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A nsw er Key: General Training Reading Practice Test 1

Section l

1. 18
2. 28,33 (must have both answers; the question says "tw o pages";
pageJO is not roTTed as the question asks about "art" not "the arts")
3. 32 (the sports stadium is discussed in the "Letters" page.)
4. monthly/every month/each month
5. A
6. C
7. A,E (must have both answers)
8. E
9. B
10. D
11. C
12. A
13. B
14. D (nole the importance of the article "the" i.e. "the snake" that has bitten you, not snakes in general)
15. B

Section 2 Student Accommodation at Northside University

16. C
17. B
18. A
19. B
20. $68.50
21. $154 (the answer requires "the cheapest" not the range.
22. 21
23. 17
24. Boronia
25. women

Section 3 Konnilda College

26. '1969
27. 280
28. D
29. pre-secondary answers test 11 ielts fever
30. supported secondary
31. secondary
32. English
33. science
34. T
35. Ne
36. F
37. NG
38. T
39. NG
40. T

TltE NEW PREPARE FOR IELlS: General Training Modules 14.

Unit 6 Answers and tapescripts

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