Test English: (Topic: Vocabulary) - ENG01

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[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

Test Code ENG01
Topic VOCABULARY Page | 1
No. of Questions 30
Maximum Marks 30
Competitive score 24
Time allowed 18 minutes
Answers with explanations have been provided for self-evaluation.
Do send us your score after completing the test.

Each of the following items consists of a sentence followed by four words or group of
words. Select the synonym of the word (occurring in the sentence in capital letters) as per
the context.
1. The vehicle slowed down as they moved up the GRADIENT
a. road with sharp bends
b. bumpy, uneven path
c. slope or incline
d. mountainous area

2. It is DEPLORABLE that millions of people in India are below the poverty line.
a. hateful
b. regrettable
c. undesirable
d. unpleasant

3. The government should PROSCRIBE that sort of literature

a. rusticate
b. excommunicate
c. ban
d. outlaw

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
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[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

4. The volcano on the island is DORMANT.

a. cold
b. inactive
c. dangerous Page | 2
d. old

5. A person who EQUIVOCATES should not be relied upon

a. deceives other
b. tells lies
c. gives misleading statements
d. flatters

6. The newspaper reports were MENDACIOUS

a. Mischievous
b. truthful
c. provocative
d. false

7. The priest pronounced BENEDICTION.

a. good wishes
b. blessings
c. punishment
d. appreciation

8. Her habits are INNOCUOUS

a. useful
b. injurious
c. causing no harm
d. bad

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
Visit us at www.lawentrancecoaching.com for all updates and notifications.
[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

9. I INVEIGHED her for her different outlook.

a. criticised
b. rebuked
c. disliked
d. appreciated Page | 3

10. The youth was BEFOGGED when he was interrogated loudly by the police inspector.
a. terrified
b. panicky
c. surprised
d. puzzled

Each of the following items consists of a sentence followed by four words or group of
words. Select the antonym of the word (occurring in the sentence in capital letters) as per
the context.

11. A few heavenly talents DARKEN the world in each generation.

a. brighten
b. please
c. enlighten
d. glamourise

12. An ICY reception greeted the arrivals.

a. hostile
b. warm
c. pleasing
d. strange

13. The young athlete is ENERGETIC enough to run ten thousand metres at a stretch
a. inactive
b. dull
c. gloomy
d. lethargic

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
Visit us at www.lawentrancecoaching.com for all updates and notifications.
[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

14. He has a SECURE position in the entrance examination

a. rigid
b. precarious
c. static Page | 4
d. secondary

15. The accused was ACQUITTED of the charge

a. held guilty
b. betrayed
c. involved
d. offended

16. It is COMPULSORY that all members of the board be present at the meeting
a. optional
b. contrary
c. obligatory
d. conditional

17. Events ultimately led to LUGUBRIOUS ending

a. happy
b. hopeful
c. helpful
d. reassuring

18. He ACCELERATED the speed of his car.

a. retarded
b. reviewed
c. recorded
d. restored

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
Visit us at www.lawentrancecoaching.com for all updates and notifications.
[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

19. The criminal was known to the police by VARIOUS names

a. separate
b. distinct
c. identical
d. similar Page | 5

20. The police praised the METICULOUS arrangements made by the organizers to receive
the guest at the airport.
a. haphazard
b. random
c. ridiculous
d. shabby

Choose the correct option:

21. prima facie

a. Circumlocutory
b. At first sight
c. Hind sight
d. Prim and proper

22. Peculate
a. Embezzle
b. Petrify
c. Satiate
d. Signify

23. carte blanche

a. Bullock cart
b. Pencil sharpener
c. Blank paper with signature
d. Cardboard box

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
Visit us at www.lawentrancecoaching.com for all updates and notifications.
[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

24. ad nauseum
a. To induce vomiting
b. To the point of producing disgust
c. A diseased condition Page | 6
d. An elementary matter

25. tête-á-tête
a. A private interview
b. A comfortable resting place
c. A keen observation
d. A private detective

26. ad hoc
a. Fleeting
b. For a special purpose
c. An advantageous position
d. A kind gesture

27. götter dämmerund

a. Sunset and sunrise
b. Twilight of the gods
c. A Roman battle
d. A military strategy

28. cambist: Person skilled in the science of

a. Numismatics
b. Financial exchange
c. Share markets
d. Marketing strategies

29. erratum
a. An architectural mistake
b. A birth defect
c. A mistake in typing or writing
d. An error in pronunciation

30. a faux pas

b. A blunder
c. False friend
d. An uncharitable act

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
Visit us at www.lawentrancecoaching.com for all updates and notifications.
[Topic: Vocabulary] – ENG01

S.No Answer Explanation/Hints

1 c Sloping part of a road
2 b Shockingly bad
3 c Officially forbid, criticize, condemn Page | 7
4 b Alive but not growing, deep sleep
5 c Use language that can be understood in more than one way in order to avoid
6 d Un truthful
7 b A state of being blessed
8 c Not harmful or offensive
9 a Speak or write about with great hostility
10 d Confused, startled
11 a Unpleasant / Gloomy, hence its antonym is brighten
12 b Cold, hence its antonym is warm
13 d Showing great energy, hence its antonym is lethargic
14 b Safe, fixed, hence its antonym is precarious
15 a Freed, not guilty, hence its antonym is held guilty
16 a Obligatory, hence its antonym is optional
17 a Sad, hence its antonym is happy
18 a Move more quickly, hence its antonym is retarded
19 d Different from one another, hence its antonym is similar
20 a Very careful / precise, hence its antonym is haphazard
21 b At first view, on the surface
22 a Embezzle, to steal, misappropriate
23 c A white paper, blank paper containing only a signature
24 b To a sickening or disgusting degree
25 a A face to face conversation, confidential chat
26 b For this special purpose
27 b Disastrous conclusion of events
28 b A banker, a broker or money changer
29 c Corrigendum, An erratum is most commonly issued shortly after its original
text is published
30 b A faux pas. – mistake; social error

©SRIRAM LAW ACADEMY, India’s Premier Institute for Law Entrance Exam Training.
Visit us at www.lawentrancecoaching.com for all updates and notifications.

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