Customer Information Checklist PDF

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Customer Information Checklist

You can use this Customer Information Action Plan in developing a database of your current clients and prospects. The action
plan includes a range of tips and suggestions which are organized into the following groups:
 Contact Names
 Address
 Job Titles
 Psychographic Profile
 Purchase History
 Payment History
 Special Needs
 Customer Feedback

1. Contact Names.
 Find out primary contact names of your customers
 Record secondary and any other names or titles
 Double check all the names to make sure they are correct and informative
 Keep your records up-to-date
 Use this information to contact your customers

2. Address.
 Know both the physical and the mailing addresses if they are different
 Request your customers for which of the addresses they prefer you to send them anything to
 Pay close attention to correctness and spelling because even a tiny mistake in address line will fail delivery of your
mail to target audience
 Use address information to send your ad material by email and post

3. Job Titles.
 Get official job titles of your customers
 Make notes about their job descriptions, including duties and responsibilities
 Learn job experience, expertise and skills of your customers
 Use this information in planning sales calls and referring to multiple people in the same company

4. Psychographic Profile.
 Gather as much information about likes/dislikes, habits and needs of your prospects and customers as possible
 Research customer behaviors to find out what makes every customer purchase from your company
 Know what your clients tell about your service
 Use all these details in creating psychographic profiles for clients

5. Purchase History.
 Make notes of the date of the first purchase of every client
 Keep records on services, amount of sale, any issues, and other transactional information per customer
 Identify source of deal per customer
 Use these details in planning follow-up contact and repeating deals

6. Payment History.
 Keep records on all payments made by every customer
 Record all products and services purchased by every customer
 Monitor status of unpaid orders to detect any issues early
 Use this information to handle and accelerate customer payments

7. Special Needs.
 Communicate with prospects and customers to identify their special needs (e.g. packaging, delivery terms)
 Check if you can meet those needs and how
 Use this information to expand or alter your service offerings

8. Customer Feedback.
 Gather customer comments, complaints and testimonials regarding your service
 Keep track of special requests and suggestions
 Use an individual approach to every customer in order to reach complete customer satisfaction
 Analyze request history to find out if your company provides sufficient customer service
 Use all this data in planning improvements for customer service.

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