Production Document 2020

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Raniel Quingua

Prof. Shpigelman
TFM 552


Laura Daft is a treasure hunter extraordinaire. Extraordinarily clumsy. She is young and

brave, but most of all danger prone. She has been after an elusive treasure which she is now close

to getting, the Dragon’s Soul. A glass sphere said to contain the spirit of a dragon. She has

already entered the temple and must now face dangerous traps and a treasure guardian. Can she

escape with the treasure? Maybe.

Media Research

For this scene, I wanted to pay homage to the classic scene from Indiana Jones: Raiders

of the Lost Ark. It’s a well-known scene that almost everyone knows. Indiana Jones is also the

one of most recognizable icon in the adventure treasure hunter genre. I don’t it to be an exact

recreation of this scene however, I want to deviate from the scene. Firstly, my character will be a

young female, to contrast the inspiration for this scene. Secondly, I want the trap to be a temple

guardian, thought it would be more interesting. I am also drawing inspiration from video games,

and this seems like where a boss would be. Lastly, by the nature of my character, I want my

character to fail. It’s kind of sad, but also kind of funny.


Laura Daft

For my main character I want her to have a good mix between real and cartoony. I want

to grab elements from the video game character Lara Croft for her design. The graphics are

based from a game from Playstation, Megaman Legends, particularly the blocky look and the

simplistic color and shading.

Treasure Guardian

For the temple guardian, I like the idea of a possessed armor. Usually for these adventure

treasure hunts it is set in the jungle or Egypt, I wanted to deviate again and go with something

different. Something a bit more fantasy.


For the environment I want to achieve something fantasy like. I still want it to have that

treasure hunt feel by making it an abandoned castle or temple of sorts. I want it to be dark with

light breaking out of the ceiling.

Aesthetic Focus Statement

For my project, my scene will take place in only one room. My plan is to have my

character’s inexperience and clumsy nature contrast the dark setting of the room. I want to keep

things simple by having simple textures. Characters will be a little more elaborate, but my goal is

to keep things simplified in the layout and models.

Production Schedule


This has been a long and time-consuming project. It is one that I have both loved doing

and dreading this past semester. With the final product I would like to say that I enjoy it. It is not

perfect though, there is definitely more I would like to work on. If I had more time, I think I

would have conceptualized the models better. Have more planning into the characters. I also

would like to work on the sound design and pacing to make the movie flow it a little better.

Overall, I am happy that I was able to finish this project.

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