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Sample of Critically Evaluative Writing

When you produce your report, you should visualise it like a FUNNEL whereby you start off
broadly in relation to the theory and gradually focus down more and more to look at
different theoretical aspects in more depth. You are advised to apply the theory and
comment on the fit at each stage as you go along. So, start off with a discussion of the
development of your theory from seminal work to contemporary times. Then always try to
evaluate what the theory is all about and then focus down.

Read the extract below of a sample of student’s work which critically evaluates Values,
Ethics and Morality in relation to Authentic Leadership theory (AL). Note that this follows a
higher level critical evaluation of what AL is all about which analysed Values, Ethics and
Morality as a key variables along with several others.

You can see the tutor’s comments which will help you to identify which stages on the OU
Stairway to Critical can be identified in this work.

Values, ethics & morality

In addition to sustaining the component of self-awareness, Bhindi and

Duignan (1997) were also amongst the early proponents of a positive values- Comment [MG1]: This theory is 20 years
old. Is it seminal work? How do you know?
based approach towards AL, suggesting that concepts such as spirituality and The student has actually discussed this further
up in his essay.
sensibility are core foundations for authenticity in leadership. Begley
Comment [MG2]: Shows process and
(2001)agrees with this idea of a „greater good‟, proposing the “adoption and understanding

application of a values perspective to make authentic leadership an objective Comment [MG3]: Shows comparison

that is more understandable, compelling and achievable”. Comment [MG4]: This should ideally be
paraphrased to show the students own
understanding. Quotations should be used
At this point in the chronology of AL theory development, there appears to be sparingly to provide particular emphasis.
Where they are used, you should always give
a marked shift in conceptualisations of authenticity towards that of the page number in the reference.

incorporating the closely-linked concepts of values, morals, positive behaviour

and ethical decision-making. This is perhaps a reflection of the prevailing Comment [MG5]: This shows critique – the
student is providing a critically evaluative
mood in society at that time; a result of “ethical corporate meltdowns” and “the commentary showing process, understanding,
compare/contrast and evaluation of the
numerous examples of inauthentic leadership” that had occurred at the turn of development of AL theory from seminal work
to contemporary times. This section could
the century (May et al., 2003). Indeed, the two works that are arguably most have been further improved by referencing
the theorists he is referring to.
responsible for the renewed interest in AL – that of George (2004) and
Comment [MG6]: Do not use “-“ in formal
Luthans and Avolio (2003) – both suggest that the values of the leader are an writing – always take care with your grammar
and arrange for some to proof read your work
important contributing factor for leadership to be deemed authentic. prior to final submission as it is impossible to
see your own mistakes.
Michie and Gooty (2005) respond to the concerns about the morality of
leadership by drawing on theories of emotion and positive psychology to
suggest that leaders will be more “consistent and authentic” when they are
committed to, and act upon, self-transcendent values (such as social justice,
equality, etc.). This view is contended by Rost (1995) in his discussion paper Comment [MG7]: This shows a contrasting
view. Can you see that it is this commentary
on the ethics of leadership, in which he argues that morality cannot be a which comes from the student which makes
this work critically evaluative rather than
requirement of leadership as there is no universal view of what a high moral descriptive?
standard is. Eagly (2005)arguably finds a middle ground between these two Comment [MG8]: Note how the students
says “arguably”. It is always a good idea to say
perspectives by narrowing the focus of morality, saying that authenticity can use phrases like this as you can never argue a
point definitively in this type of work.
occur when a leader transparently conveys values to a specific community
which specifically promote their interests. As an alternative viewpoint, Kiersch
and Byrne (2015) move the focus away from morality and on to the concept of
organisational justice, concluding that fairness inthe workplace acts “as the
mechanism through which authentic leadership relates to organisational
outcomes indicative of high integrity and ethical leadership”. Comment [MG9]: Can you see how the
student is bringing out nuanced theory here:
values; spirituality; morals; ethics;
Further investigation into the moral component of AL is carried out by May et organisational justice; integrity etc.? All of this
nuanced theory can be applied to practice and
al. (2003) which, rather than focusing on the presence of a moral code within the “fit” between theory and practice will be
much more interesting if you look at the
the leader, looks at the process surrounding authentic decision-making. They theory in more depth as you “funnel” down in
your essay.
postulate that having a moral code does not necessarily result in ethical
decision-making, but that leaders also require moral courage and moral
resiliency. Recent research in the field of psychology by Brandstätter et al.
(2016) also investigates the link between moral courage and moral action, Comment [MG10]: This is a very recent
reference and shows that the student has
offering further insight into the supposition put forward by May et al. (2003) researched the topic thoroughly and
independently to look for recent theoretical
through identification of the fact that “individuals with low self-regulatory developments.
The student is synthesising psychological
abilities” find it difficult to “to self-generate positive affect in the face of theory with leadership theory here.
difficulties.” Indeed, the notion of self-regulatory behaviour (“an ability to
effectively manage or alter one‟s responses and impulses” (Vago and
Silbersweig, 2012)), and the closely linked concepts of self-control and self-
discipline, are inherent in a number of AL constructs (Begley, 2001;George,
2004;Luthans and Avolio, 2003;Shamir and Eilam, 2005). Comment [MG11]: The use of multiple
references here support the students’ point.
Do you find them convincing? If so, why? If
not, why?
However, you need to use such lists
convincingly and with integrity. It is very
tempting to simply extract these lists from
journal articles but long lists of journals do not
earn you brown points. It is the quality of your
critical evaluation which counts.

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