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Terrestrial or Extraterrestrial?
Have you ever seen a UFO? Have you ever heard about this subject? Or even
better, have you ever been on a UFO? True or not, this topic has always
created a lot of interest among the human population, it has been the central
focus of research, debates, talks, and dedication by some who try to show the
world that we are not alone; while the other part of humanity ignores this
"truth" through two strategies: rejecting or ignoring it.
Some declare that UFOs are a real phenomenon, which can be seen at any
time, in any place or situation. These people try to corroborate their hypothesis
through videos, photographs, documentaries, expeditions, testimonies,
interviews, etc. This is the case of Giorgio Tsoukalos, ufologist, writer and
author of Legendary Times Magazine, who has focused his career on the
relationship that human beings have had contact with extraterrestrial beings
since time immemorial. He affirms that when it is spoken in ancient times that
the gods descended on their "big floats” golden and illuminated to make
contact with us, it was a metaphor of the previous civilizations to refer to
extraterrestrial or celestial beings that came down to earth on a
spaceship. Likewise, his participation in the Ancestral Aliens program, along
with other ufologists and writers colleagues such as David Childress, shows
viewers unusual things in cultures thousands of years ago around all over the
world, where it is spoken about gods with powers magical or superior known
at back in that time and even today.
Connecting the past with the present, the group also carry out
investigations about recent incidents such as abductions, in which one or more
people are mysteriously and suddenly transported to what appears to be inside
of a spaceship where, as the witnesses have said, they manage to see beings
that do not belong to the earth, doing experiments with them.
On the other hand, we have sightings. It is said that they can happen at any
time, in any place, to any person, even when there is a crowd of people in one
place. However, it is also said that only one sighting of a UFO can be seen
from several points at the same time, no matter how far is point A from point
B. Sometimes, sightings lead to abductions, sometimes not. Also, very strange
things can happen during a sighting, as it is in many cases, in which any
electronic device or guidance instrument stop working suddenly for a certain
time, normally what the sightings last.
Finally, there are the so-called "crop circles." These strange figures are one of
the most common and inexplicable mysteries in the history of the UFO
phenomenon. Thousands of figures have been carefully designed over the
years in large harvest fields around the world. Great analysts and investigators
have compared these circles with human things or even our solar system, for
example, the logo of a company, the remains of a nuclear accident or the line-
up of the planets, and the similarities are alarming. It should be noted that crop
circles are believed to predict large events before they actually happen, such
as large nuclear catastrophes, which would have been previously emitted in a
crop circle, according to the researchers.
There are also organizations or institutes such as MUFON (Mutual UFO
Network) that are dedicated to the study of this phenomenon, either
by questioning people who have had contact with it or looking into facts in
history to collect information on such advanced technology.
In spite of this many people still denying its existence. Usually, people who
believe in such things are treated as crazy or insane.
Just as there are theories that make us believe that the UFOs come from space,
there are also theories that analyze the possibility that UFOs have been created
and have been tested for a long time by big governments. And not only now,
but long before.
Before continuing with this idea, it should be noted the famous Area 51,
where it is believed that the US government keeps extraterrestrial
technology which stimulates the presence of fans who visit the military base in
the South of Nevada, US, every year. They carry their cameras, cell phones,
microphones and all the necessary equipment to capture something because it
is said that sometimes lights can be seen making strange movements above the
base. Is the U.S government testing extraterrestrial technology in that
mysterious place? Or have they created spaceships of incredible technology?
Although it is said that the supposed technology used by these ships is a
thousand light-years from ours, the human being has achieved incredible
technological advances in the last decade, and even before.
Returning to the above, and contextualizing the subject in the twentieth
century, in World War II, it was said that the Nazis secretly owned spacecraft
called Hauneburg-Geräte (Nazi-UFO in German). This technology appears in
several historical texts (such as the Bible) and conspiracy theories. These were
advanced mythical ships, supposedly developed by the Nazis, with paranormal
or supernatural purposes.
Human interest on this subject for hundreds of thousands of years has led
them to investigate and see the world and the outside with different eyes. With
the help of current technology, this research can be done in a better way, and
we could say that we are getting closer to the truth. We have the possibility to
choose what to believe... Are we powerful enough to create machines that
travel at the speed of light and even in time? Or have we only been
contemplating a technology that we yearn to possess?

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