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1/27/2019 JUDGMENT/ORDER IN - CRIMINAL MISC. BAIL APPLICATION No. 28426 of 2018 at Allahabad Dated-6.8.2018 CASE TITLE - P.

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?Court No. - 52

Case :- CRIMINAL MISC. BAIL APPLICATION No. - 28426 of 2018

Applicant :- P.K Verma

Opposite Party :- State Of U.P.
Counsel for Applicant :- Lav Srivastava,Adya Prasad Tewari,Shahnawaz Khan,V.P Srivastava Senior Advocate
Counsel for Opposite Party :- G.A.,Amit Kr Srivastava

Hon'ble Rajul Bhargava,J.

Considering the seriousness and gravity of the offence alleged against the applicant who is a teacher in the school of
prosecutrix. The applicant had sexually assaulted her and also touched inappropriately and had outraged her modesty, on
account of which the victim, a young girl of class 12th, had also attempted to commit suicide but by the providence she
was saved by her schoolmates, filing of counter affidavit is necessary.
Learned A.G.A. is directed to file counter affidavit within four weeks. Rejoinder affidavit, if any, may be filed within two
weeks thereafter.
List this case thereafter.
Order Date :- 6.8.2018

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