How Technology Is Shaped by Physics

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Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

Chapter No 1:
Physical quantities and measurement
1. How technology is shaped by physics?
Ans) Most of the Technologies of modern society are related to Physics for example
 Ibnal Haitham constructed a pinhole camera
 Alberuni determined the circumference of the earth.
 Due to invention of heat engine vehicles can be drive
 Due to electricity we can operate electrical instruments at home
 We can talk on phone due to satellite communication
 computer is used in the modern world which works on the basic principles of P
 Electronic world like radio television mobile and many other devices are ruled by
 Means of transport like aero planes, cars, motorcycles and many other vehicles
are based on the mechanical principles of Physics.
 electrical devices like Transformer generator and motor also best and principle
of Physics

2. Physics and biology are consider different branches of Science,, how Physics links
with biology?
Ans) Physics and Biology are highly linked with each other, because
 Lenses are the invention of Physics which are used to control side effect in eyes.
 Thermometer used to check the temperature of a person is also the invention of
 Human blood pressure measuring is also the application of Bernoulli's equation
which is related to fluid dynamics in Physics
 radioactive radiations are used in different field of Biology and also in medical

3. Why are measurements important?

Ans) Measurements are important in our life, because
 Purchasing and selling of anything is impossible without measurement.
 Construction of any building can be done by proper measurement of rooms,
washrooms and varanda.
 Experiments in laboratories can be done by taking chemicals with measurements

4. Why area is a derived quantity?

Ans) As we know that The quantity which is obtained by the multiplication or division of
Base physical quantities are called derived physical quantities Area is derived physical
quantity because it is obtained by the multiplication of lengths.
Area = Length x width
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

 Area = Length x length

5. Name any four derived units and write them as their base units
Ans) Those units which can be expressed in terms of best units are called derived units.
The following are some derived units in term of their base units.
 Newton: it is the unit of force which is equal to
F = ma
 Newton = Kg.
sec 2
 Joule: it is the unit of work which is equal to
W = F.s
 Joule = Newton. meter
 Joule = Kg. . meter
sec 2
meter 2
 Joule = Kg.
sec 2
 Pascal: it is the unit of pressure which is equal to
P =
 Pascal=
meter 2
Kg meter
 Pascal =
meter 2 sec 2
 Pascal =
meter . sec 2
 Watt: it is the unit of power which is equal to
P =
 Watt =
kg meter 2
 Watt =
second sec 2
Kg, meter 2
 Watt =
sec 3

6. Why in physics we need to write in scientific notation?

Ans) In Physics we have a lot of very large or very small values. With the help of
scientific notation we can express these values very easily.
for example 3400000000  is a very large value. this way you can be expressed in
scientific notation as
 3400000000 = 3.4 x 109
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

7. What is least count?  How least count for Vernier caliper and screw gauge are
Ans) Least count: The minimum quantity measure by any instrument is called least
count of that instrument.
 Least count of vernier caliper can be obtained by dividing one division of main
scale on number of division on vernier scale.
1mm of main scale
L.C =
total divisions on vernier scale
 Least count of screw gauge can be obtained by dividing one division of linear scale
with total number of division on circular scale.
1mm of linear scale
L.C =

8. How can we find the volume of a small pebble with the help of measuring cylinder?
Ans) In order to find the volume of a small pebble first of all water is poured in the
measuring cylinder and note the volume of water. Then put the pebble in the cylinder to
find its volume. When the pebble is completely immersed the volume of water is noted
again. Now subtract the first reading from the second we will get volume of the pebble.

Written By:
Engr Miraj Ahmad
Elect Engineering (UET Peshawar)
Cell# 03129177174

Chapter 2:

1. Is it possible that displacement is zero but not the distance? under what condition
displacement will be equal to distance?
Ans) Yes it is possible that displacement is zero but not the distance. When an object
moves in a circle and complete one round trip its displacement become zero while the
distance covered is not zero.
If the body is moving from one point to another point on a straight line then in such
case displacement of a body is always equal to the distance covered.
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

2. Does a speedometer measure a car’s speed or velocity?

Ans) As speed is scalar quantity, It has only magnitude while velocity is vector quantity,
it has both magnitude as well as direction. And we know that speedometer of a car tell us
only about magnitude. so we can say that speedometer of a car measure speed of the car
not the velocity.

3. If possible for an object to be accelerating and at rest at the same time?  explain
with examples.
Ans)  yes it is possible for an object to be accelerating and at rest at the same time
for example:  if a body is thrown vertically upward then at the highest point the body
comes to rest for some time. At this point the body still possesses acceleration which is
called gravitational acceleration.

4. Can a body have zero acceleration and Non-zero velocity at the same time? Give
Ans) Yes it is possible for a body to have zero acceleration and nonzero velocity at the
same time. For example,
If a body is moving with uniform velocity then the acceleration of the body is zero but the
velocity is not zero.

5. A person standing on the roof of a building throws a rubber ball down with the
velocity of 8 m/s.  What is the acceleration (magnitude and direction) of the ball?
Ans) when a person standing on the roof of a building throws a ball down.  then the ball
will fall toward the earth due to the gravitational force of the earth. the ball will fall
freely with acceleration due to gravity which is equal to 9.8 m/ s2. and the direction of the
ball will be towards the earth.

6. Describe a situation in which the speed of an object is constant while the velocity is
Ans) When a body is moving in a circular path then its speed may
be constant but its velocity is not constant because the direction of
velocity changes continuously at every point along the circular

7. Can an object have northward velocity and a southward

acceleration? Explain
Ans) yes it is possible for an object to have velocity and acceleration in the opposite
For example,  if a body moves towards north and its velocity is decreasing then its
acceleration is South ward in the opposite direction of the velocity.
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

8. As a freely falling object speeds up, what is happening to its acceleration-- does it
increase, decrease or stay the same?
Ans) For any free falling objects the air resistance is ignore so the speed of the body will
increase due to the gravitational force of the earth but the acceleration of the body will
remain the same which is equal to 9.8 m/ s2.

9. A ball is thrown upward with an initial speed of 5 m/s. what will be its speed when it
returns to starting point?
Ans) when a ball is thrown vertically upward with an initial speed of 5 m/s.  Then it will
returns to its starting point with the same speed i.e 5 m/s. But in such Situation the air
resistance is ignored.

Written By:
Engr Miraj Ahmad
Elect Engineering (UET Peshawar)
Cell# 03129177174

Chapter 3:

1. Why does dust fly off, when a hanging carpet is beaten with a stick?
(Ans) When a hanging carpet is beaten with a stick it moves forward while the dust
particles tend to retain its state of rest due to inertia, As a result the carpet mover
forward and the dust particle fly off.

2. If your hands are wet and no towel is Handy, you can you remove some of the
excess water by shaking them why does this work?
(Ans) We can remove some water from our hands by shaking hands. it is due to the
property of inertia. when we shake our hands, our hands comes into state of motion why
the drops of water are at rest and try to remain at rest due to inertia.AS a result of this
property the drops of water are removed from our hands.

3. Why a balloon filled with air move forward, when its air is released?
(Ans) a balloon filled with air move forward, when its air is released because of
Newton’s third law of motion. When the balloon filled with air is released its air comes
out which is action, while in reaction the balloon move forward.
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

4. Why does a hose pipe tend to move, backward when the fireman directs a powerful
stream of water towards fire?
(Ans) when the fireman directs a powerful stream of water towards fire, the hose pipe
tend to move in the backward direction because of Newton’s Third law of motion. The
water from the hose pipe goes out from the pipe which is action, while in reaction the
pipe is push backward.

5. Your car is stuck in with Mud. some students on their way to class see your
predicament and help outBy sitting on the trunk of yoga to increase its traction.
why does this help?
(Ans) When a car stuck in wet mud, then due to less friction between tires and mud the
car cannot come out of the wet mud.
When students sit on the trunk of the car the weight of the car is increased, this increase
in weight of the car also increase the normal force on the car, As a result the force of
friction also increases. the increase in friction helps the car to come out.

6. How does friction help you walk?  Is it kinetic friction or static friction?
(Ans) When we walk on the earth friction force exist between our shoes and earth, due to
friction force we are able to walk on the earth. Without friction force we cannot walk on
the earth.
This friction is static friction because the part of our shoes at the moment of contact is at

7. The parking brake on a car causes the rear wheels to lock up.  What would be the
likely consequence of applying the parking brake in a car what is in Rapid motion?
(Ans) While driving fast on a road if the hand brake is applied the rear wheels will be
Locked Up. The front wheels are in motion and due to inertia these wheels will try to
maintain its state of motion.  So in this situation the car will skid.

8. Why is the surface of a conveyor belt made rough?

(Ans) The surface of a conveyor belt is made rough in order to increase the force of
friction. Greater the roughness greater will be the force of friction. Greater the force of
friction tight will be the objects tied. And smaller will be the motion of the objects tied

9. Why does a boatman tie his boat to a pillar before allowing the passenger to step on
the river bank?
(Ans) When a passenger from the boat move towards the river bank, pushes the boat in
backward direction with his feet. From Newton’s third law of motion the reaction of the
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

boat is in opposite direction. However, when the boat is tie with pillar it cannot move
and hence the passenger move out from boat easily.

10. In uniform circular motion, if the velocity constant? Is the acceleration constant?
(Ans) In circular motion the velocity direction changes continuously on eac point which
is tangent at that point, so we can say that the velocity does not remain constant in
circular motion.
On the other hand the direction of centripetal acceleration is always directed
toward the center, so its direction does not change. So in uniform circular motion
acceleration remains constant.

11. You tie a brick to the end of a rope and whirl the brick around you in a horizontal
circle. Describe the path of the brick after you suddenly let go of the rope.
(Ans) when we tie a brick to the end of a rope and whirl the brick around you in a
horizontal circle then our hand exerts centripetal force towards the center and the brick
exerts centrifugal force away from the circle. Now when the brick suddenly let go of the
rope then the brick will move away from the circle along tangent at that point.

12. Why is the posted speed for a turn lower than the speed limit on most highways?
(Ans) When a car take turn necessary centripetal force is required. This is equal to
F c = mv
This equation shows that greater the speed greater centripetal force is required to turn
the car, so the speed for a turn should be small in order to get a comfortable turn.

Written By:
Engr Miraj Ahmad
Elect Engineering (UET Peshawar)
Cell# 03129177174

Chapter 4
Turning Effect of forces

1) Can the rectangular component of the vector be greater than the vector itself?
Ans) No the rectangular component of a vector can never be greater than a vector itself.
As we know that
F x = F cos Ɵ
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F y = F Sin Ɵ
The value of cosƟ and Sin Ɵ may be equal to 1 or less than 1 but can never be greater
than 1, so it cannot be greater than a vector itself.

2) Explain why door handles are not put near hinges?

Ans) The do0r rotate around the hinges. Torque depends on force and moment arm of
force greater the moment arm greater will be the torque produced. In order to produce
greater toque the moment arm si keep longer and so the door handles are not kept near
the hinges.

3) Can a small force ever exert a greater torque than a large force?  Explain.
Ans) we know that
T =rxF
This equation shows that torque do not only depend on force but also depend on moment
arm. So for smaller force we can get greater torque by taking greater moment arm of
force. For examples:
i) F=5N r=2m then T = r x F =2 x 5 =10 N-m
ii) F=3N r=5m then T = r x F =5 x 3 =15 N-m

4) Why it is better to use a long spanner rather than short one to tighten a nut on the

Ans) As we know that torque depends on force and moment arm. A longer spanner has
longer moment arm, greater the moment arm greater will be the torque. So longer
spanner is used to produce greater torque and tighten the nut on the bolt easily.

5) The gravitational force acting on a satellite is always directed towards the centre of
the earth. Does this force exit turn on the satellite?
Ans) we know that T =rxF
In this case the lone of action of force and axis of rotation are parallel so moment arm in
this case is zero, we get
T =0xF
T = 0 N-m
This shows that gravitational force acting on satellite do not produce any torque.

6) Can we have a situation in which an object is not in equilibrium, even though the
net force on it is zero? Give two examples.
Ans) for complete equilibrium the two conditions of equilibrium must be satisfied, if net
force become zero and net torque become not zero then the body will rotate an dwill not
be in equilibrium, for example.
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

a) Couple is an example in which two different forces acting on the body in opposite
direction so the net force acting on the body is zero. But the couple is not in
equilibrium because the net torque is not zero.
b) When pedals of bicycle are rotating then in this case net force is zero but net
torque is not zero and the body is not in equilibrium.

7) Why do tightrope Walkers carry a long, narrow rod?

Ans) A tightrope walker use long narrow rod for getting balanced conditions and avoid
from falling.
If the walker lean towards right and produce clockwise torque, then he can move the rod
in such a way to produce anticlockwise torque. These cancel the effect of each other and
thus the body will remain in equilibrium.

8) Why do wearing high heeled shoes sometimes cause lower back pain?
Ans) High heeled shoes push the body in forward direction that causes the center of
gravity push forward. Now to maintain it balance the body trying to resist forward push,
by doing so he feel back pain.

9) Why is it more difficult to lean backward? Explain?

Ans) There exists a gravitational force between the earth and the moon. This
gravitational force provides the necessary centripetal force to the moon due to which it
revolves around the earth and does not fall on earth.

10)Can a single force applied to a body change both its translational and rotational
motion? Explain.
Ans) yes, it is possible if the force is applied on the center of the mass of the body then
the body will perform translational motion and if it is applied on point other than center
of mass then the body will perform rotation.

11) Two forces produce produces  the same torque. does it follow that they have the
same magnitude? Explain.
Ans) if two forces produce the same torques then it does not mean that they will have the
same magnitude because toque bot only depend on force but also depend on moment arm
for example.
i) F=5N r=4m then T = r x F =5 x 4 =20 N-m
ii) F=2N r=10m then T = r x F =2 x 10 =20 N-m

Written By:
Engr Miraj Ahmad
Elect Engineering (UET Peshawar)
Cell# 03129177174
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

Chapter 5

1. If there is an attractive force between all objects, why don't we feel ourselves
gravitating toward nearby massive buildings?
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

Ans) we don’t feel ourselves gravitating towards the nearby massive buildings because
the value of gravitation constant is very small which is equal to 6.67 x 10−11 Nm2 kg−2 and
also the mass of the building is small as compared to the earth.
2. Does the sun exert a larger force on the earth than that exerted on the sun by the
earth? Explain
Ans) As the gravitation force between sun and earth depends on mass of both sun and
earth and both exerts equal force on each other but both these force are equal in
magnitude but opposite in direction. Let the force exerted by sun on earth is F so and force
exerted by earth on sun is F os.
Then F so=−F os

3. What is the importance of gravitational constant “G”? Why is it difficult to

Ans) The gravitational constant play a vital role in motion of heavenly objects. Motion of
earth around the sun, moon around the earth and motion of different planets are due to
gravitational force. The value of gravitational constant can be used for determining of
radius, diameter and mass of various planets.
It is difficult to calculate gravitational constant because Experimental instruments
cannot be separated from gravitational force of other bodies.

4. If earth somehow expanded to a larger radius with no change in mass how would
your weight be affected? How would it be affected if earth instead shrunk?
Ans) As we know
G Me m
From the equation we know that weight is inversely related to radius of the earth when the radius of
the earth is increased then the weight of the objects is decreased,
When earth shrunk instead, it means that its radius increased, and when radius increased
then in this case weight of the body will decrease.

5. What would happen to your weight on Earth if the mass of the earth doubled, but
its radius stayed the same?
Ans) as we know that
G Me m
G Me m
 W=
Now when mass of earth is doubled then the above equation become and the weight
changes from W to W '

G2 M e m
W '=
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

G Me m
W ' =¿2
W ' =¿2W

It shows that when the mass of earth become double then weight of the body also become

6. Why lighter and heavier objects fall at the same rate towards the earth?
Ans) as we know that
G Me m
Here F=w=mg
G Me m
 mg=
G Me
 g=
The above equation show that value of “g” does not depend on mass of the body so
heavy and light object fall with same acceleration.

7. The value of g changes it with location on earth however we take same value of g
is 9.8ms−2 for ordinary calculation. Why?
Ans) The value of “g” changes slightly with height as the height as compared to the
radius of the earth is negligible therefore the change is value of “g” is very small so we
take the value of “g” as 9.8 ms−2 for our convenience.

8. Moon is attracted by the earth, why it does not fall on earth?

Ans) There exist a gravitational force between the earth and the moon. This gravitational
force provides the necessary centripetal force to the moon due to which it revolves
around the earth and does not fall on earth.

9. Why for same height larger and smaller satellites must have same orbital speeds?
Ans) we know that
GM e
√ R e +h
the value of “g” does not depend on mass of the body but depend on height of the object
as inversely. As the height is same so both smaller and larger satellite will move with
same speed independent of the mass of the satellite.

Chapter 6
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

1. Can a centripetal force ever do work on an object? Explain.

Ans) As we know that
W= F.v
 W=F v cos Ɵ
Here centripetal force is perpendicular to the direction of
motion so
Put Ɵ = 90
 W = F v cos 90
 W= F v ( 0 )
 W = 0 joule
So centripetal force does not work on an object.

2. What happens to the kinetic energy of a bullet when it penetrates into a sand bag?
Ans) When a bullet penetrates into the sand bags, retardation is produced because work
is done to penetrate certain distance in sand bag, in this way the K.E of the bullet go on
decreasing due to work done against friction.

3. A meteor enters into Earth atmosphere and burns, what happens to its kinetic
Ans) When the meteor enters into earth’s atmosphere it burns due to the friction force of
the air on it. As a result the kinetic energy of the meteor is converted into light energy
and heat energy.

4. Two bullets are fired at the same time with the same kinetic energy. if one Bullet
has twice the mass of the other, which has the greatest speed and by what factor?
which can do the most work?
Ans) As we know that
K.E= mv
For first bullet K . E 1 m 1 v 12
For 2nd bullet K . E 2 m2 v 22
As mass of one bullet is twice the mass of the other so
Put m 2=2 m1
 K . E2 2 m1 v 22
Bothe bullets have same K.E so
K . E 1=K . E 2
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

1 1
 m 1 v 12 = 2 m1 v 22
2 2
2 2
 v1 = 2 v 2
 v1 =√ 2 v 2
This equation shows that the first bullet will move with the velocity equal to √ 2
time the velocity of second bullet.

5. Can an object have different amounts of gravitational potential energy if it remains

at the same elevation?
Ans) As we know that P.E = mgh
The above equation show that P.E depend on mas and height of the body if both
bodies have same mass then both the bodies will have same P.E at the same elevation. If
they have different masses then both the bodies will have different P.E at the same

6. Why do roads leading to the top of mountain wind back and forth?
Ans) the roads leading to the top of mountain wind back and forth in order to reduce the
possibility of slipping. Due to such arrangement the angle of inclination is decreased and
the vehicle can easily move by taking less power.

7. Which would have a greater effect on the kinetic energy of an object doubling the
mass or doubling the velocity?
Ans) As we know that K.E= mv

The above equation shows that when mass is doubled then K.E is also doubled, and when
velocity is double then K.E is increased by four times, so doubling the velocity will have
a greater effect on K.E as compared to doubling the mass.

8. If the speed of a particle triples by what factor does its kinetic energy increase?
1 2
Ans) As we know that K.E= mv
Now when the speed of the body is tripled then K.E is given as
1 2
 K.E’ = m(3 v )
1 2
 K.E’ =9( mv )
 K.E’ =9 K.E

This equation shows that when the speed of the body is increased 3 times then the K.E of the
body is increased 9 times.
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

9. The motor of a crane using power P  to lift a steel beam. by what factor Must the
Motor’s power increase to lift the beam twice  aise high in half the time?
Ans) As we know that
 P=
When beam is lift to twice as height in half of time then power will be
mg ( 2 h )
p= t
4 mgh
 p' =
 '
p =4 p
This equation shows that the power become 4 times when we double the height and
half the time.

Chapter 7
1. If you climbed a mountain carrying a Mercury Barometer, Would the level of the
Mercury column in the glass tube of the Barometer increase or decrease as you climb
the mountain?
2. Walnuts can be broken in the hand by squeezing two together but not one. Why?
3. Why is the cutting edge of the knife made very thin?
4. Why water tanks are constructed at the highest level in our houses?
5. Why a small needle sinks in the water and huge ships travel easily in water without
6. Explain how and why Camels have adapted to allow them to walk more easily in
desert conditions?
7. You would have probably experienced your ears “popping” while driving in the
mountains. Why ears pop?
8. If you filled an airtight balloon at the top of a mountain. Would the balloon expand
or contract as you descend the mountain? Explain
9. A rowboat is floating in a swimming pool when the anchor is dropped over the side.
When the anchor is dropped, will the water level in the swimming pool increase,
decrease or remain the same? Explain
10. Which material is more elastic, steel or rubber and why?

Chapter 8
1. Ordinary electric fan increases the kinetic energy of the air molecules Caused by the
fan blades pushing them means the air temperature increases slightly rather than
cool the air?  Why use it?
2. Why are small gaps  left behind the girders mounted in walls?
Engr Miraj Ahmad 03329177174 / 03129177174

3. why you should not put a closed glass jar into a campfire?  what could happen if you
tossed an Empty glass jar with the lid on tight, into a fire?
4. explain why it is advisable to add water to an overheated automobile engine only
slowly, and only with the engine running?

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