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ELECTION LAW: result cannot be ascertained, the whole

return MUST be rejected

CHAPTER 1: - The rule is so well established that
authorities need no longer be cited in its
1. GARCHITORENA v. CRESCINI support, that whenever the irregularities
and frauds are sufficient to defeat the will of
- Election for governor -> Pet, R, and two the people of the particular municipality or
others candidates for the office of gov -> precinct, the ENTIRE vote should be
returns: Garchitorena rcvd 2k plus votes, rejected, and those who are guilty of such
Crescini rcvd 3k plus votes -> provincial frauds and irregularities should be punished
board of inspectors made a proclamation to the very limit of the law
that Crescini had been elected gov and - The record of the frauds and irregularities
issued to him a certificate to that effect committed in the municipalities in which
- Garchitorena presented a protest against both judges annulled the entire vote, not
the election alleging that many frauds and only shows that legal voters were prevented
irregularities had been committed in various from voting, but in some instances, legal
municipalities of said province -> alleged ballots were tampered with and destroyed
that he rcvd a majority of all legal votes cast after they have been cast, to such an extent
- Trial was had -> judge declared that that no confidence can be placed in return
Garchitorena has, in fact, rcvd majority of - The statement of fact made by both judges
the legal votes cast and ordered the relating to the frauds and irregularities are
provincial board of inspectors to correct its fully sustained by the evidence adduced
report -> a new trial was ordered, for certain during the trial of the cause
reasons -> different judge reached exactly - When two able, impartial, independent
the conclusion which the 1st judge reached -> and conscientious judges each examine in
issued the same order to the provincial detail the proof adduced in the trial of the
board of inspectors, requiring them to cause and in an extended and carefully
correct their report or canvas in accordance prepared opinion, each reach the same
with the decision conclusion, there is little left to be added
- R appealed to SC: the carefully prepared - SC fully persuaded that the conclusions
opinions of both judges present such a reached by the court a quo is fully
complete analysis of the proof that they are supported thereby -> While perhaps some
deemed of sufficient value and importance errors were committed in rejecting some of
- Because of the frauds, the entire votes of the votes, the same, even though they were
the municipalities were annulled -> both counted, would not be sufficient to change
judges arrived at the same conclusion that the general result
said frauds and irregularities were such as - In democracies, the people, combined,
to absolutely defeat the honest expression of represent the sovereign power of the State ->
the desires of the voters their sovereign authority is exercised
- The presumption is that an election is through the ballot, of the qualified voters, in
honestly conducted, and the burden of proof duly appointed elections held from time to
to show it otherwise is on the party assailing time, by means of which they choose their
the return -> but when the return is clearly officials for definite and fixed periods, and
shown to be willfully, and corruptly false, to whom they entrust, for the time being, as
the whole of it becomes worthless as proof their representatives, the exercise of the
- When the election has been conducted so powers of the government
irregularly and fraudulently that the true
per station basis -> it becomes immediately
- The 5 petitions put in issue the alleged obvious that there was effected a DRASTIC
unconstitutionality of Sec 9(a) of COMELEC REDUCTION of the allowable minutes
Resol. No. 9615 limiting the broadcast and within which candidates and political
radio advertisements of candidates and parties would be able to campaign through
political parties for national election the air
positions to an aggregate total of 120 - SC holds that it is NOT within the power
minutes and 180 minutes, respectively of the COMELEC to do such act
- Pet contend that the restrictive regulation - The COMELEC did not have any other
on allowable broadcast time violates basis for coming up with a new manner of
freedom of the press, impairs the people’s determining allowable time limits except its
right to suffrage as well as their right to own idea as to what should be the max
information relative to the exercise of the number of minutes based on its exercise of
right to choose who to elect during the DISCRETION as to how to level the playing
elections field -> COMELEC is duty bound to come
- Heart of the controversy: the proper up with REASONABLE basis for changing
interpretation of the limitation on the the interpretation and implementation of the
number of minutes that candidates may use airtime limits
for the television and radio advertisements, - COMELEC is the office constitutionally
as provided in Sec 6 of the Fair Election Act and statutorily authorized to enforce
- 2007 and 2010 elections: regarding airtime election laws but it CANNOT exercise its
limitations, a candidate was entitled to the powers without limitations or reasonable
number of minutes “per station” -> 2013 basis -> cannot simply adopt measures or
elections: changed the interpretation of said regulations just because it feels that it is the
candidates’ and political parties’ airtime right thing to do -> it does have discretion
limitation for political campaigns or but it is something that must be exercised
advertisements from a “per station” basis to within the bound and intent of the law ->
a “total aggregate” basis COMELEC is NOT free to simply change the
- Pet posit that Sec 9(a) of assailed resolution rules especially if it has consistently
provides for a very restrictive aggregate interpreted a legal provision in a particular
airtime limit and a vague meaning for a manner in the past -> If ever it has to change
proper computation of “aggregate total” the rules, the same must be properly
airtime, and violates the equal protection explained with sufficient basis
guarantee -> said provision is a cruel and - The reason of COMELEC for changing the
oppressive regulation as it imposes an rules does not provide for a good basis and
unreasonable and almost impossible burden those affected by such rules must be given a
on broadcast mass media or monitoring a better explanation why the previous rules
candidate’s or political party’s aggregate are no longer good enough
airtime, otherwise, it may incur - Sec 9(a) also goes against the constitutional
administrative and criminal liability guaranty of freedom of expression, of
- SC: COMELEC Resol. No. 9615 introduced speech, and of the press -> the guaranty of
a radical departure from the previous freedom to speak is useless without the
COMELEC resolutions relative to the ability to communicate and disseminate
airtime limitations on political what is said -> where there is a need to reach
advertisements -> consists in computing the a large audience, the need to access the
airtime on an aggregate basis involving ALL means and media for such dissemination
the media of broadcast communications becomes critical -> Sec 9(a), with its adoption
compared to the past where it was done on a of the aggregate-based airtime limits
unreasonably restricts the guaranteed 3. MAQUERA v. BORRA
freedom of speech and of the press
- The assailed rule on "aggregate-based" - RA 4421 requires all candidates for
airtime limits is unreasonable and arbitrary national, provincial, city and municipal
as it unduly restricts and constrains the offices to post a surety bond equivalent to
ability of candidates and political parties to the 1-year salary or emoluments of the
reach out and communicate with the people position to which he is a candidate -> bond
-> reason for imposing the "aggregate- shall be forfeited in favor of the national,
based" airtime limits - leveling the playing provincial, city or municipal government if
field - does not constitute a compelling state the candidate, EXCEPT when declared
interest which would justify such a winner, FAILS to obtain at least 10% of the
substantial restriction on the freedom of votes cast for the office to which he has filed
candidates and political parties to his certificate of candidacy, there being not
communicate their ideas, philosophies, more than 4 candidates for the same office
platforms and programs of government - COMELEC had decided to require all
- Section 9 (a) is violative of the people's candidates for Pres, VP, Senator, and
right to suffrage -> Fundamental to the idea Member of HOR to file a surety bond (in
of a democratic and republican state is the compliance to RA 4421)
right of the people to determine their own - Because of these, every candidate has to
destiny through the choice of leaders they pay the premium charged by bonding
may have in government. Thus, the companies, and, to offer either his own
primordial importance of suffrage and the properties worth at least the amount of the
concomitant right of the people to be surety bond or properties of the same worth,
adequately informed for the intelligent belonging to other persons willing to
exercise of such birthright. accommodate him, by way of counter-bond
- Republicanism, in so far as it implies the in favor of bonding companies
adoption of a representative type of - Effect of RA 4421 is therefore, to prevent or
government, necessarily points to the disqualify for provincial, city or municipal
enfranchised citizen as a particle of popular elective officers, persons who, although
sovereignty and as the ultimate source of the possessing the qualifications prescribed by
established authority -> He has a voice in his law, cannot pay the premium and/or do not
Government and whenever possible it is the have the property essential for the counter-
solemn duty of the judiciary, when called bond
upon to act in justifiable cases, to give it - RA 4421 also has the effect of imposing
efficacy and not to stifle or frustrate it -> property qualifications in order that a
This, fundamentally, is the reason for the person could run for public office and that
rule that ballots should be read and the people could validly vote for him ->
appreciated, if not with utmost, with property qualifications are INCONSISTENT
reasonable, liberality with the nature and essence of the
- Candidates and political parties need Republican system and the principle of
adequate breathing space - including the social justice underlying -> republican
means to disseminate their ideas -> could system is premised upon the tenet that
not be reasonably addressed by the very sovereignty resides in the people and all
restrictive manner by which the respondent govt authority emanates from them and this
implemented the time limits in regard to implies the right to vote and to be voted for
political advertisements in the broadcast shall NOT be dependent upon the wealth of
media the individual -> social justice: no person
shall, by reason of poverty, be denied the vote for at least 6 months immediately
chance to be elected to public office preceding an election -> Pet argues that Sec
=> RA 4421 is unconstitutional and hence, 1 of Art V DOES NOT allow provisional
null and void registration or a promise by a voter to
perform a condition to be qualified to vote
in a political exercise -> legislature should
CHAPTER 2: not be allowed to circumvent the
requirement of the Consti on the right of
Qualifications for Suffrage: suffrage by providing a condition which in
effect amends or alters the aforesaid
4. MACALINTAL v. COMELEC residence requirement to qualify a Fil
abroad to vote -> right of suffrage should
- Macalintal, member of the Phil Bar, seeks a not be granted to anyone who, on the date of
declaration that provisions of RA 9189 the election, does not possess the
(Overseas Absentee Voting Act) suffer from qualifications provided for by Sec 1, Art V
constitutional infirmity - The seed of the present controversy is the
- One of the issues pet raised is the question interpretation that is given to the phrase
if Sec 5(d) of RA 9189 allowing the “qualified citizens of the Phils. abroad
registration of voters who are immigrants or as it appears in RA 9189 -> Generally, all
permanent residents in other countries by laws are presumed to be constitutional and
their mere act of executing an affidavit the presumption of constitutionality of a law
expressing their intention to return to the must be overcome convincingly for the
Phils, violates the residency requirement in courts to decide that said law is
Sec 1 of Art V of the Consti? unconstitutional
- Sec 5 of RA 9189 provides the - As the essence of RA 9189 is to
disqualifications under RA 9189 -> Sec 5(d): enfranchising overseas qualified Filipinos, a
“An immigrant or a permanent resident holistic view of he pertinent provisions of
who is recognized as such in the host BOTH the Consti and RA 9189 must be done
country, unless he/she executes, upon -> RA 9189 was enacted in obeisance to the
registration, an affidavit prepared for the mandate of the first par. of Sec 2, Art V that
purpose by the Commission declaring that Congress shall provide a system for voting
he/she shall resume actual physical by qualified Filipinos abroad -> must be
permanent residence in the Philippines not stressed that Sec 2 does not provide for the
later than three (3) years from approval of parameters of the exercise of legislative
his/her registration under this Act. Such authority in enacting said law -> Hence, in
affidavit shall also state that he/she has not the absence of restrictions, Congress
applied for citizenship in another country. presumed to have duly exercised its
Failure to return shall be cause for the functions as defined in Art VI
removal of the name of the immigrant or - Ordinarily, an absentee is not a resident
permanent resident from the National and vice versa; a person cannot be both at
Registry of Absentee Voters and his/her the same time -> HOWEVER, under our
permanent disqualification to vote in election laws and the countless
absentia.” pronouncements of the SC pertaining to
- Pet claims that Sec 5(d) is unconstitutional elections, an absentee remains ATTACHED
because it violates Sec 1 of Art V of the to his residence in the Phils as residence is
Constitution, which requires that the voter considered SYNONYMOUS with
MUST be a resident in the Phils for at least 1 DOMICILE
year and in the place where he proposes to
- Residence, in its ordinary conception, - Sec 2 Art V precisely avoids any problems
implies the factual relationship of an that could impede the implementation of its
individual to a certain place. It is the pursuit to enfranchise the largest number of
physical presence of a person in a given qualified Fils who are not in the Phils that
area, community or country. -> essential the ConComm explicitly mandated
distinction between residence and domicile Congress to provide a system for overseas
in law is that residence involves the intent to absentee voting
leave when the purpose for which the - The qualifications of voters as stated in
resident has taken up his abode ends -> If a Section 1 shall remain except for the
person’s intent be to remain, it becomes his residency requirement -> This is in fact the
domicile; if his intent is to leave as soon as reason why the Constitutional Commission
his purpose is established it is residence -> If opted for the term qualified Filipinos
a person’s intent be to remain, it becomes his abroad with respect to the system of absentee
domicile; if his intent is to leave as soon as voting that Congress should draw up. -> by
his purpose is established it is residence -> the use of the adjective qualified with respect
However, a person can only have a single to Filipinos abroad, the assumption is that
domicile, unless, for various reasons, he they have the "qualifications and none of the
successfully abandons his domicile in favor disqualifications to vote."
of another domicile of choice => For political - It is clear that the members of the
purposes the concepts of residence and ConComm intended to enfranchise as much
domicile are dictated by the peculiar criteria as possible all Filipino citizens abroad who
of political laws. As these concepts have have not abandoned their domicile of
evolved in our election law, what has clearly origin. -> Comm even intended to extend to
and unequivocally emerged is the fact that young Filipinos who reach voting age
residence for election purposes is used abroad whose parents’ domicile of origin is
synonymously with domicile. in the Philippines, and consider them
- Aware of the domiciliary legal tie that links qualified as voters for the first time.
an overseas Filipino to his residence in this - It is in pursuance of that intention that the
country, the framers of the Consti Commission provided for Section 2
considered the circumstances that impelled immediately after the residency requirement
them to require Congress to establish a of Section 1. -> the strategic location of
system for overseas absentee voting Section 2 indicates that the Constitutional
- ConComm recognized the fact that while Commission provided for an exception to the
millions of Filipinos reside abroad actual residency requirement of Section 1 with
principally for economic reasons, their respect to qualified Filipinos abroad. -> same
voices are marginal insofar as the choice of Commission has in effect declared that
this country’s leaders is concerned -> qualified Filipinos who are not in the
ConComm realized that under the laws then Philippines may be allowed to vote even
existing and considering the novelty of the though they do not satisfy the residency
system of absentee voting in this juris, requirement in Section 1, Article V of the
vesting overseas Fils with the right to vote Constitution.
would spawn constitutional problems - Section 5(d) of R.A. No. 9189 specifically
especially because the Consti itself provides disqualifies an immigrant or permanent
for the residency requirement of voters -> resident who is "recognized as such in the
THUS, Sec 2 Art V came into being to host country" because immigration or
remove any doubt as to the inapplicability permanent residence in another country
of the residency requirement in Sec 1 implies renunciation of one’s residence in
his country of origin. -> However, same
Section allows an immigrant and permanent or reacquired Phil citizenship under RA
resident abroad to register as voter for as 9225 be allowed to avail themselves of the
long as he/she executes an affidavit to show mechanism provided under RA 9189 and
that he/she has not abandoned his domicile that COMELEC be ordered to allow them to
in pursuance of the constitutional intent vote and register as ABSENTEE VOTERS
expressed in Sections 1 and 2 of Article V under the aegis of RA 9189
- the execution of the affidavit itself is not - pet are successful applicants for
the enabling or enfranchising act. -> The recognition of Phil citizenship under RA
affidavit required in Section 5(d) is not only 9225 which accords to applicants the right of
proof of the intention of the immigrant or suffrage, among others -> Long before the
permanent resident to go back and resume 2004 natl and local elections, pet sought
residency in the Philippines, but more registration and certification as overseas
significantly, it serves as an explicit absentee voter only to be advised by the Phil
expression that he had not in fact Embassy in the US that per COMELEC letter
abandoned his domicile of origin => THUS, to the DFA, they have yet no right to vote in
it is not correct to say that the execution of such elections bec of their lack of the 1-year
the affidavit under Section 5(d) violates the residence req under the Consti
Constitution that proscribes "provisional - pet sent clarification letter to COMELEC in
registration or a promise by a voter to light of the ruling in Macalintal v
perform a condition to be qualified to vote COMELEC -> also filed this petition for
in a political exercise. certiorari and mandamus
- the affidavit is required of immigrants and -> A week before the elections, COMELEC
permanent residents abroad because by prayed for the denial of the petition -> pet
their status in their host countries, they are were not able to register let alone vote in the
presumed to have relinquished their intent election
to return to this country; thus, without the - ISSUE: WON pet and others who might
affidavit, the presumption of abandonment have meanwhile retained and/or reacquired
of Philippine domicile shall remain. Phil citizenship pursuant to RA 9225 may
- It must be emphasized that Section 5(d) vote as absentee voter under RA 9189
does not only require an affidavit or a - SC: YES. There is no provision in the dual
promise to "resume actual physical citizenship law (RA 9225) requiring duals to
permanent residence in the Philippines not actually establish residence and physically
later than three years from approval of stay in the Phils first before they can exercise
his/her registration," the Filipinos abroad their right to vote -> RA 9225, in implicit
must also declare that they have not applied acknowledgement that duals are most likely
for citizenship in another country. Thus, non-residents, grants under Sec 5(1) the
they must return to the Philippines; same right of suffrage as that granted an
otherwise, their failure to return "shall be absentee voter under RA 9189 -> It must be
cause for the removal" of their names "from emphasized that RA 9189 aims, in essence,
the National Registry of Absentee Voters to enfranchise as much as possible all
and his/her permanent disqualification to overseas Filipinos who, save for the
vote in absentia." residency req exacted of an ordinary voter
under ordinary conditions, are qualified to
5. NICOLAS-LEWIS v. COMELEC - Sec 5(1): “Those intending to exercise their
right of suffrage must meet the requirements
- petitioners are dual citizens (duals) and are under Section 1, Article V of the
praying that they and others who retained Constitution, Republic Act No. 9189,
otherwise known as "The Overseas Absentee year -> It would be an absurdity to hold one
Voting Act of 2003" and other existing laws” a qualified elector who was not eligible to
vote in his municipality
- One of the qualifications required by law
of a person who announces his candidacy is
that he must be a DULY QUALIFIED
Registration of Voters: ELECTOR -> the term “qualified” when
applied to a voter does not necessarily mean
6. YRA v. ABANO that a person must be a registered voter ->
To become a qualified candidate, a person
- By virtue of the provisions of Sec 408 of the does not need to register as an elector -> It is
Election Law, pet (VP elect) challenges the SUFFICIENT that he possesses ALL the
right of R (Municipal President elect) to the qualifications prescribed in Sec 431 of the
position to which he is elected on the Election Law and none of the
ground that R is ineligible -> TC Judge disqualifications prescribed in Sec 432 -> The
decided in favor of R fact that a candidate failed to register as an
- R is a native of Meycauayan -> at proper elector in the municipality does not deprive
age, he transferred to Manila to complete his him of the right to become a candidate and
education -> temporarily residing in Manila: to be voted for
R registered as a voter there -> after - The act of registering is only one step
qualifying as a member of the bar and after towards voting, and it is not one of the
the death of his father, R returned to elements that makes the citizen a qualified
Meycauayan to live -> From May 10, 1927 voter -> One may be a qualified voter
until present, R has considered himself a without exercising the right to vote ->
resident of Meycauayan -> 1928 elections Registering does not confer the right; it is
approaching: he made an application for the but a condition precedent to the exercise of
cancellation of registration in Manila but the right
application was rejected by the city officials - The distinction is between a qualified
for the reason that it was not deposited in elector and the R is such, and a registered
the mails -> Nevertheless, R presented qualified elector and the R is such although
himself as a candidate for municipal not in his home municipality -> Registration
president of Meycauayan in the 1928 regulates the exercise of the right of suffrage
elections and was elected by popular vote to -> It is NOT a qualification for such right
that office - Should not be forgotten that the people of
- The issue in the case centers on the alleged Meycauayan have spoken and their choice
non-eligibility of the R to hold a municipal to be their local chief executive is the R ->
office bec he was not a “qualified voter in his the will of the electorate should be respected
municipality” – not a qualified elector
therein -> R was registered as a voter in
Manila and not in Meycauayan when the 7. APORTADERA v. SOTTO
election was held -> Is this sufficient to
nullify his election? - Pet and R ran for the office of Vice Gov. of
- The Administrative Code in giving the the province of Davao -> board of
qualifications of elective municipal officers canvassers proclaimed R as the candidate
also provides that an elective municipal elected for said office
officer must, at the time of election, be a - Pet instituted quo warranto proceedings on
qualified voter in his municipality and must the ground that at the time of the election, R
have been resident therein for at least one was not a qualified voter of the Province of
Davao bec he was duly registered as a voter upon the clause “in which he had
in Manila -> R registered as a new voter in registered” to bolster up the claim that
Davao City without first securing the registration is one of the qualifications to be
transfer to Davao Province or City or the a voter
cancellation of his registration as voter -> - HOWEVER, pet overlooks the fact that
belatedly filed application for cancellation registration in a given precinct is mentioned
34 days BEYOND the period prescribed by in Sec 98 -> Sec 98 cannot be construed as
law and bec of this, the application should adding registration to the original
be considered illegal and void requirements of a qualified voter, otherwise,
- In order to register as a new voter in it would conflict with Art V of the Consti
Davao, R subscribed to a voter’s affidavit - it is unnecessary to pass upon the validity
stating that he was not at present actually of R’s registration in Davao, owing to his
registered in any other precinct -> felony failure to seasonably apply for the
punishable under the RPC -> by committing cancellation of his registration in Manila ->
such crime, R disqualified himself as a voter even if he had not been registered at all in
and hence, became ineligible to the office of Davao, this could not decisively affect the
VG in Davao question whether of not he is a qualified
- CFI: dismissed pet’s petition -> Pet voter
appealed with SC
- Sec 2071 RAC: “No person shall be eligible 8. Akbayan Youth v. COMELEC
to a provincial office unless at the time of the
election he is a qualified voter of the - Pet seek to direct COMELEC to conduct a
province, has been a bona fide resident special registration before the May 2001
therein for at least one year prior to the general elections, of new voters ages 18-21 ->
election, and is not less than twenty-five accdg to pet, around 4M youth failed to
years of age.” register on or before Dec 2000 deadline set
- ISSUE: WON R is a qualified voter of by COMELEC under RA 8189
Davao province - Request for additional registration of
- The theory that registration as a voter is a voters was disapproved on the ground that
condition essential to be a qualified voter Sec 8 RA 8189 explicitly provides that no
has no merit and has already been rejected registration shall be conducted during the
in Yra v. Abaño, among others -> period starting 120 days before a regular
Registration is essential to the exercise of the election and that the COMELEC has no
right of suffrage, not to the possession more time left to accomplish all pre-election
thereof -> only those who have such right activities
may be registered -> The right must be - pet, filed before SC the instant petition
possessed BEFORE the registration -> for certiorari and mandamus which seeks to
Registration does not confer such right set aside and nullify R’s resol and/or to
- Sec 98 of the Revised Election Code states: declare Sec 8 RA 8189 unconstitutional
“Every citizen of the Philippines, whether insofar as said provision effectively causes
male or female twenty-one years or over, the disenfranchisement of petitioners and
able to read and write, who has been a others similarly situated -> pray for a writ of
resident of the Philippines for one year and mandamus directing R to conduct a special
of the Municipality in which he has registration of new voters and to admit for
registered during the six months registration petitioners and other similarly
immediately preceding, who is not situated young Fils to qualify them to vote
otherwise disqualified, may vote in the said in the May 2001 General elections
precinct at any election.” -> pet lays stress
- SC: The right of suffrage ardently invoked activities required under the law -> The
by pets is not at all absolute -> the exercise stand-by power of R under Sec 28
of the right of suffrage, as in the enjoyment presupposes the possibility of its being
of all other rights, is subject to existing exercised or availed of, and not otherwise
substantive and procedural requirements
embodied in the Consti, statute books and
other repositories of law
- The right of a citizen to vote is necessarily CHAPTER 3:
conditioned upon certain procedural
requirements he must undergo: among Petition for Inclusion
others, the process of registration -> a citizen
in order to be qualified to exercise his right 9. VELASCO v. COMELEC
to vote, in addition to the minimum
requirements set by the fundamental - Velasco born in San Antonio, Pampanga ->
charter, is obliged by law to register, at years after getting married, he moved and
present, under the provisions of RA 8189 worked in the US where he subsequently
- Registration is an INDISPENSABLE became a citizen
precondition to the right of suffrage -> - 2006: applied for dual citizenship under
registration is part and parcel of the right to RA 9225 -> application approved and took
vote and an indispensable element in the his oath of allegiance to the RP -> returned
election process -> Thus, it CANNOT and to the Phils and has not left since, except for
SHOULD NOT be denigrated to the lowly a 3-day HK trip
stature of a mere statutory requirement - Applied for registration as a voter in
- The State, in the exercise of its inherent Pampanga -> Election Registration Board
police power, may enact laws to safeguard denied his application -> filed a petition for
and regulate the act of voter’s registration the inclusion of his name in the list of voters
for their ultimate purpose of conducting with the MTC -> MTC: granted petition and
honest, orderly and peaceful election reversed ERB decision and ordered
- SC: Sec 8 RA 8189 applies in the present Velasco’s name in the List of Voters
case, for the purpose of upholding the - RTC reversed and set aside, on appeal, the
COMELEC resol and denying the instant MTC decision -> Velasco lost his domicile of
petitions, considering that the aforesaid law origin when he became a US citizen -> under
explicitly provides that no registration shall Phil Immigration laws, he could only stay in
be conducted during the period starting 120 the Phils as a visitor or as a resident alien ->
days before a regular election Velasco only regained or reacquired his Phil
- it is specious for pet to argue that R may residency on July 2006 when he reacquired
validly and legally conduct a 2-day special his Fil citizenship -> naturalization in a
registration, through the expedient of the foreign country result sin the abandonment
letter of Sec 28 RA9436 -> Said provision of domicile in the Phils -> Velasco failed to
would come into play in cases where the comply with the residency req under the
pre-election acts are susceptible of Consti, making him ineligible to vote
performance within the available period - Velasco appealed RTC decision to CA ->
prior to election day -> Sec 28 is anchored on 2007: filed COC for the position of Mayor of
the sound premise that these certain pre- Sasmuan -> COC contains the required info
election acts are till capable of being that he is a registered voter of Sasmuan,
reasonably performed vis-à-vis the Pampanga -> also executed an affidavit
remaining period before the date of election renouncing, abandoning, and relinquishing
and the conduct of other related pre-election his American citizenship
- PR who also filed his COC for the position not a resident of Caloocan city, specifically
of Mayor of Sasmuan, filed a petition to in the address stated in his COC for Mayor
deny due course to and/or to cancel - MeTC: directed the ERB to remove the
Velasco’s COC -> claimed that pet is not a name of pet from the list of permanent
registered voter as his name is not included voters of Caloocan city
in the list of voters - pet appealed to RTC -> PR Echiverri filed a
- Velasco won the elections and since motion to dismiss appeal arguing that the
COMELEC failed to resolve PR’s petition RTC did not acquire jurisdiction over the
prior to election, pet was proclaimed Mayor appeal on the ground of failure to file the
- A month after taking his oath, COMELEC required appeal fees -> Judge Aguirre issued
issued a resolution cancelling pet’s COC and an order granting PR’s motion on the
declaring his proclamation as Mayor null ground of non-payment of docket fees
and void -> decision of the RTC in the voters essential for the RTC to acquire juris over
inclusion/exclusion proceedings is final and the appeal -> pet filed present petition with
executor -> filed present petition with SC SC
- SC: Inclusion/exclusion proceedings - SC: the right to vote is a most precious
essentially involve the simple issue of political right, as well as a bounden duty of
whether a petitioner shall be included in or every citizen -> a citizen cannot be
excluded from the list of voters based on the disenfranchised for the flimsiest of reasons
qualifications required by law and the facts -> only on the most serious grounds, and
presented to show possession of these upon clear and convincing proof, may a
qualifications citizen be deemed to have forfeited this
- Velasco’s remedy from the adverse precious heritage of freedom
decision in his petition for inclusion as voter - Even if it is assumed that the appellate
is provided under Sec 138 of the OEC -> docket fees were not filed on time, this
From the MTC, the recourse is to the RTC incident alone should not thwart the proper
whose decision is final and executor, determination and resolution of the instant
correctible by the CA only by a writ of case on substantial grounds
certiorari based on grave abuse of discretion - The primordial issue in this case is whether
amounting to lack of jurisdiction pet should be excluded from the permanent
- The ERB denied pet’s registration as a list of voters of Caloocan city for failure to
voter, which denial the RTC subsequently comply with the residency required by law
supported -> this denial by RTC is, by law, -> the residency requirement of a voter is at
final and executor -> since pet’s knowledge least one (1) year residence in the
of the RTC decision at the time he filed his Philippines and at least six (6) months in the
COC is not disputed, the COMELEC place where the person proposes or intends
concluded that he committed a material to vote -> "Residence," as used in the law
misrepresentation when he stated under prescribing the qualifications for suffrage
oath in his COC that he is a registered voter and for elective office, is doctrinally settled
of Sasmuan to mean "domicile," importing not only an
intention to reside in a fixed place but also
Petition for Exclusion personal presence in that place, coupled
with conduct indicative of such intention
10. ASISTIO v. AGUIRRE inferable from a person’s acts, activities, and
- PR Echiverri filed against pet a petition for - Domicile is not easily lost -> he purpose to
exclusion of voter from the permanent list of remain in or at the domicile of choice must
voters of Caloocan City -> alleged that pet is be for an indefinite period of time; the
change of residence must be voluntary; and municipalities -> that COMELEC annul the
the residence at the place chosen for the new elections in Siasi and conduct another election
thereat -> and order board of canvassers to desist
domicile must be actual
from proclaiming any candidate pending a final
- pet has always been a resident of Caloocan determination of the petition
city since his birth -> his family is known to - COMELEC: there was no failure of elections in
be among the prominent political families in the 1st and 2nd districts of Sulu -> PR was
the city and pet served in public office as a proclaimed as the winner
representative in the HOR and also sought - pet filed a second petition with COMELEC
praying for the annulment of PR’s proclamation
election as city mayor in 2007 -> in all of
and for his own proclamation as Congressman
these occasions, pet cast his vote in the same for the 2nd district of Sulu -> while petitions were
city -> it cannot be denied that pet has pending, a candidate for gov of sulu filed a
qualified, and continues to qualify, as a verified petition with COMELEC to annul the
voter of Caloocan -> there is no showing that list of voters of siasi for purposes of the election
he has established domicile elsewhere, or of local govt officials -> pet opposed by PR
- COMELEC issued resol annulling the Siasi list
that he had consciously and voluntarily
of voters on the ground of massive irregularities
abandoned his residence in Caloocan -> he committed in the preparation thereof and being
should, therefore, remain in the list of statistically improbable and ordering a new
permanent registered voters of Precinct registration of voters for the local elections ->
1811A resol was affirmed by SC in another case Anni v
COMELEC -> a new registry list was
subsequently prepared yielding only 12,555
Annulment of Book of Voters
- pet filed a supplemental pleading with
11. UTUTALUM v. COMELEC COMELEC entreating that such annulment be
considered and applied by the Comm in
- pet prays for the reversal on the ground of resolving his 2 petitions against PR ->
GAD of the resol of COMELEC which declined COMELEC denied pet’s 2 petitions for lack of
to reject the election returns from all the merit, with advise that he may file an election
precincts of the Municipality of Siasi, Sulu contest before the proper forum
Congressional elections and to annul PR’s - pet file present petition with SC assailing resol
proclamation -> contends that the issue he raised before the
- pet and PR were among the candidates in the COMELEC actually referred to “obviously
1987 Congressional elections -> election returns manufactured returns”, a proper subject matter
from Siasi showed that pet obtained only 482 for a pre-proclamation controversy and,
votes while PR rcvd 35,581 votes out of the therefore, cognizable by the COMELEC
39,801 registered voters -> if the returns of Siasi - election returns from Siasi should be excluded
were excluded, pet would have led 5,301 votes from the canvass of the results since its original
- during the canvass of votes, pet without list of voters had already been finally annulled
availing of verbal objections, filed written and that there is no need to re-litigation in an
objections to the returns from Siasi on the ground election protest
that they appear to be tampered with or falsified - SC: it cannot justifiably be contended that the
-> claimed that there should have been only Siasi returns were obviously manufactured and a
12,600 registered voters and not 36,663 who cast legitimiate issue in a pre-proclamation
their votes controversy -> the siasi returns DO NOT show
- board of canvassers of sulu dismissed pet’s prima facie that on the basis of the old List of
objections bec they had been filed out of time or Voters, there is actually a great excess of votes
only after the certificate of canvass had already over what could have been legally cast
been canvasses by the Board and bec the grounds considering that only 36k persons actually voted
for the objection were not one of those out of the 39k voters -> the case relied on by pet
enumerated in Sec 243 of the Election Code -> dealt with the “manufacture” of returns by those
pet filed an appeal to COMELEC seeking a charged with their preparation as shown prima
declaration of failure of elections in the facie on the questioned returns themselves -> the
municipality of Siasi and other mentioned present case deals with the preparation of the
registry list of voters, a matter that is not is essential to the timeliness of the filing of
reflected on the face of said returns the petition itself
- the annulment of the list of voters shall not
- PR argues that filing fee was paid ahead of
constitute a ground for pre-proclamation contest
- pet insists that the new registry list should be time -> when he filed petition for quo
considered and applied by the COMELEC as the warranto, COMELEC treated it as a pre-
legal basis in determining the number of votes proclamation controversy -> no docket fee
which could be legally cast in Siasi -> to allow was collected although it was offered -> was
the COMELEC to do so retroactively would be only almost a month later that COMELEC
to empower it to annul a previous election
decided to treat his petition as solely for quo
because of the subsequent annulment of a
questioned registry in a proceeding where pet warranto -> he immediately paid the filing
himself was NOT a party -> CANNOT be done fee on that date
- the subsequent annulment of the voting list in a - SC: held that the petition for quo warranto
separate proceeding cannot retroactively and was filed on tim -> fee was paid during the
without due process result in nullifying accepted 10-day period as extended by the pendency
election returns in a previous election simply
of the petition when it was treated by the
because such returns came from municipalities
where the precinct books of voters were ordered COMELEC as a pre-proclamation
annulled due to irregularities in their preparation proceeding which did not require the
- also, the preparation of a voter’s list is not a payment of a filing fee
proceeding before the bard of canvassers -> a - as pet’s citizenship is the subject of the
pre-proclamation controversy is limited to proceeding and considering the necessity for
challenges directed against the board of
an early resol of that more important
canvassers, not the board of election inspectors
and such challenges should relate to specified question clearly and urgently affecting the
election returns against which pet should have public interest, SC addresses it now in the
made specific verbal objections present action
- pet’s contention that his marriage to an
CHAPTER 4: Australian national did not automatically
divest him of Phil citizenship is irrelevant ->
Citizenship Requirement:
he became a citizen of Australia because he
12. LABO v. COMELEC was naturalized as such through a formal
and positive process -> as a condition for
- pet asks SC to restrain COMELEC from such naturalization, he formally took the
looking into the question of his citizenship Oath of Allegiance and/or made the
as a qualification for his office as Mayor of affirmation of allegiance -> RENOUNCING
Baguio -> it has been alleged that he is a all other allegiance, he sore to be faithful
foreigner but pet says that this is not the and bear true allegiance to her majesty
issue -> claims that the issue is WON Elizabeth II and to fulfill his duties as an
COMELEC has juris to conduct any inquiry Australian citizen
into this matter, considering that the petition - pet claims that his naturalization in Aus
for quo warranto against him was not filed made him only a dual national and did not
on time divest him of his Phil citizenship -> CA 63
- pet was proclaimed mayor-elect of Baguio enumerates the modes by which Phil
-> petition for quo warranto was filed by PR citizenship may be lost, among these are (1)
but no filing fee was paid -> fee got paid 21 naturalization in a foreign country; (2)
days after pet’s proclamation -> therefore express renunciation of citizenship; and (3)
was filed beyond the reglementary period -> subscribing to an oath of allegiance to
pet stresses that the payment of the filing fee support the Constitution or laws of a foreign
country, all of which are applicable to the
- pet voluntarily and freely rejected Phil candidacy continued and he was voted
citizenship and willingly and knowingly during the elections -> then COMELEC en
embraced the citizenship of a foreign banc affirmed resol
country -> the possibility that he may have - Lee was proclaimed as gov of sorsogon ->
been subsequently rejected by Aus, as he pet filed with COMELEC a new petition
claims, does not mean that he has been praying for the annulment of Lee’s June 30,
automatically reinstated as a citizen of the 1995 proclamation and for his own
Phils proclamation -> alleged that at 2PM on said
- The pet is not now, nor was he on the day date, he took his oath of allegiance as a
of the local elections a citizen of the Phils -> citizen of the Phils after his petition for
he was not even a qualified voter under the registration under PD 725 had been granted
Consti itself because of his alienage -> he -> there was no more legal impediment to
was therefore ineligible as a candidate for the proclamation of pet as gov
mayor of Baguio under Sec 42 of LGC “an - COMELEC issued a resol holding that Lee,
elective official must be a citizen of the not having garnered the highest number of
Phils…” votes was not legally entitled to be
- Only citizens of the Phils have the privilege proclaimed as duly-elected gov and that pet
of presiding over their countrymen -> these having garnered the highest number of
qualifications are CONTINUING votes and having reacquired his Fil
requirements; once any of them is lost citizenship by repatriation under the
during incumbency, title to the office itself is provisions of PD 725 is qualified to hold the
deemed forfeited -> in the present case, the office of gov of Sorsogon
citizenship and voting reqs were not - the validity and effectivity of pet’s
subsequently lost but were NOT possessed repatriation is the threshold legal issue in
at all in the first place on the day of the this case -> LGC expressly requires Phil
election -> pet was disqualified from citizenship as a qualification for elective
running as mayor and, although elected, is local officials -> inasmuch as pet had been
not now qualified to serve as such declared by this Court as a non-citizen, it is
therefore incumbent upon him to show that
13. FRIVALDO v. COMELEC he has reacquired citizenship; that he
possesses the qualifications prescribed
- pet obtained the highest number of votes under RA 7160
in 3 successive elections but was twice - citizenship may be reacquired by direct act
declared by SC to be disqualified to hold of Congress, by naturalization, or by
such office due to his alien citizenship and repatriation -> pet told SC that he tried to
who now claims to have re-assumed his lost resume his citizenship by direct act of
Phil citizenship through repatriation congress but that the bill allowing him to do
- Frivaldo filed COC for the office of Gov of so failed to materialize, notwithstanding the
Sorsogon -> Lee, another candidate, filed a endorsement of several members of the
petition with COMELEC praying that HOR -> his attempt at naturalization was
Frivaldo be disqualified from seeking or rejected by this Court bec of jurisdictional,
holding any public office or position by substantial and procedural defects
reason of not yet being a citizen of the Phils - despite his lack of Phil citizenship, he was
and that his COC be canceled -> COMELEC overwhelmingly elected gov by the
declared Frivaldo disqualified to run for the electorate -> twice he was judicially declared
office of Gov a non-fil and thus twice disqualified from
- Frivaldo filed MR but remained unacted holding and discharging his popular
upon until after 1995 elections so his mandate -> now on his 3rd time, he now
boosts of having successfully passed official to be a registered voter. It does not
through the 3rd and last mode of reacquiring require him to vote actually -> registration --
citizenship: by repatriation -> insists that he not the actual voting -- is the core of this
should have been proclaimed as the duly- "qualification". In other words, the law's
elected gov since he already re-acquired his purpose in this second requirement is to
citizenship ensure that the prospective official is
- SC: it will be noted that the law DOES actually registered in the area he seeks to
NOT specify any particular date or time govern -- and not anywhere else
when the candidate must possess - pet repeatedly emphasized and lee has not
citizenship, unlike that for residence and age disputed that he “was and is a voter of
-> Phil citizenship is an indispensable req for Sorsogon, and his registration as a voter has
the holding an elective public office in order been sustained as valid by judicial
to ensure that no alien shall govern our declaration
people and our country or a unit of territory
thereof -> an official begins to govern or
discharge his fxns ONLY upon his
proclamation and on the day the law Residence Requirement:
mandates his term of office to begin -> since
pet re-assumed his citizenship on June 30, 14. ROMUALDEZ-MARCOS v. COMELEC
the very day the term of office of gov began,
he was therefore already qualified to be - pet filed her COC for the position of Rep of
proclaimed to hold such office and to the 1st district of Leyte in 1995 providing that
discharge the fxns and responsibilities her residence in the place was 7 months
thereof as of said date -> he was ALREADY - incumbent rep and also candidate for the
qualified to govern his native sorsogon same position filed a petition for
- even from a literal construction, it should cancellation and disqualification with the
be noted that Sec 39 LGC speaks of COMELEC charging pet as she did not
qualifications of ELECTIVE officials, NOT of comply with the consti req for residency as
candidates -> thus, such qualifications, she lacked the consti’s 1-year residency req
unless otherwise expressly conditioned as in for candidates for the HOR
the case of age and residence, should thus be - amended corrected COC: pet changed 7
possessed when the elective/elected official months to since childhood under residency
BEGINS to govern (at the time he is -> COMELEC issued resol allowing pet’s
proclaimed AND at the start of his term proclamation showing that she obtained the
- with respect to the issue that a candidate highest number of votes in the congressional
should also be a registered voter and that elections in the 1st district of Leyte ->
pet could not have been a voter, much less a COMELEC reversed itself and issued a 2 nd
validly registered one if he was not a citizen resol directing that the proclamation of pet
at the time of such registration -> SC: if the be suspended in the event that she obtains
law intended the citizenship qualification to the highest number of votes
be possessed prior to election consistent - pet claimed that she was the
with the requirement of being a registered overwhelming winner of the elections based
voter, then it would no have made on the canvass completed by the provincial
citizenship a separate qualification -> the board of canvassers
law intended citizenship to be a - ISSUE: WON pet was a resident of the 1 st
qualification distinct from being a voter, district of Leyte to satisfy the 1-year
even if being a voter presumes being a residency req to be eligible in running as rep
citizen first -> LGC requires an elective
- SC: YES -> SC in favor of a conclusion which would otherwise render a candidate
supporting pet’s claim of legal residence or ineligible
domicile - petitioner merely committed an honest
- COMELEC resol reveals a startling mistake in jotting the word "seven" in the
confusion in the application of settled space provided for the residency
concepts of domicile and residence in qualification requirement -> circumstances
election law -> for the purpose of elec law, leading to her filing the questioned entry
residence is synonymous with domicile and obviously resulted in the subsequent
resol reveals a tendency to substitute or confusion which prompted petitioner to
mistake the concept of domicile for the write down the period of her actual stay in
actual residence, a conception not intended Tolosa, Leyte instead of her period of
for the purpose of determining a candidate’s residence in the First district, which was
qualifications for election to the HOR as req "since childhood" 
by the consti - while petitioner was born in Manila, as a
- Art 50 CC provides that for the exercise of minor she naturally followed the domicile of
civil rights and the fulfillment of covil her parents -> grew up in Tacloban, reached
obligations, the domicile of natural persons her adulthood there and eventually
is their place of habitual residence -> established residence in different parts of
domicile means an individual’s permanent the country for various reasons
home, a place to which, whenever absent for - As a minor at the time, pet followed the
business or for pleasure, one intends to domicile of her parents -> as domicile, once
return acquired is retained until a new one is
- Residence, in its ordinary conception, gained, it follows that in spite of the fact of
implies the factual relationship of an petitioner's being born in Manila, Tacloban,
individual to a certain place. It is the Leyte was her domicile of origin by
physical presence of a person in a given operation of law
area, community or country -> The essential - Even assuming for the sake of argument
distinction between residence and domicile that petitioner gained a new "domicile" after
in law is that residence involves the intent to her marriage and only acquired a right to
leave when the purpose for which the choose a new one after her husband died,
resident has taken up his abode ends -> If a petitioner's acts following her return to the
person's intent be to remain, it becomes his country clearly indicate that she not only
domicile; if his intent is to leave as soon as impliedly but expressly chose her domicile
his purpose is established it is residence => of origin (assuming this was lost by
quite perfectly normal for an individual to operation of law) as her domicile -> This
have different residences in various places. "choice" was unequivocally expressed in her
However, a person can only have a single letters to the Chairman of the PCGG when
domicile, unless, for various reasons, he petitioner sought the PCGG's permission to
successfully abandons his domicile in favor "rehabilitate (our) ancestral house in
of another domicile of choice Tacloban and Farm in Olot, Leyte ->
- It is the fact of residence, not a statement in petitioner obtained her residence certificate
a certificate of candidacy which ought to be in 1992 in Tacloban, Leyte, while living in
decisive in determining whether or not and her brother's house, an act which supports
individual has satisfied the constitution's the domiciliary intention clearly manifested
residency qualification requirement -> in her letters to the PCGG Chairman -> Her
statement in the COC becomes material only "homes" and "residences" following her
when there is or appears to be a deliberate arrival in various parts of Metro Manila
attempt to mislead, misinform, or hide a fact
merely qualified as temporary or "actual - pet in his COC for the 1992 elections
residences," not domicile indicated not onlt that he was a resident of
San Jose, Concepcion, Tarlac in 1992 but that
15. AQUINO v. COMELEC he was a resident of the same for 52 years
immediately preceding that election -> it is
- pet filed COC for rep of Makati -> Move consistently clear and unassailable that pet’s
Makati (political party) and other R filed a domicile of origin or record up to the time of
petition with COMELEC to disqualify pet on filing of his most recent COC for the 1995
the ground that the latter lacked the elections was Concepcion, Tarlac -> pet’s
residence qualification as a candidate for alleged connection with the 2nd district of
congressman (residency req of not less than Makati is an alleged lease agreement of a
1 year preceding elections) condo unit in the area -> COMELEC
- a day after petition for disqualification resolved saying that the intention NOT to
filed, pet filed another COC amending the establish a permanent home in Makati is
previous COC -> pet stated in item 8 that he evident in his leasing a condo unit instead of
had resided in the constituency where he buying one -> while a lease contract may be
sought to be elected for 1 year and 13 days indicative of his intention to reside in
-> pet also prayed for the dismissal of the Makati, it does not engender the kind of
disqualification case permanency required to prove
- COMELEC: declared pet eligible to run for abandonment of one’s original domicile
the office of rep and dismissed the petition - the fact that pet himself claims that he has
for disqualification other residences in MM coupled with the
- Rs filed MR -> elections were held -> short length of time he claims to be a
petitioner won -> Rs filed urgent motion to resident of the condo unit in Makati indicate
suspend pet’s proclamation -> COMELEC that the sole purpose in transferring his
suspended proclamation until the MR filed physical residence is not to acquire new
by R have been resolved by commission residence or domicile but ONLY to qualify
- COMELEC issued resol declaring pet as a candidate for rep
ineligible and thus disqualified as a - his assertion that he has transferred
candidate for the office of rep elections for his domicile  from Tarlac to Makati is a bare
lack of the consti qualification of residence assertion which is hardly supported by the
- SC: agrees with COMELEC that in order facts in the case at bench. Domicile  of origin
that pet could qualify as a candidate for rep, is not easily lost. To successfully effect a
the latter must prove that he has established change of domicile, petitioner must prove an
not just residence but domicile of choice -> actual removal or an actual change
consti requires that a person seeking election of domicile; a bona fide intention of
to the HOR should be a resident of the abandoning the former place of residence
district in which he seeks election for a and establishing a new one and definite acts
period of not less than 1 year prior to the which correspond with the purpose -> in the
elections -> “residence” has always been absence of clear and positive proof, the
understood as synonymous with “domicile” domicile of origin should be deemed to
- the place where a party actually or continue
constructively has his permanent home
where he, no matter where he may be found 16. MITRA v. COMELEC
at any given time, eventua;;y intends to
return and remain (his domiciale) is that to - COMELEC canceled COC of pet for
which the consti refers when it speaks of allegedly misrepresenting that he is a
residence for the purpose of election law resident of the Municipality of Aborlan,
Palawan where he ran for the position of qualification, the elected official MUST remain a
Gov resident there for the rest of his term
- pet’s domicile of origin is undisputedly PP ->
- when pet’s COC for gov of Palawan was
for him to qualify as gov in Aborlan, he had to
declared cancelled, pet was the incumbent abandon his domicile of origin and acquire a new
rep of the 2nd district of Palawan -> the one within the local govt unit where he intended
district included the municipality of to run -> this would be his domicile of choice
Aborlan and Puerto Princesa -> he was
elected as rep as a domiciliary of Puerto
- before the end of his 2 nd term as rep, PP was
reclassified as a HUC and thus ceased to be a
component of the province of Palawan -> direct
legal consequence of this new status was the
ineligibility of PP residents from voting for
candidates for elective provincial officials
- with the intention of applying for gov, pet
applied for the transfer of his voter’s registration
record to the municipality of Aborlan -> then
filed his COC for the position of gov as a
resident of Aborlan -> Rs filed a petition to deny
due course or to cancel pet’s COC -> argued that
pet remains a resident of PP who has not yet
established residence in Aborlan and is therefore
not qualified to run for gov -> pet insisted that he
has successfully abandoned PP as his domicile of
origin and has established a new domicile in
Aborlan since 2008
- COMELEC 1st division cancelled pet’s COC ->
COMELEC denied pet’s MR
- SC: pet did not commit any deliberate material
misrepresentation in his COC -> COMELEC
gravely abused its discretion in its appreciation
of the evidence, leading it to conclude that pet is
not a resident of Aborlan -> COMELEC failed to
critically consider whether pet deliberately
attempted to mislead, misinform, or hide a fact
that would otherwise render him ineligible for
the position of gov -> there is clearly no basis for
the conclusion that pet deliberately attempted to
mislead the Palawan electorate
- pet never hid his intention to transfer his
residence from PP to Aborlan to comply with the
residence req of a candidate for an elective
provincial office -> RA 7160 (LGC) does not
abhor this intended transfer of residence -> Sec
39 merely requires an elective local official to be
a resident of the local govt unit where he intends
to run for at least 1 year immediately preceding
the day of the election -> the law itself
recognizes implicitly that there can be change of
domicile or residence, but imposes only the
condition that residence at the new place should
at least be for a year -> as a continuing req or

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