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56. 68. PART III — 5. CIVIL ENGINEERING A circular bar is subjected to an axial force and shear force, the difference between two principle stresses is 120 MPa. Based on maximum shear stress theory what is the factor of safety, if elastic limit of the bar is 300 MPa? 05 zi 25, 3 Beye A spherical steel pressure vessel 400 mm in diameter with’ a wall thickness of 20 mm, is coated with a brittle lacquer that cracks when strain exceeds 200 x 10-7. What internal pressure will cause the’ lacquer to develop cracks? E=200GPa, u =0.3. 1. 0.57MPa 2 1.14MPa 3. 2.28MPa 4. 4.56 MPa A cantilever beam is loaded as shown in the figure below. What is the shape of bending moment diagram for portion AB? 56. 58. sis Sos wpm pose Ansie, SCUOSUDS 9G alr gamed, Qe Pptraning smsa\sHsG Be Cuwner AsPusrerd 120 MPa crate. sein Benno advan 300 MPa -ays edror Gungy, sists poses soso, Conuminér Sig Lien ue SLs STFA wings? i 0.5 ine 2 S26 458 20 1.5 sigindr oigid 400 G8 ALi Asreim_ 9G séBemancn Gann agai SQ SSS swan Bg) YELL Osror FSG LU és Pflier wl 200 x 10g. prenGid Gung a@LEpg), aah aps ocr p55 WBNIPG sys YsAd cAifledacr 2dr gis? E = 200 GPa, ps =0.3 1, 0.57 MPa 2 1.14MPa 3, 2.28MPa 4. 4.56 MPa SCp err ur sf oderanp 9G Gsm @riseos AKC Lomengy ues Cappoudsng, caf ugé AB-ssre aimat AGL auenquLssler auyerid wings? 2kNim e, | —tesiter —_ + 1m 1. Parabolic 2. Linearly varying with maximum bending moment at B 3. Constant bending moment from A toB 4, Linearly varying with maximum bending moment at A 58 Im 1. upesenarund B96 ileus aienar sein Gpflue Gagiin® 3. A wpa B aes npr, ai@ar AGLYoOD 4. Aude oBeuce areer Qadir Gpflue Cargun® Agius Bleoauiresr Beiues AEI8 59, 60, 61. Allowable bending stress in grillage 59; beam encased in concrete is increased from that specified in code by 1. 25% 1 3—% 2 335 a) 3. 16=% 3 4, 10% ‘The degree of static indeterminacy ofa 0, pin jointed plane frame is where j - number of unknown joints r= number of unknown reactions 1, 2. °3j-2r 8. 2j-r 4, 3j-r Cement pressure grouting is suitable for 61. 1. Very fine crack 2. Weathered concrete 8. Active crack where cause of crack is known and remedial action has been taken 4. Crushed masonry AE18 54 sherap9d epPuppréssuc. Aeron stOure ALL S6ér sennPsstiuce eueerpenssay ApAararpuder GALI LES BL Veraswid seTE}s6 euiigsoudwb 1 25% 2, ade 3. 162% 4. 10% ables Gore ocror go gore scissile — eraiue — Gpyrenniier Lig gab orénugs BAe j- Gphuns — Qeramijscher creineofléicnn: 1 Qpfuns agli ellenenaafler creisenflccnes eee 2 8j-2r 3 4, Aig, W555 5DEEO B56 apse 1. Bs guainentus ified 2 slu@euisu smI_Guce sipereny 3, Afledér smyamd piles), FreoociL Ueefl— GiopQanéramiuc eBfied Barieygy 4. Oprpéstiic. Qanégi Coroner 62. 63. 64. 65. According to 18456:2000, the maximum diameter of reinforcing bars shall not exceed 1. One-fourth of total thickness of slab 2. One-sixth of total thickness of slab 8. One-eighth of total thickness of slab 4, One-tenth of total thickness of slab What is the design wind pressure if the design wind speed is 50 m/s? 1. | 1.6 kNim? 2, 1.8 kNim? 3. 4 If maximum deflection of a beam is given by, 5=KWL'/EI then what are the values of k if the beam is (a) cantilever and (b) both end fixed (udl with total load W and length = L, floxural rigidity = EI 1. 5/884, 1/884 2, 1/384, 5/384 3. 1/8, 1/384 4 1/3, 5/884 Consistency, in general, is that property ofa soil which is manifested by its resistance to 1. Impact 2 Rolling 3. Flow 4. Compaction 55 62. 63. 64, 65. 1S456:2000ér Siqtier We, Borax Gud poinQacfler ofsuLs Basie Basmoed Qa Garcin. 1. Umsg Sidr Gonéps saioahe ond uiiig ALLS 2. LMspBer Gomis pynaia gayle Bou 3. LaspBer Gumiss pynaia gaye a unig 4, ieagBen homies suinctles gener Ugg) Unig BCL anbp Gard 50 8s aad, GL ang) ougéBid aréron? 1, 1.5 kN/m? 2 1.8 kN/m? 3. 2kNim? 4, 1 kNim? AG ALL Ble oBlsule — cBlodaid S=KWLBlorengy Gan Géex1GCourennss, ALLA (21) AanQriions A Li0% odra7 Gung (24) Bo ererersie5d ApésosuLr Bloneowidd koi wey wings? (udl-e.Lenen Qung5 ues W, fend L ioipgud eueneniyy eg turd =EL ds 5/384, 1/384 2. 1/384, 5/384 3. 1/8, 1/384 4. 1/8, 0/884 presfidreoo, Gungiasns, Spscm_ apiiG ar8inns Qaiofiii@SeUUCL weerenfer Ute 1. iba 2. agpards 3. uma) 4. 588g AE18: 66. Swelling of clayey soil directly depends on. 1. Percentage of clay fraetion 2, Plasticity index of the soil 3. ‘Type of clay mineral 4, Liquid limit of the soil ‘The pressure on a phreatic surface is a Less than atmospheric pressure 2. qual to atmospheric pressure 3. Greater than atmospheric pressure 4. Not pressure related to _ atmospheric 68. A ris@ in the ground water table up to the capillary zone results in 1. a decrease in the degree of saturation 2. an increase in the effective stress a decrease in the effective stress 4. no change in the pore water pressure 69. Consolidation time 1. imereases with —_inereasing compressibility 2. increases rapidly with decreasing size of soil mass 3B. decreases with _inereasing compressibility is dependent on the magnitude of -the stress change AEI8 56 66. 67. 68. 69. Salo weiner aud Copquins Glens ung se! 1, saflosis Ienenigler apeBiid 2 weirenflcr OpAlipgdironn GSO 3. salon srgiellén aes, A. wandlen fina drone 9G finoE4 Upinen siagsiorengy 1. aucfinepssponp afl empaunersy 2 aie 15585186 aires 3. aiafl siysssens oA sifswreng) 4, ach sipssesi@ Asm iyo ug) 2160 eGeAwany ‘wana ampdener Bogen Pil ghpb cdg Mass B88) 1 Qs Ofloa ugdsrAAled Geopay 2 WWD sersciler Asif 3. Lup sersciler Genpa, 4. wnpp Beer unfit aegis eOwAememtn Comb 1. sgptigem sPafligs Gung ships 2 swan Pap sera, Gepupd Gung), GCaisions oBsféélng: 3. septige xfs Gung empapg 4. pone; wonguuin“igesr — oyotensuts Gurpisss aicnodings 72. 73. As the depth of the stress isobar inereases, the intensity of stress 1. Increases L 2. Decreases 2 3. Remains constant a. 4, Initially decreases and then 4. increases A loam is a mixture of 1. 1. gravel and sand i 2, sand and silt oH 3. sand, silt and clay 4, sand and clay 4. The value of volume compressibility is 72, not constant but varies with the thickness of the compressible layer fe level of effective areas 2. 3. co-efficient of permeability 3 4. time factor i 4. Inclination of a clay slope 73. 1. can be greater than the angle of L shearing resistance 2. cannot be greater than the angle of shearing resistance 3. cannot be greater than the angle of 3. repose 4. cannot be greater than 45 degree 4. 57 70. pasa, sroepbder yp oPalaeid Gung, senate asfla meng SPs he mpd wong) PSA Gepsg Dereni Baier Ligener tei erenLigy BlaupSlén rons srenards56) toppptd toon wand op ptb auem_a wand, cucin_ a pdt safioain wend ppb sofineir UGS Sepragooier ALY Go wns sa wpb 9g Qs CaguGb SKPSSLIULSAmRU LL OS Aér siqind LID! UBLiLysafler web Gurdieow Gene errand esrpcafl safiocir emiseSien Gamer renigs POLO dSOL Conampong AL oso Qotsrab é PDSSHSEL Goromsons AL oSsi015 QGssepqungs GAloaé Conamgog AL Seon Boss yung, 45°g AL Pawns oss equings AE18 74, Samples of high fissures soils can be obtained from 1, accessible explorations 2. open-drive sampling 8. split-spoon sampling 4. thin-walled sampling 75. Total stress method of stability analysis © may be applied to find the factor of safety in the case of a newly cut slope in 1 fissured over-consolidated saturated clay 2. non-fissured over consolidated saturated clay 3. normally consolidated \ saturated clay 4. ” Partially saturated expansive clay 76. The standard penetration test is most frequently used to measure the 1. _ shear strength of soft clays 2. Undrained strength of fissured clays relative density of granular soils 4, consistency of clay 77. Increase in permeability of a soil results due to change from 2 Large to small size particles for the same void ratio 2. High to a low viscous fluid at the same temperature 3. . Dry side of optimum to wet side in, a compacted specimen at the same porosity 4, Flocculated to dispersed structure at the same dry density AEI8 “68 14. 76. 11. 28s Garin arp hlAGsg1 Qupamd 1. sigs saws ype Bobs Qaveh ong HAused 4 UTANAWO Saad Ainéracur onAROWOS—e incor ontsenar a 3. Gerais ap 4. Blovieygsccoun Gongs pode, (pop acrug YBere Qiu Oper smiscler snd snyeaMeows sim Pus Lud GSECULeomb Ligtiusmisester 1. Gargcuypo. BAGsress0ULL, 250A Oflenar saflinsir 2 Gauqciypr BSGengse0UCL, Qp6AL. Olena saflivcisr 3. snpryamons AsreéetucL Asc @ Blow safogin 4, UGsuUns ApsA@Bloeude 2 crx, Blflasent wtb softoein Guingiains, Qsener ord, Asisy ox Opa) Gargenar UwieiOssiuGSpsi 1. Quer softincineafen pns@ audlonio 2 Garginydp eucfleon aaflindirerfes augciypr 8. wewllg Sipe weirenflén Qui itis) 4. aaffineimenflen qeieyento GANG HE THUG wrdpSened weenie Gurdon oPaMedngs 1 Cr Gaga —eldgigiang, QUA OBE APlsre ecrer gisdracr 2° gy GartusGleneuded © cumereflér ferid, enn Base (Oss fs GSAT SiyLMLWA 1 80m 2. 100m 3. 156m 4. 200m: AE18 82. In a bituminous pavement alligator cracking is mainly due to 1. _ inadequate wearing course 2. inadequate thickness of sub base course of pavement 3. use of excessive bituminous material 4, fatigue arising from repeated stress applications 83. Lag distance is the distance travelled 1. during application of brakes during PIEV time during overtaking 4. during night 84. The number of commercial vehicles passing per day to categorise it as medium traffic for Group Index method of pavement design is 1 50-200 2. 50-500 3. 300-500 4. 50-300 85. Fender is 1. a marine structure to withstand vertical forces 2. used to absorb the kinetic energy of cranes used to absorb the kinetic energy of vessels berthed against a jotty 4. used to protect trucks carrying cargo AEI8 60 82. 83. 84. 85. PosEonigs souncosiden, Gone pds arrrms yistuLe 1. Gunguoremoip Ggilioirent yee 2 pont_timenguMer, GLumguomemniys sancar sig Ble yaBldr pig inet 3. CpaasG sPsuren Possanigs Qumgsfién Lusenin@ 4 BeinGib BSairG siehaiGia seoscit Luénin@sarn ecimingib Susitey Berprig gam oer igs 1 poLeu uMdOsed — Gung LuuwsantLi@tb gai PIEV Gprg G4 LwemcinGid gam prengs Asdgesuld wamsuGid eat 4. QyAlés wurcenLiGed gamd FOLuTES amos sO GY mpd, Em prod sips Gedgid Busmung — esti Gisahiér — creimanscnsuSer SIgLIOLd, gore Cunéqainég cer a@MGLUDESE ComaiLiOid crairenfssonss 1. 50-200 2 50-500 3. 300-500 4, 50-300 BONUS smb orang) 1 Qsnigég Aossacr sissies s asm et Gioremd 2. giPscher Quiss sppea apes LUMEBarg! 3. sapgepag afiyra PpsstuOcrer siiLidsatlen Quis ope 2plese uueiGergy 4, s78Cap6) Qsmgnd oxtBsmer eréats unserer 86. 87. 88, 89. In water bound macadam roads, binding 86. material, is 1. sand 2 stone dust 3. cement 4. lime Sleeper density denotes the 87. 1. length of the rail in meters 2, number of sleepers per rail length density of sleeper 4. sleeping state of signals in fog condition ‘The shape of camber best suited for 88, cement concrete pavement is 1. Straight line 2. Parabolic 3. Elliptical 4. Combination of parabolic straight and Harbour 89, 1. isapart of port 2. contains ports 3. synonym of port 4. is used for stocking of goods Air and water are examples of 90. Ideal fluids Newtonian fluids Thixotropic fluids Dilatant fluids Beep 61 Bond GLU sL195 srenaruiier, Terao Quingér 1. wawd 2. scion Ay, 3, 4, seinenrmby ASL UMmssafiér Apgssid (LISS) Qsmané SALueMEid 1, paim_cunenplet Bow BLL Aled 2. Adit UmsEsaaher cranalios G5 paio_euror Bens BiG 3. AdtuMdr Mma Ang éaid 4. enfliee sgsenasaiicr nibs seneo.n Adkins, spate pounepig ap fa, euqaub Bats ung gp.orens 1. Gprcang 2. Upeuenaray 3. icroumerey 4. Gpit wpgnid uipauonarefler Gaiienes Blopepath 1 geopier ge U6 2. ue gieopessnar Barong HELD 3. gienpésren Gaudpng upib 4. Qureceoner LuMeiOD QE — mardati ony opm fi gduma Qadnsg asgs5m_ 1. Sito uminosisd 2. Buse nous uminorvecr 3. PCem’ Gyms urinoredr 4 oo Garant uiniuoriser AEI8 91, 92. 93. 94, Pressure at a point in a hydrostatic fluid obeys Pascal's law Archimede’s law Newton’s law Galileo's law In a sample of water an increase in pressure by 18MPa, caused 0.5% reduction in the volume. The bulk modulus of elasticity for this sample in MPa is 136) 2 360 3. 3600 4 0.36 Streamline, pathline and streakline are identical when the flow is: 1. Steady 2. Uniform 3. Unsteady 4. Neither steady nor uniform A dimensionless group formed with the variables density p, angular velocity «, viscosity and the diameter D is, 1 pay! D* 2 pwD? ly 3. poyD* 4. poy AE18 91. +92, 93, 94, BG firoflad umishér, Gq Ysrolide dro swspioreng Spscim crs AS, Spu_ dng) 1. uneivaicd 8) 2. afé AD 3. -AyCLar fis, 4. soSAGur A 96 fit onBhuBen Ugg 0.5% GeopaaLiGid Gung, issn ogg = 18 MPa Pahisdings orale, ngihSer Berend UGws Gora MPa cle Tees) 2 360 3. 3600 4 0.36 HSU UmisGd, FGrmL& CanQ, unensé Gan® wpb Fiumino Can@ srnenggiid OCr on AA Dose? 1. Bnaitiner 2. gman 8. Herouipp 4. Pmaudp a6eg Sp ALISA p, Conams DeosGarsid o, umgeo0 A wpm AL Dagar wonplscrarés Asron® 2 Garndsiulr uMonamopy Ge enug) 1. pou! D? 2 poD ly 3. pay? 4. pauD 96. 97. 98. ‘The Bernoulli equation is written with usual notation as 2424 ¥— Y 2g each of the const. In this equation terms represents 1. energy in kg.m/kg mass of fluid 2. energy in N.m/kg mass of fluid 3. energy in N.m/N weight of fluid 4. power in kW/kg mass of fluid In a steady flow of an oil in a pipe in laminar regime the shear stress is 1. constant across the pipe 2, maximum at the centre and decreases parabolically towards the sides 83. zero at the boundary and increases linearly towards the centre 4, zero at the centre and increases Tinearly towards the boundary Following is the hydraulic property of the porous medium: 1. Permeability 2. Porosity 8. Void ratio 4. Bulk density A hydraulic turbine has a discharge of 3m*/s when operating under a head of 15 m and a speed of 500 rpm. If it is to operate under 12 m of head, the rotational speed will be 600 rpm 559 rpm 447 vpm_ pepe 400 rpm. 95. 96. 97. 98. 63 Pras Fa GHiGsGarG Auten soem SYSIUOS Dg: crafide, Qasineirum yet gadaine Upanb GHUIOAIB 1. kg.m-6 a5p@ /umiuogiBer kg Bleop 2, N-m-a apne / umbg ser ke flonp 8. N-m-& apoed / umbingslen N creo 4. kW-d Opdr/ umiuoggiarke Slonp tonic etengy Quingyeurenr 8G Gypmidgyysr 2 car creinGlamien flararuen Luniiati, STDS Gp, poeG seoseurens) 1. @pmis pagaugnd omDrgy 2. cnwusfld sPaoreaid, uses BlonsiGe upesenons agai Germ sgid 3. crdeascfid sifuiorsay, Cpné8 Cpfuans Patio 4. wus8ed sunray, Cpré8 Cofuions oAsMegu orsoene Gerapacrauigser gen Yenqn om_sésslér BAlused weioy 1. Qunéteoo 2. Yemeni 3. Qaigient efidtpid 4. Ugo aig 96 fifuss spSuinergs 15 m oO wig 500 sipiflscr / PUL cep Caisssa s,pquib Bmi/s creep AaisfiCiGunéSosr soding, cae Gs spf 12 m olga Qeudur Gavsingu Spel, ipscir myped Caran Gungs 1. 600 rpm 2 559 xpm 3. 447 rpm 4, 400 rpm AEI8 99, 100. 101. 102. If two pumps identical in all respects and each capable of delivering a discharge Q against a head H are connected in series, the resulting discharge is 1. 2Q against a head of 2H 2. 2Q against a head of H 3. Qagainst a head of 2H 4, Q0% against a head of Hs A pump operating point is the intersection of 1, Pumping head-discharge curve and the system head-discharge curve 2. Pumping head-discharge curve and the efficiency curve 3. System head-discharge curve and the efficiency of curve 4. BHP line and efficiency curve By. aeration process, dissolved iron is oxidized into Ferrous oxide Ferric oxide Ferrous hydroxide Ferrie hydroxide BP ep For proper slow mixing in the flocculator of water treatment plant, the temporal ‘mean velocity gradient G needs to be of the order of 1.5 to 1087 100 to 200: 20 to 70s 250 to 350s ee yp AE18 99, 100. 101. 102. arenerig AspSanb gy tonsil a.rar Bs séfacr Q GacfiGunéhee, Hartge 80 — Ape areimoney — eaquden, Qaranigengd Qgm fe QovonésiuGdGung, sper Garching, 1 2H wt @eg2Q H wi @ag2Q 2H wl Gag Q HPS wor Qe Qs OG céBdr Aeugygd yéroh orémugs Gouppler Joo. Gar 1. erase) LG - GeuehtiGuindie, aierorauco wip Heoniny WO AaeWCunes erceraicns 2 ches wlG - GasehiGunég amaams wip ceneng Aner aumaroueny 3. remot wWiG - AeiafliGunée amma wipid . ailenens Sper eumaroueny 4. BHP GsnQ wpm Aenens ine aucaraicny snbprL Qewdd, sonmpgicror @eburerg) arang) ysACandod s1om_Apgy 1. AQuitges seo 2. Bui aes 3, A@uitigeio enn grésonero@ 4. AQUI conan yndeonr@ 2G pBerafiomdscd Plonoou5élen PromsAigyér Qrpisnar —_Guogyeuran sapaQse, anaid ent eqnefl SeoeGans aflay Ger ici oor Gara cpanpGus 1. 1.5 Beyig 1087 100 iepjigs 2005 * 20 eSleyjogy 70.5°* 250 Soe 35057 fe 108. 104. 105. 106. ‘The depression of water table in a well due to pumping will be maximum where Ris the radius of influence 1. ata distance R from the well 2. close to the well 3. ata distance R/2 from the well 4. ata distance R/3 from the well Surface loading or overflow rate of a sedimentation tank, passing a discharge and having Length = L, Depth = D, Width = B, is given by 1 QBD 2 Q/BL 3. QBD 4, QBDL For conventional activated sludge process, the F/M ratio should range between 1 01-02 2 05-10 3. 0.3-0.4 4. 0.05-0.10 A 2% solution of a sewage sample is incubated for 3 days at 27°C and the depletion of oxygen was found to be 4 mg/L, What is the BOD,@ 27°C of the sample? 200 mg/L 400 mg/L 50 mg/L, i I ah 4, 120 mg/L. 65 103. 104. 105. 106. Qeagcugennd, 2érar Hopi sper Qotrs, R oreinugy ung gynb orn oSsiAameis, 1. damiDo pg R Agrenaaa Banyo snpey — sPeut.sone Ber pse AOSD Hemp Hepsi R2 swphe Fomp Doig RIS sangsoo Q GashGuppd, L ford wdpid W. sso Qancin, cucinid Agmyidér God umn So 2005 QL AIBID sama QsrGsscUGApS 1. QBD 2 QBL 3.° QBD 4, QBD.L 2G WpYsTi AorrgELOULL esse a5 AswonsssS5, FM Adsorngy Os Dor Garcia Qepks Cousin Oid 1. 01-02 2 05-10 3. 03-04 4. 0.05-0.10 96 sabi wnAMer 2% senpeonengs QTC 3 priscr semrsenésiuiG, BsAgatier Gopun® 4° mg/L orang sem fUsuGsng raf, 27°C womg\fiuén BOD, teen? 1. 200 mg/L 2. 400 mg/L. 3. 50-me/L. 4. 120 mg/L, AE18 107. 108. 109. 110. A sample of mixed liquot was found to have suspended solids (SS) = 4500 mg/L. and after setting for 30 minutes in a 1 L. cylinder, it occupied 300 mL. The Sludge Volume Index (SVJ) is 150 67 1B 1500 eee ‘Trickling filter sizing criteria is based on Hydraulic loading Overflow rate Detention time eeEp Flow rate An industry is having two machines each will genorate 70 dB noise. If both the machines are operated simultaneously, what will be the total noise generated from the machines? 1. 704B 2. 78dB 3. 1404B 4, 4900 dB For the same solid content, if the quantity of sludge with moisture content of 98% is X, then the quantity of sludge with moisture content of 96% will be Lx 2, Ke ce 4: “2K. AE18 66 107. 108. 109. 110. 0G smssLULL aug fin won ued 4500 mg/L, arcngy sroreSied Gsmitiscd Actromsdr sramsUGAenpen. 30 /HHLsuscr Spugs@se Ger, gq IL eqoanded Qa 300 Bios oOs5s GancrAarner, cal snéson ugns GOO orang 1. | 150 ac Sons) 4. 1500 mL AsO slqscyder siaray Pircomdsse Oper iq Luen We sowpgicrergs 1. fflud ie5Goupmid 2. Biumbsay oS 3. Gpés enaid 4. umisoy ofgub 2G Apmpbsnane, 70dB @enybscom TPUG EEK DH oPPriuseerd AsneinGerergy Od Quéaiucine, op Ariuscheysg) QarehCusmnd 9.0 Gongs Gengaed 1 70 dB 2. 73: dB 3. 140 dB 4. 4900 4B @Gr Pemo sores, 98% mituségicr agus Capper sora, X craflés, 96% FrOLILigS BIL er eaigus Caplan syora4 LWA 2 x2 ae Ex a 2X 111. Cyclone separator is used to‘remove 111. Gprash AGM aeg Qadep fas uweriGépg) 1. Methane 1. BpCgen 2 Carbon dioxide 2. sitchen —qysenenG 3. Sulphur dioxide 3. sacuii-ooL—gyseneo0) 4. Particulate matters 4. gscinots QungLadr 112. In plane tables surveying, the accessory 112. serCwes sereAuidd, QasAenor ees used for sighting the target is LuUsei@td grenemrés eye 1. Alidade 1. GpiGsm.Os sm Aéweod 2. Plumbing fork 2. Gpid@sgid sone 3. Trough compass 3. @Plaj saigmund 4. Sextant 4, goréGenem nore 113. The telescope tube and vertical spindle 113. QS AsreooCprsA Spad, Asuess are cast together in B19 oes génpra cniéscuAnpen L Dumpy level 1. wt Lined 2. Y-level 2 YooLub 3. Tilting level 3. sflay ti 4. Auto-level 4. sérafluiés ot Lib 114. ‘The formula which calculates the volume 114, wenGamandér ugiomen giaveDunons of earth work accurately is saméAlL 2 gould @BSnid 1. Johnson's formula 1. guensdr 6g md 2. Kirchoff's formula 2 ANbantse. Gnd 3. Trapezoidal formula BR aflam @ Ab 4, Prismoidal formula 4 utis@ sand 115. The main principle of surveying is to 115, orefucld qpadu Gantun@ renig) work Gana Qaiiseugs 1. from part to the whole 1. UpALIAe ps apepennsis, 2. from whole to the part “2. pypmmuid ops uEsEG 3. from higher level to the lower level 3. Coal AAS og spor side 4. from lower level to higher level 4, Spor gD Gps Codw i sspe 67 AE18 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. In theodolites, parallax can be removed by 1. Refoousing the objective eyepiece and 2. Refocusing the eyepiece 3. Refocusing only the eyepiece 4. Focussing objective lens 30 m metric chain is found to be 10 em too short throughout a measurement, If the distance measured is recorded as 300 m, what is the actual distance? 1. 300.1 m 2 301.0m* 3. 299.0 m 4. 310.0m Closed contours of decreasing values towards their centre, represent 1. abil 2, adepression 3. asaddle or pass 4, ariver bed Profile leveling is usually done for determining 1, contours of an area 2. capacity of a reservoir 3. elevations along a straight line 4. ~ boundaries of property If whole circle bearing of a line is 120°, its reduced bearing is 1. $205 2 S$ 60°E 3. 4. AEI8: 68 116. #pHGsmremr AgnonerGpresussrefludie, Quon soa Qaudpne Séaombd 1. sdnarge Adee ogo Qungenag Aadoa ob op GeAlisa yard 2 seinem GEG adorosous wy GeALusslen wa 3. scrange Admasu wi Gd wp @sAiuisles epsrtd 4, GungmgG Bdmacu gtiiser wa OG HoreHollenr Gung, 30 m Gioc.Aé sisHuMen Band 10 cm Gerpains o-crargy cor PWOUOS og. —_ Deer Sunred SSS G 300 m cra uPlay Gaius smysslen, 18d gay 1. 300.1m 2. 801.0m 3. 299.0m 4 310.0m @ougses Cpréd, Gapbs wALYseror Pool (pq sincrsenech GAILLG) 1 gGvm@ 2 pmpBob 3. needgad 4. e@ptuGes ype G weLioésé, Gurgians Glan PiemBée aiuicuGApg 1. @@ uplnier swerve scr 2. a@ CadssBler diner 3. GpiGam“ yer Boner orhpiiedr 4. Qanjsplér erévencoscr OG, SpiGamger anqgaig smiié 120° craflé, GSHLULLS smd orci) 1. $205 2. $60°E 3. N120°E 4. N60°E

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