The Gorgones

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PHORKYS (Phorcys) was the ancient sea-god of the hidden dangers of the

deep. He and his wife Keto (Ceto) were also gods of the largest of sea creatures.
Keto's name means "whale" or "sea-monster" and Phorkys' perhaps means
"seal" (phokes in Greek). Their children were dangerous sea-monsters--Skylla
(the crab) a monster who devoured passing sailors, Thoosa (the swift) mother of
the rock-tossing cyclops Polyphemos, Ladon (strong flowing) a hundred-headed
sea-serpent, Ekhidna (viper) a she-dragon, the Graiai (grey ones) spirits of the
sea-foam, and the Gorgones (terrifying ones) whose petrifying gaze probably
created the dangerous rocks and reefs of the sea.
Phorkys was depicted in ancient mosaic as a grey-haired, fish-tailed god, with
spiky, crab-like skin and crab-claw forelegs. His attribute was a torch.

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