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Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257

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Electron transfer through solid-electrolyte-interphase layers formed

on Si anodes of Li-ion batteries
L. Benitez c , D. Cristancho a,b , J.M. Seminario a,b,c,∗ , J.M. Martinez de la Hoz a,b ,
P.B. Balbuena a,b,∗
Department of Chemical Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843
Department of Materials Science and Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) films are formed on the electrode surfaces due to aggregation of prod-
Received 26 December 2013 ucts of reduction or oxidation of the electrolyte. These films may grow to thicknesses in the order of
Received in revised form 2 May 2014 50-100 nm and contain a variety of organic and inorganic products but their structure is not well defined.
Accepted 3 May 2014
Although in some cases the films exert a passivating role, this is not always the case, and these phenomena
Available online 10 May 2014
are particularly more complex on Silicon anodes due to swelling and cracking of the electrode during
lithiation and delithiation. Since the driving force for SEI growth is electron transfer, it is important to
understand how electron transfer may keep occurring through the heterogeneous film once the bare
solid-electrolyte interphase
electron transfer
electron surface is covered. Here we introduce a novel approach for studying electron transfer through
density functional theory model films and show preliminary results for the analysis of electron transfer through model composite
ab initio molecular dynamics interfacial systems integrated by electrode/SEI layer/electrolyte. Ab initio molecular dynamics simula-
Green’s function tions are used to identify deposition of SEI components, and a density functional theory/Green’s function
approach is utilized for characterizing electron transfer. Three degrees of lithiation are modeled for the
electrodes, the SEI film is composed by LiF or Li2 O, and the ethylene carbonate reduction is studied. An
applied potential is used as driving force for the leakage current, which is evaluated as a function of the
applied potential. Comparative analyses are done for LiF and Li2 O model SEI layers.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction process occurs during charge where the Si electrode changes vol-
ume swelling dramatically due to lithiation.[2] Starting during the
Silicon has been proposed as a promising material for negative first cycle, the electrolyte decomposes electrochemically and a solid
electrode of lithium ion batteries. This is due to its much higher electrolyte interphase (SEI) [5],[6] develops on the anode surface.
capacity to store Li, which is about one order of magnitude higher The SEI layer is formed by a variety of products which result from
(4212 mAhg−1 )[1] than graphite (372 mAhg−1 ) [2]. Also, Si is an several decomposition reactions. [7,8] Depending on its thickness
abundant material that can form mixtures with up to 4.4 lithium and on the type of products the SEI film may block electron transfer
atoms/silicon atom (Li4.4 Si) [2]. However, Li4.4 Si expands 300% in between electrolyte and anode during charging, thus passivating
volume during lithiation leading to change in the surface area and the electrode and preventing further SEI reactions. [9] However,
mechanical stresses[3] [4]. Typical electrolytes consist of mixtures the film needs to be ionically conductive to avoid Li retention which
of alkyl carbonates such as ethylene carbonate (EC), diethyl carbon- leads to irreversible capacity loss that affects power cyclability.[10]
ate (DEC), dimethyl carbonate (DMC), propylene carbonate (PC), Some additives have shown to be useful to develop a more stable
and ethyl methyl carbonate (EMC) [2]. During discharge, lithium SEI and therefore to enhancing the cycle life in silicon electrodes.
ions flow from the anode to the cathode through the electrolyte [11] Fluoroethylene carbonate (FEC) is one of the most used sol-
and the anode shrinks as the lithium ions are ejected. The opposite vents that ameliorate the capacity retention of the battery.[12].
Several characterization studies[13–16] have found that SEI lay-
ers formed on silicon electrodes is alike to those formed on carbon
∗ Corresponding authors. electrodes; however additional products may be generated on sil-
E-mail addresses: (J.M. Seminario), icon by conversion of silicon oxide (SiO2 ) to lithium silicon oxides (P.B. Balbuena). (Lin SiOm ) [10]. Most of the reported surface analyses[10,13–16]
0013-4686/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Benitez et al. / Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257 251

agree that the SEI layer may be formed by fluorinated species, 2. Methodology
such as lithium fluoride (LiF), Lix PFy and PFy , as well as Li2 CO3 ,
alkyl carbonates, ethers, phosphates, and Li2 O, depending on the Fig. 1 illustrates the overall idea of the interfacial system we aim
cycling stage, electrolyte composition, but also electrode nano- to investigate. A composite interfacial system is built that is com-
structure and morphology.[15] Additionally, multiscale modeling posed by a model Lix Siy electrode covered by a multicomponent
has been used to characterize the initial stages of SEI formation. model SEI layer which is in contact with an electrolyte layer.
Quantum chemical studies[7,17–19] include detailed density func- Such electrolyte layer in principle may contain some solvents,
tional theory (DFT) analyses of solvent decomposition mechanisms salt and/or additives. An applied potential is imposed between
in Li/solvent complexes, as well as ab initio molecular dynam- two gold nanoelectrodes representing the leakage current that
ics including the description of the surface chemistry[8,20,21]. would occur during battery charge. The constituent SEI molecules
However, much less information is available regarding the growth that we discuss in this paper include LiF and Li2 O. The calcu-
SEI stages, where issues such as aggregation, polymerization, and lated systems are discussed below. In this section we explain the
nucleation of the heterogeneous SEI film are critical. An important methodology used to arrive at the formulation of the employed
and not-yet answered question is how the electron transfer pro- models.
ceeds through such film that contains several insulator species. For
example, both LiF and Li2 O are wide-gap electrical insulators[22],
with reported bulk experimental band gaps of 14.2 eV[23] and 7.99
eV[24] respectively. Although some research has focused on ionic 2.1. AIMD simulations
conduction[22], much less is known about electronic conduction
through SEI blocks containing such species, although we note that First, we determine the possible SEI layer constituents using
interfacial capacitances can also be obtained from first-principles static quantum density functional theory (DFT) calculations[21]
calculations, and have been reported by others.[25] In this work we and ab initio molecular dynamics (AIMD) simulations[8] of Lix Siy
report a novel approach to evaluate electron transfer through com- surfaces covered by an electrolyte. In our previous reports we have
posite interfacial films. The reported atomistic simulations focus examined the decompositions of EC and FEC on representative
on the chemistry of the SEI reactions and on the electron transfer Lix Siy surfaces and clusters[8,21]. Here we report AIMD simula-
events during SEI growth. They are not designed to investigate the tions of the decomposition of the salt LiPF6 on Li13 Si4 slabs. As
swelling phenomena of Si anodes. Other coarse-grained models are done in our previous work[8], optimizations were performed using
much better suited to tackle that problem, and we will address that the Vienna ab initio simulation package VASP,[26–30] with the
aspect in future reports. Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof functional (GGA-PBE)[31] and the pro-
Here first we briefly review and discuss the possible formation jector augmented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials provided in the
of SEI products such as LiF and Li2 O. We then introduce our model VASP databases describing electron-ion interactions.[32,33] The
composite films formed by electrode/SEI/solvent species and eval- plane wave was expanded up to a cutoff energy of 400 eV. The
uate the electron currents through such systems for a number of convergence criteria for ionic relaxation loop and for electronic
interfacial configurations. The results of this study contribute new self-consistent iteration were set to 10−3 and 10−4 eV respec-
insights to two important problems: 1) How the SEI layer is formed tively. A Gaussian smearing with a width of 0.05 eV was employed
on Si anodes; 2) How the SEI layer may grow based on the electronic and a 4 × 4x1 k-points Monkhorst–Pack[34] mesh sampling was
conductivity assessed in representative SEI model compounds (LiF used in the surface Brillouin zone. The AIMD simulations were
and Li2 O). The advantage of ab initio approaches is that they are carried out on the optimized LiSi surfaces in contact with liquid-
free of fitting parameters; therefore the results are such that can phase EC (density = 1.32 g/cm3 ), using the NVT ensemble at 450 K
provide a “theoretical microscope” additional tool to obtain insights and a time step of 1 femtosecond. The Nose thermostat was
of phenomena in most cases not accessible to experiments. used to control the temperature oscillations during the simula-
tion with a Nose-mass parameter of 0.5, which gives a frequency
of oscillation corresponding to 176 time steps. A -point Bril-
louin zone sampling was applied in this case with a planewave
energy cutoff of 300 eV. In every case, EC molecules were placed
randomly in the liquid phase and a molecular dynamics minimiza-
tion was performed using the consistent valence force field (CVFF)
as implemented in the DISCOVER simulation software.[35] CVFF
is considered good for modeling small organic crystals and gas
phase structures.[36] For the minimization a smart algorithm was
used combining steepest descent, conjugate gradient, and New-
ton methods. The maximum force among all the atoms in the
system required for convergence was set to 0.001 kcal mol−1 Å−1 .
Two different initial configurations were used for each of the sur-
faces studied. Bader charge analysis was used to perform charge
calculations.[37,38] Within this method, the total electronic charge
of an atom is approximated by the charge enclosed within the
Bader volume defined by zero flux surfaces. The electrolyte uti-
lized in the AIMD simulations is composed by a 1.1 M solution of
LiPF6 and EC solvent molecules at their liquid density of 1.32 g/cm3 .
Fig. 1. The studied model represents a piece of the composite interface integrated
by electrolyte/model SEI layer/model Lix Siy electrode. Both ends of the composite Additives were not tested in these simulations. These molecules
interface are connected to nano-gold contacts, which are used to apply an external are represented by their full electronic structure, which gives
applied potential (V). Such applied potential is the driving force for the leakage that the correct dipole moment, and other higher order multipoles.
would occur during charge of the battery. The extent of electron transfer through the For this reason, although we have not calculated the electric
system for various SEI layer compositions and degrees of lithiation of the electrode is
measured using the same nano-gold contacts. The red arrow indicates the direction
permittivity, we expect the experimental value to be accurately
of electron flow during the SEI layer nucleation and growth. reproduced.
252 L. Benitez et al. / Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257

Fig. 2. AIMD simulations of a solution of one LiPF6 molecule and 32 EC molecules in contact with a Li13 Si4 surface. Left: Initial configuration. Center: After 2.83 ps the salt
anion is completely decomposed. Right: At 12.4 ps one EC molecule has been reduced (see text). Color code: Li: purple; Si: yellow; O: red; H: white; C: grey; P: orange; F:
light blue.

2.2. Electron transfer analyses Where e is the charge of the electron, h is the Planck constant,
T(E,V) is the transmission function, E is the energy and Ef is the
Silicon molecular clusters (Si22 ) were optimized until local min- Fermi level of the molecular junction.
ima using the B3PW91/6-31G(d) level of theory, [39] and the The transmission function is calculated using the following
3-21G basis set was used for LiSi (Li11 Si11 ) and Li22 cluster struc- expression (see for instance [53]):
tures. For the SEI model, LiF and Li2 O molecular geometries were +
T (E, V ) = Tr(T1 (E, V )GM (E, V )T2 (E, V )GM (E, V )) (2)
obtained from the Inorganic Crystal Structure Database (ICSD)
( and located between the model − +
where Tk = i( k − k
) (k = 1, 2) is the coupling between the elec-
anode and one EC molecule. Gold atoms representing the con- trodes and the molecule, GM is the retarded Green function and GM +
tacts of the I-V measurement device were attached at each side is its adjoint. GM is obtained using:
of the composite interfacial system. We note that the addition
of these gold atoms as well as the information of the bulk Au GM (E, V )
density of states is important since this is a nano-scale system    −1
where the presence of the materials of the measurement instru- = ESMM (E, V ) − HMM (E, V ) − (E, V ) − (E, V ) (3)
1 1
ment must be included. Once the complete interfacial system is
assembled, a single point self-consistent field (SCF) calculation is 
performed to obtain the Hamiltonian matrix elements needed to k
(E, V ) = HMk gk (E)HkM for k = 1,2 is the self-energy from the
compute the current as explained below. The optimizations and contacts. SMM and HMM are the overlap and Hamiltonian sub-
single point SCF calculations were carried out using the program matrices corresponding to the composite interfacial system; they
Gaussian 09[40]. Next, current-applied potential (I-V) characteris- are obtained from the global Schrödinger equation
tics were obtained using the Green’s function formalism with the H(V )ϕ(V ) = (V )S(V )ϕ(V ) (4)
help of the generalized electron nanointerface program (GENIP).
[41] This computational method has been used before to obtain once the wave function ϕ(V) is obtained in a SCF manner.
I-V characteristics of polypeptides in alpha-helix conformation,
[42] nanosensors for fissile materials,[43] cobalt phthalocyanine 3. Results and discussion
complexes, [44] among others. The density of states of bulk gold
is calculated using the CRYSTAL program[45–47]. The current- 3.1. SEI nucleation on lithiated Si anodes
applied potential (I-V) curves are calculated using the transmission
function T(E,V) using the Landauer equation [48–52] In previous work we have reported reduction mechanisms of EC
in contact with Si anodes at low [21], as well as intermediate and
 Ef +V2 high degrees of lithiation [8]. The analyses were done examining the
I≈ T (E, V )dE (1) effects of different exposed surface facets and various surface ter-
h Ef +V1 minations (O, OH, and H) of the low-saturated Si surface sites. It was

Fig. 3. Details of the reduction process highlighted in Fig. 2. Left: an intact EC molecule becomes close to an adsorbed CO−2 radical anion, product of the reduction of another
EC molecule. Center: The intact EC molecule becomes nucleophilically attacked by the adsorbed radical anion CO−2 forming a CC bond. Right: The attacked EC molecule
becomes reduced and its ring is opened (see Fig. 4). Color code: Li: purple; Si: yellow; O: red; H: white; C: grey; P: orange; F: light blue.
L. Benitez et al. / Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257 253

Fig. 4. Ring opening due to a nucleophilic attack. Left: The EC molecule shown in Fig. 3 (right) is attacked by the adsorbed radical anion CO−2 forming a CC (C31-C13) bond.
C31, the carbon atom of the carbonyl atom of the attacked molecule bonds with the C13 attached to the surface, while the C31-O33 bond of the attacked molecule is broken.
Right: Time evolution of the two bonds involved in the reduction of the EC molecule. Color code: Li: purple; Si: yellow; O: red; H: white; C: grey; P: orange; F: light blue.

Fig. 6. Current-potential curves obtained for electron transport through Li2 O (red),
Fig. 5. Current-potential curves obtained for electron transport through Li2 O (red), (Li2 O)2 (green), and (Li2 O)3 (blue) in two different configurations between the EC
(Li2 O)2 (green), and (Li2 O)3 (blue) in two different configurations between the molecule and the model LiSi electrode. Top: Units attached via chemical bonds.
EC molecule and the model Si electrode. Top: Units attached via chemical bonds. Bottom: Units separated by Van der Waals distances. The inset includes the current-
Bottom: Units separated by Van der Waals distances. The inset includes the current- potential result (black symbols) obtained for the system EC/LiSi electrode. Note the
potential result (black symbols) obtained for the system EC/Si electrode. Note the change of scale of the inset.
change of scale of the inset.

(DMC, DEC) and cyclic (i.e. PC) solvents and additives such as VC or
concluded that both one and two-electron mechanisms are possible FEC.
at low degrees of lithiation, whereas higher lithiated surfaces may Another essential electrolyte component is the salt. One of the
induce multiple reduction mechanisms[8]. The initial decomposi- most used salt components is LiPF6 whose decomposition yields
tion products include gases: C2 H4 , CO, CO2 , and numerous organic one of the most important SEI products, LiF. To understand its
fragments such as O(C2 H4 )OCO2- , EC- , CO3 2- , CO2- , O(C2 H4 )O2− . decomposition process, we carried out AIMD simulations contain-
Some of these initial decomposition products are adsorbed on the ing 1 LiPF6 molecule and 11 EC molecules; this corresponds to
surface and may further react through aggregation or polymeriza- approximately 1.1 M solution of LiPF6. The salt concentration was
tion reactions starting nucleation of various species and formation chosen based on typical values used in Li-ion cells. These val-
of a mosaic film. Similar species are derived from the other linear ues are optimized to maximize ionic conduction.[54] Higher salt
254 L. Benitez et al. / Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257

Fig. 8. Current-potential curves obtained for electron transport through LiF (red),
Fig. 7. Current-potential curves obtained for electron transport through Li2 O (red), (LiF)2 (green), and (LiF)3 (blue) in two different configurations between the EC
(Li2 O)2 (green), and (Li2 O)3 (blue) in two different configurations between the molecule and the model Si electrode. Top: LiF units attached via chemical bonds
EC molecule and the model Li electrode. Top: Units attached via chemical bonds. forming a linear chain. Bottom: LiF units separated by Van der Waals distances. The
Bottom: Units separated by Van der Waals distances. The inset includes the current- inset includes the current-potential result (black symbols) obtained for the system
potential result (black symbols) obtained for the system EC/Li electrode. Note the EC/Si electrode. Note the change of scale of the inset.
change of scale of the inset.

decrease the CC bond between the C of the carbonyl group and the
concentrations would result in less salt reduction but also would adsorbed C is formed, and at the same time the CO bond from the
decrease ionic conduction. In contact with the Li13 Si4 surface, the EC molecule starts to break and completely breaks in the following
salt molecule becomes promptly dissociated and the PF5 anion ∼300 fs.
reduction is detected after 2.83 ps. The reduction leads to a total Another inorganic SEI product is Li2 O, which may result from
decomposition of the anion into its atomic components: the F atoms reduction of SiO2 present after exposure of the Si electrode to air
get closer to the surface and pair with lithium ions as illustrated in during their fabrication, developing thin films of ∼1-3 nm on silicon
Fig. 2. Typical LiF distances are between 0.172 and 0.2 nm, suggest- nanowires[55]. However, after the electrodes covered by the thin
ing the initial nucleation of LiF bonds. Continuation of the AIMD film oxide are inserted in the electrochemical cell, the native oxide
simulation allows observation of the next steps. Within the follow- is basically removed during the first cycles, which is attributed to
ing 10 ps, we didn’t observe any EC reduction happening over the either electrochemical reaction 4Li + SiO2 →2 Li2 O + Si, or to chemi-
surface section containing the LiF fragments. However, the area that cal reaction by HF attack. HF can exist as a result of reaction of LiPF6
was not covered by LiF kept reducing EC molecules and some of the with traces of water present as impurities[15].
EC decomposition fragments described above appeared readily on
the surface. In particular, Fig. 2 (right) illustrates the adsorption of 3.2. Electron transfer through model SEI layers
an opened EC molecule over a CO fragment adsorbed on the surface.
The EC reduction process is depicted in Fig. 3. Initially an EC SEI layers were represented by a cluster modeled by one compo-
molecule (not shown) was reduced on the surface leaving as one nent (Li2 O or LiF). Electrodes are represented by Si22 , Si11 Li11 , and
of the decomposition products a CO−2 fragment. This adsorbed Li22 clusters respectively. Calculations were done for various thick-
anion nucleophilically attacks an intact EC molecule forming a CC nesses and configurations of the SEI layer. Gold tips were attached
bond, and the open molecule becomes adsorbed to the CO fragment at each end of the interfacial system and a bias applied potential
attached to the surface. was used to evaluate electron transfer using a DFT/Green’s function
The ring opening is also followed by the AIMD simulations. Fig. 4 method. Optimized cluster structures were located in an interfacial
illustrates the steps of CO breaking (ring opening) and CC bond arrangement together with model SEI layers represented by Li2 O,
formation occurring almost simultaneously as shown by the graph (Li2 O)2 , and (Li2 O)3 , and by LiF, (LiF)2 and (LiF)3 . In separate con-
that follows the CO (red) and CC (blue) distances as functions of figurations, the units of each system (Li2 O and LiF) were connected
time. The onset of the CC bond forming is manifested by a constant forming chemical bonds or separated at Van der Waals distances
decrease of the CC distance, and∼ 300 fs before the bond is formed in order to simulate initial nucleation stages. These configurations
there is a sharp decrease of the CC distance. At the end of such were based on the AIMD observations (Fig. 2) showing that the
L. Benitez et al. / Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257 255

Fig. 9. Current-potential curves obtained for electron transport through LiF (red),
Fig. 10. Current-potential curves obtained for electron transport through LiF (red),
(LiF)2 (green), and (LiF)3 (blue) in two different configurations between the EC
(LiF)2 (green), and (LiF)3 (blue) in two different configurations between the EC
molecule and the model LiSi electrode. Top: LiF units attached via chemical bonds
molecule and the model Li electrode. Top: LiF units attached via chemical bonds
forming a linear chain. Bottom: LiF units separated by Van der Waals distances. The
forming a linear chain. Bottom: LiF units separated by Van der Waals distances. The
inset includes the current-potential result (black symbols) obtained for the system
inset includes the current-potential result (black symbols) obtained for the system
EC/LiSi electrode. Note the change of scale of the inset.
EC/Li electrode. Note the change of scale of the inset.

initial stages of LiF formation do not contain a LiF crystal; instead applied potentials (∼ 4 V). Note that these values are much smaller
LiF fragments are detected. In all cases the current-potential curves than those shown in Figs. 5–7, which demonstrates that at this
were computed in a range of applied potential from -5.5 to 5.5 V. high applied potential the LiF system introduces a much higher
Due to the geometry of the system, the results are almost symmet- resistance to electron transfer compared to Li2 O. At lower applied
ric. However, on the basis of our model (Fig. 1), the electron flow of potentials the currents are comparable, suggesting a similar resis-
interest corresponds to the positive applied potential values. tance offered by Li2 O and LiF. By comparison of the current
Figs. 5–7 illustrate the effect of the presence of intercalated Li2 O maxima obtained at the highest applied potential for each electrode
units on the transfer of electrons from the electrode structure to type and different SEI configurations (bonded vs. non-bonded SEI
the EC molecule. First, we can recognize the effect of the nature molecules) it is again concluded that the non-bonded SEI configura-
of the electrode by comparing the magnitude of the current pass- tions yield lower currents i.e. higher resistance to electron transfer
ing through the various systems. The maximum current for the Si than the bonded cases. Also, increasing the thickness of the linear
electrode in the presence of the attached SEI fragment is ∼1.5 ␮A LiF chain in most cases increases the resistance to electron transfer
(Fig. 5), whereas it reaches 12 and 15 ␮A for LiSi and Li electrodes as observed in the three model electrodes.
respectively (Figs. 6 and 7) at the highest potentials (∼4 V). Note One of the goals of this study is to determine the mechanism
also how these currents are significantly reduced with respect to of electron transfer that allows continuous SEI layer growth. In all
those in absence of the SEI fragment (black curves in each figure). the results shown in Figs. 5–10, a common feature is that the pres-
Secondly, each of the figures illustrates the effect of the SEI con- ence of the model SEI layer creates a clear resistance to electron
figuration (bonded vs. disconnected SEI molecules). In the three transfer, as observed by looking at the difference in magnitude of
cases the non-bonded SEI configurations yield lower currents i.e. the currents in the insets where the black curve corresponds to
higher resistance to electron transfer than the bonded cases. Finally, the system without SEI layer. This result agrees with the gener-
increasing the width of the SEI layer also increases the resistance ally accepted idea that the SEI layer blocks electron transfer [56].
to electron transfer as observed in the three model electrodes. In order to test how the SEI thickness would affect the transfer of
Similarly, Figs. 8–10 illustrate the effect of the presence of LiF electrons we computed the electron current through the systems
units on the transfer of electrons from the electrode structure to as a function of SEI thickness. Fig. 11 shows the results for Li2 O
the EC molecule. Again the effect of the nature of the electrode is and LiF evaluated at a constant applied potential of 2 V. In both
revealed by comparison of the maximum currents: ∼0.4 ␮A for the cases, the results were fitted to a function of the form f (x) = p1 .exp
Si electrode (Fig. 8), that contrasts with 1.9 and 3.2 ␮A for LiSi and (-x/p2 ) +p3 + p4 x, where x is the SEI thickness in Å, and the p4 coeffi-
Li electrodes respectively (Figs. 9 and 10) obtained at the highest cient was found ∼0. For the Si electrode, the current decays to zero
256 L. Benitez et al. / Electrochimica Acta 140 (2014) 250–257

Fig. 11. Calculated current (in ␮A) at 2 V as a function of the SEI layer thickness (LiF and Li2 O), measured in Å. The calculated points (shown as symbols) are well correlated
with an exponential function. The colors of the curves correspond to those used in the schemes on top describing each system.

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