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ocvaovwe ENROMMRBECT Tipomyion main widbopwaunn Product fiche and information Supplier: ELOOMINVEST vsioa Bonononrpesarenn / Water heaters FTosapos rpodn/Load pre IKnac va enoprwiva edpextwavoc npr noprpaeave va Boma / Water heating energy efiieny class Ereprmua sdorrisH0cT rp nonrpseave a nora | Weer heating energy eficency [i Heo wa uyst 1VFoziasno norpeGinenve | Annual etectncty consumption fWhvannum) \V peasapurerna nacrpoina va repwoctara | Therrosal temperature preseting [°C] V1 Aveeno notpesnenne ia enextposnepran Daly electricty consumption [kWh] VilKonisecr90 a cwecenara soga np 40°C / Mixed watar a 0°C fl iL Exeprnina edexrnevocr npn nonrpABawe Ha bona | Water heating energy efcency ( 1X Cazueaionorpebnene Ha enerrpoeveprin Ges mirenurerTio peryrupans Weakly eect consumption without smart contos [kiN] X Copao norpeseiwe ia enenpoevaprna € varasucessvo paryrapate / Weekly electicly consumption with smart contol KH Permawert . 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L_[e[-s0-| 204s 60-| 8.502 | tr | 01 | 45.250, 37,200 72280NESE if | 50-| 7043 | 60 |-8.602 | 217 | 501] 43250 37200 22816 [a [56-1925 [607.314] 302 | 560-| 38.970, 33,430 BG Mpn wowwpane, noneane, ofcryxsave v nongepane Ha ponyra © 2aRbM>aKTeNWO CNaNEaHTO wa NOAOIANAATA, ONACANV B MUDRATA C WACTPYRAMNTO 28 MoxTipavev nonssane, nrapanonavavapra Ha nponyrra, Crem nsvepnsane Wa pabori Pecype Ka nponyrra e samtrUTEnHo cnasBaHeTo Ha vowoaanwsa na pocTeaugre Hop\aTaBis foxyueNTH (NapeZOHM aypexT¥ar), oTHacsUM ce Zo NpaaATHOTO My AeMONTYpaNe, vKsEpINe W PeLMTHpaHe, lonansawovo wa xopara, woxonkara cpena /Bogononrpesarenne c oosavenne F" unk .E34” 8 oMepa Ha Wogena Worar qa Gngar HacrpoeHH a paGoTAT caMo 8 HesepxOsh VacoBe. ENeprHTHaTa e@ertvaiocr npn nonrpRBave va Baza w roRMuNoTO enekrponorpeGnenie va Nononaa'peeaTerMTe c owavoNie E" ANA," vowepa va waxena, [cvoraerraa caMo Ha pens cacTiaApaH0 WHTerwreHTHo DeryTUpaHE, ‘Wudoopuayusa sa sononagrpesarenuTe c ywtbepcanen woKTax Ha cTeNa (3 XOpMIONTanko and deprAkanho NonoweHHa) € sarMaKa sa BepTHKATHO MOMTHGAH sonononrpesaren. EN During product instalation, use, sevice, and maintenance tis compulsory to comply strcty wih al instructions inthe user guide for instalation and usage, 38, wo as wih product warranty card. Once th product late is terminated it must de dumped in accordance withthe provision of lgislaon in force (raguatons ‘and drecves) conceming is correct cisassembly disposal, and recycling, as well protection of mankind and the envronment. ‘Water heaters incising .£" or E38" symbol in their model numbers are able o work ony during of peak hours, Water heating energy effency and annual eleccty consumption for water heaters including ,E" or E34" symbol in their model numbers relate to enabled smart contol stings only Information regarding universal wall mounting waler heaters (in vertcal or hoszontl positon) is valid for vertical mounted water heater crane: ENBOMMHBECT ipoayioa Gaus w wadopwaqia Product che andTaformation ‘Supplier: ELDOMINVEST 1018 Bogonogrpesarenn | Water heaters. ‘Tosapos npodan Load pofie I1Knac a ehepraina eertHexocr np nonrpaEans Ha gona Water heating energy efcioncy lass I Eseprnnaexpecvanocrnpw ronrprsave wa son Walerneatng energy ecency [6] Hao va wy IV Fogo nerpe6renve /Arual elect consumption k¥anrur]) ‘Sound power lev! \Vripensaprrenta nacrpoita va repnocraraThemosalmpertie preseting [") Vi fie norpobnonte wa enexrpocnepri Daly elect consumption kh 15,68) Vi Tonnoasynyrspau 60m Slrage volume [ VitKonwsecroo va cuacovara aoza np 40°C Nxed watar a 40°C Dc Eveprnina ehecresoc np noprpreave va gona Water heating energy ofciency [6] Pernawet/Reguion Pernawent Reguaton EU Permawenr/ReguatonEU | Perawen/Regulaton EU 3i220"3 B1azor3 122013 51472013, Mogen Model | 1 [aT | W Tv | wy vi | vil] | Wogen woe (1 [aT [WV |—w_] wi | vty 72pa0H 7200 tt =OMDA 722006. Z 72280MH Teak ‘Pos Post 81k Paw Tee t 722680 t epee T2268 Tea. 2268 T26BWNDX 2268 Tea 1 ‘Toes TPaaIND. agra BG Tipvwovrpano,nonaeave, CScynaave w TaRRspwane Wa ApomyeTa @DeLTHOONMO CRSDESHETO Ha WNCABAMUATA, onACaH 8 DUDA © WRSTBVRYTO 38 ojripane #nomeavo, napanyosara pra wa reanyrT. Chap ivepnsane va paBoTis pacypc Ha MpopyeraesaumeATONHocraseaneTo Ha YONORHISTA Ha Avicreawe vopwatnb anyon (xapeaGe maypexTuah, oTHACRUA Ce 0 MPaBWEHOTO MY AeMOHTYpaHE, NXELANE WPeurupane,v nasEaveTo Ha XOpaTa, M fronvara cpeza EN During product insialaon, use, service, and maintenance its compulsory to comply sty with all instucions inthe user qui ornstalaon and usage, 28 wel as with product warranty card, Once the product ifetme is ternate t must be dumped in aocorance wih the provsion of gislaton force (equatons and drectves)conceming Is corel disassery, daposa, and recycing 8 wel protection of marking and he envionment.

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