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The new UN report suggests that all countries should start to establish. proper e-waste management networks, which could both cut down on health problems ane generate employment, reduce greenhouse gos omissions and recover « wide range of vlusble substances from gold to copper. They could also do something about the problem with @ change in design. Groups such as Greenpeace have led the way in puting pressure on major manutscturing companies to find substttes forthe toxie chemicals insice hei products | @ | _|This maybe the rel way forward ‘A Encouragingly, they have had some success in forcing them to develop rnon-poisonous altematives to these Incother words, making it the duty of manufacturers of electronic goods to censure their safe disposel at the end of their Ives. ‘Compared with that, It has seemed clean and green. ‘Much ofthis, such as the plastic covering on cables, Is worth nothing at al “There, nsiead of being properly processed, Iiems are either dumped in unmanaged lanefls or broken up in unofficial recyeing facilities ~ often by cchilcren, F Add to that the vast amounts of e-waste that are stil being imported from fich countries, and you nave an enormous ¢-waste mountain in prospect, with its corresponding dangers for human health and the environment, G The other isthe hardware, whon it comes to tho end ofits natural if moo 5. Read the complete text, including the sentences you have chosen for gaps 1-6, Does it all make sense? Make sure you have chosen one letter for every question. Then check your answers. READING AND USE OF ENOLIEE. UNIT 7 6 Match the expressions from the text or sentences A-G with the words and phrases on the right with similar meanings. The paragraph number (the same as the gap number) or sentence letter is in brackets to help you. substances (1) materials (1) slobally (2) worldwide ( flow thrown away (2) reduc: stream (4) forcing (A) responsibility () poisonous (A) cut down on (6) alternatives (A) putting pressuze on (6) duty @) substitutes (6) dumped (©) toxic © enormous(#) vast (F) Find words or phrases in the text that mean the following. pieces of equipment (I) tall, hollow structures that let smoke out of a building (3) most recent and advanced equipment (3) official rule that controls something (5) using plastic, paper, ete. again (5) create (6) gas that traps heat in the atmosphere, e.g carbon dioxide (6) substances used in menufecturing (6) getting rid of something (®) dealt with (E) @reo0 oe

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