Assignments 1 and 2 PK Today 2020

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Assignment 1

Urbanisation has become a major problem for most developing countries

like Pakistan. Define urbanisation. What are the major factors causing
urbanisation in Pakistan? What are the main problems caused by
urbanisation? Recommend at least two policy initiatives that will help
reduce urbanisation. (20)
500 Words

Assignment 2

The youth is a large chunk of Pakistan’s population. In detail, describe

problems of Pakistani youth. What factors are causing these problems? In
detail describe current government policies towards youth related issues.
Do you think these policies will help solve the problems you identified and
why? (20)
500 Words

Rules for both assignments

Due Date for both Assignment 1 and 2 is: 20 April 2020

Both assignments need to be typed in one single word document.

Font size: 12 Font Styles: Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial.

Please make sure your document or file is labelled with the following

Student Name <Space> Id number <space> Section <space> Assignment

1 and 2

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