Zalyubovskaya 1977

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Deciassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10 : C1A-RDP8BB01125R000300120005.6 unc 612.01N.424.5 BIOLOGICAL EFFECT OF MILLIMBIER RADTONAVES Kiev VRACHEBNOYE DELO in Russian Wo 3, 1977 pp 116-119 [article by WP. Zalyubovekays, Kharkov Seéentific Research Institute of Microbiology, Vaccines and Sera iment Mechnikov] [next] Morphological, functional and piochenieal studies conducted In fumans ond aninele revealed that millimeter waves caused changes in the body manifested in structural alterations in {he skin and interned organs, qualitative snd quantitative Changes of the blood and bone marrow composition and chenges Of the conditioned reflex activity, tissue respiration, ac- Chaty of enzymes participating in’ the processes of tissue Secpiration and meieie metabolien, ‘The degree of unfavor— Tel effect of millimeter waves depended on the duration of She radiation end individual characteristics of the organien. agation of relicwaves, radio broslcasting and television Pe Shtsibuting Lo the appearance of a new physical factor ~- electromagnetic HRSo'SE the muaioefrequeney range. In recent years it ha been established swt raliovaves of different ranges have an wnfavorable influence on the Peet ame tne Iiterature data (A. 6. Subbota, 19705 N. V. Tyagin, 1971; Bs oeerinlovin, 1973; M. 3+ Yakovleva, 1973; Yu. D. Dunanskiy et aby 2975) theciny that dong stay in conditions of the effect of radioveves (the dm and series) leads to change of the functions of the nervous, cardiovascular see Sober systens of tie orgentan, with the development of e characteristic Ee Lympeone vhich permit epeaking of a special nosological form of DaPeaare sisease (M. fy Sadehskova, 1973). However, in the 1it~ {evalnost no informacion about the biological effect of radio Limeter range, although thet range is widely used in ‘ion of its biological activity has ecquired specisl The ubiquitous pr frequencies of the mi technology and the que consisted in study of the physiological the goal of the present investigation ‘of the changes which occur in and Siochenical processes lying at th semis nae result of the effect of radiowaves jn the range of 5-8 mm, at S'aenaity of the flow of power of 1 milli conducted on rate of the Wistar Line end w for 15 minutes daily in the course of 60 days in the volute hasis of a type OV-12 generator. Liation working on perimental. env Deciassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10 : CIA-RDP88B01125R000300120006 "A COVERIGIENT USE ONLY 8 Study of the morphologicsl, functional and biochenical indicators, which * play an essential role in the formation of reactions of the organisa, dis Closed various Georders in the experimental aninals. 7 ‘As is known, the energy of millimeter waves, because of its weak penetrating ability, 4s absorbed primarily and mainly by the skin, Our investigations have chown that in the skin of irradiated animals deformation of the receptor apparatus and well-expressed changes of a reactive character were observed, In the skin leyer properly speaking appeared bunches of nerve fibers with : hypertrophy of « portion of the fiber and sections with dexyelinization, In : the dermis, anong the collagen fipere were mall trunke of various thickness, A, the neural conductors of which were fragmented in separate cases, and pheno- + (EM mene of denyelinizstion were observed in the surface layers. As the results of histonorphological analysis shoved, in the functionally 4 active etructuree of tlecue of the myocardium, liver, kidneys end spleen Atsorders of the hencdynanice were established, with disruption of the per- neability of the vesicular menbranes, the appearance of micronecroses and subsequent tissue dystrophy. Moreover, qualitative and quantitetive ehifts were revealed in the erythrocytic end leukocytic composition of the blood of irradiated animels, indicating suppreasion of the henopoietic function of the bone marrow and “yaphatic eystem. Noted in the composition of the red blood was eosinophilia, neutrophilie and iynphopenia, and lowering of the heno- globin level and reduction of the mumber of erythrocytes were observed, which was determined to a considerable degree by the retention of erythrocytes in the bone marrow. In the latter occurred an increase of the munber of erythro- blastle cells and decrease of cells of the leukoblastic series. Under the effect of mlliveter waves of low intensity the degree of affection 2 @epends on the general condition of the organien and evidently 1e not so great, sa the observed disorders are in the main reversible. A characteristic feoture of the biological effect of xaitovaves was changes 5 of the state of various sections of the central and vegetative nervous yee ae ton whieh involve directly or dndirectly dsordere of the principal functions . of the orgenisms (NM. I. Yakovlev, 1973). As a result of investigations conducted by us on wiinale irradiated with milii- Bi neter waves, disorders of conditioned reflex activity have been established: weakening of the stimulatory process, reduction of the eize of the latent period in response to different conditioned stiali (ight, noise or pain) end * disinhibition of differentiation reactions. Disorders of the stimlatory end pes iunit'tory prosesees displayed in uniaals during the repeated effects of mild~ meter radiowaves cen he considered cuppressicn of the fuetion of the central nervous systen, although the developed inhibition can be Linked with protective, compensatory rénction of the orgenisn in response to irradiation. Ln the blood plaswa of irradtated aninale the content of 17-cxycorticosteroiés in eased (22,6! # 2.18 nig per 100 nl of plasma of the trrediated and 1.98 42,01 akg of the unirradiated. Along with that, tn the adrenal cortex of GOVERNMENT USE ONL rowed For Rates 2013 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10 : C1A-RDP8BBO1125R000300120005.6 Tortliotiat ty ai VVbeeker wove Une asinoriie: acid Lewet; dropped, Sb. eeeamel changes eatabiched In the contcut of foes in the boot wee ucad of eacorbic acid sn Ure adrenal cortex of irradiated animals in- placme the influence of millincter raiiowaves ou the central components of Gicote tnelomectypopiysis syeten ~~ the adrenal glands with Savolvenent of e munber of hunorel components. ‘me conducted investigations shoved thet in animals subjected to the effect sa evineter radiovaves there was 8 variation of the content and ratio of Oe a imclaces in the bloot the concentration increased, in the hypothelamis sateen cttatine conten inereased and the noredreneline Level dropped, in, the sae reenex there Was @ slight redistribution of catecholamines, in the seretet, ante the adrenaline content doubled and the noradrenaline Level serohed by IL in conperison with thet in unirradiated animals, The eAren- arePPeS entation in the adrenal glands remained elevated ty Of 10 days case pe inradiation ceased. The obteined results indicate well-expressed avatar of metabolien of catecholanines under the influence of rdlLineter cae ee stn in the hormonal and in the sympathetic components of the sympath: waves ivenal system and elco reflect chenges of the functional activity of ite hormonal und mediator components. sme wain mess of the energy in tissues and orgens of anima) orgentens, as 1s Pie ein Moeieased duriag the biologicel oxidation of organic substances, in woe eee ane greater pert of t £e accumlated in the form of macroergs. the mrocseses of bloenergeties, occurring mainly in the mitochondria with the ee eettiespation of respirstory enzyres visich accomplish the tersins) aitge of biological oxidation, are of universal. Seportance, and assure the NaSlsSnat activity of orgens and tissuen, the synthesis of proteins ond san sora sdo, the formation of sone intermed.ate prolucts of exchange, ete the conducted investigstions shoved that the irradiation of animals vy milli- see eee caused changes of the processes of oxidative phosphorylation in meter wav°® faneye, heart ond brain of the animals. ‘The trradietion inhibited BRE JEGA Coneumption rate by the mitochondria of those draans in the active tsoeeriatine state ard slowed dom the rate of respiration upon exhaustion sae the liver and kidneys of irradiated animals the intensity of SFowphorylatson decreased by Of, the values of the resphratory controle de hosTneT ere and 206 respectively ond the changes were Iss expreased in the heart and brain. the established disorders of the process of conjugate oxidative shosphoryle- wee i the mitochondria of irradiated animals testify to: suppression of toon fonange and can be a reeult of changes occurring in the electron trans sect Mnain. ane expressed hypothesis was confirmed by the results of inves: Shucions of the activity of enzmwes participating in the: processes of tismue seeereetton. In the mitochondria of the Livers, of irradiated animals, the cea ae Olgnydcogenase activity increased by 3h and the! eytochronoxddase sent secreaced by 37% Tose data testify to destruction of the cyto- chrove chain. . Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10 : CIA-RDP8BB01125R000300120005.6 Gh OVERNMENT USE ORLY f Very essential in the eysten of enzymes of cell energy cupply is the role of the ATPases regulating the processes of formation and use of the energy of macroergs (V. P. Skulechey, 1969). The conducted investigations revealed bh in the mitochondria of the livers of irradiated animals an increase of ATPase A activity by 63% as compared with einilar indicstore for the unirradiated. In iv ‘that cage in the liver snd spleen of animals irradiated meny tines by miili- ae neter waves there vas # decrease of the content of adenylnucleotides by 61 4 ‘and 68% respectively. : Inveetigation of the influence of millimeter waves on the state of nucleic « Be exchange showed thet in the Liver, spleen, kidneys, lungs and heart there was f fg reduction of the content, of nucleic acide and cuppreseion of the rete of Ticrthymidine dn DNA and “'C-uridine in RNA, Tn a Gomparison of the results = * of quantitative determination of micleic acide it was established thet the rate of inclusion of the predecessor in RNA and its content in the orgns changes less than the DNA, The change of the nucleic acids concentration was ey nore expressed in the liver, spleen and Kidneys than in the heart and lungs. Pas ‘Together with reduction of the mucleic acids content, the quantity of ackd- 5 soluble products in the liver ond splecn of irratiated aninels increased by 35 and 43% and the sctivity of ribonuclease and DNAace increased 50%. Under the influerce of rediovaves the protein spectrum of the blood serum changea (the alounin content decreased and the munber of globulin increased, which led to decrease of the value of the albwdn-globulin coefficient) sna the umber of free amino acids decreased by 22%, An indicator of the reduced level of protein synthesia in the irrediated animals also was the esteblished reduction of the rate of inclusion of lc-nethionine in proteins of the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and thymis. The preeented data testify to substantial changes in the protein metabolism vhich occur wider the influence of multiple irradiation of animals by millimeter radiovaves. Evidently the reduction of 2s fof the genersl energy level occurring in the orgenian under the influence of A nillineter radiovaves hed on effect on the formation of macroergs and caused r ‘8 suppression of all functions of the organisa, including suppression of syne thetic processes but especially of micleoprotein metabolisn, which 18 very ‘encrgy-consuming. | the conducted experinental investigations vere compared with observations of the state of health of 97 persons vorking with generators of the millimeter renge on the basis of systenatic conducting of biochenseal analyees, The -f ‘obtained data confirmed the existence of an influence of radiowaves on the ‘st state of mctabolic processes in the organisa, in particular, changes of the Indientors of protein snd carbohydrete metabelian Were revealed and dietur- dances of the indicators of immno-biological reactivity end of the blood ea system were established, Ae Mus the conducted investigations Ind{cate high ologteel activity and an tn) \avorable influence of millineter rasiowaves on the organian. The express~ ae neces of the biologicel reactions increased with Increase of the period of ees Erstiation and depended on individual characteristics of the organian. hate 6 : LCOVERIBENT USE ONLY ’ Deciassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/10: CIA-ROPG8BO1125R000300120005-6 at Deciassied and Approved For Release 201206110: CIA-ROPSBO1125R000800120005.8 DLOLTOGRART Le punanskiyy Yous Dey Sorayuhy A. Mey and Lost, Ts Po Nityantye elektro- mare Uh poley Fadiornasiot na cheloveks” [Zafluence of Blectronag- magnitvelds of Ratio Frequencies on Man]. Kiev, 1975. logicheskiye effekty mikrovoln 4 ugroza 24o- 2. Sedchikova, Me Ne In: ‘erects of Microwaves and Threat to the Health]. rortyu" [Biological Wareaw, 1973: 5, skvtacnov, V. F. "AKnamlyatsiye energi v Kletke" (Energy Accumation in the Gel]. Moscow, 1969. in: "Wliyandye SVGh-izlucheniy ne organiem cheloveks 4 Radsations on the Organ~ 4, subbota, A, sepvotagen* [Tnfluence of Superhigh Frequenct and Animals). Teningred, 1970. isms of Ma "yainicheskiye espekty oblicheniya SVCh-Abepazona” [Chin- 5. Tyagin, We Ve ¢ Radiation of the Superbigh Frequency Range]. Leningrad, Seal Aspects 0 ign 6. Guukhlovin, B. . In: "Nediko-biologicheskiye probleny SYCh-{21N4 fiukicat and Siologicel Problens of Superhigh Frequency Radiations] Leningrad, 1966. Yohovleva, M. I. "Piaiologicheskiye tekhani ay deystviya elektronagnit 1a poley” [Prysiologicel Mechanien of the Bffect of Flectronsgnetic Felas]. Leningrad, 1973. CommIGiIT: Vrachebaoye Delo 1977 axl cso: 1870

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