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az1aR20 ‘Table D.1—Shear stresses" (psi) due to factored. loads; edge column-siab connection (Fig. D.2) ‘Shearer secion [Gael | Cnet Ge [Oe | On | Oe 336 [302 | 299] =100 ‘At? from column face ACI COMMITTEE REPORT ‘Ava? from ouermont peripheral tine| Ce | Udo | We | Vado of sds = Le | | “reps an ena yam on aah, wih tine gh ing wpe Step 2—Because the value (y/6) exceeds vy shear einforce- ‘ment is required; the same quantity is less than the upper fe «psi (2,ff¢ 3, MPa), indicating thatthe slab thickness is adequate ‘The shear stress resisted by concrete in presence of headed studs atthe shear-crtical section at 2 from the coluran face is wale Use of Eq, (4-1), (4-11), and (4-13) gives =190 ps (ff = 131 MPa) = ¥e= 451 ~ 190 = 261 psi (1.80 MPa) Ae tube _ 16116525) Ju 31,000 0.33 in. (8.5 mm) Step 3 5) $05d= 28 in. (71 mm); + $0.5d=2. in, 71 mm) Using 38 in. (9.5 mm) diameter tus, arranged as shown in Fig. D200), with ¢,= 2.25 in (57 mm) and s= 2.75 in (70 mm) gives: (Ay) = 9(0.112.75 = 0.36 in. (9.1 mm, This value is grater than 0.3 i, (85 mmm), indicating that the choice of studs and thei spacing ae adequate Step 4—Try nine periheral ines of studs; the properties ofthe shearerial scion t 2 from the outermost peripheral Tine of studs ar: by 132i, (3383 mms Ay = 742 in? (479 « 10° mm? Jy 142.9 x 10° in.* (59.48 x 10° mm); gg = 45 in, (1143 mm; fo = 72 in, (1829 mm); Yoy = 0:30 (Eq. (B-4)); o= ~27.6 in, (701 mm); xp = 17.4 in. (448 me Xo = “18.6 in. 472 mm, ‘The factored shearing force and unbalanced moment at an axis, passing through the centroid of the shear-critcl section outside the shear-reinforced zone, are (Eq. (4-5): (Case I: Vy = 36 kips (160 KN); My = 1720 + 36(-18.6) = 1050 kipein. (118 kN-m) Case I: V, = 10 kips (44 KN); Myy = -900 + 10(-18.6) 1090 kip-in (~123 kN-m) Fig. D.3—Example of comer column-slab connection: shear-critical sections and stud arrangement. (Note: i 254 ms) Equation (4-2) gives the shear stresses at Points C and D, lise in Table Dl for Cases and “Te maximum shear ses, in absolute value, occu at Point D (Case) andj6)p)= 8710.75 = 116 psi= 184)" (080 MPa = 0.15,ff )- Tae nominal shear strength ouside the sheseeinforeed zone, yq= 2a = 128 pi (O17 = O87 MP, Step S—The value of 4) sles than yy inden that the exten‘ ofthe shea enforced zone, as showinin Fig D 20), is adequate. D.3—Comer column-slab connection ‘The comer column-slab connection in Fig. D.3(a) is ‘designed for gravity loads combined with wind load in positive ‘or negative x-direction. The cross-sectional dimensions of the column are ¢ ‘in. (608 mm) (Fig. D.3(a)) The same values of: b ¢, df, fye D, and dy, in Section D. apply in this example. Two cases (and II) are considered, producing extreme shear stresses at Points A and B of the shear-critical section ata? from the column or at Cand D of the shear-critical section at d/2 from the outermost peripheral line of studs (Fig. D.3(a) and (b)). The factored forces, due to gravity loads combined with wind load, are given, Case Wind load in postive x-direction Vg = 6 kips (27 KN); Myo5 = ~338 kipsin, (38 kN-m) Myoz= 238 kip-in. 27 KN-m) For the shear-crtcal setion at d?2 from column face 11 in, (-181 mm) and 6 = 45 degrees; thus, Eq. (4-5) and (6) give 32 kip-in, (-15 KN); ‘SHEAR REINFORCEMENT FOR SLABS Case I Wind load in negative ¥-direction V, = 22 kips (97 KN); Myos = 983 kip-in, (108 KN-m); Myoz = 377 kip-in, 43 kN-m) M,j= 953 + 22(-7.11) = 797 kiprins Mgq= 377 + 207.11) = 221 kipsin Myy = 720 kipsin, (81 kN); Mg, = 407 kipein, (46 KN-m) “Te five steps of design ound in Section 44, ae followed Siep 1 Properties ofthe shear rical section in Fig, D31@) a8e: by = 45.63 jn, (1139 mm); A, =287 in? (166% 10° mm?) Jy 23.2610 in! (27 «10? mm and J,=5.57 10° in (2.32 x 10° mm). The projections of the erica section on the x and y axes are: f= 16.13 in. (410 mm); and ly = 32.26 in, (620 mm), The factions of unbalanced moments transfered by shear are (Eq (B-5) and (B-6)) ty = 1 5 0.267 Yq = 0.4 1+ (8), -02 ‘The factored shear stress at Point A (-8.07, 16.13 in.) in Case Tis (Bq. (4-2)) vag = SIO! Q4L4OT x 101613 , 0.2674-122« 10?y-807 BT 36.10" SSTHI0 192 (133 MP) Similar caeulaton give the vlus of vat Pints A and B (6.07, 0 in) for Cases and which are stein Table D2 ‘The maximum shear stres, in absolute valu, occurs at Point_B (Case I) and Kvi/d)gi = 364/0.75 = 485 psi = 127. G35 MPs = 0.64,[2). The nominal shear stress that can be resisted without shear reinforcement atthe shear- critical section, vy = 4 f° = 253 psi (fe = 1.74 MPa) Eq. 4-49). Step 2—Because the value (¥y/6) exceeds vy, shear reinforcement is reauied the same quantity is less than the upper limit, vy = 84/2 (ineIb units) Qf 3 [Sl units), indicating tha the sa thicknes is adequate ‘The shear suessresied by coneree in ie presence of headed stds atthe shearcritical section at 2 from the column face is Ye= BAP = 190i (ff M= 1.31 MPa) Use of Eq. (4-1), (4-11) and (4-13) gives 485 ~ 190 = 295 psi (2.03 MPa) 295(45.63) — 9.26 in, (6.7 mm) $1,000 c : aatan2 Table D.2—Shear stresses* (psi) due to factored loads; corer column-slab connection (Fig. 0.3) Sheu cal son Ga ‘Gat 4 Tee [oe | oe w2_[ 2 [a2] 68 ‘td? irom ovemmos pipherline| we | Gd | Gale | Wp ors w]e | 6 | os “jepean ceed ii ahi pein aed wpa Ld fom ealamn fae Step 3 Sp $05d=2.8 in. (71 mm); 5 0.5d=2.8 in, (71 mm) Using 3/8 in (9.5 mm) diameter studs, arranged as shown in Fig. D.3(b), with s, = 2.25 in, (57 mm) and s = 2.5 in (64 mm) gives: (4y/5)=6(0.11/2.5 =0.26in, (6.7 mm). This value is the same as tha calculated in Step 2 indicating that te choice of studs and their spacing are adequate. Step 4—ry seven peripheral lines of studs; the properties ofthe shear-rtcal section td? from the cutermost peripheral line of studs Fig, D.3(b) are: Jo=Jo=-I7.37 in. (481 mmy; 6 = 45 degrees; in. (1754 mms A = 388 in? (281 x 10° mm); J, = 116.9 x 10° in (48.64 x 10° mm), = 9.60 x 10° in? (4.00 x 10° mm); gg = 15.0 in, (380 mm): lp = $6.7 in. (1439 min) yp, = 0.40 Eq, 8-5) yyy = 0.14 Eq, 8-6), The factored shearing force and unbalanced moment sbout the centroidal principal axes of the shear-critial section outside the shear-rinforced zone (Eq. (4-5) and (4-6), are: Case I: V,=6 kips (27 KN); My, = 407 kip-in, (46 KN-m); Myy=~218 kip. (-25 KN-m) Case il Vj= 22 kips (97 KN); My = 407 kip-in, (46 kN-m): ‘Myy= 402 kip-in, (45 kN-m) Use of Fg (42) gives the values of vat Points C1038, 28.33 in) and D (489, 13.36in,) for Cases Vand ised in TableD2. The maximum shear stress in absolute value, occurs at Point € (Case 1) and /6)e1= 89075 = 119 p= 1.88.77 (082 MPs = 0.16!) The nominal shear sess cus the shear-einforced zone, vy = 24? = 126 psi (0.17 0.87 MPa Step 5—The valve of v/s ess than indicating that the extent of the sheareinorced zone, shown in Fig D 30). issuffcient. D.4—Prestressed slab-column connection Design the shear reinforcement required for an interior column, transferring V, = 110 kips (490 KN) combined with 421.220 Table B.2—Nonlinear finite element results of fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by flexure in edge flat plate-column connections ‘AGI COMMITTEE REPORT Fotupyat olan pent ®[o]o] 6 |o|o]o sib | [om [Yok | ore | oe [onan zi fom | om | 0 | am | om | 100 | om | os | 169055 | om | 028 | om ze | om [061 [zsaoon| oa | om | om = [om | 06 [siasin | o2s_| 02s | 108 ms fom [iz | o@ | om | ow |i 6 | os | 169152) “030 | 097 Simply supported (o) rerio ib coann connection SER. = | os 2511001) a0 | ae es [ ose [| 122 | 2810250) 030 | 107 | ose 337099) ox | 107 oe 10 | om 3810605) x0 | 138 oly eid Stab En | om 1690053 | 036 | 030 | 120 En | 030 w69052) | om | ow | 1a B5 | 050 [1690052 ox | 126 ew | 12 169052) om | zis [19 169052) | om | 016 | om8 EI6 tes [os [a | a8 en | 099 169752) | 00 | 029 | a oP ep oe apa tee a (2) Bdge stab-cotunnconecion SIR Super eit | oae | aa] vay G30 [2 Fig. BJ —Plan views of flat platecolunn connections mplioen nes ecaen aa Pan analyzed by te finite element method. SL Oe | as | tscs | 0M | 036 | oot ‘APPENDIX CNOTES ON PROPERTIES OF ez [om [2a [o@ [ost [os [1 ‘SHEAR-CRITICAL SECTION es [om | 248 | wocsm | oas | 04s | 105 ‘The equations in Section C.1 and C.2 are taken from ACT we [om [aa [asaoon toa Toa [ios 421-1R. They are given as follows because they are used in oss [244 [37499 | 046 | 04s | 107 beatae oss | 244 [s0@m2| 046 | 08 | 112 —_& 1—-Second moments of area am | 240 | soos] 052 | 04s | ai ‘In this report, the shear stresses caused by unbalanced om [2a | 0m [oa | Toy —- Moments are computed using parameters J, and Jy rather woe | tae [am [ress [ome [08 [0 evaluat scaler nn Jt maces be ie Ee 10 ence is only afew percent. The use of J_ or Jy instead of J, ae face fecaa |e con ass Tas for acrtical section of general shape is recommended in ‘ACL421.1R; the relevant material is summarized the present, . 08 subsection, om =i oo ‘Sh ith vice he mabe ef rearing hrs be with = 1225, ‘Si with heat iafemen of (25 rm) dnc ven sar enforcing ‘sie per te) ‘The ratio dy.rp (finite element) 10 (Eq. (6-3) oF (6-4)) in Column 7 of Tables B.1 or B.2 has an average value of 1.09 or 1.08, respectively, with the coefficient of variation equal (00.11 oF 0.13, respectively. These results substantiate the proposed Faq. (6-2) through (6-4). General expressions for J, and J, are given, but first the expressions for J, and J, for the case of interior rectangular column are compared (Fig. 32(a)). ACI 318 defines J, as a property of the assumed critical section analogous to polar ‘moment of inertia and gives Eq. (C-1), which is compared with Eq. (C-2) ford, fr the same critical section: Meta) de, +ayle+d)” de,+d) BAD MOOG EEO ey det d det Oletd? ey) 6 2 ‘SEISMIC DESIGN OF PUNCHING SHEAR REINFORCEMENT IN FLAT PLATES. ‘The expression for J is the same as the expression for J, with the last term dropped. The third term on the right-hand side of | Eq. (C-1)is normally much smaller than the other two terms. General expressions for boy J_, and J, of a shear-crtical section composed of straight segments are », = Dey ce a 2 2 Jn = SD [G00 +99; 49)1 c = {Secs bagy 91 © where b, isthe length of the perimeter of the shear-crtical section; J, und J, = d multiplied by the second moments of the perimeter of the shear-critical section about its centroidal principal axes x and y, respectively: x, and y; are coordi- hates of i; x and yj are coordinates of j, with ‘and j being the extremities ofa typical straight segment ofthe perimeter; and é, is the length of the segment i ACT 318 requires that the shear stress, vy due 10 Vp Cio Myy) and CYyyMys) vary linearly over the shear-critical section. The shear stress distribution that satisfies this requirement is expressed as y, M, yy tty + yy Many C6 Oy ere ee 2 where x and y are coordinates, with respect tothe centroidal principal axes, of any point onthe perimeter ofthe shea-crtca} section. The centroidal principal axes. the only orthogonal axes about which the product of inertia is nil, must be used to obtain stress x, whose resultats are: Vp (My) and (yyy). Figure 3.2) shows an example ofa shear-riical, section whose centroidal principal axes x and yd not coincide with the centroidal axes x and y, that are parallel othe sides of the column. The principal axis x oF y makes an angle 0 {measured in clockwise direction) with the axis or, given by cr where J; and J5 = d multiplied by the second moments of the perimeter of the shear-crtical section about the axes. and 5, respectively (Eg, (C-4) and (C-5), substituting ¥ and } for x andy). For @ shearcritical section whose perimeter is composed of straight segments, the product of inertia is given by = DORR +A R +H — (C8) where 3 and }; are coordinates of i, and ¥ and 5, are coordinates of, with and, being the extremities of atypical aa12R-2t straight segment, whose length is. The coordinates (x,9) of any point are related to the coordinates (¥.3) by = Foos6 + sind (C9) ind + Feos0 (C-10) ©.2—Equations for yy For interior columns, the fraction +, of the unbalanced ‘moment that it transmitted by shear is defined in ACL 318-05 and in ACI 421.1R by Bq, (C-11) and (C-12). The latter source, however, also gives 4, for edge and comer columns Considering unbalanced moments M,, oF Mj, (Fig. 3.2) the equations for yy, and jy are Interior columns cy (1D) Edge columns (C13) Cy =0 when ley £02) (C-14) 142 348, Comer columns t= 04 (C15) ‘yoy = Same as for edge column (C16) APPENDIX D—DESIGN EXAMPLES D.1—General ‘The examples are worked out only in inch-pound units to ‘make it easier forthe reader; conversion factors are given in Appendix E; Example 1 is repeated in Example $ using SI units. The examples consider flat plate fora building, with ‘equal span lengths £= 20 ft (6.1 m) in two orthogonal direc tions, story height &,= 12 fe (3.66 m), and the slab thickness f= 8 in, (203 mm). The lateral-force-resisting structural system is composed of shear walls hat fimit the story drift ratio, including inelastic deformations, to DR, = 0.02. The following are design examples of the shear reinforcement required for interior, edge, and comer flat plate-column connections, for V,, combined with earthquake-factored a1 222 Column: 16:16 in (4065406 mn) 48%in.= 117 am 25.5 in (658 mm)” ‘in, (12.7 mm studs A ¥ 5) 225% in, = 67 mm, * 25.75 in (654mm) Critical section 21 Gos mm 9.4 in, (239 mm) Fig. D.1—Arrangement of SSR in interior flat plate-colum connection of Examples I and 5. ‘moment Myy (Fig. 312). Other data are concrete cover = 0.75 i. (19 mm) £7 = 4000 psi (27.6 MPa; E, = 3600 ksi (24.8 GPa): .Jy= 60 ksi (414 MPa); flexural reinforcement nominal diameter = 0.625 in, (15.9 mm); diameter of shear reinforcement = 0.50 in, (12.7 mm)s fy = 50 oF 60 ksi (345 or 414 MPa) for SSR or stirrups, respectively: and d = 8 — 0.75 ~ (0,625) = 6.625 in, (168 mm). The slab has been designed to support gravity loads using the Direct Design Method of ACI 318, and the flexural reinforcement ratios have been determined. ‘The strength reduction factor § according to ACI 318-08, Section, is 0.75. The value of the dimensionless coefficient (Cyil) is 3.85. The dead load D is 120 Ib/ft? (5.75 kN/m?) and the live load L is 50 Ih/f@ (2.39 kN/m2). Load factors as given in ACI 318-08, Section 9.2.1 are used. D.2—Example 1: Interior flat plate-column connection ‘The value of (V,)p4rz» given as follows, corresponds to the load combination that governs the design. The load factors used to calculate (V,)psuse are in accordance with ACI3IB. The values of (My)p and (iM,)z, due to nonfactored dead and live Toads, respectively, are given. The given values are (Vy)pa1se= 78 kips, (My)p = 0.0, and (M,) cross-sectional dimensions ofthe column are (Fig. D.1); the reinforcement ratios of the top and bottom flexural bars are 1.0 and 0.5%, respectively. The critical section shown in Fig. 3.2(a) has by = 90.5 in. Vo s governed by Eq, (3-3): V_ =4(90.5)(6.625) 4000 /1000 = 151.7 kips; and (V,/8V,) = 7840.75 x 151.7) = 0.69, ‘The unbalanced moment caused by seismic forces is obtained from an elastic analysis ofthe frame shown in Fig, 6.1(a). The prescribed elastic story drift 8, is given by Bq, (6-1) = DR ute _ 00212412 | Gis 385 275i, where (Cyllp) = 3.85 according to the ASCEISEL 7 (assuming thatthe lateral-force-resisting system consists of ‘ACI COMMITTEE REPORT shear walls). For the frame shown in Fig. 6.1(a), the moment of inertia ofthe slab /,= 5120 in.* This value is equal to one- hha the gross moment of inertia of an 8 in. slab that is 20 ft wide, The reduction is made to reflect some of the effects of cracking on the force distribution. The equivalent moment of inertia of the column /,¢ = 1320 in. This value is obtained according to the equivalent frame method of ACI 318 by assuming that the flexibility of the equivalent column equals the sum of the flexibility of the actual column and the torsional stip ofthe slab. In the determination ofthe equivalent ‘moment of inertia the column lengths were taken as 72 in (Fig, 6.1(@)) with 4 in. long rigid parts atthe joints and with the other ends simply supported, as shown in Fig, 6.1(¢)."The equivalent moment of inertia is computed as I. = [(KeIEK,) where Ki. and K, are end rotational stffnesses (moment pet Unit rotation) of equivalent column and the actual column, respectively ‘The unbalanced moment due to 8, obtained from elastic analysis of the frame in Fig. 6.1(2. is (Mj) = 1670 in-kip According to ACI 318-08, Section 9.2, the factored unbalanced moment is Myy= 20My)p + LOM), + LOM) D-1) M, 2(0) + 1,0(0) + 1.0(1670) = 1670 in-kip ‘The flexural strengths provided by the top and bottom flexural reinforcement, based on a stress of 1.25f, of critical section Sides BC and AD (Fig. 3.2(a), are 660 and 350 in.-kip, respectively. Thus, M,,= 660 + 350 = 1010 in.kip. For this interior conection. =04: = 1.0: andy = 04 9, (63). Ie follows thatthe upper limit of Mg, i (Eq. (6-2)) (yy gpctinis= P= = 2530 in kip Because the upper limits higher than My = 1670 inckip the flat plate-column connection shou be designed to resist V, 78 ips and Mj, = 1670 n-kip. inthis stuctr, the drift due to seismic forces dos not change V, for this interior column ‘The maximum factored shear stress due to V, and My (computed according tothe eecentrc shear stress model of {ACL 318) at the critical section at from the column face Gg. 3.26) is v, = 278 psi and (4) = 5.94 psi This values less than 6, psi therefore, traps or SSR can be sed. The SSR shown in Fig. D.1 is designed according 10 ‘ACL421.1R. For the chosen shear reinforcement, A, = 236 in.? (12 studs of diameter 1/2 in.); 5 = 4.625 in., the nominal shear strength (expressed in stress units) provided by shear reinforcement (Eq, (4-1)) is v,=[2.36(50,000)[90.5(4.625)] 282 psi, which s preate than the minimum:3.Jf7 = 190 psi ‘The distance between the column face and the outemost peripheral line of SSR is 25.75 in, which is greater than (5d = 25.2 in). The details ofthe stud arrangement shown in Fig, D.1 satistythe requirement fr he minimum amount of shear reinforcement. ACI 421.1R recommends thats, (4d: the value used in this example and Examples 2,3, and ‘SEISMIC DESIGN OF PUNCHING SHEAR REINFORCEMENT IN FLAT PLATES {625 in. The nominal shear strength v, multiplied by d should exceed v, = 278 psi. In this example 82 + 1.5./4000 = 377 psi ‘Thus, $y, = 0.75(377) = 283 psi, which is greater than 278 psi. The maximum shear stress atthe critical section at 442 from the outermost peripheral line of studs is y= 80 psi < 264077 =95 psi ‘Thus, the stud shear reinforcement and its extension (Fig. D.1) are adequate. D.3—Example 2: Edge flat plate-column connection ‘The edge flat plate-column connection in Fig. 3.2(b) is designed for DR, = 0.02 in the x-direction (same drift ratio as in Example 1), The cross-sectional dimensions of the column are ¢y = ¢, = 16 in. Fig. D.2), Ratios of top and bottom flexural reinforcements, running perpendicular tothe slab edge, are 0.6 and 0.4%, respectively. Consider Cases T and Il, which will produce extreme stresses at Side BC and at the outer extremities (Points A and D) of the shearcrtical section (Fig. 3.2(b)). For this example, the outer column face is at the slab edge. The unbalanced moments M, and Mo, about axes through the centroid of the shear-critical section at d/2 from the column face and at column's centroid are related by My=Moy+ Vso (D2) where xo = -5.22 in. = the 2-coordinate of the column's centroid, O (Fig. 3.2(b)). ‘The values of Vp, Vz. (M;)p, and (M,),, without Toad factors are: Vp = 22.6 kips; Vi = 9.4 kips; (My) = 296 in--kip; and (M,), = 123 in.-kip These moments cause tension on top of the slab. ‘The unbalanced moment caused by seismic forces is obtained from an elastic analysis of the frame shown in Fig, 6.1(b) subjected to lateral displacement in each of two directions. The prescribed elastic story drift, is #0.75 in. as forthe interior column in Example 1. Forte frame shown in Fig. 6.1(b). [,= 5120 in. and /g-= 1320 in.‘ The unbalanced ‘moment and shearing force obted from the fame analysis, considering their statical equivalents at the centroid ofthe shear-critical section (Eg, (D-2)), are (My)p= #1212 in-kip; Vp= #10.6 kis Using ACI 318 load factors, the factored unbalanced ‘moment for Case I(1.2D +1.0L + 1.0E)is (Mug case 1 = 1-226) + 1.0(123) + 1.0012 691 in.-kip ‘The factored unbalanced moment for Case I (0.9D + 1.0) is 421.2R23 CColaron Ccrieat Slab re edge 93 in Vai, Fig, D.2—Arrangement of SSR inthe edge flat plae-column connection of Example 2 (Muy)cave w= 0:90(296) + 1.0(-1212) =-946 in--kip The probable flexural strengths provided by the top and bottom flexural reinforcement of critical section Side BC (Fig, 3.200) are 417 and 285 inkip, respectively. For this edge connection, Y= 0.38 (Bg, (C-14)): = O85; and hy, 0.24 (Eq, (6-4) for negative moment of resistance, and Gy 0.21 (Eq. (6-4) for positive moment of resistance. There” fore, the upper limits of Uy! are given by (Eq (6-2)) Upper limit 1M, =417/0.24 = 1740 in--ip > 1691 in.-kip Upper limit IM,p = 285/0.21 = 1360 in.-kip > 946 in ip ‘Thus, the connection should be designed to resist: (a) Case I: = 1.2(22.6) + 1.0(9.4) + 1.0(10.6) = 47.1 ips, combined with Myy = 1691 in.-kip: and (b) Case I: Vy = 0.9(22.6) + 1.0(-10.6) = 9.7 kips, combined with Mjy = -946 inkip. ‘The perimeter of the critical section b, = 61.25 in. The parameter J, of the critical section about the centroidal prin- cipal y-axis is J, = 16,770 in.* The fraction of the unbal- anced moment transferred by vertical shear stresses is (ACI 421.1) (03) 1+ ‘The projections of the critical section on the principal axes are £,= 19.3 in, and é, = 22.6 in, and Eg. (D-3) gives yy = 0.35. The shear stress at Point A or B (Fig. 3.2(b)) is determined by M, Cc weyers) (O-4) a21.2R-24 Substitution of the values V, combined with Mf. in Cases I and IL, with d= 6.625 in., and x, =~13.2 in. oF p= 6.09 in, gives the maximum shear stresses (Cave E: (,)p= 0331 ksi = 331 psis ia =0.351 ksi= 351 psi Case Ik), “The maximum factored shear sess atthe critical section at 42 fom the column faces», = 351 ps at A oF Dig. 3.200). Case 1 (64/6) = 74 fF! psi (0.62 Jf MPa) The ratio vy ishigher than 6 ff2 psi (0.5 ff MPa): thus, tirups cannot be used, but SSR can be used. The SSR shown in Fig. Dis designed in accordance with ACI 421.1R. For the chosen shear reinforcement, A, = 1.77 in.? (nine studs): f= 50 ksi: and s = 3.25 in, The nominal shear strength (expressed in stres uit) provided by shear reinforcement (Eq. (4-1) iy = (177 x 50,000)/61.25 x 3.25) = 444 psi, This value of v, is greater than the minimum of 3/2 = 190 ps. The distance between the column fae and the outermost peripheral ne of SSR = 25.375 in, which i reater than 3.54 = 23.2 in. Thus, details of stud arrangement shown in Fig. D.2 stisty the requirement of minimum amount of shear reinforcement ‘The nominal shear strength v, mulipied by § must exceed 351 psi in this example in Up + ¥e= 444 + 1.5 /9000 = 539 psi ‘Thus, 6, = 0.75(539) = 404 psi, which is greater than 351 psi. The maximum shear stress atthe critical seetion at 4422 from the outermost peripheral line of studs (Fig. D2) ‘occurs at its Side AB in Case 1 vue TOpsi< 26,08 = 95 ps Thus, the stud shear reinforcement and its extension (Fig. D2) are adequate D.4—Example 3: Corner flat plate-column connection “The comer column-flat plate connection in Fig. 3.2() is designed assuming DR,, = 0.02 in the direction (Same DR, value as in Examples | and 2). The outer faces of the column ‘are at te slab edges. The cross-sectional dimensions of the column are c= c= 20 in. (Fig. D.3). The ratios of top and bottom flexural reinforcements in the directions ofthe edges ‘ofthe slab, are 0.6 and 0.4%, respectively. It is assumed that the geometry and the loading are the same in the % and y= Gireetions; the design is for DR, in the ¥-direction only: ‘Consider Cases I and II producing extreme shear stresses at Points B and A, respectively (Fig. 3210). ‘The perimeter of the critical section is B, = 46.625 in. The principal axes x and y, at the critical section's centroid, are at an angle 0 = 45 degrees (Fig 3.2()). The coordinates of the column's centroid are x9 = ~10.59 in, and yp = 0. The parameters J, and Jy of the critical section at di2 from column faces, determined by Eg. (C-4) and (C-5), are J, ACI COMMITTEE REPORT 25.625 in.) in. suds Column p> 20°20 in, Slab fee edge’ Jette Fig. D.3—Arrangement of SSR in the comer flat plate- column connection of Example 3. 27,960 in and Jy = 6990 in. The moments Mg and Mz about axes through O and through the centroid ofthe critical section are related by Ms= 105+ uo. where Fo column. ‘The values of Vp. Vi. (M5)p. and (Mare Vp= 12.7 kips, Vi, = 5.3 kips: (M)p = (M)p = 193 in.-kip; and (M5), = (Mg), = 80 in-kip ‘The unbalanced moment caused by seismic forces is obtained from an elastic analysis of the frame shown in Fig. 6.1(b) subjected to lateral displacement 8,.. The prescribed elastic story drift , is 20.75 in, as forthe interior column in Example I, For the, frame shown in Fig 6.100). J, = 2770 in4 and 1, = 1150 in The moment of inertia of the slab is one-half that ofa gross slab strip with a width = 10 f+ €/2= 130 in. The moment of inertia of the column is ca lated according to the equivalent frame method of ACI 318 by considering flexibility of an equivalent column combined witha torsional strip, Elastic analysis for the frame in Fig. 6.1(b) for ,=#0.75 in, ives 48 in, = ¥ coordinate of 0, the centroid of the (Of) _= 2783 inckip: (Mp = 52 in kip; (V)p= £70 kips Using the load factors of ACL 318, consider: Case E 1.2D + 1.0L + LOE} {lho = 1.2098) + 1.0(80) + 1.00783) = 1095 n-kip (Majeany = 12(193) + 1.0080) + 106-82) = 260 inkip Case I: 0.9D + 1.0B: [(asdoun = 09(198) + 1.012789) = -600 in-kip (Madea = 9(193) + L0(52) = 226 in-kip SEISMIC DESIGN OF PUNCHING SHEAR REINFORCEMENT IN FLAT PLATES In the directions ofthe principal axes Fig, .2(c), the statical equivalents to Mf; combined with M; are given by Mycos0 — M;sin@ M, = Msin® + Mycos6 958 in.-kip -271 in-kip ‘The probable flexural strengths provided by the top and bottom flexural reinforcements crossing the projection ofthe shear-ritical ection on the principal y-axis Fig. 3.2(€) are 608 and 415 in.-kip, respectively. Fortis corer connection, Yop = 027: ,= 0-5; and a,,=0.31 and 0:30 for negative and Positive moment resistances, respectively (Eq. (6-4). It follows that the upper limits of [Myy| are (Eq, (6-2)) os = 1960 in.-kip > 958 int ERS = 1960 in kip > 958 in-kip Upper limit Mysicase Upperlimit Mises = #45 = 1380 in-kip> 271 inckip Similar calculation for upper limits for My, indicates that they do not govern the design. Therefore, the connection should be designed to resist: (a) Case: V, = 1.2(12.7) + 1.0(5.3) + 1007.0) combined with My = 958 in.-kip and My and. (b) Case Ik V, ‘combined with My, 7.5 kips, 500 in.-kip 0902.7) + 1.01 0) 4 kips, 90 inkip ‘The shear stress at any point (x,y) on the shear-crtical section is 5) ‘The projections ofthe critical section onthe x-and y-axes are = 16.48 in. and 6, = 32.97 in, The fractions of unbalanced ‘moments transferred by shear are (Eq, (C-15) and (C-16)) ‘The maximum shear stress at Point A (-8.24 in,, 16.48 in, (Fig. 3.2(@)}) occurs in Case 1 Its value is 480 595) 828T 90 874) =-0352 ksi 421.2R25, The maximum shear stress at Point B (8.24 in., 0 in.) ‘occurs also in Case I. Its value is fyip= 2S, 9-890) 0) , 02671958534) 20.391 a (o> seeascemasy*zr960 (*™ gape (824) = 0391 Ks ‘The maximum factored shear sues. atte critical section at 42 from the column faces v= 391 psi at Point B Fig 3.2(¢). se 1); (rl) = 82.ff¢ psi (009.2 MPa), The SSR. shown in Fig. D3, i designed in accordance with ACI 421,1R, For the chosen shear reinforcement, Ay = 1.18 in.? (sx studs): f= 50 kis and §= 2875 in. The nominal shear strength expressed in ress units) provided by shear einforce- ment (Eq, (4-1)) is ¥,= (.18 x 50,000)146.625 x 2.875) 41 psi, which s greater than the minimum of3 ff? = 190 pi The distance between the column face and the outermost peripheral ine of SSR = 25.625 in, which is greaer than 35d = 23.2 in, Thus, dels of sul arrangement, shown in Fig. D3, satsy the requirement forthe minimum amount of shear reinforcement. ‘The nominal shear strength vq multiplied by § mustexceed »,= 391 psi In this example vet y= 441 + 1.5./000 = 536 psi ‘Thus, 6y,, = 0.75(536) = 402 psi, which is greater than ¥, = 391 psi In each of Examples 1, 2, and 3, the shear reinforcement has capacity equal to or exceeding the minimum requirement, the excess is not large enough to allow the use of fewer studs. Using the properties of the shear-critical section at d/2 from the outermost studs (Fig. D.1 to D.3), it can be verified by Eq, (D-5) that the maximum shear stress does not exceed abl =95 ps D.5—Example 4: Use of stirrups—interior flat plate-column connection Repeat the design of the interior flat plate-column connection of Example 1, with DR, = 0.005. Assume that ¢, = ¢ = 12 in, and V,, = 78 kips. The remaining data are as in Example 1 An elastic analysis of the frame in Fig. 6.1(a) for 8, = 0.005{6,/(Calfe)] = 0.19 in. gives (M,)g = 243 in-kip, using 1, = 5120 in.* and J. = 650 in. (equivalent second moment of area calculated by combining the column witha torsional strip, in accordance with ACI 318-08, Section 13.7.5) Assuming that the diameter of the stirrups is 3/8 in. and maintaining the 3/4 in. cover above the stirrups, the effective depth of the flexural reinforcement (having a diameter of 5/8 in.) is: d= 8 ~3/4 — 5/8 —3/8 = 6.25 in, The properties of the shear-critical section at d/2 from column face are: b = 73 in Jy = 25,330 in and yy = 0.4. 6, = 64. FE bal $V. = 0.751410) f 4000 (73\6.25)/1000 = 87 kips

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