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Events Timeline and Initial Requirements

June 4th is Drop Off-Pick Up Day!

Seniors drop off all items owed to the school and pick up personal items left in lockers and
essential items for graduation as well as their school records. Pleasant surprises are included.
Requirements: Event begins at 10:00am. Event ends at 2:00pm. Seniors must enter through
the auditorium doors only. All seniors must wear a face mask at all times. Strict social
distancing of at least 6 feet will be enforced. No gatherings will be permitted. No person to
person touching of any kind will be allowed. No food or beverages of any kind may enter the
building. Bathrooms will not be available and will be closed and locked. Seniors must drop off
everything they owe the school including textbooks, library books, all electronic gear like
chromebooks and chargers, return any sports or band items, and pay any fees owed. A list has
gone out to every senior who owes items. Separate tables will be set up for each type of item.
After turning in items, seniors who still have items in lockers may get them. Again, strict social
distancing will be enforced.
After retrieving personal items, seniors will head to the cafeteria to receive their cap and gown,
yearbook, school academic and medical records, as well as some surprise gifts. All seniors will
then exit through an open cafeteria door that is designated as the sole exit from the building.
June 5th is a Celebratory Parade for the Class of 2020!
June 5, 2020 has been declared Maynard High School Class of 2020 Day by the Maynard Board
of Selectmen. This was the original graduation date for the Class of 2020.
To help celebrate this day, a parade will be held. The parade will begin at Maynard High School
and then process through the town.
Senior parades are now expressly permissible under the state guidance issued last Thursday so
long as certain limits are followed.
Requirements: Each Senior will be allowed one car for the parade. People living in the
senior’s home such as family members may accompany each senior in that one car if desired.
Students are invited to decorate their cars to add to the fun. Cars will line up from the circular
drive at Maynard High School back toward the Fowler and Green Meadow schools starting at
1:45. No exiting of cars is permissible. No socializing or gathering outside of cars is
permissible. The school buildings will be locked and no bathrooms will be available. The
parade will commence promptly at 2:05pm, the traditional end of the school day, and will be led
by the Maynard Police.
June 11th is our Virtual Senior Awards Night!
Each year, a few days before graduation, we celebrate the many achievements of our
matriculating seniors with the awarding of certificates, plaques, trophies and scholarships. This
year, we will do so virtually through a video presentation being prepared by staff members on
behalf of our graduates. The video will become available at 6:00pm and a link will be sent out
prior to that date. It would be great if all of our seniors and their families tuned in at the same
time to celebrate the successes of the Class of 2020. Please join us!
June 13th is the Awarding of Diplomas!
Prior to July 19th the state allows diplomas to be awarded either through a virtual ceremony or
through a rolling, “Drive Up” ceremony. We have opted to award diplomas using the drive up
Requirements: Starting at 9:00am groups of 30 graduates will arrive in cars on June 13th with
as many guests as can fit in the car. The precise groupings will be emailed out in the coming
days. These groups will line up and then one by one vehicles will pull up to the main entrance
area of Maynard High School in the circular driveway. Mr. Caragianes will lay out a diploma
on a table and back away to at least 6 feet away. The graduate, in cap and gown, and two guests
from the vehicle will step out and collect the diploma. A professional photographer will capture
the moment for later free distribution to families. WAVM will have a digital video camera
capturing the event for use as part of a later graduation video. Mr. Caragianes and any other staff
assisting with diplomas will be masked and maintain strict social distancing. They will sanitize
between each vehicle. Graduates and their two chosen guests may unmask briefly for the photo
and then immediately get back into their car and make way for the next graduate.
Please note, this is the absolute limit of what is permissible under the current and latest state
guidelines as reviewed by our school nurses and after further consultation with the state
Department of Public Health.
July 24th is an “In Person” Graduation Celebration at Alumni Field!
After July 18th the state is permitting an in person graduation celebration under extremely
constrained conditions which will be listed below. It is an opportunity for the class of 2020 to
gather to the extent possible under the regulations. Our ceremony is scheduled for 6:30pm to
avoid the sun and heat possible in late July. The Rain date will be July 26th at 6:30pm.
Tickets will be required of guests to enter Alumni Field for the Ceremony.

If the state notes increase in COVID 19 cases statewide or locally as those dates approach,
they have informed schools they reserve the right to rescind permission for graduation
ceremonies at any time.
Conditions and requirements:
 All ceremonies held after July 18th must be held in an unconfined outdoor space capable
of accommodating full social distancing of all. Tents and enclosed spaces are not
 No school personnel, graduates, family member or other individuals may attend
graduation if they are feeling sick, or are exhibiting any of the following symptoms
including fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or
new loss of taste or smell or have potentially been exposed to someone with confirmed
or suspected COVID 19. A potential exposure means having household contact or
having close contact, within 6 feet, with an individual with confirmed or suspected
COVID 19 for a prolonged period of time (over 15 minutes) while the person is
symptomatic or 48 hours before symptoms have developed.
 People 65 years of age or older, people under 5 years of age, or people with underlying
health conditions are urged not to attend the ceremony.
 Attendance is limited to graduates and 2 immediate family members. Family members
may sit together separated by at least 6 feet from other guests.
 Graduates must be seated at least 6 feet apart from one another.
 Social distancing must be maintained entering and exiting the venue.
 Graduates must be separated by 6 feet in any entrance line.
 Staff and/or signage will provide additional guidance to maintain social distancing
entering, being seated, and leaving the field.
AFTER THE CEREMONY. The only exceptions will be for persons with a
documented medical condition that prevents wearing a mask, children between 2 and 5
at the discretion of a parent, and speakers during the actual delivery of their remarks.
 The venue will be cleaned and sanitized.
 Alcohol based hand sanitizer will be available at entrances and exits.
 At the graduation platform or dais all distinguished faculty or guests must be separated by
at least 6 feet.
 No communal gathering or reception is permitted either before or after graduation.
 Graduates may approach a table to collect a certificate or award and turn their tassel.
 Diplomas or awards may be laid upon a table for graduates to pick up. They may not be
handed to graduates.
 No hugging or handshaking is permitted.
 Individuals must promptly depart the area in an orderly fashion after the ceremony is over
following the direction of school or designated officials.

All the conditions listed above come directly from the desk of Jeffrey Riley the Commissioner of
the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and must be followed. Please do not
place us in the position of denying you entry if you cannot follow these conditions.
Please note, in the event the state cancels all ceremonies due to increasing COVID 19 cases
statewide or locally a Virtual Graduation Video will be shared. In the event weather conditions
cause cancellation of both the primary and rain dates a Virtual Graduation Video will be shared
and no further attempts at an in person ceremony will be made.
The Virtual Graduation Video will be shared even if the ceremony is held as a lasting
remembrance of the day.
In closing, great efforts have been undertaken to bring about the series of events listed above
while maintaining compliance with state guidelines. Many people wanted to hold a celebratory
parade. We will accomplish that on June 5th now that such parades are once again permitted.
Students and families wanted the ability to have a photograph available of graduates, in caps and
gowns, receiving their diploma. We will accomplish that on June 13th. Students and parents
wanted an in-person ceremony and we will attempt to accomplish that on July 24th weather and
public health permitting.
What we could not do is meet all of these desires on a single day, by conventional means, or
precisely as we would have desired. All of our plans will be backed up by a video presentation
in case we cannot hold a ceremony due to events beyond our control.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Best wishes and best regards to you all,
Chuck Caragianes
Maynard High School
Principal of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment

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