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PREVENTIVE, FAMILY & COMMUNITY MEDICINE JULY 7, 2015 MOCK EXAMS 1, MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS. 1. Which is the earliest practical observational study for determining an association with known risk factors and diagnosed cases of a particular disease? A. Ecological C. Cohort B. Case control D. Cross-sectional 2. Which provides the best information about the causation of disease and estimates of attributable risks? ‘A. Ecological C. Cohort 8. Case control D. Cross-sectional Nos. 3-12. A study was done in Bgy. Mozon to determine the prevalence of Diabete: (DM) among its population of 2,565 (males and females) with ages ranging from 19RNOVeay Old. Blood sugar levels were determined in a screening program done for threqggn ty MNytve mornings between 6:00 am ~ 8:00 am using a standard glucometer device. fre red twenty (320) females and two hundred twenty five (225) males were discofygf tohave elevated blood sugar levels. Thereafter, this subset of population was followetepp for a period of five years, Ninety-five (95) patients subsequently died, some mg@ weg handled with complications such as retinopathy, nephropathy and diabetic fogf, atthe rest had their blood sugar levels under control. 3. What is the case fatality rate of DM in Bgy. Mozon? A 17% ©. 19% 8. 18% D. 2: 4, What is your computed prevalence rate for Di ingBay. Mozon? A 15% B. 18% 5. Ifyou were asked to calculate the ct idence of the disease in lieu of incidence rate, which of the following meogyrdh is frequently used as a denominator? ‘A, Number of new cases obgérve: B. Number of asymptommictegses known C. Number of peop! f th disease in the population at risk at the beginning of the period D. Number of pt eMPosed to the risk of devetoping the disease during that period oy 6. What stage oMtyghatural history of disease is alluded to if half of those who tested positive jc at that point? Jceptibility C. clinical disease ine! D. disease outcome Try, nephropathy and diabetic foot complications fall under what stage of the Gall raMistory of disease? stage of susceptibility €. clinical disease 8. pre-clinical D. disease outcome 8, Glucometer was the medical device used in the study to determine the blood sugar levels Which characteristic is measured when those who really have the disease are correctly diagnosed? A. Reliability . Accuracy B. Validity D. Efficiency 9. Which instrument characteristic is being measured if the glucometer device gives the same information for the three (3) blood sugar level determinations? A, Reliability C. Accuracy B. Validity ©. Efficiency 10, Which is the BEST way to present the data of those who had complications from Diabetes? A. Pie chart C. Frequency polygon 8. Bar graph D. Line graph 11. What is the level of prevention most appropriate for application to those who already presented with diabetic complications? A. Primordial ©. Secondary 8. Primary D. Tertiary 12. Which level of prevention is applicable in the setting of those who were identified to have Diabetes and were scheduled to undergo prompt intensive treatment? A. Primordial C. Secondary B. Primary D. Tertiary 13. The occurrence of a group ilinesses of similar nature at a rate above the expected number is called A. epidemic B, endemic C. enzootic 0. pandemic 14. The time interval between entry of an infectious agent into a host and the eget symptoms is called A. the communicable period 8. the incubation period C. the preinfectious period e D. the recuperation period 15. The proportion of people in a population who have a disefSeygua gen instant in time. A. Incidence rate 8. Point prevalence Period Prevalence D._ Relative Risk 16. In order to compare rates of disease or di 0 oF more groups that differ substantially in age, sex, or racial composition, adj the rates in necessary to remove the effects of those difference. A. Specific death rate 8. Crude death rate Standardized mortalit D. Case fatality rate 17. The number of ng population at risk eri a. Incidence y b. Prevalenc c 6 « tale) leNWPF disease in subject with a threat factor divided by the incidence in those in reat is absent. In®idence rate Point prevalence C. Odds ratio D. Relative Risk 19. Decentralization of basic and health services to Filipinos was effected by: A. World Health Assembly of 1977 C. Philippine Medical Act of 1959 B. Local Government Code, 1991 D. Health Sector Reform Agenda, 2000 20. This is an essential health service that is available, accessible and affordable to the community: A. Managed care C. Primary health care B. Socialized care D. Family health care 21. The health status of a community may be measured or expressed in terms of. A. availability of health care services B. availability of public utilities C. its statistical indices of morbidity and mortality disease that occur in a period of time divided by the tite time, jence D_ utilization of health care services 22. DOH's goal of improving the general health status of Filipinos in order to achieve its ‘Health For All Filipinos’ vision requires which of the following strategies? A. Reduce infant & child mortality rate C Increase total fertility rate B. Decrease life expectancy D. Increase growth rate 23. The operating unit of the Department of Health which is under its administrative and management control and works at the local level with its employed personnel. A. barangay health station C. puericulture center B. rural health unit D. regional hospital/medical center 24. Almost half of the total health spending in the Philippines is paid through: A. Philippine Health Insurance Corporation B. Private Health Insurance and Community-Based Health Financing Schemes. C. Out-of-pocket Settlement of Individual Families D. National and Local Government 25. The accepted terminology for the total market value of final goods and service: S by the national economy which is utilized as a too! for allocation of nationalgud? A. Gross Domestic Product C. Consumer Price ing B. Gross National Product D. Health expendituf 26. What program of the Department of Health focuses on the primary prevetNjon of disease under 12 months of age? ? ‘A. Maternal and Child health B. Integrated Management of Childhood illnesses C. Expanded Program of Immunization D. Family Planning and Reproductive health 27. In Primary health Care, when is prevention consdere: ted & effective? A. The setting of disease is inhibited B. Upon immediate recognition of disey festations © The progress of diseases meen) D. Rapid recovery of patients 28. Which of the following indices castes as the average number of years an individual of a given age is anticipated to li mortality rate continues? A. natality C. mortality B life expectancy at D. morbidity 29. What will be the apgfoxiNgte annual population of the Philippines in 2050 with the annual growth rate of 2, A. 80M 100M 8. 90 D.110M 30. Using th Miovascular Protection Program report, which of the following risk factors, tog fr diseases is of the highest prevalence? C. hypertension king D. stress, 3 Rg @hnique by means of which the purposes and objectives of a particular human group are mined, clarified and effectuated: A. Organization C. Management B. Planning D. Training 32. What function of management involves selecting objectives, strategies, policies, programs and procedures for achieving them, either for the entire enterprise or any organized part it? A. Directing . Planning B. Staffing D. Evaluating 33. Administration is a complex process aimed at: A. Coordinating all existing services thru hierarchy regardless of expenditures. Supervising and controlling people to work as one regardless of expenditures C. Achieving objectives with the least possible expenditure of time, energy and money consistent with the agreed quality of work D. Achieving objectives with the greatest expenditure of time, energy and money consistent with the agreed quality of work 2 34, In SWOT analysis, determination of opportunities and threats pertain to which of the following considerations? A. Factors external to the organization a. Factors internal to the organization b. Objectives of organization . Vision and mission statements, 35. A description of what the organization would look like to be in a preferred future is fulfilling its purpose is termed: A. Vision C. Policy B. Mission statement D. Program 36. Health protection involves which of the following actions? A. translating knowledge into action B. telling people what to do 0 C. giving lectures about health D._ issuing rules and regulations to prevent, cor€Cygg puWa stop to bad habits 37. Measures of health status traditionally have been base opblity data. The principal reason why this may no longer be satisfactory in thagomg Yar is: A. Changes in diagnostic technology pgrmit letection of disease. B. The infant mortality rate has deaifiegsso much that it no longer serves its usefulness C. The population is growing illnesses than in the pa D. There is less risk of fatalfinfection than in the past. jore subject to the burden of chronic 38. Double burden of disease for nes best exemplified by which of the following scenario? XY A ly dN to communicable diseases 8. EMMorbidity and mortality are non-preventable c municable causes of morbidity are hypertension and diseases D. iol gical shift is from non-communicable to communicable diseases 39, Republic Filiping “The National insurance Act of 1995” covers which population of ‘ermment employees only . all Filipino citizens private employees only D. marginalized citizens ae gpho% many years are health care professionals accredited by the Philippine Health urance Corporation? A. Four (4) years ©, Two (2) years B. Three (3) years D. One (1) year 41. Which of the following diagnostic outcomes is prioritized by the DOTS (National Anti-T8) Program of PHILHEALTH and DOH? ‘A. sputum negative but with history suggestive of TB B. sputum negative cases but with possible X-ray findings C. sputum positive cases D. sputum negative but with clinical findings suggestive of TB 42. Which is the most effective mode of anti-18 treatment that both PHILHEALTH and the Department of Health currently recommend? A. daily home visits C. directly observed therapy 8. two weeks monitoring D. health center based follow-up 44. Orugs which are labelled solely by their international proprietary name and not covered by Patent protection A complementary drugs © essential drugs B. generic drugs D. core drugs 44 “An organized system of heaith care delivery, offering a comprehensive set of benefits, in Which members are voluntarily enrolled, and paying for a fixed, prepaid period.” A, Health insurance C. Socialized care B. Managed care D. Out-of-pocket care 45. The twin moves of the national government to promote rational drug use include the development of the Philippine National Drug Formulary and which of the following considerations? A, manage drug cost 8. review and amend promotion and advertising of drugs C. control manufacture of drugs D. control importation of drugs 46. in which of the following situations can PHILHEALTH benefit entitlement bagyal A. Payment of at least three (3) monthly contributions withingghe Myghewate six month period prior to confinement 8. Confinement in an accredited hospital for less than 24 hours ye to an illness or disease requiring hospitalisation . Confinement falls outside the 45 days allowanceoNgom and board but complies with the rule/policy on single periofobgapfine ment. D. Confinements in non-accredited hospitals tqeMh elgttive surgical procedure 47. In computing for the cost of iliness, which of the follvindte are required? A. Average days of non-morbid condijjon B. Average cost of savings C. Number of death ©. Average daily income or wa D. Health Sector Reform Agenda 1) medication, or cardiac bypas: ould provide the most additional years of life expectancy (quality adjuste pertensive individual is termed: A. Cost-benefitgfaypsis (CBA) B. Cost-effegpivgfanes (CEA) CC. Cost-m analysis (CMA) D. Co: sis (CUA) RA Y610 of 1992 (Child Protection Law), effectively defined chitdren with {ng characteristics? CJ Jons who reach the age of emancipation which is 18 years” fsons who are below eighteen (18) years of age” or those over but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty, ‘exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or condition” . “persons who are below twenty-one (21)years of age” ©. “persons who are below twenty one (21) years of age” or those over but are unable to fully take care of themselves or protect themselves from abuse, neglect, cruelty exploitation or discrimination because of a physical or mental disability or condition” 50. Philippine statutes an child protection define chiki labour as Hlegal employment of chikdren under which age setting? A. Those below the age of Miteen (15), where house hold chores are done for one’s ‘own family 8. Those below the age of fifteen (15), where they are not directly under the sole responsibility of their parenty or legal auardian andl whose work endangers thei life, vatety, hwalth and snr als © thoes betuw fifteen (15) years ald who are emplayed: in exclusive amily undertakings wher their safety, health, schooling and narinat development ave not inpawed D. Those above fifteen (15) years old but below 18 years of age who are employed in non-hazardous undertakings 54 Which of the following health measures has the greatest potential for prevention of disease? A. Environmental modification 8. Immunization C. Modification of personal health behavior D. Screening tests 52. The measure of dispersion of choice when the mean is used as the reference point: a. Range b. Standard deviation ©. Variance d. Coefficient of variation 53. Classification of age as a variable into young or old is an example of what scale of measurement? 8. Ordinal b. Interval <. Ratio 4d, Nominal 54. Ks the ability of a test to give a positive test result when in fact the variablegt Mipsis Present a. sensitivity b. negative predictive v «. specificity 4. positive predictive value 55, The first phase in communicable disease is: ¢ a. pathogenesis b. infectivity ¢. incubation period 4. portal ofeny 56. In the natural history of a disease, the stage correspon incubation period is the: a. Clinically advanced b. Pr © Convalescent 57. A researcher would like to study the associat year medical student. Recruitment of sul The research design is? . cross sectional study cohort study ©. case control study d. experimental study 58. It describes more than ge ® particular clinical intervention was performed: ween stress and headache among first {ails obtaining the history of stress or not. a. case report b. clinical series . case series d. survey 59. An exploratory inves lgned to formulate questions that are evaluated in subsequent anal ie Me The research design is: a experimg b. ecologic study ©. case rep 4. cross-sectional study 60. The first mmunicable disease is engis b. infectivity hn period 4. portal of entry otuFal history of a disease, the stage corresponding to the incubation period is the. ically advanced b, Pre-pathogenic - Convalescent d. Pathogenic 62. A researcher would like to study the association between stress and headache among first Year medical student. Recruitment of subjects entails obtaining the history of stress or not The research design is? 61 a. cross sectional study b. cohort study . case control study 4. experimental study 63. It describes more than three cases wherein a particular clinical intervention was performed 2. case report b. clinical series ©. case series d. survey 64. An exploratory investigation designed to formulate questions that are evaluated in subsequent analytic studies. The research design is: a. experimental study b. ecologic study ¢. case report d. cross-sectional study 65. Typhoid fever easily spreads within population because of transmission through a babel b vector Semen 4. droplets 66. The general purpose of a cohort study | A to determine the frequency of the outcomes after the exposure B. to test whether an association exists between the exposure and a future health problem C. to determine whether the risk always leads to the outcome D. to randomize entry of comparison groups 67. Experimental studies are considered the best way to show level of evidence because they A. Allow the most control aver the study situation B. eliminate all biases in the study © have blinding D. are frequently randomized 68. Cohort studies are prospective in terms of A. Sequential cause and effect relationship B. Describing several outcome from an exposure Limited observational bias on risk factors D. number of subjects registered for the study 69. The administration of a single injection of live attenuated measles vaccine Wgsults in a. seroconversion in 95 percent of susceptible children ¢ bb: postimmunization encephalitis in 0.1 percent of recipient subacute sclerosing panancephalitis in 0.017 percent Erggaien 4. no significant risk to children with leukemia 70. Prevention of human brucellosis depends on a. pasteurization of dairy products derved from goat Wag OF cows b, treatment for human cases €. control of the insect vector 4d. immunization of farmers and slaughif rkers 71. Influenza vaccine is generally recom which of the following groups? a, All persons over 55 years of age b. School-age children c. Allpersons with severe, nary disorders regardless of age d. Pregnant women 72. The major environmgnt ‘of lead absorbed in the human blood stream in adults is a. air b. water c. lead-basethggrt d. food, 2. nggel bove 73. 6 NePS health program is necessary in order to: jetermine if other objectives have been attained prematurely stop the program implementation C. allocate available resources to another program D. re-assign health manpower to other worthy programs 74, Mottled enamel of the teeth is found among those with deficiency in the water supply of A. calcium €. fluoride B. zinc D. chloride 75. Pollutants are 1000 times more likely to reach the lungs when people stay long at the: A. malls C. public parks, B. open fields D. seafront

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