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Drupal 8 Server

Drupal runs best on a LAMP stack

PHP 7.2 or higher. PHP must be set up with a minimum memory size of 64MB; if you are
running multiple modules on your site or using memory-intensive PHP-based command-line
tools (such as Composer), considerably more memory than that may be needed.

PHP extensions
● mysql
● mysqli
● xml
● gd
● openssl
● date
● dom
● filter
● curl
● mbstring
● SimpleXML

PHP configurations
Please update the following parameter in php.ini (for cli and apache)
memory_limit ​=​ ​64M

It’s ok if not all packages are installed, the drupal installer will check and advise on missing
packages, as some of these packages might be bundled in php-common or

Web server
Apache (Recommended): v2.4
MySQL - 5.5.3 (MariaDB 5.5.20, Percona 5.5.8) or higher with an InnoDB-compatible primary
storage engine


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