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Wat. Res. Vol. 35, No. 2, pp.

496–500, 2001
# 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Printed in Great Britain
PII: S0043-1354(00)00279-7 0043-1354/00/$ - see front matter


Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Nagatsuta,
Midori-ku, Yokohama 226-8502, Japan

(First received 27 August 1999; accepted in revised form 12 May 2000)

Abstract}We have proposed a new recovery system of hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) that is of great
toxicity utilizing condensed-tannin gels derived from a natural polymer with many polyhydroxyphenyl
groups. The adsorption mechanism of Cr(VI) to the tannin molecules was clarified. The adsorption
mechanism consists of four reaction steps; the esterification of chromate with tannin molecules, the
reduction of Cr(VI) to trivalent chromium Cr(III), the formation of carboxyl group by the oxidation of
tannin molecules and the ion exchange of the reduced Cr(III) with the carboxyl and hydroxyl groups. It
was found in this recovery system that a large amount of proton was consumed accompanied with the
reduction of Cr(VI) so that the acidic solution containing Cr(VI) was transferred automatically to neutral
one by choosing an appropriate initial pH. The carboxyl group which was created by the oxidation of
tannin molecules parallel to the reduction of Cr(VI) to Cr(III) contributed to an increase in the ion-
exchange sites of the reduced Cr(III). The maximum adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) reached 287 mg Cr/g
dry tannin gel under the conditions of 0.77 water content of tannin gel and the initial pH=2. This
adsorption capacity was five to ten times higher than that obtained by the ion exchange between ordinary
Cr(III) and tannin molecules for the tannin gels prepared under similar conditions. The system proposed
here will provide an important information on a zero-emission-oriented process because it has such
advantages as higher adsorption capacity of chromium and lower volume of secondary wastes compared
with conventional process. # 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Key words}tannin, gel, hexavalent chromium, removal, redox, chromium, plant biomass

INTRODUCTION mium, neutralization of acidic solution and precipi-

Higher than allowable concentration of chromium tation, and instability of ion exchange membrane due
have been detected in ground soil and ground water. to powerful oxidation of hexavalent chromium.
Chromium usually exists in both trivalent and Thus, there is a need for the development of low
hexavalent forms in aqueous systems. The hexavalent cost, easily available materials that can remove and
form of chromium is of particular concern because of recover hexavalent chromium economically.
its great toxicity. It is known to be carcinogenic and We have proposed a new recovery system of
mutagenic to living organisms. hexavalent chromium utilizing condensed-tannin gel
The water treatments containing chromium which derived from a natural polymer. Tannins are usually
is used in a variety of industrial applications, such as extracted from leaves or cortexes in a variety of plants.
electroplating, textile dying and metal finishing The tannin compounds containing a poly-hydroxy-
industries, have been widely investigated from the phenyl group have a high affinity for heavy metal ions
standpoint of environmental conservation. The con- such as Cadmium, Cobalt, Chromium and Uranium
ventional process used to remove hexavalent chro- (Sakaguchi and Nakajima, 1987; Yamaguchi et al.,
mium is either its precipitation as chromium 1992; Sharma and Forster, 1993; Nakano et al., 1997).
hydroxide (Argo and Culp, 1972) or ion exchange The objective of the present investigation is to
(Costa et al., 1998). These processes are not understand the mechanisms that govern hexavalent
completely satisfactory and have several disadvan- chromium removal by the condensed-tannin gel and
tages; generation of large amount of secondary waste develop a recovery process of hexavalent chromium
products due to various reagents used in a series of based on a zero-emission-oriented concept.
treatments such as reduction of hexavalent chro-

*Author to whom all correspondence should be addressed. Preparation of tannin gel

Tel.: +81-45-924-5432; fax: +81-45-924-5441; e-mail: Mimosa tannin (condensed-type tannin) was used as a starting material. It was dissolved in 24.6 ml of alkaline

Adsorption mechanism of hexavalent chromium 497

Table 1. Compositions and water contents of tannin gel particles

Sample Amount of tannin (monomer) Amount of formaldehye Water content in wet basis (%)
(37 wt% solution crosslinker) (ml)

A 16.8 2.4 66.1

B 14.0 2.4 71.9
C 11.2 2.4 75.4
D 8.4 2.4 77.0

solution which was prepared by adding 1.8 ml of 6.25 N

NaOH into distilled water and then immobilized by the
reaction with formaldehyde (cross-linking agent). After
polymerization at 353 K for 12 h, the tannin gel obtained
was ground to small particles of 125 to 250 mm in diameter
and then, the gel particles were immersed in distilled water
to wash away unreacted substances. Finally, they were
employed as the materials to remove hexavalent chromium
in acidic solutions. The water content of tannin gel particles
was controlled by varying the ratio of the amount of
Mimosa tannin (monomer) to formaldehyde (cross-linking
agent). The difference in structure of the tannin gel particles
was represented by the water content of the tannin gel
particles. Table 1 shows the compositions and water
contents (wet basis) of the tannin gel particles.

Experimental procedure of Cr(VI) removal

The experiments of adsorption of chromium on tannin Fig. 1. Time-varation of concentration of toal Cr, Cr(VI)
gel were carried out by introducing a mass of 2.5 g (wet and Cr(III).
basis) of the tannin gel particles into 100 ml of acidic
solution containing hexavalent chromium, Cr(VI). The
acidic solution was fully mixed in the batch reactor using tannin gel particles. A mass of 2.5 g (wet basis) of
a magnetic stirrer under a constant temperature (303 K). tannin gel particles and 100 ml of acidic solution
After the tannin gel particles were introduced into the batch
reactor, a small amount of solution was taken out through containing 1022 ppm of Cr(VI) were brought into
the millipore filter at a time interval. The sample solutions contact in the batch reactor. The initial pH of acidic
were analyzed for hexavalent and total chromium. Hex- solution was set at pH=1 to elute chromium from
avalent chromium, Cr(VI) was detected by Diphenyl the tannin gel particles and identify the form of
Carbazide Method (Nihon Kikaku Kyokai, 1994). 1,5-
diphenyl carbazide forms a pink complex in the presence of chromium at 303 K. As shown in Fig. 1, the
Cr(VI) ions in acidic solutions. The concentration of Cr(VI) concentration of Cr(VI) started to decrease rapidly
was calculated from absorbance at 542 nm using UV and Cr(VI) almost disappeared in the acidic solution
spectrophotometer (U-2000A, Hitachi Co. Ltd.). Total after 20 min. Instead of Cr(VI), Cr(III) appeared in
chromium, Cr(VI) and Cr(III) was determined by Inductiv- the acidic solution. This reveals that the reduction of
ity Coupled Plasma Spectrometer (ICPS, SPA 4000, Seiko
Electric Co. Ltd.). The difference in concentrations between Cr(VI) into Cr(III) could occur during adsorption of
the total and hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) was taken as the Cr(VI) on network of the tannin gel particles. Figure
concentration of trivalent chromium, Cr(III). The pH in 2 shows the IR spectra of the virgin tannin gel
solutions was also monitored continuously all through the particles and the tannin gel particles contacted with
The experiments of adsorption equilibrium of chromium
the acidic Cr(VI) solution during 3, 10 and 30 min.
were conducted to determine adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) The characteristic broad peak existed in the vicinity
under a given set of conditions. Tannin gel particles (0.2–2 g of 3350 cm ÿ 1 arising from water molecules hydro-
in wet basis) were in contact with 40 ml of the acidic solution gen-bonded with –OH groups in the virgin tannin gel
containing hexavalent chromium. When the tannin gel particles. The broad peak disappeared with the elapse
particles and the solution reached equilibrium, the particles
were separated from the solution by filtration and the of time and a new peak appeared near 2900 cm ÿ 1.
adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) per gram of dry tannin gel This peak was confirmed to be derived from
particles was evaluated for each tannin gels consisting of coordination of the water molecules around Cr(III)
different water contents. elements. In addition, the pronounced peak appeared
The elution of chromium adsorbed on the tannin gel
particles was further carried out under 1 M HCl solution or
due to –C=O group at 1720 cm ÿ 1. This shows that
distilled water to confirm the states of chromium inside the carbonic acid and ketone groups were created by
tannin gel particles. powerful oxidation of hexavalent chromium that
took place parallel to the reduction of hexavalent
chromium into trivalent one within the tannin gel
A batch experiment was conducted to understand The effect of pH on the removal of Cr(VI) was
the mechanisms of the removal of Cr(VI) by the investigated by varying initial pH to understand the
498 Yoshio Nakano et al.

Table 2. Alternations in pH during the removal of Cr(VI) under

different initial pH

Sample Gel particles Initial pH Final pH

solution (g/ml)

0.85 1.1
2.0 7.2
B 0.5/40 2.9 8.0
4.2 8.0
5.0 8.0

The tannin gel particles in equilibrium with the

acidic solution of Cr(VI) were transferred into 1 M
HCl solution or distilled water to elute chromium
from them. Table 3 shows elution properties of
chromium under 1 M HCl solution or distilled water.
About 70% of chromium was extracted with 1 M
HCl eluent and all of them was trivalent chromium
Fig. 2. IR Spectra of virgin tannin gel and tannin gels produced by reduction of hexavalent one, Cr(VI). On
contacted with acidic solution containing Cr(VI) for 3, 10 the other hand, a very small amount of hexavalent
and 30 min.
chromium that remained unreacted within the space
of tannin gel network was eluted with distilled water.
Figure 4 shows the IR spectra of the tannin gel
particles collected before and after extraction of
chromium by 1 M HCl. Before extraction, a peak
existed due to the coordination of the water
molecules around Cr(III) elements in the vicinity of
2900 cm ÿ 1. After extraction, a peak appeared near
3350 cm ÿ 1 instead of it and this peak was confirmed
to be derived from water molecules hydrogen-bonded
with –OH groups. These results show that the
reduced Cr(III) can be adsorbed on the sites of –
OH and/or –COOH within the gel particles by ion
exchange mechanism.
Figure 5 shows the relationship between adsorp-
tion capacity of chromium and initial pH in the
acidic solution for the tannin gel particles having
various water contents of 66–77% whose composi-
tions are tabulated in Table 1. The highest adsorption
capacity of 287 mg Cr/g dry tannin gel particles
existed at the initial pH=2, even if the water content
Fig. 3. Time-varation of concentration of Cr(VI) in acidic of tannin gel particles altered. When the reaction
solution after pH in the solution is adjusted. between the tannin gel particles and the acidic Cr(VI)
solution started under the initial pH higher than
pH=2, the reduced Cr(III) could not be eluted from
reduction process of Cr(VI) into Cr(III) within the the tannin gel particles. From results of Figs 1, 3 and
tannin gel particles. Figure 3 demonstrates that the 5, we can conclude that the adsorption capacity
conversion of Cr(VI) depends on the pH remarkably. lowered due to the elution of chromium at the initial
When the reaction between tannin gel particles and pH below 2 and due to an insufficiency of proton
the acidic Cr(VI) solution started under the initial supply at the initial pH above 2.
pH=4.1, the reaction proceeded to attain equili- The adsorption capacities of Cr(III) formed
brium at pH 7.9. When subsequent addition of 0.1 M through the reduction of Cr(VI) are compared with
HNO3 was carried out to adjust the pH to 2.0, the those of ordinary Cr(III), as shown in Table 4. The
reaction proceeded further until the pH reached 7.2. adsorption capacity of reduced Cr(III) was five to ten
Table 2 shows the alterations in pH accompanied times higher than that of Cr(III) for the same water
with the conversion of Cr(VI). From the above contents. This is one of the strongest pieces of
results, it was found that the removal of Cr(VI) evidence in supporting that the formation of carboxyl
followed by the reduction of Cr(VI) into Cr(III) groups etc. through the oxidation of tannin mole-
requires a large amount of proton in the acidic cules yields the new ion-exchange sites of the reduced
solution. Cr(III) and acts effectively to increase the adsorption
Adsorption mechanism of hexavalent chromium 499

Table 3. Elution properties of chromium under 1 M HCl solution and distilled water

Eluant Elution time (h) Concentration of chromium (mg/l)

Total Cr Cr(VI) Cr(III)

1 M HCl 8 255 0 255

30 380 0 380
8 6.6 5.9 0.7
Distilled water 30 8.1 8.1 2.2

Table 4. Adsorption capacity of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) for tannin gel

particles of different water content

Element Water content (%) Adsorption capacity

(mg Cr/g dry tannin)

Cr(VI) 66.1 192

71.9 224
75.4 235
77.0 287
Cr(III) 66.1 19.8
71.9 27.9
75.4 38.0
77.0 50.0

Fig. 4. IR spectra of the tannin gel particles befor

(adsorption state) and after (desorption state) extraction
of Cr(VI) by 1 M HCl.

Fig. 6. Mechanism of removal of Cr(VI) bu tannin gel


Fig. 5. Effect of initial pH on the adsorption capacity of

Cr(VI). The signs of (A)–(D) in the figure correspond to such as an activated carbon (Huang and Wu, 1977)
those shown in Table 1. and ion exchange resin (about 50 mg Cr/g dry resin).
Figure 6 is a schematic diagram showing the
removal of Cr(VI) within the tannin gel particles
capacity. The maximum adsorption capacity of which can be presumed from the above results. The
chromium was 287 mg Cr/g dry tannin gel particles removal mechanism consists of four steps, the
for the tannin gel particles having high water content esterification of chromate with tannin molecules,
of 77%. This adsorption capacity was found to be the reduction of Cr(VI) into Cr(III), the formation of
very high compared with adsorbents commonly used carboxyl group by the oxidation of tannin molecules
500 Yoshio Nakano et al.

and the ion exchange of Cr(III) with hydroxyl and/or particles. The adsorption capacity of chromium was
carboxyl groups created in tannin gel particles. In affected strongly by the concentration of proton (pH)
this reaction process, it is very important to supply a in the acidic solution containing the hexavalent
large amount of proton for promoting the reduction chromium Cr(VI). The adsorption capacity lowered
of Cr(VI) into Cr(III). This shows that the pH in the remarkably due to the elution of the reduced Cr(III)
acidic solution can be increased to produce neutral below pH=2 and due to an insufficiency of proton
solution through the adjustments of the amount of supply above pH=2. The maximum adsorption
tannin gel particles and the volume of acidic solution capacity, 287 mg Cr/g dry tannin gel, existed at the
having an appropriate pH for the concentration of initial pH=2. Increase of the adsorption capacity of
Cr(VI). From the above results, we can design a hexavalent chromium resulted in the formation of
recovery system of Cr(VI) which consists of four carboxyl groups by the oxidation of tannin molecules
units; adjustment of pH (pH=2) in the waste liquid which yielded a large amount of ion-exchange sites of
containing Cr(VI), reaction between the tannin gel the reduced Cr(III). It was shown that the acidic
particles and the acidic solution, separation of the solution was able to be improved into neutral one,
tannin gel particles adsorbing the reduced Cr(III) and and hexavalent chromium in the acidic solution was
disposal of the tannin used as well as recovery of reduced completely into trivalent one and fixed inside
Cr(III) from the tannin gel particles through their the tannin gel by adjusting the amount of tannin gel,
decomposition by combustion or biodegradation. the volume of acidic solution containing Cr(VI) and
The waste reduction capabilities of this system initial pH in the solution. This recovery system of
were compared with a conventional chromium Cr(VI) would be very useful to develop a zero-
removal system consisting of the reduction of Cr(VI) emission-oriented process.
to Cr(III), the neutralization of acidic solution and
precipitation. In the system proposed herein, a small
amount of H2SO4 is used to adjust the waste water
pH to 2. The tannin gel particles containing the
reduced Cr(III) are decomposed to recover the Argo D. G. and Culp C. L. (1972) Heavy metal removal.
chromium by their decomposition. It is necessary to Wastewater Treatment Processes Water and Sewage
Works 119, 62–65.
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more in order to reduce the amount of tannin gel Transport of trivalent and hexavalent chromium through
particles used. different ion-selective membranes in acidic aqueous
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secondary waste products are generated in the forms
(1992) Adsorption mechanism of heavy-metal ion by
such as Cr(OH)3 (sludge) and Na2SO4  CaSO4 microspherical tannin resin. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 45,
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monly used. Sharma D. C. and Forster C. F. (1993) Removal of
hexavalent chromium using sphagnum moss peat. Water
Res. 27, 1201–1208.
CONCLUSION Nakano Y., Takeshita K., Tsutsumi T. and Nakamura Y.
(1997) Adsorption of Cr(VI) by condensed-tannin gel.
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Q-217, 229.
clarified. It consists of four steps: the esterification of Sakaguchi T. and Nakajima A. (1987) Recovery of uranium
chromate with the tannin molecules in the presence of from seawater by immobilized tannin. Sep. Sci. Tech. 22,
proton, the reduction of Cr(VI) into trivalent 1609–1623.
chromium Cr(III), the formation of carboxyl group Nihon Kikaku Kyokai (1994) JIS Handbook 10. pp.
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by the oxidation of tannin molecules and the ion Huang C. P. and Wu M. H. (1977) The removal of
exchange of reduced Cr(III) with hydroxyl and/or chromium from dilute aqueous solutions by activated
carboxyl groups created in the condensed tannin gel carbon. Water Res. 11, 673–679.

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