Cost Account For Engineers - Set 2 - Classes

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The total cost and the production volume in a selected company within 6 months is shown

in the table below.

Production volume
Month Total cost (€)
I 122 12 600
II 136 13 900
III 155 15 200
IV 120 12 300
V 120 12 000
VI 116 11 600

Estimate the unit variable cost and the fixed cost, as well as state the results in equation
form (the relation between the total cost and the production volume) using:
a) the high-low point method (high-low method, extreme values method);
b) the high-low sub-period method;
c) the least squares method.
Estimate the predicted total cost for:
 130 units;
 140 units.

Production Total cost

Total cost
Month volume
(units) 16000.00
14000.00 f(x) = 90.3557910673732 x +
I 122 12600.00 12000.00
II 136 13900.00 10000.00
III 155 15200.00 8000.00
IV 120 12300.00 6000.00
V 120 12000.00 4000.00
VI 116 11600.00
110 115 120 125 130 135

a) the high-low point method (high-low method, extreme values method)

high point 155 15200.00
low point 116 11600.00

variable unit cost (marginal cost) VCu 92.31

fixed cost FC 892.31

Equation form - the association between total cost (dependant) and production volume (independant)
TC = FC + VCuQ TC=892.31+92.31Q

Forecast Q TC
130 12892
140 13815

b) the high-low sub-period method

Total cost
Month volume
VI 116 11600.00
IV 120 12300.00 Low sub-period
V 120 12000.00
I 122 12600.00
II 136 13900.00 High sub-period
III 155 15200.00

high point 138 13,900 13250
low point 119 11,967 11600

variable unit cost (marginal cost) VCu 101.75 86.84

fixed cost FC -108.19 1294.74

Equation form - the association between total cost (dependant) and production volume (independant)
TC = FC + VCuQ

Forecast Q TC
130 13119.88 12584.21
140 14137.43 13

c) the least squares method

Pearson correlation coefficient rxy 0.9865918445

variable unit cost (marginal cost) VCu 90.36

fixed cost FC 1352.73

Equation form - the association between total cost (dependant) and production volume (independant)
TC = FC + VCuQ TC = 1352.73+90.36Q

Forecast Q TC
130 13098.99 13098.99
140 14002.54 14002.54
Total cost (€)

f(x) = 90.3557910673732 x + 1352.73277819833

0 115 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160



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