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Instrumentation and Control System Lab (AV-435)



Shaik Riyazuddin


Compensator design for a typical electromechanical engine gimbal control

(EGC) system and Linear system performance assessment using

Objective: Design of (proportional + rate feedback), (Proportional + rate feedback +

Integral) and (Proportional + Integral + Derivative) type of compensators for a typical
electromechanical engine gimbal control system of launch vehicles and linear system
performance assessment using SIMULINK model and SIMULINK.

The block diagram representation of a typical electromechanical engine gimbal control
system using proportional plus rate feedback controller is shown in Fig.1.

+ + K 1
c Kp K1 m
Js+B s
- -

Controller gains

Fig.1 Block diagram representation of a typical electromechanical EGC system with proportional +
rate feedback controller

The parameter values are given below:

J=Jm + (Nm/NL)2.JL , B = Bm + KT.KB/Ra + (Nm/NL) 2.BL

KT – Motor torque constant = 0.181 N-m/A

KB- Motor back emf constant = 0.181 V/(rad/sec)

Jm – MI of motor rotating assembly =1.1694 x 10 Kg-m2
JL – MI of Engine gimbal = 12.753 Kg-m

Nm/NL - Ball screw gear ratio : (pitch of ball screw/( Actuator moment arm x 2  rad) ) =

0.005 m/(0.3166 m x 2 rad )= 1/398

Bm – Viscous damping coefficient of motor shaft = 2.943 x 10-4 N-m/(rad/sec)

BL – Viscous Damping coefficient of the Engine gimbal = 58.86 N-m/(rad/sec)

Ra – Armature resistance = 8.6 ohms

Kp – Position sensor scale factor = 0.36 V/rad ( 10V corresponds to 4 *398 deg deflection of
motor shaft)

KTG – Tacho generator scale factor = 0.1 V/ (rad/sec)

Controller gain design equations

In order to get a closed loop system with transfer function

Gcl(s)= n2/(s2+n.s+n2), the design equations for K1 and K2 are given by

K1=n2.J/(Kp.K) -------------(1)

K2= (n.J - B)/(K.KTG) -------(2)

Specifications for Closed loop system

-3 dB Bandwidth (b )= 5 Hz; Damping factor ( = 0.6

Use the following formula for finding n, the natural frequency of closed loop system

b=n ------- (3)

Procedure for Controller design and Simulation

1) The values of undamped natural frequency (n), proportional controller

gain (K1) and rate feedback controller gain (K2) are found using a
MATLAB program which use the parameter values of the plant dynamics,
sensor scale factors and closed specifications. The values are as shown

n = 27.36 rad/sec , K1= 19.5077 , K2 = 0.9538

2) A SIMULINK model for the closed loop system is built and the following
performances are found using SIMULINK LTI Viewer
a) – 3 dB bandwidth
b) M –peak
c) Peak Overshoot for step response
d) Rise time
e) Settling time
3) An integral controller `G(s)=Ki/s ‘ is added in parallel with the
proportional controller gain ‘K1’ with a gain Ki= K1/10 and the
measurement of the parameters given in section (2) is repeated.
4) A derivative controller `G(s) = Kd.s/(1+s/300)’ where Kd = K2*K TG/Kp is
added in parallel with the PI controller and the rate feedback controller.
The exercise in section (2) is repeated.

 Bode plots and step response of the system:

Step response of proportional +rate feedback type EGC system

Bode plot of proportional +rate feedback type EGC system

Step response of proportional +rate +Integral feedback type EGC system

Bode plot of proportional +rate +Integral feedback type EGC system

Step response of proportional +Integral +Derivative feedback type EGC system

Bode plot of proportional +Integral +Derivative feedback type EGC system


Performance P+rate feedback P+I+Rate feedback P+I+D

-3dB bandwidth 31.5 31.3 35.0

M peak(dB) 0.354 0.338 0.592

Peak 9.48 9.99 10.7

Rise time (s) 0.0678 0.0675 0.0583

Settling time(s) 0.217 0.222 0.202

1. P + rate feedback has the least bandwidth whereas P + I + D feedback has the
largest bandwidth compared to others. This shows that P + I + D feedback can
operate over a wide range of frequencies.
2. P + I + D feedback resonance peak is the highest whereas P + rate feedback
resonance peak is the lowest. This means that the P + I + D feedback is maximum
during the resonant frequency.
3. P + I + D feedback has the maximum peak overshoot whereas P + rate feedback
has minimum overshoot. In this prospect, P + I + D feedback gives more deviation
than other feedbacks and is bad for a system.
4. P + rate feedback will take more time to reach the steady state value. Therefore,
it will take more time to reach steady value. The P+I+D feedback has minimum
rise time and settling time. It will reach the steady value quickly. The P + rate +
Integral feedback has intermediate rise time and settling time.

Inferences :
All the feedback systems have their own advantages and disadvantages.
Depending upon the application, appropriate feedback must be chosen. For
example, if the system needs to be operated under wide range of frequencies
and needs to be settled quickly, The P+I+D feedback can be chosen. If the
allowable deviations are very low where the system is operated under a low range of
frequencies, P + rate feedback can be chosen.

BLOCK DIAGRAM 1 - Electromechanical EGC system using Proportional + Rate feedback

BLOCK DIAGRAM 2 - Electromechanical EGC system using Proportional + Rate Feedback + Integral feedback

BLOCK DIAGRAM 3 - Electromechanical EGC system using Proportional + Integral + Differential feedback

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