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FORINGER & CO., IN the first name in behavorial research equip- ment, is pleased to announce the first LEASE- PURCHASE and TIME-PURCHASE programs in this field. LEASE-PURCHASE plan permits acquisition of apparatus from current expense funds rather than from capital funds. TIME-PURCHASE plan permits acquisition of apparatus on an extended payment basis. Terms of both LEASE-PURCHASE and TIME- SALE contracts can be tailored to the needs of the individual institution. INQUIRIES are invited. FORINGER & CO., IN P. O. Box 5882 BETHESDA, MD. LLL LLL LRA LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LILIA IIIA A New Self-Loading Pellet Dispenser * CAPACITY 3000 RAT FOOD PELLETS © WILL NOT CRUSH PELLETS © LOW OPERATING NOISE © LOW OPERATING CURRENT © SMALL IN SIZE © EASY CLEANING A HIGHLY RELIABLE TROUBLE FREE DEVICE For Complete Data Write or Phone Ralph Gerbrands Company 96 Ronald Road, Arlington 74, Mass. © Tel. Mission 8-2727 87 Warren Street, Arlington 74, Mass. + Tel. Mission 8-6415 grason - stadlier BEHAVIORAL RESEARCH EQUIPMENT For the past eight years, we have been manufacturing instruments for use in the experimental analysis of behavior. During this period, we have contin- ually broadened the range of our equipment, so that we now can offer a complete line of over forty instruments. Each instrument can be used indi- vidually, or combinations of units can be used for automatic programming of a variety of experimental studies. To insure safety in the use of the equip- ment, it is our standard procedure to design units for low-voltage operation whenever possible. Other standard procedures are spark suppression of all relays, and built-in prevention of electrical sneak paths. All instruments are designed to provide the greatest possible versatility, so that their purchase will represent a long-term investment for a laboratory. Use of high-quality components and rigid test requirements assure the cus- tomer of a durable piece of equipment. All units are offered at the lowest price consistent with quality. Fill all your instrumentation requirements from one source. Select from a line which features consistent dependability, accuracy, and convenience. A complete catalogue is available. Write for "Bulletin Psi". wie Ss T c ON C O RD, MA S S A CH VU S ET T S Searchin FOR A SUCCESSFUL SIMIAN SUPPRESSOR? If PRIMATES are your PROBLEM, the new LVE 1330 offers... performance beyond the How's why Rhesus, ‘Cebus, Squirrel—9 out of 10 monkeys prefer the new LVE 1330 Primate Chair with easy access slides. send heret bow vou save time and trouble be- cause the new LVE 1330 Primate Chair with easy access slide plates is a thinking monkey's chair. A higher standard of predictable performance, reduced back breaking labor (monkey's back, that is) and a healthier animal situation. Our descriptive brochure covering the three individual chair sizes for Rhesus, Cebus and Squirrel Monkeys is available upon request. We can supply a complete line of test chambers with control, programming and recording apparatus for any species. Our equipment will be displayed at the EPA, Atlantic city, MPA, Chicago, APA, cincinnati. LEHIGH VALLEY ELECTRONICS

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