es la b.

TEST pág 66
2. Es la a. Pedir a alguien que haga algo. Tell somebody TO do something
3. Es la b. El coche de los Carter
6. Es la b. Quién rompió, pasado simple
8. Es la b. Vivir solo, by himself
9. Es la c. sería mejor que, you had better...
10. Es la a. Por el would, va el To
11. Es la c. Such con sustantivos
12. Es la a. So con adjetivos
15. Es la a. A friend of, más el pronombre posesivo.
16. Es la d. Uso del did para enfatizar. No vale la tuya porque la tail question
está en negativa.
17. Es la c. Condesa
19. Es la b. Feel like más gerundio.
20. Es la a. Cada vez más guapa
TEST pág 65
1. Es la a. Estaba siendo seguida por... Pasiva
2. Es la d. Han sido vistos Pasiva
3. Es la a. Filled with, lleno de
5. Es la a. Bronceado, sun-tanned
6. Es la b. Las cosas son shocking, interesting, etc. Con ing
8. Es la c. Copas de vino, wine glasses
11. Es la a, estar de acuerdo, con so.
14. Es la d, cuando vuelvas, presente
15. Es la b. Prohibición
17. Es la a. What con sustantivos, how con adjetivos
18. Es la a, por lo mismo que la anterior, pero como es incontable news, sin a
19. Es la d, para, más un verbo, to más el verbo.
20. Es la a. It´s worth más gerundio

TEST pág 63
2. Es la a. Avoid más gerundio
4. Es la a. Que he estado alguna vez. Las partículas, en medio del present
5. Es la a. Ya la he echado al correo
7. Es la b. See leave, ver salir
9. Es la a. Sheep no tiene plural.
10. Es la b, pedir a alguien que haga algo, con to
12. Es la b, genitivo sajón
14. Es la c. En pasado, que causó
17. Es la b. Con ellos
18. Es la b. El uno al otro
20. Es la c. Such con sustantivos.

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