MSD Supply Chain Programme Strategy Workshop

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MSD Supply Chain Programme

Strategy Workshop

Accenture Development Partnerships

Benchmarking MSD’s Current Operating Supply Chain Capability

1.0 Planning

2.0 Procurement

3.0 Delivery

4.0 Warehousing

5.0 Order

6.0 Skills and Technology

1.0 Planning
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge

Demand Planning
Sales history used with no sales force Sales history used with sales force input, Real time demand and collaboration
input, lack of tools with only judgement rudimentary tools used to calculate across teams, expert systems &
forecasting in place, unclear forecast, lack of monitoring and statistical correlations, forecasting
forecasting accountability coordination of factors impacting accountability, close monitoring of early
customer demand (i.e. budget allocation) demand signs and impacting factors.
Supply Planning Vertical Program* Normal MSD
Poorly defined supply plan created, Procurement, Logistics and Zones Integrated supply plan across company,
communicated in an ad hoc manner. work collaboratively to create a supply planning strategy segmented by products
No formal adjustment process plan. Plan updated in a systematic and customers, dynamic tools used to
available. manner. ensure continuous planning/updates.
Dealing With Uncertainty
No simulation capabilities for planning Some simulation capabilities in place The impact of demand and supply
constraints (lack of funding or restricted and what-if scenarios used in planning. uncertainty is actively managed using
supply capacity). supply chain flexibility methods (e.g.
product segmentation).
Vertical Program* Normal MSD
Planning Measurement &
Accountability Planning accuracy measured at a Planning error and bias measured and Continuous review of methods and
rudimentary level only. reported. Processes in place to act on improvement of planning processes as
results and improve process. a major focus of the organisation.
Integration for Planning Key interactive players in the supply Key players in the supply chain work Integrated planning between key
chain are viewed as separate entities collaboratively and integrated planning players who are strategically aligned
with limited interaction. seen as an essential addition to business towards the same planning objectives.
as usual.
Inventory Management
No knowledge of inventory levels Availability of consistent, accurate stock Accurate and integrated visibility into
throughout the extended supply chian. level & tracking data by a few stakeholders stock levels and inventory tracking
No access to data for tracking and throughout the supply chain. Information throughout the extended supply chain.
monitoring of products. only being used by select parties. Visibility to all stakeholders.
* - Depending on the Vertical Program, the SCPA capabilities vary. The average Vertical Program capability is documented. 40
2.0 Procurement
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge

Category Analysis and
Strategy Development Categories treated equally; regardless Clear understanding of the internal Incorporate for each category the
of criticality, complexity, or value. complexities of each category (e.g. essential internal & external
demand patterns, level of technical information and Total Cost of
complexity) and a basic understanding Ownership elements into the proper
of the external complexities (industry strategy for the category.
trends, supply base).
Supplier Assessment /
Evaluation Informal process where supplier Standard vendor comparison. Fact based vendor that utilises a
selection is primarily based on price Reduced number of suppliers selected detailed balanced scorecard that
and quality. No standard vendor by a balanced score card that captures identifies price, quality, performance
comparison. price, quality and performance. and capacity building.

Procurement Techniques
Short-term agreements with recurring Long-term agreements with a few Type of agreement depends on the
bidding processes. strategic partners. Negotiated based type of supplier and the category.
on combined, aggregate volumes.

Contract Management
Case by case approach to contracts Contract policies and procedures in Central contract repository with
where staff have limited contract place. Contract quality tracked and standard templates online. Approval
understanding. Paper-based standard evaluated. Staff fully trained in contract structure in place to manage a fair
contract templates. Limited tracking requirements. process.
and evaluation of contracts.

2.0 Procurement Continued
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge

Material Rationalisation
No cross-functional, regional or product Procurement personnel are involved in Procurement involves key suppliers on
team coordination - there is little control cross-functional product development development teams for input on
over material/SKU proliferation. teams—there are attempts at controlling alternate materials or configurations
material/SKU proliferation. and product portfolio is managed in an
effective and sustainable way.
Vendor Management
Performance is monitored on basic Performance indicators are linked to Suppliers are measured on all KPIs
terms, conditions and performance to the organisations objectives and vision required to ensure achievement of
budget. especially focusing on delivery quality, objectives including delivery accuracy,
order fulfilment (completion), timeliness information sharing, quality control,
and capacity building. innovation and problem solving, in the
context of demand planning accuracy
and capacity building.
Payment Process
All invoices are treated equally, with a Technology solution to support process Accommodate different transaction
lengthy approval process with poor enabling efficient approval process and types dependent on segmentation.
exceptions management, and untimely timely invoice payment. Flexibility to Technology used to empower end-to-
invoice payment. accommodate exceptions. end integration and streamline
Customer Service
No single point of contact for customer Single point of contact / help desk for Pro-actively share customer service
service. Ad-hoc review of customer customer queries. Formal, periodic metrics with key suppliers to drive
satisfaction. Root cause analyses only measurement of internal customer Supply Chain improvements. Root
in the case of sever under satisfaction. cause analysis routinely carried out
performance. highlighting under / over performance.

3.0 Delivery
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge


Shipment Notification
Shipment notification received once Advanced packing slip received. Advanced Shipment Notification allows
shipment arrives in port. Goods Enabling limited customs collection and for pre-receipt of products and
collection planning is reactive and all good receipt. customs collection co-ordinated with
information processed post-receipt. other shipment arrivals.
Time windows are not established at Time windows are established for in Time windows are established for in
the facilities for both inbound and and outbound. Appointment scheduling and outbound. Advanced Shipment
outbound movements. All information is done manually. Inbound shipments Notification used. Inbound shipments
processed post-receipt. are located in part number sequence. are located in part number sequence,
in pallet quantities, facilitating
receiving and put-away.

Manual paper based receiving; key-in Receipts are scanned and a record is Bar-coded labels are applied at the
of inbound receipts from receiving tally. created identifying contents. shipment origin. Statistical sampling of
Random sampling QA checking of all Exception based QA checks; random receipts are verified against the ASN.
shipments. check of loaded orders.
Fleet Management
Fleet insufficient to meet demands. Fleet sufficient to meet current demands, Sufficient fleet to meet capacity and
No visibility to where fleet are located. however capacity issues during peaks. ability to easily scale fleet up or down
No scheduled maintenance for fleet – Limited tracking on fleet (e.g. Excel based on demands. GPS tracking on
repaired based on need. spreadsheets). Maintenance repairs fleet. Preventative maintenance
completed on a timely basis. schedule in place.
Disconnected, localized transportation; Routing and dispatching is completed Connected, centralized transportation
regionally oriented decisions. using some technology and manual planning and routing.
No routing and dispatch planned. intervention.
Delivery Performance
Assessment Little information captured at the point End user monitoring process in place Systematic approach to capturing end
of delivery. and periodic feedback provided on the user feedback used for future
quality and timeliness of the deliveries. planning. 43
4.0 Warehousing
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge

General Warehouse
Products have no designated location, Some products have designated All product SKU’s have technology
no signage or proper location and racking available. enabled designated location, full
organization/racking. Labelling and FEFO used. racking, labelling, and utilize FEFO.

Cycle Counting
Infrequent, paper-based tracking Cycle counts conducted perpetually Frequent and planned cycle counts
system used to conduct ad-hoc cycle and annually with the aid of a system conducted with the usage of
counts. Some items are difficult to to keep track of what is on-hand. technology.
Pick Planning
Pick planning is based on order load or Picking is planned and matched to Orders are picked based on detailed
batch or “first come, first served” basis. available labor, shipping schedule, and planning and scheduling data.
There is some manual sorting and load planning. Orders are picked and sent to dock
consolidation of order picking tasks. according to delivery criteria, vehicle
schedule, and delivery and load

5.0 Order
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge


Order Management
Order as needed. No proactive order Simplified forecasting where product Advanced forecasting where products
management system in place. SKU’s are treated equally and ordered are purchased based on advanced
at the same level of frequency and at findings and forecasting – includes
the same amounts. seasonality, market trends, geographic
profiles, segmentation, and demand.
Order Prioritization
Orders fulfilled on a first come-first Orders fulfilled on an informal priority Orders fulfilled based on a formal
serve basis. list. allocation scheme based on urgency
and segmentation.

6.0 Skills & Technology
MSD supply chain processes mapped at the current state
Current Future

Novice Beginner Competent Proficient Advanced Leading Edge

Skills & Technology

Technology and Data
Support Planning technology is based on Planning technology is a combination of Planning technology is sophisticated
desktop applications such as MS Office ERP databases, basic Supply Chain web enabled Supply Chain Planning
(Excel, Access) or simple custom Planning tools and MS Office tools fully integrated with ERP
legacy systems. applications. transactional systems. Visibility
provided at most levels in the supply
Manage Information and
Reporting Ad-hoc approach to evaluating spend, Consistent guidelines by category to Real-time reporting. Root cause
compliance & service by category. evaluate spend, compliance & analysis – for under / over
Reports generated on an ad-hoc basis. services. Automated data integration performance.
Limited analysis of over / under between systems. Ability to
performance . manipulate category data by time
period, user, approver, supplier etc.
Performance and Skills
Management Little incentive structure or training Supply Function incentivised to Supply Function planning skills
given to Supply Function to support improve planning output. Ad Hoc assessment completed and used as
better planning processes. training provided. an input to annual training plan.
Management integrates metrics
(KPI’s) into rewards.


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