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Complaints Pending from 01.05.2017 to 31.03.2019 (as on 03.05.


SNo Comp No. Comp Date Description of Complaint Remarks Status updation
pending with
Complaint Register - I&II
ODGSM Comp. noted on 05/08/17 and
informed that Due to shortage
of LT power cables, it is not
possible to move the box from
Tail race area lighting DB is located on the DT gate gantry area at TRC to other place. It is better
EL+91.4M. Shift O&M staff is switching ON lights in the evening and to do cleaning by the Civil wing.
switching OFF lights in the morning times. Large snake movement Since Power house
is observed frequently on the steps path and lighting panel area, construction, the TRC area
1 239 8/2/2017 even though the area is kept clean, which is very harmful to the cleaning works are carried out
shift staff. If any unwanted incident occurs, that will be big loss to by Civil wing. CE/O&M/NSHES
organisation and their families also. In view of the above, it is instructed DE/EM to look in to
requested to arrange to provide tail race 'light ON/OFF' the matter. 1No. light is
arrangement at EL+85.6m provided on steps but it's switch
is provided in the Lighting DB.
Hence ther is no use of After receipt of Material
providing this light. Permanent the comp will be closed as
solution is to be made. updated by ODSGM on
MRT, I&C Comp. noted on 11/8/17 and
MRT: informed on 13/08/17 that
the spare meters are not
When NBFLC issued on Tallepalley Feeder-II, when CB-52 opened, available and will be replaced in
2 263 8/10/2017 it is observed that current and voltage displayed as 100A and 15KV couple of days. But further
respectively on TP-II status not yet updated and
I&C:noted & status not updated

MRT , I&C Comp. noted on 06/09/17 and

informed that cable has to be
laid for recording the reason for
The tripping of 220KV Buscoupler and TPF-II is registered in
3 311 06.09.2017 tripping in SCADA and the work
SCADA but the clearing of the trip is not registered in SCADA
is under process and I&C:noted
& status not updated

Pending comp No 360,Dt.28.8.16, When U#8 is in Service, 352 is Indoor Comp. noted on 18/09/17 and
4 325 16.09.17 closed to charge RBLHS by keeping 352 and 252G in test mode. status not updated
But 252G got tripped.
ODGSM Comp. noted on 17/09/17 and
on 18-09-17 informed that
5 329 17.09.17 Lights are not glowing on Tail race between U#2 to U#8 found 2 defective chokes and 1 Updated on 4.1.19 that
No. Bulb and Status yet to be the indent raised for the
updated. material
While U#2 is in service as SCG as the breaker 252G & 352 are Indoor Comp. noted on 10/10/17 and
6 362 10.10.17 closed & kept in test on UAB-2, but the discrepency feedback is not status not updated
occured on SCADA & MOSIAC panel,
EM Noted and informed that
estimate for servicing of EOT
crane is already prepared and
While moving EOT crane heavy sounds are observed during long
7 370 13.10.17 submitted for approval. It is to
travel operations.
be noted that there is no Informed that it is rectifed
problem in EOT rane rail. Status but the problem still
yet to be updated. persists
MRT Noted and informed that, there
LD/VS informed that, even though U#8 is in shut down condition, it is a problem with transducer
8 408 23.10.17
is shown on their MOSIAC that the unit is in Service as SCG and need to be replaced. Status
Yet to be updated.
MRT Noted on 28-10-17. Status Yet
9 421 27.10.17 Bus B PT fuse fail alarm is not recorded on SCADA
to be updated.
MRT Noted and informed that,
because of the failure of cables
220KV busbar protection Panel of R,Y,B: The following LEDs are from MBs, the LEDs are blinking
10 437 11.11.17
continuously blinking, Primary objection, ZA,ZB and Int alarm and LC is needed to rectify the
problem. Status Yet to be
MRT Noted and MRT informed that
U#7: Tripped from SCG on the following Conditions:1. Bearing
the comp. is under Informed that it is rectifed
11 445 15.11.17 Temperature very high, 86-1B& 86-2 operated, MRT Master trip
observation.Status Yet to be but the problem still
86A&86B groups operated, protection G2, G3 operated
updated. persists
MRT Comp. Noted and informed that,
this is due to ULDC cable. New
The LD/VS informed that when U#2 is in service as SCG, the
cable will be laid once the
12 460 25.11.17 reactive power showing on LDC SCADA as lagging. When U#3 & 5
estimate for the same is
ARE IN SERVICE AS SCG, the reactive power is not showing
processed. But,Status Yet to be Will be taken up during
updated. AMC works
MM-I Noted and state that this
U#2: While the unit is in service as SCG, Air Admission is frequently
13 606 03.2.18 complaint is Under observation.
occuring within the span of 34Min
But,Status Yet to be updated.
MRT Noted and stated that this Should be Confirmed by
U#8: When Unit is in service as SCG, PC & Pumpthe energy meter complaint is Under observation. A&C on Auto PF
14 612 06.02.18
reading is varied by 1 unit in SCADA But,Status Yet to be updated. Regulation. Problem Still
Complaint Register - III Will be taken up during
AMC/overhauling works
Noted on 09-05-18 and
U2: It is observed that oil Leakage from the thrust bearing sump Informed that will be attended
15 16 09.05.18
bottom at turbine pit . Please check and rectify the same during over hauling time of
EM-I Unit-2
Noted on 07.06.2018. Comp. The discharge
TPF-I, During breaker (CB52) mechanism testing, B-Phase trpped status not updated measurement system will
16 58 06.06.18
pole discrepency not recorded byt R & Y phases recorded be rectified soon updated
MRT on 20.12.19
U#2: While the unit is in service as PC to check the Noted and stated that Meter
autosynchronizer mode, with out closing breaker (Outdoor DC erronious, Indent raised for
17 102 21.06.18
supply in OFF). Energy Meter recorded around 8-10 units even procurement of Energy Meter.
though breaker didnot closed physically MRT but status not updated.
U#7 Pump & U#2BBG: After synchronization, unit got tripped Noted on 06.7.2018. Comp.
18 133 05.07.18
protections, G2, 86-1B, GA, GB, GC operated MRT status not updated
Noted and stated that Indication
U#2 to 8 Functional group ON/OFF lights are not glowing in UCB lights will be replaced soon after
19 150 11.07.18
floor procurement. but status not
A&C updated.
When RST-1 tripped on fault, Outgoing supplies recorded on Noted on 24.7.2018. But,Comp.
20 188 23.07.18
SCADA MRT status not updated
U#3: While the machine is in service as pump, "motor mode ON" Noted on 4.8.2018. Comp.
21 218 04.08.18
FB is not occurred on SCADA I&C status not updated
Stage-II Battery Charger: when U7&8 are in service as GEN 220V Noted on 7.8.2018. Comp.
22 221 04.08.18 stg-2 charger o/v, u/v operated alarm was occured frequently on status not updated
Bus B: It is observed that 44kv persisted on SCADA eventhough Noted on 7.8.2018. Comp.
23 222 05.08.18 bus coupler and 189 A&B are opened. The voltage observed on status not updated
Bus A is 179KV MRT
Noted and stated that the
U#1:Water leakage observed from one of the wicket gates in the complaint will be attended at the
24 228 08.08.18
turbine pit time of AMC/ Capital overhaul.
MM-I Status yet to be updated. pending with I&C
25 243 13.08.18 U#4&6, MW is not received at Load Dispatch MRT Noted and status not updated
Noted and stated that the
220V stage-I charger O/V, U/Voperated alarm occured on SCADA. cables are damaged and need
26 253 17.08.18
The earth leakge observed as -10ma to be replaced. Further status Normal from EM side
MRT yet to be updated. updated on 18.12.18
U#1: GOP 1&2 Pump ON as GOP accumulator pressure low Alarm Noted and state that it is Kept
27 259 22.08.18 recorded in SCADA & observed havy sound when GOP 1&2 Pump under observation. But, status
is ON MM-I not updated
U#1: It is observed that heavy sound is heard from GOP-1 pump Noted and stated that it is Kept
28 271 26.08.18 (Main). At this instant both pumps are ON due to GOP accumulator under observation. But, status
pressure low 2AR MM-I not updated
U#8: While the unit is in service as GEN, it is observed that guide
vane is getting gradually redued without any changes in Gate Noted and stated that it is Kept
29 292 01.09.18
limitter.As a result MW output of the machine is also getting under observation. But, status
reduced A&C I not updated
In line diagram of LT Layout, From RBRHS incoming breaker of Noted on 19.9.2018. Comp.
30 334 18.09.18 SAB-III feedback (Indication) is not showing correct feedback. Progress yet to be updated
When the breaker is OFF position the feedback is showing ON EM
Complaint Register - IV
Noted on 24.10.2018.and I&C:
U#1: It is observed that, there is difference between MW value on stated that it is under
31 45 23.10.18
SCADA & Energy Meter. observation, MRT: Comp.
MRT, I&C Progress not updated
U#8: While taking the unit into service as GEN, immediately after Noted and stated that it is under
32 55 30.10.18
synchronization, reactive power raised to -42MW I&C observation
Noted on 29.11.18. and Indent
raised for the material as Indent raised for the
33 94 29.11.18 Street lighrs are not working (Complaint written by SPF)
updated by ODSGM on material as updated by
ODSGM 04.01.19 ODSGM on 04.01.19
U#6: While unit is in service as GEN, ON SCADA the load is MRT Complaint Noted on 21-12-2018
131 21.12.18 showing as 92MW but at load dispatch end the is load is 40MW. and status yet to be updated
A&C A&C informed that The existing
U#4,5,6: It is observed that there is difference of GV & GL positions transmiters have some error.
in SCADA to field New transmitter will be procured
152 05.01.19 and replaced
MRT noted on 08.01.19 and status
36 The Loads of all units are mismatched with the LD loads
158 07.01.19 yet to be updated
U#6: While unit is in service as GEN, Generator over/under voltage MRT
37 Stage-I alarm occured on SCADA at that time Generator voltage is Noted on 14.01.19 and status
173 13.1.19 14.3KV yet to be updated
U#4: While taking unit into service as GEN, at the time of shut MM-I Noted on 21.01.19 and A&C:Not
38 down, GOP faulty alarm is occured in SCADA and in the panel related MM-I: status yet to be
192 21.01.19 71SL flag is reset updated
U#3, synchronized with the grid as POC with -35MVAR and grunt is MRT
215 27.1.19 observed status not updated
MRT Noted 2.2.19, status not
40 U#8, even when the unit in S/D MW is showing at LD
225 02.02.19 updated
MM-I I&C informed that the feedback
not got from the field, I&C
U#7, While deparalleling the units as pump Cooling water valve informed that not related to
doesnot closed in Auto and HMI command given twice them, MM-I noted but status not
updated,A&C-updated Not Status updated as A&C as
238 09.02.19 related to A&C not related to A&C
U#5: It is observed on the UAB, both Yellow (auto trip) and yellow indoor noted on 18.2.19 status not
252 15.02.19 (ON) lights are indicated on 352 breaker updated
U#7:while the unit is in service as SCG,observed wicket gate B2 MM-I will be attended during AMC
282 (a) 01.03.19 abnormal sound & vibration works
I&C, A&C I&C: informed that complaint
U#3: after S/D while change from 252G to 352 GOP functional GP
44 under observation and A&C:
getting OFF
284 (a) 02.03.19 status not updated
ODSGMM noted on 4.3.19 status not
45 lighting in Odyard is not sufficient
290 (a) 03.03.19 updated
when SSLM feeder tripped, Bus A tripped, U#5 tripped no indication MRT noted on 5.3.19 status not
291 (a) 03.03.19 of protections on SCADA updated under progress
47 299 05.03.19 while taking unit 2 as PC CH1 auto/manual failed occurred A&C under observation
U#3: after S/D while change from 252G to 352 GOP functional GP I&C noted on 7.3.19 status updated
301 06.03.19 discrepency occurred frequently as under observation
Indoor noted on 9.3.19 status not
U#2: while extending supply from U2, 252M (test Mode) (Pump
49 updated by indoor, I&C updated
mode) to Reserve Board 352 close, 252 M tripped
307 09.03.19 as normal
U#6: while deparalleling the unit after CB52 opened GOP functional I&C noted on 12.3.19 status
314 12.03.19 Grp is OFF updated as under observation
A&C complaint under observation by
51 U#4 temperature recorder not working
317 13.03.19 A&C
I&C Complaint is repeating, updated
when U2 is taken into service as BBG while S/D CB41 did not open
52 by A&C as normal from their
in auto
321 14.03.19 side
ODSGM Indent placed for temp guage
U#8: when the unit is in service as Gen, observed oil and wdg temp
53 and the comp is under
of the limb is 32/40
339 22.03.19 observation
I&C noted on 23.3.19 status not
U#6:while the unit is synchronized with the grid as Gen, within a updated by I&C, updated as
span of sec, MVAR varied from 26.3 to 30 normal from A&C and doesn’t
342 22.03.19 belong by MRT
MRT noted on 25.3.19 statusupdated
as under observation by A&C,
55 U#7: unit in normal S/D condition, 86-1B, Grp B, G2 operated
updated as normal from MRT
345 24.03.19 and I&C
Complaints Pending from 01.04.2019 to 31.03.2020 (as on 03.05.2020)
Complaint Register - V

SNo Comp No. Description of Complaint pending Remarks

A&C noted 0n 2.4.19, status not

56 U#1 Greese pump fail alarm persisted on SCADA
8 01.04.19 updated
EM-I Due to damage of inlet pipe line
Water leak observed from I?C cooling water pipe lines near
57 leakage from inside concrete floor
turbine pit of U#3
10 02.04.19 and will be replaced soon
10.04.201 SAB1 Bus Coupler Breaker spring is not getting charged in EM-II Informed that the complaint will be
22 9 Auto. rectified soon
MM-I, Noted on 15.04.19 and MM-I :
U#3 in service as SCG is consuming -12MW which is higher Indoor status updated as under
13.04.201 than the usual -6MW observation and indoor: status not
27 9 updated
U#3: while the machine in S/D, Lower guide bearing/Thrust EM
30 14.04.19 bearing oil temperature high alarm observed under observation
While taking U#7 as PC using U#8 as BBG, after voltage is I&C
61 raised to both the units, before synchronizer is kept ON, U#8 noted 0n 17.4.19, status not
33 16.04.19 tripped updated
U#1: As per the permission of ODSGM, ESV operated but A&C noted 0n 17.4.19, status not
34 17.04.19 protection didnot recorded on SCADA updated
U#3: while the machine in S/D, Lower guide bearing/Thrust
63 Noted on 20.04.19 status updated
bearing cooling water temperature high alarm observed
47 20.04.19 as under observation
A&C noted 0n 27.4.19, status not
64 With U#3 as PC, U#2 as BBG, CB-41 didnot open in auto
65 27.04.19 updated
A&C noted 0n 29.4.19, status not
65 U#6, During shut down of unit CB-41 didnot open in auto
66 29.04.19 updated
Alarm signal indication appearing continuously on Bus bar
66 protection panel Y-Phase relay, upon reset also this is Noted on 28.05.19 status updated
90 27.05.19 persisting. MRT as under progress
Comp. noted on 20.06.2020 and
MM-I :informed that they will be
67 U-1 GOP accumulator pressure low (2AR)- alarm occurred on rectified at the time of annual
SCADA ,at that time GOP Pressure (38.8kg/cm2) and oil maintenance works.and
109 19.06.19 levels observed and found normal. MM-I , A&C A&C:status not updated
While unit-1 ESV operated no protection were observed in
68 SCADA and even governor ESV acted but feed back in noted 0n 02.07.19, status not
118 02.07.19 SCADA is missing. A&C updated
Informed that motor winding is
69 damaged .Fan will be replaced
126 26.07.19 Fan No .11 of Exhaust is not working Indoor after rewinding of motor.
noted 0n 02.08.19, status not
142 01.08.19 No Lighting at Check Post ODSGM updated
Noted and MM-I informed that
MM-I , Check at UCB penstock pressure
U-4 Penstock pressure observed at pressure guage at turbine ODSGM, guage and ODSGM, MM-II status
147 02.08.19 floor is 4 kg/cm2 and on SCADA it is 7.95 kg/cm2 MM-II not updated

While the machine is in service as SCG Recative power in

72 SCADA is shown as -29 MVAR but in DVR panel it is showing A&C both noted 0n 05.08.19, status not
156 03.08.19 as +18MVAR. I&C updated
Comp. noted and informed that
73 U-3 generator floor stator outlet valve water leakage they will be rectified in summer
159 03.08.19 observed. Indoor period
U-7 is taken in to service as SCG field breaker(CB41) is not
74 noted on 05.08.19, status not
closed in Auto,by giving HMI command on SCADA CB41
160 04.08.19 A&C updated
Comp. noted on 05.08.2020 and
informed that they will be rectified
U-7 is in service as SCG at turbine pit wicketgate No.2 at the time of annual maintenance
161 04.08.19 obnormal sound observed MM-I works.
U-2 is in service as scg ,frequent air admission is occuring Noted on 05.08.19 status updated
163 05.08.19 (within 20 min) MM-I as under observation.

77 Emergency shutdown of U-3 on control desk ,left side

164 05.08.19 emergency shutdown light is not glowing at the time of tripping I&C noted and status not updated
While U-5 SCG opertion after synchronizing during dewatering
78 step 71DW5 didn’t get ON and 20AM,20AS valves wre not
174 06.08.19 operated. MM-I noted and status not updated
noted and informed that will be
205 09.08.19 At draft tube floor U-4,7 cable trench supporting is very week . Indoor relaced after placing estimate.
At generator floor no unit indication at generator barrel and noted on 10.08.19, status not
206 09.08.19 CW Stator panel. Indoor updated
U-8 common alarm (AVR faulty) and channel-1 auto/manual noted on 12.08.19, status not
81 &C
210 11.08.19 fail alarm observedon SCADA. updated
While the machine is in service UAB current is showing as 2A noted on 17.08.19, status not
221 17.08.19 only. EM updated
While U-6 is in service as generator,Generator over/under Noted on 19.08.19 status updated
228 18.8.19 voltage stage-I alarm persis on SCADA. MRT as under observation.
When U-2 is in service as generator,it is observed that Gen
84 voltage in UCB (analog meter) is 14.25KV and in DVR it is noted on 22.08.19, status not
236 21.08.19 14.27KV whereas on SCADA it is 14.6KV. I&C updated
While U-7 convertion from SCG to GEN after air vent valve noted on 23.08.19, status not
246 22.08.19 closed , TM-10 timer is operated.Machine gets tripped. A&C updated
Noted and informed that they will
86 On U-7 UAB ACFF , AC controls ON/OFF knobs are not be replaced after procurement of
258 27.08.19 working. Indoor MCB channel.
While U-7 is given shutdown from SCG protections Noted on 06.09.19 status updated
281 06.09.19 operated(86-1B,Gr-A,B,C) A&C as under observation.
As unit is in service as Gen observed speed of unit in
88 SCADA ,Mosaic and trends is more fluctuating I.e speed noted on 08.09.19, status not
286 07.09.19 varies from 187 rpm to 10 rpm. A&C updated
Observed channel-2 auto/manual fail in SCADA and in DVR noted on 15.09.19, status not
305 15.09.19 panel Auto functioning fail and actual value fail. A&C updated
When 352 Breaker of U-7 if kept in Test mode discripency not noted on 19.09.19, status not
313 18.09.19 occurred. Indoor updated
U-4: 252M breaker-tried to keep 252M in testmode but 252G noted and informed that they will
91 of unit got opened/tripped as unit is in service as GEN again be rectified after procurement of
321 22.09.19 kept 252M in normal and charged 252G. Indoor new switch.
U-7 cooling water pipe line (300mm) at turbine floor below Noted on 26.09.19 status updated
323 24.09.19 flange joint water leakage observed. Indoor as under observation.
At the time of restoration of station supply from 220KVRS on
93 RB,RBLHS-SAB-2 breaker closed feedback not appeared on
336 6.10.19 SCADA. Indoor noted on 07.10.19
U-2 : 452 (UAB) breaker is not spring charged after closing.
U-3: 452(UAB) breaker closed feedback is missing on SCADA.
U-1 : 452 (UAB) breaker closed feedback is missing on
348 19.10.19 SCADA. Indoor Noted on 19.10.19
Unit-5 is in service as SCG , Channel-2 auto/manual fail noted on 21.10.19 status not
349 19.10.19 alarm , Common alarm(DVR faulty) persisted on SCADA. A&C updated
U-3 from GEN converted to the Spin Gen , then tripped the
96 unit on Gr-B operatio but didn’t get shutdown immediately .
( Conversion is done up on request of Jana Reddy/ADE? MRT, A&C,
354 21.10.19 ODSGM) I&C all noted & status not updated
Oil leakage is observed from the U-1 OLTC GTR B-Phase Gas Noted on 09.11.19 status updated
395 07.11.19 & oil relay . ODSGM as under observation.
While U-7 taken in to service a GEN at the time of
402 08.11.19 breaker(CB52) closing MVAR observed -30. A&C noted & status not updated
While U-1 taken in to service as GEN, Main breaker CB-52
403 08.11.19 closing at MVAR +19 to +20 A&C noted & status not updated
U-1 is in service as GEN , MW changes to 118 even though
power setter lowering to 100,MW automaticaaly changed to
raising value,even bus frequency is high value at that time Noted on 09.11.19 status updated
405 08.11.19 also MW raising A&C as under observation.
U-6 Generation over/under voltage Stage-1 recorded in
SCADA and also observed abnormal sound up to MCR floor
and after physia inspection everthing is normal where as in
412 11.11.19 trends from 19:19:28 hrs MVAR was -12 raised to +44 MVAR. A&C , MRT noted & status not updated
While shutdown the U-1 ,the power setter electrical gate
limiter and mechanical gate limiter are structed up at 115% ,
71%, 28% respectively( doesn’t lowered in auto) Guidevane
couldn’t be reached the no-Load position,MW was @21%,By
giving lower pulses to PS,gatelimiter then the unit Noted and status updated as
430 18.11.19 deparalleled. A&C under observation.
1) After synchronisation of U-1 , MW is not raising
gradually,but by giving HMI commands of power setter and
mechanical gate limiter machine gets loaded.
2)Even the frequency is @ 50.22 machine load is raising from
110MW to 116MW and power setter also raised from 100% to
433 19.11.19 120%. A&C
While U-1 is in shutdown ,unit speed> 2 to 3 rpm is occuring
104 frequently on SCADA.It is persisting only for few seconds and Noted and status updated as
451 7.1219 getting OFF. A&C under observation.
U-4 : 1) auto function fail channel-1 , 2) pulse fail channel
105 -I , alarms are
469 16.12.19 observed in DVR while u-4 is in GEN. A&C noted & status not updated
While taking U-6 as PC and U-8 as BBG ,U-8 reached 110rpm
106 and the same speed is not reflected on u-6 and tripped unit
475 18.12.19 manually. A&C noted & status not updated
While U-7 synchronised with as PC PF mode not get ON and
107 upto +25 MVAR raised.Excitation High/low alarm occurred on
489 21.12.19 SCADA.while to ON PF mode bit was not got ON from SCADA. A&C noted & status not updated
While U-7 is in service as PC generation over/under voltage
503 22.12.19 stage-1 alarm is continuously persisting on SCADA. MRT noted & status not updated
While converting U-7 as pump from PC unit got tripped on
505 22.12.19 86-1B, Gp-B,C. MRT noted & status not updated
At LD side U-2,8 not showing MW and for U-4 data showing
507 23.12.19 as wrong. MRT noted & status not updated
U-1 after Shutdown T/F oil flow available alarms are persisted
510 23.12.19 on SCADA A&C noted & status not updated
While converting U-8 from PC to Pump .It got tripped on
516 24.12.19 TM-17, 86-1B,Gr-B,C,G2. A&C noted & status not updated
113 518 25.12.19 U-2 energy meter not working in PC & Pump mode MRT noted & status not updated
114 523 27.12.19 LD couldn’t able to get the real time & date of U-2,6,8 i.e MW. MRT noted & status not updated
noted & I&C status not updated
115 U-2 for negative MVAR (-5MVAR) in SCADA ,it is observed and A&C informed that under
524 27.12.19 that positive MVAR in DVR A&C, I&C observation.
548 03.01.2020 While Unit -2 as Pump with Unit-8 as BB-G after closing of ODSGM Comp. noted on 03.01.2020 and
CB-52 of Unit-8 on SCADA CB-52 Trip Circuit-1 faulty,CB-52 status not updated
trip circuit -2 faulty,CB-52 SF6 gas Pressur very low,lockout
alarms observed even ODYARD supplies are in ON possition.
558 05.01.2020 While Unit-2 is Synchronizing Stage Bus Voltage Varing from I&C Comp. noted on 05.01.2020 and
216 KV to 220KV status not updated
560 05.01.2020 as per information from Load Dispatch(SCADA) unit -2,4&8 MRT Comp. noted on 05.01.2020 and
loads are not visible at their end Work is under Progress
563 06.01.2020 While taking unit-4 into service as Generator during the I&C Comp. noted on 07.01.2020 and
119 synchronization it is taking about 4 to 5 min to get status not updated
Synchronized to Grid
612 16.01.2020 Obseved water leakage from U-5 coolers outlet pipeline . ODSGM Comp. noted on 16.01.2020 and
status not updated
121 621 18.01.2020 While Unit-6 is service as pump MVAR raising upto -46 MVAR A&C Noted on 18.01.2020& Under
at that time no cahnge in bus voltage obseravtion
MRT noted on 21.01.2020
I&C Noted
122 631 21.01.2020 water leakage droplets is observed from Radiator of DG Set. MM-2 noted on 21.01.2020 & It is under
123 637 21.01.2020 While unit -3 synchronized to grid as PC abnormal A&C Noted on 22.01.2020 & found
soundobserved and in SCADA MVAR observed as +12 & in Normal
DVR -14 mvar. I&C Noted
MRT Noted
124 646 25.01.2020 When unit 7 352 is kept in test ,test feedback missing on I&C Noted on 27.01.2020 & found
scada Normal From their side
EM Noted on 27.01.2020& Work
status not updated
125 653 27.01.2020 While U-6converting from pc to pump ,unit tripped on the A&C Noted on 28.01.2020 & Under
following protections TM-10,Emergrncy Shutdown -G2 Observation ,Follow Spl
operated,86-1B Optd& MRT Trip Gr-B,Gr-C Optd Instructions
MRT Noted on 28.01.2020 & found
Normal From their side
MM-I Noted on 28.01.2020.
126 685 10.02.2020 Thallapally Feeder -1 MW METER on MOSAIC is Showing I&C Noted on 10.02.2020& Complaint
wrong value . will be Rectified when TPF-I is in
LC Status.
127 688 10.02.2020 Poor lighting near U-1 Draft Tube drain valve way INDOOR Noted on 11.02.2020
128 691 12.01.2020 Unit-8 Getting Synchronizing without matching voltage i.e bus A&C Noted on 12.02.2020 & normal
voltage (223KV)& machine voltage (219KV) is observed from thei side
I&C Noted on 12.02.2020
MRT Noted on 12.02.2020
129 693 12.02.2020 Thallapally Feeder -1 load is not showing correct on mosaic I&C Noted on 13.02.2020& Complaint
will be Rectified when TPF-I is in
LC Status.
130 694 12.02.2020 Leakage observed at Flange in the sump of 150HP-I MM-2 Noted on 13.02.2020& Complaint
Dewatering pump . will be Rectified during
Overhauling of Pump.
131 697 14.02.2020 While deparelleling u-8 from grid as GEN protections operated Indoor, noted and work under process
( unit SF6 CB B-ph and generator stator conductors ODSGM,A
damaged) &C,MRT,M
Comp. noted on 05.03.2020 and
132 749 04.03.2020 While u-7 is in service as SCG it is consuming -12 MW load MM-I informed that they will be rectified
during annual maintenance works.
Comp. noted on 10.03.2020 and
informed that they will be provided
133 767 10.03.2020 P&T Phone voice is not audible clearly. Telecom
new FTTH connection in near
Comp. noted on 11.03.2020 and
water leak observed at draft tube manhole door and wall
134 768 10.03.2020 MM-I informed that they will be rectified
during annual maintenance works.
Comp. noted on 13.03.2020 and
While conducting load test on 250KVA DG Set ,As supply to
informed that they found problem
135 773 12.03.2020 SAB-2 cut off 220V Stage -2 Battery charger fail alarm persist EM
is in reset push button and it will
on SCADA Even through charger is is ON condion only.
be replaced soon by manufacture.
While checking TPF-I CB pole discripancy alarm not recorded
136 775 13.03.2020 on SCADA(R,Y- Phases) only B-Phase pole discripancy alarm MRT Comp. noted on 13.03.2020
operated on SCADA
137 791 20.03.2020 Water is leaking from UCB AC Plant as drain pipe is damaged EM Comp. did't noted yet.
In turbine pit sounds and vibration is observed guide vane no Comp. noted on 24.03.2020 and
138 801 23.03.2020 F2 while unit is in SCGmode.vibration is high from guide vane MM-I informed that they will be rectified
no F2 during annual maintenance works.
While taking unit-4 in to service as PC common alarm (DVR
faulty) is occurred in SCADA,In DVR PSS adpt off Channel-2 is
139 805 25.03.2020 A&C Comp. noted on 25.03.2020
observed and persisted .It is not existing in
channel-1 ,immediately changing to channel-2.
Pending Complaints from 01.04.2020 to 30.04.2020 (as on 03.05.2020)
SNo Comp Date Description of Complaint pendin Remarks
g with
U-3 Stator air coolers leakage is observed in Comp. noted on 02.04.2020
140 811 02.04.2020 EM
turbine pit,when unit is in service as SCG. and Work is under Progress
AC Plant- I compressor tripped when trying to Comp. noted on 06.04.2020
141 817 05.04.2020 MM-2
switch ON compressor is tripping. and Work is under Progress
While converting PC to Pump the GV opening in
the hydraulic cabin is observed to be above 80%
142 818 06.04.2020 for U-3,6,7 for U-5 is up to 95% and the value of A&C
GV which is in hydraulic cabin is not reflected (the
same value) on SCADA. Comp. noted on 06.04.2020
Comp. noted on 10.04.2020
143 821 10.04.2020 U-3 Generator cooler leak observed in turbine Pit. EM status updated as under
144 841 22.04.2020 Water leak observed from 150HP-2 DWP . MM-2 Noted on 22.04.2020
Noted on 23.04.2020 and
informed that belts are
145 MM-2
broken.belts will be replaced
842 23.04.2020 Abnormal sound is observed from AC-Plant-2. soon.
Parameters /Values of U-4 are missing in SCADA Comp. notedand status updated
845 23.04.2020 in frequent intervals. I&C as under observation.
U-7 vibration values are missing on
147 SCADA .communication failure of VMS on
847 25.04.2020 SCADA. A&C , I&CNoted on 27.04.2020
148 856 29.04.2020 On U-7 DVR Screen MVAR shows +170. A&C Noted on 29.04.2020
Repeated Complaints Pending from 01.05.2017 to 30.04.2020 (as on 03.05.2020)
SNo Comp No. Description of Complaint pending Remarks
MRT Comp. Noted on 11-10-17.
When Srisailam Feeder is tripped at receiving station at
Informed that this has to check
09.10.201 that time, BUS A is dead, bus coupler opened, TP-I tripped
1 355, 366 under trial and error basis and work
7 SOTF initiated at Feeder-I Panel on busbar GRP Panel,
is under progress. Status Yet to be
Zone A Common Trip R-ph
U#3: VMS vibration monitoring system in UCB-3 is not Attended the complaint but not
610 06.02.18 A&C
working rectified.
Comp Noted on 16.2.18 but status
626 16.02.18 U#2to 8: Kindly arrange vibration sensing meters A&C
not updated
Comp. noted on 13.08.2020 and
213 13.08.19 Except U-3 & 8 ,for remaining units VMS is not working . A&C informed that they will be rectified
2 during AMC of VMS.
noted and informed that they will be
369 28.10.19 Except U-3 VMS, remaining all units VMS's are not working A&C
rectified soon.
noted and informed for U-1,7 VMS
It is observed when the U-3 &5 are in service the VMS is is working and remaining will be put
835 18.04.2020 A&C
not working in to service as soon as the CPUs
are procured.
U#2to 8: Kindly arrange flow meters & draft tube pressure MRT procurement of flow meters are in
625 16.02.18
switchs progress. but status not updated
Noted on 07.06.2018. Comp. status
All units Flow/Discharge measurement system is not not updated (Status Updation: Will
59 06.06.18
working be checked when the unit is taken
A&C as pump)
143,105 ,
Stage-II Battery Charger: Earth Leakage is observee on
4 147, 154, 09.07.18 Yet to be noted and status to be
165 EM , MRT updated.
U#7: While taking unit in to service as PC after closing Noted and stated that it is Kept
5 215, 216 03.08.18 CB52 the following protections operated G/M over current/ under observation. But, status not
Over load 86-1B, G-A, G-B, G-C MRT updated
Noted and EM: informed that
U#3: When the Machine is in service as pump, unit got
thermostat problem and it is
6 355, 7 25.09.18 tripped due to "bearing temp very high 26BX (UGB/LGB/
EM ,A&C,I replaced. A&C,I&C : status not
&C updated
U#8: While taking unit into service as GEN, just after I&C, MRT Noted on 14.01.19 and
synchronization MVAR reached to -40 and controlled by A&C:Normal from their side. status
176 14.1.19 giving lower pulses yet to be updated by I&C & MRT
U#8, when the unit synchronized to the grid as GEN mvar I&C noted on 14.2.19, status not
244 13.02.19 observed to be -28.5 to -35 updated
U#8: while synchronizing the unit as GEN after closing of I&C noted on 12.3.19 status not
313, 341
12.03.19 CB-52, the reactive power raised suddenly to -42MVAR updated
While taking U-8 is in Generation mode,unit synchronising
Noted and status updated as
529 29.12.19 at -35MVAR , Excitation high/low alarm occurred A&C
under observation.
I&C Comp. noted on 05.01.2020 and
559 05.01.2020 Unit -8 synchronized with -32MVAR and Unit-7 at -25MVAR
A&C status not updated
U#8: it is observed that MVAR is -30 at the time of A&C, I&C, noted 0n 18.4.19, status not
37 17.04.19 sychronization MRT updated
while deparalleling, U#4 from the grid as GEN, unit tripped MRT
204, 208,
8 on the following protections Gen o/U voltage Stg-I,Gen O/U Noted on 25.1.19 but status not
23.01.19 voltage Stg-II grB&C acted updated
On station parameters page, observed variation in bus I&C, MRT
9 votages of all units when compared to the bus voltages on Both noted on 14.2.19, status not
13.02.19 MIMIC updated
Indoor, Noted on 22.04.19 Indoor status
RST-2 652 CB opened due to PWD feeder trip at 220KVRS
36, 48, 49 MRT updated as under observation and
and there is no feedback recorded.
17.04.19 MRT status not updated
At the time of restoration of station supply from 220KVRS
336 6.10.19 on RB,RBLHS-SAB-2 breaker closed feedback not Indoor noted on 07.10.19
appeared on SCADA.
While U-4 is given shutdown from Gen ,unit got
11 333, 345 tripped( generation Over/under voltages Stage-1 & 2, Gr-
4.1019 B,C) A&C noted & status not updated
While U-3 is in shutdown condition GT Y-Phase cooling
12 347, 460 water pump-2 flow failure alarm persisted on SCADA. ODSGM ,
19.10.19 (clooers are in OFF physically) MRT noted & status not updated
While taking U-4 as PC with U-2 as BBG, U-2 got tripped
13 512, 515 on TM-18 preparation BB-Gen supervision timer operation,
23.12.19 G2,86-1B,Gr-B. MRT, A&C noted & status not updated
While converting U-8 PC to pump as U-2 BBG unit got noted & status not updated by
14 511, 531 tripped on TM-17 pump loading supervision timer with the A&C, MRT, MM-I , A&C and MRT informed that
23.12.19 protections 86-1B, Gr-B,C MM-I under observation.
U-2 : 452 (UAB) breaker is not spring charged after
closing. U-3: 452(UAB) breaker closed feedback is
348, 525
missing on SCADA. U-1 : 452 (UAB) breaker closed
19.10.19 feedback is missing on SCADA. Indoor Noted and status not updated
25.01.2020 When U-2 452 is Closed,Feedback is miising on SCADA I&C Noted on 27.01.2020 & found
Normal From their side
15 EM Noted on 27.01.2020& Work status
not updated
25.01.2020 When U-1 452 is Closed,Feedback is miising on SCADA I&C Noted on 27.01.2020 & found
648 Normal From their side
EM Noted on 27.01.2020
U-1 : 452 (UAB) breaker closed feedback is missing on
725 24.02.2020 Indoor noted on 25.02.2020
17.01.2020 While converting unit from pc to Pump it got tripped The A&C Noted & informed that Under
following protections are recorded in SCADA,G2 Observation
16 618, 623 OPERATED ,TH-10 OPERATED ,86-1B operated,Gr-B, I&C Noted & informed Normal from their
Gr-C Operated. side
MM-1 Noted and status not updated
19.01.2020 Unit 2,4,6,& 8 MVAR is high after unit is getting A&C
synchronized,following are MVAR of units at the time of I&C
17 624, 644 synchronization Noted and status not updated
578 09.01.2020 In Synchronizng step after Auto Sunchronizing on MRT Comp. noted on 09.01.2020 and
Feedback unit got Synchronized within 11Sec i.e.7:40:26 to A&C status not updated
606 16.01.2020 In synchronizing step unit got synchronized within 6 sec at I&C Noted and status not updated
that time voltage difference in synchronizer obseved to be A&C
around 8 to 9 KV with respect of bus voltage & machine MRT
voltage and MVAR is -45 MVAR.aAbsorved Grunting from ODSGM
machine at the time of Synchronizing.

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