Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Heavy Metals in The Cispata Bay, Colombia. A Marine Tropical Ecosystem

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Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

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Marine Pollution Bulletin

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Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals in the Cispata Bay, MARK
Colombia: A marine tropical ecosystem
Saudith Burgos-Núñeza,⁎, Amado Navarro-Frómetab, José Marrugo-Negretea,
Germán Enamorado-Montesa, Iván Urango-Cárdenasa
Water, Applied and Environmental Chemistry Group, Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Basic Sciences, University of Cordoba, Montería, Colombia
Food and Environmental Technology Department, Technological University of Izucar de Matamoros, Izucar de Matamoros, Mexico


Keywords: The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heavy metals were evaluated in shallow sediments,
Cispata Bay water, fish and seabird samples from the Cispata Bay, Colombia. The heavy metals concentrations in the
Heavy metals sediment was in the following order: Cu > Pb > Hg > Cd. The heavy metal concentration was different
Marine pollution (p < 0.05) in juvenile and adult birds. High concentrations of mercury were registered in the seabird
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
(10.19 ± 4.99 mg kg− 1) and fish (0.67 μg g− 1) samples. The total concentration of polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons ranged from 7.0–41 ng g− 1 in sediment, 0.03–0.34 ng mL− 1 in water samples, 53.24 ng g− 1 in
fish, and 66 ng g− 1 in seabirds. The high concentrations of heavy metals in seabirds may be explained by their
feeding habits. The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Cispata Bay may be due to hydrocarbon
spills during oil transport at the nearby oil port.

Since industrialization during the 1940s–1950s, the amount of toxic some PAH and HM in seawater/saltwater can elicit harmful effects on
substances and pollutants entering a variety of environmental ecosys- aquatic organisms (Oliva et al., 2012). Indeed, in fish, these compo-
tems has increased. In marine and coastal ecosystems, the levels of nents are transformed into carcinogenic and mutagenic compounds,
these compounds are high due to pollutant inputs from rivers and leading to hepatic injury, altered gonadal development and the onset of
streams and atmospheric deposition (Burger and Gochfeld, 2004, tumours (Abdollahi et al., 2013).
2009). These pollutants include organic and inorganic compounds, Heavy metals (HM) encompass a wide range of non-degradable
such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metals substances able to accumulate in tissues of different living organisms
(HM), respectively (US EPA, 2006). Additionally, the oil industry is (Jakimska et al., 2011; Oliva et al., 2012). HM enters the aquatic
responsible for releasing wastes such as PAH, olefinic and aliphatic environment from industrial dumping, urban wastewater, atmospheric
hydrocarbons, HM, nitrogen and sulfur compounds to the environment precipitations and urban stormwater runoff (Naser, 2013). Addition-
(Abdollahi et al., 2013). ally, metals may be associated with particulate material and favour its
PAH have two or more aromatic rings in linear or angular entry into the marine environment (Haynes and Johnson, 2000).
arrangements. In addition, they can be categorized according their Another entry route of HM into marine environments includes the
molecular weight as high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydro- atmospheric transport of soil dust and sediments through terrestrial
carbons (HMW-PAH) and low molecular weight polycyclic aromatic fluxes and fluvial ways. Though some heavy metals are classified as
hydrocarbons (LMW-PAH) (Abdollahi et al., 2013). These compounds essential for normal physiological processes, high concentrations have
are derived from natural sources as well as from anthropic activities, deleterious effects on human health and biota. In addition, the use of
e.g., the burning of fossil fuels and coal (Kannan and Perrotta, 2008). In cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg) and zinc (Zn) is widely
this sense, chronic or accidental oil spills and fuel extraction activities allowed in agricultural activities. Fertilizers containing small fractions
represent a significant source of PAH pollution, which threatens marine of Zn and Cu are used to incorporate these elements into deficient soils,
biota. In fact, numerous studies assessing the impacts of PAH have been whereas arsenic (As), Cd and Hg are components of some fungicides.
performed on marine ecosystems affected by oil spills or coastal zones Additionally, Cu is employed as algaecide, while Cd and Zn may be
near heavily industrialized regions (Roscales et al., 2011). The most present in phosphate fertilizers (Haynes and Johnson, 2000; Nacke
recent works highlight that even slight/low/minor concentrations of et al., 2013). Furthermore, all of these species promote a range of toxic

Corresponding author at: Department of Chemistry, University of Cordoba, Cra 6 # 76-103, Monteria, Colombia.
E-mail address: smburgos@correo.unicordoba.edu.co (S. Burgos-Núñez).

Received 29 December 2016; Received in revised form 4 May 2017; Accepted 8 May 2017
Available online 12 May 2017
0025-326X/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Burgos-Núñez et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

effects in polluted aquatic environments (Radic et al., 2013). Despite water and acetone and packed in polypropylene-free metal bags. The
this, little attention has been given to the behaviour of these pollutants feathers were dried for 24 h in an oven at 60 °C, and the dry weight was
in the seabirds from tropical ecosystems, although recent studies have obtained. For mercury analysis, 30–40 mg of the sediment sample was
linked the detection of HM in animal tissues with the presence of these digested with H2SO4-HNO3 (2:1) at 100–110 °C for 3 h and KMnO4
metals in sediments (Abbasi et al., 2015). solution (5%) at 100 °C for 30 min. The total mercury analysis was
In terms of biodiversity, the Cispata Bay in Colombia represents a performed by cold-vapor atomic absorption spectroscopy (CVAAS) at a
highly productive ecosystem, which encloses one of the largest wavelength of 253.7 nm using an ICE 3000 spectrophotometer (Thermo
mangrove areas in the region and harbours many birds from the Sinu Electron Corporation, Alemania) (Marrugo-Negrete et al., 2008). Cd,
River Delta. However, recent findings appear to indicate that this zone Pb, Zn and Cu analyses were performed on 0.4–0.5 g of the sediment
has been affected by chemical fertilizer runoff, herbicides, pesticides, sample treated with a mixture of HNO3-H2O2 (7:3) and heated for
domestic wastewater inflow and spills of harmful substances such as 45 min. The digested sample was filtered and filled to 25 mL with Milli-
hydrocarbons and HM. Feria et al. (2010) and Paternina-Uribe (2011) Q water. The measurements of the digested samples were performed
note that high concentrations of HM in the Bajo Sinu region follow the using an ICE 3000 spectrophotometer (Thermo Electron Corporation,
overuse of fertilizers and dumping in the La Doctrina irrigation district. Alemania) (Dauwe et al., 2003). Quality control was performed using
Additionally, it is worth noting that phosphate fertilizers, such as the certified reference material IAEA-086 (methylmercury, total mer-
superphosphate, which are widely used in this region, have high cury and other trace elements in human hair), IAEA-A-13 (trace
concentrations of Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, while calcium-based fertilizers elements in freeze dried animal blood), DORM-2 (dogfish muscle for
have high concentration of Pb and Zn. Subsequently, the fate of these trace metals), SRM 1641d (mercury in water) and SRM 1641e (trace
overcharged waters ends in Cispata Bay. The current study assesses metals in water), and the percentages of recovery achieved values up to
sixteen PAH and HM in samples of sediment, water, fish and seabirds 90% in all cases. Another quality control parameters and limit of
from the Cispata Bay, Colombia, to evaluate the impact of anthropic detection are shown in Appendix A.
activities and to build a solid knowledgebase to make decisions and For the analysis of PAH in sediments, 15 g of the sample was mixed
implement a legal framework around the management of these with anhydrous Na2SO4 and sonicated three times with 40 mL of n-
substances. hexane. The extract was passed through a column containing anhydrous
Cispata Bay is located in the Colombian Caribbean Coast, Cordoba Na2SO4 and glass wool (US EPA, 2007). Finally, the extract was
province, between 09°25′12″–09°20′8″N and 75°47′37″–75°55′30″W concentrated by rotary evaporation. Water samples were analysed
(Sánchez et al., 2005). The bay is surrounded by a dense mangrove according to EPA method 3510c (US EPA, 1996). Fish samples were
forest and has a tropical climate, where approximately 400 families live treated with methanolic KOH and refluxed for 4 h. The hydrocarbon
on fishing (fish, oysters, mussels and snails) and wood production concentrate was obtained by extraction of the liquid with hexane, and
(Sánchez-Páez et al., 1997). At present, the bay is surrounded by areas the concentration and extraction in the solid phase was performed with
with intensive agriculture and a large variety of commercial fishing C18 cartridges. Blood samples from birds were centrifuged (3000 rpm
activities (shrimp and tilapia farming). Additionally, it is important to for 10 min). The obtained plasma was mixed with 10 mL of methanol to
emphasize that the tourism sector has experienced rapid growth in the denature the plasma proteins, sonicated and extracted three times with
area. An oil port is located approximately 12 km from the Cispata Bay. 20 mL of dichloromethane. The combined extracts were passed through
The non-biological samples, water and sediments, were collected from a C18 cartridge with a layer of anhydrous Na2SO4, and finally, the
the followed sites: Terraplen (S1), Zarapa (S2), near the port (S3), the extract volume was reduced to 2 mL by rotary evaporation (Naufal,
Pila (S4), Mogotes (S5). All sample points are marked in Fig. 1. 2008). The extracts were performed by gas chromatography coupled to
All surface sediment samples were collected with a Van Veen-type mass spectrometry (GC–MS) using a Trace GC Ultra® chromatograph
grab sampler. To analyse the metal content, sediment subsamples were system with a DSQ II quadrupole mass spectrometer (Thermo Electron
taken with plastic spoons from the middle part of the dredge at a depth Corporation). A DB-5MS capillary column (5% diphenyl/95% dimethyl-
no > 5 cm and transferred to 250 mL polypropylene flasks. To analyse polysiloxane, 30 m × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.25 μm) from Restek was em-
the PAH content, sediment subsamples were taken with a stainless steel ployed. The carrier gas was helium at a flow rate of 1 mL min− 1. The
spoon, and transferred to amber glass bottles. All sediment samples mass spectrometer was operated in electronic impact mode (70 eV),
were refrigerated until laboratory analysis. For water sampling, a Van maintaining the chromatograph interphase and source temperature at
Dorn horizontal bottom sampling bottle was used, and 1 L subsamples 280 °C. Ion monitoring started after 2.5 min. The injection temperature
were taken and stored in polyethylene bottles and preserved with HNO3 was 290 °C, and the injection volume was 2 μL in splitless mode. The
at pH 2.0 for heavy metal analysis and amber glass bottles for PAH temperature program was set as follows: 80 °C for 1 min, 4 °C min− 1 up
analysis. All water samples were refrigerated at 4 °C until laboratory to 280 °C for 9 min. The PAH concentrations were determined with a
analysis (APHA, 2005). Biological samples were collected from seafish calibration curve of the 16 priority contaminants: fluorene (Fl),
with the help of local fishers in the estuary by employing nets. Collected phenanthrene (Phen), anthracene (Ant), fluoranthene (Flt), pyrene
specimens were Cetengraulis edentulus (n = 7), Eugerres plumieri (Pyr), benz[a]anthracene (BaA), naphthalene (Naph), benzo[b]fluor-
(n = 6), Centropomus undecimalis (n = 5) and Trichirus lepturus anthene (BbF), indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene (Ind), benzo[ghi]perylene
(n = 5). The samples were stored in plastic bags for HM analysis and (BghiP), chrysene (Chry), acenaphthylene (Acnaphtil), acenaphthene
aluminium foil for PAH analysis. The resident birds studied were (Acnphta), benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF), benzo[a]pyrene (Bap) and
Pelecanus occidentalis (n = 11) and Fregata magnificens (n = 7), and dibenz[a,h]anthracene (DiBahA). A not normal distribution (Bartlett
the migratory birds studied were Phalacrocorax brasilianus (n = 10) and test) was follow by HM and PAH levels in all the matrices evaluated;
Thalasseus maximus (n = 5). The samples were collected between therefore, nonparametric statistics were used for comparisons. The
March and June 2010, and February 2011, from the Cispata Bay. The Kruskal Wallis test was used to test for significant differences between
total concentrations of Hg, Cu, Pb, Cd and Zn in blood and feathers species and age (juvenile/adults) of the birds. When significant
were determined, while the PAH concentrations were evaluated in only differences were found, Mann-Whitney multiple-rank tests were con-
the blood of the collected birds. The birds were caught near the fishing ducted (Burger and Gochfeld, 2004; Burger, 2008). To determine the
boats following all ethical procedures, and the feather and blood sources of PAH, some well-known indices were calculated: LMW-PAH/
samples were subsequently obtained. The feathers were stored in plastic HMW-PAH, carbon preference index (CPI), pristane/phytane (Pr/Phy),
bags, and blood was stored in heparinized tubes and refrigerated until pristane/nC17 (Pr/nC17), and phytane/nC18 (Phy/nC18) (Zaghden et al.,
analysis. HM analysis of the sediment samples was performed using 2007). Additionally, to identify the sources of these compounds,
lyophilized samples. The feather samples were washed with deionized correlations between the content of HM and PAH in fish and birds

S. Burgos-Núñez et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

Fig. 1. Study area: Cispata Bay, Cordoba, Colombia.

were examined. The limit of detection and quality control parameters 8.66 and 46.74 μg L− 1 in oceanic water from Mumbai from sampling
are detailed in Appendix A. points near refineries and petrochemical plants. Similarly, Kafilzadeh
The results showed that at least one PAH was detected in all of the (2015) reported the existence of PAH (47.3 and 385 μg L− 1) in waters
water, sediment, fish muscle and bird blood samples, as shown in from the Soltan Abad River, which runs through the city of Shiraz,
Table 1. The higher concentration was registered at area S1. It should which is well known for its poor air quality due to industrial growth
be noted that at this location, the concentrations of both LMW-PAH (Gharehchahi et al., 2013; Farzadkia et al., 2014). On the other hand,
(naphthalene, acenaphthene) and HMW-PAH (indeno[1,2,3-cd]pyrene the LMW-PAH/HMW-PAH index was superior to that of sampled
and dibenz[a,h]anthracene) were markedly increased. Similarly, sediments near the port area (S1 and S3, respectively), as shown in
Dhananjayan et al. (2012) reported concentrations ranging between Table 1. These results can be attributed to petrogenic sources due to

Table 1
Concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in seabird blood (ng mL− 1), fish muscle (ng g− 1), water (μg L− 1) and sediment (ng g− 1) from the Cispata Bay.

Sample Naph Acnaphtil Acnphta Fl Phen Ant Flt Pyr BaA Chry BbF BkF Bap Ind DiBahA BghiP TPAH LMW/HMW

Birds 26.91 1.43 4.75 2.71 15.24 ND 5.40 3.96 0.19 0.39 1.36 ND 0.33 ND 2.63 0.50 65.81 3.63
Fish 3.06 1.40 3.31 4.12 16.37 ND 5.29 4.02 0.06 ND 0.01 ND 0.38 0.92 12.39 1.80 53.14 1.29
W1 25.47 5.19 83.19 2.96 15.92 ND 5.82 3.83 1.91 3.34 21.38 ND 5.03 34.61 115.83 20.32 344.78 0.63
W2 12.46 4.96 8.96 5.15 10.47 ND 3.66 1.01 ND ND ND ND ND 7.84 40.10 4.65 99.26 0.73
W3 0.94 2.26 7.90 4.03 8.40 ND 3.44 1.75 0.12 0.95 1.15 ND ND 4.87 31.70 7.66 75.18 0.46
W4 0.80 2.09 5.77 0.27 2.81 ND 2.48 0.03 ND ND ND ND ND ND 12.93 1.97 29.15 0.67
W5 0.19 1.92 5.54 0.20 0.92 ND 2.16 ND ND ND ND ND ND ND 14.94 1.86 27.74 0.46
S1 1.51 0.09 0.49 0.80 2.85 ND 0.33 0.28 ND 0.15 0.01 ND ND ND 0.18 0.03 6.71 5.84
S2 0.46 0.05 0.22 0.25 1.01 ND 0.61 0.72 0.79 0.95 1.47 0.05 22.20 0.83 0.47 0.38 30.47 0.07
S3 2.56 0.15 1.12 2.02 8.44 ND 1.18 1.77 ND 0.58 0.17 0.05 1.09 0.05 0.18 0.08 19.44 2.77
S4 0.82 0.06 0.51 0.58 5.49 ND 5.01 4.74 2.32 3.04 8.32 0.56 4.17 2.26 0.71 2.38 40.98 0.22
S5 0.27 0.04 0.12 0.14 0.80 ND 0.25 0.39 0.02 0.40 0.47 ND 6.15 0.15 0.68 0.10 9.97 0.16

The LMW-PAH/HMW-PAH ratio corresponds to ∑ Naph + Aceph + Ace + Fl + Fe + Ant/∑Flt + Pir + BaA + Cri + BbF + BkF + Bap + Inp + DiBahA + BghiP.
ND: not detected.

S. Burgos-Núñez et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

crude oil transportation at the port. However, the highest total petrogenic contamination (Cheung et al., 2007). Several compounds
concentration of PAH found in sediments (in the current study, derived from petrogenic activity were observed in the assessed samples.
40 ng g− 1) was lower than that reported by Veiga et al. (2009) In this respect, naphthalene was present in all samples, probably
(131.3–948.1 ng g− 1) in affected areas from the Galicia coast following because of its high solubility.
the Prestige oil spill. Likewise, our findings were also lower than those A high concentration of phenanthrene was also found in the fish
reported by Johnson-Restrepo et al. (2008) and Parga-Lozano et al. samples. Considering this evidence, this finding could explain the high
(2002) at La Caimanera swamp (234 ng g− 1) and Cartagena Bay concentration found in the sampled birds. It is well known that several
(1415 μg g− 1), respectively. Nevertheless, the concentrations in our filter feeder fishes are able to absorb large volumes of water, and thus,
study were similar to those obtained by Medeiros et al. (2005) at the fish are prone to bioaccumulate xenobiotics through their gills and
Patos Lagoon estuary, Brazil (37.7–11,800 ng g− 1), where there is gastrointestinal tract. In polluted aquatic environments, fish are
intense petrochemical activity, marine transport and sewage. As pre- exposed to both dissolved and particulate fractions of hydrocarbons
viously mentioned, the occurrence of PAH in the studied area repre- existing in the water column, but the proportion will depend on the
sents a threat to the whole Cispata Bay ecosystem because of the solubility. Therefore, fish might absorb low molecular weight PAH
frequent spills. In addition, the total concentrations of PAH and HMW- directly from water, whereas high molecular weight PAH can be
PAH in the current study were lower than the effects range low (ERL) obtained through the intake of particulate material within the gastro-
concentration proposed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric intestinal tract (Yap et al., 2012).
Administration (NOOA) in their Screening Quick Reference Tables Although the sediment samples showed concentrations below those
(SQUIRTs) for organic compounds in marine sediments. According to reported at polluted areas, several fish displayed BaP levels above the
Baumard et al. (1998), concentrations of PAH found in sediments from maximum level recommended for safe consumption (EPD, 1993: US
Cispata Bay can be considered as low levels of contamination EPA, 2000). This fact is alarming since spills increase the risk of
(0–100 ng g− 1). The CPI, Pr/Phy, Pr/nC17 and Phy/nC18 indices are contamination and transmission through the food chain. Indeed, fish
shown in Table 2. The carbon preference index (CPI) was more than consumption is high for people living around this area, which in turn
two in all sampled sediments, revealing a contribution of biogenic increases the exposure level to these harmful substances. Mean
paraffins in all samples that could be explained by the proximity to the concentrations of naphthalene and fluoranthene (26.0 and
mangrove. On the other hand, isoprenoids, such as phytane (2,6,10,14- 6.0 ng mL− 1, respectively) were detected in all bird blood samples.
tetramethylhexadecane) and pristane (2,6,10,14-tetramethylpentade- Similarly, fluorene (4 ng mL− 1), phenanthrene (4 ng mL− 1) and pyr-
cane), were also detected, suggesting the influence of petrogenic ene (4 ng mL− 1) were detected in 83% of the samples analysed,
sources (Blanco et al., 2006). The Pr/Phy ratio ranged between 1.16 whereas mean concentrations of acenaphthene, fluoranthene and
(S4) and 2.04 (S5), indicating a biogenic contribution as a result of chrysene were found in 33% of the samples (2.0, 6.0 and 2.0 ng mL− 1,
phytol degradation by zooplankton, which agrees with the CPI result. respectively). Moreover, the mean total PAH concentration was
Moreover, minor biodegradation of hydrocarbons in the samples was 66.0 ng mL− 1. In this regard, Troisi et al. (2007) reported slightly
observed, as the Pr/n-C17 and Phy/n-C18 ratios were lower than one. In higher mean PAH values (10.0 to 180 ng mL− 1) in blood samples from
other words, n-alkanes are progressively depleted in oil samples when Common Murre, Uria aalge, from the Wash Norfolk Coast, England,
the degree of weathering increases; thus, it can be stated that the after unidentified local spills. It should be noted that some PAH extend
greater resistance to degradation of the isoprenoids leads to an index their durability within the body of vertebrates through enterohepatic
higher than one, which demonstrates the presence of hydrocarbons circulation (Perez et al., 2008). The LMW-PAH/HMW-PAH ratio was
(Companioni-Damas et al., 2011; Wang et al., 2013). To determine the higher than one, demonstrating that petrogenic activity is the origin of
origin of the PAH found in sediments from the Cispata Bay, we used the these pollutant sources (Yap et al., 2012), which could be attributed to
m/z 85 common fragment ion for n-alkanes. The chromatographic Coveñas port. Similarly, Perez et al. (2008) found that PAH profiles in
profiles of the sediments (Fig. 2) showed similar tendencies for blood samples of seagulls was dominated by naphthalene (22–38%)
sediments collected near the port (S1, S3 and S4) and at sampling from petrogenic origin, attributed to the Prestige oil spill. Generally,
points away from the port (S2 and S5). Additionally, the chromato- PAH from petrogenic origin are absorbed more readily than those of
grams also display the m/z 125 fragment, corresponding to one pyrogenic origin because they can strongly bind to particulate material.
unresolved complex mixture (UCM) in the former group (sampling Heavy metals were not detected at any water sampling points in this
points nearest the port), which is indicative of the presence of study. Meanwhile, high concentrations of HM were found in sediments
petroleum hydrocarbons (Tolosa et al., 2004; Abdallah et al., 2015). from the S2 and S5 sampling points, located near the mangrove areas
However, a lower proportion of UCM was also observed in the latter (see Table 3). We considered two explanations for this observation: on
group (sampling points away from the port), suggesting contamination one hand, the anoxic conditions of this ecosystem could promote the
to a lesser extent. On the other hand, PAH concentrations found in fish resuspension of HM in the water column, leading to the high levels
tissues were similar to those of Cheung et al. (2007), showing a observed, while on the other hand, mangrove areas promote the
15.5–118 ng g− 1 wet weight. Likewise, the LMW-PAH/HMW-PAH deposition of fine particles with a high content of minerals and organic
index was higher than one, indicating the presence of petrogenic material enriched with metals. Thereby, this ecosystem represents a
hydrocarbons in the assessed fish tissues. In addition, the PAH good scenario to understand several processes involved in the hydro-
composition in the assessed fish muscles was widely dominated by geochemical dynamic of this environment, such as mixing, dissolution,
molecules with two, three, and four rings, which are associated with evaporation and chemical exchange of HM between water and sediment
(Ramanathan et al., 1999; Bodin et al., 2013). The HM concentrations
were observed in the order of Cu > Pb > Hg > Cd. Although the Hg
Table 2 level was unaccountably lower than that of Pb and Cu, Paternina-Uribe
Biomarker indices used to establish the pollution sources in sediments from Cispata Bay.
(2011) noted that Hg showed a higher bioavailability than the other
Indices S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 assessed metals in the study area. The concentration of metals in
sediments may be influenced by several factors, including the degree to
CPI 2.34 2.40 1.93 1.92 2.47 which sediments are able to join or release pollutants. Moreover, the
Pr/Phy 1.21 1.90 2.46 1.16 2.04
pH, cationic exchange capacity, organic matter content, redox poten-
Pr/nC17 0.33 0.26 0.44 0.26 0.51
Phy/nC18 0.77 0.51 0.55 0.73 0.42 tial, chloride content and salinity also determine the absorption degree,
mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of metals. According to Paternina-
CPI: carbon preference index; Pr: pristane; Phy: phytane. Uribe (2011), these factors influence the concentrations of metals in

S. Burgos-Núñez et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

Fig. 2. a. Unresolved compound mixture from sediment samples from Cispata Bay. b. Typical composition distributions of n-alkanes, as n-C13 to n-C34 were detected in sediments samples
from the Cispata Bay. Pr: Pristane; Phy: Phytane.

S. Burgos-Núñez et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

Table 3 2011). We wish to highlight that in the current study, the Hg levels
Heavy metal concentrations in sediments from Cispata Bay. found in birds were higher than 5.0 mg kg− 1 for the P. occidentalis and
F. magnificens specimens (5.151 and 10.192 mg kg− 1, respectively). It
μg Cd g− 1 μg Pb g− 1 μg Cu g− 1 ng Hg g− 1
is possible that seabirds can tolerate high concentrations of Hg due to
S1 < lc 0.51 1.63 1.63 their ability to demethylate mercury in the liver and subsequently store
S2 0.009 0.87 12.93 12.93 it in the form of inorganic Hg (Burger and Gochfeld, 2001).
S3 < lc 0.49 5.99 5.99
In addition, an increased concentration of Pb was observed in P.
S4 0.014 0.70 2.36 2.36
S5 < lc 1.39 15.36 135.66 brasilianus specimens; however, this Pb level is lower than that reported
by Tsipoura et al. (2011) and does not represent a threat to the assessed
birds since only Pb levels above a certain threshold (4 mg g− 1) are
Table 4 considered unsafe. Lead is one of the most studied metals in seabirds as
Heavy metal concentrations (μg g− 1) in fish from Cispata Bay. a consequence of the release of this metal into the atmosphere by
industrial and vehicular activities (Ruelas-Inzunza and Paez-Osuna,
Seafish species Hg Cd Pb Cu
2004). Since a significant Pb body load is accumulated in feathers, there
Cetengraulis edentulus 0.10 0.004 0.08 0.45 is a positive correlation between the Pb concentration in feathers and
Eugerres plumieri 0.14 < lc 0.04 0.16 Pb accumulation in internal tissues; hence, feathers are good indicators
Centropomus undecimalis 0.38 0.010 0.04 0.23 of lead contamination in marine environments (Burger, 1993). The Cd
Trichirus lepturus 0.67 < lc 0.12 0.33
concentrations found in P. occidentalis (0.40 μg g− 1) were higher than
those reported by Ruelas-Inzunza and Paez-Osuna (2004) and Bond and
sediments from the Cispata Bay. For water samples, the concentrations Lavers (2011) of 0.1 μg g− 1 and 0.29 μg g− 1, respectively. Generally,
of HM show a similar pattern as that observed in the sediments. Cd concentrations in birds are higher in the kidney than the liver and
Additionally, the presence of these pollutants in the Cispata Bay muscle, and consequently, Cd levels are lower in the feathers (Guillén
sediments could also be related to sewage discharge rich in organic et al., 2010). Likewise, the Cd concentration reflects the levels of HM in
matter from neighbouring towns favouring metal accumulation. In blood during feather development (Dauwe et al., 2003). In general,
addition, Cispata Bay is irrigated by a fluvial network encompassing almost 30% of the Cd body load of birds can be found on the feathers,
swamps and the Sinu River, which in turn carries pollutants from farm and this value is lower than that of the Hg and Pb values. Though the Cd
activities (Paternina-Uribe, 2011). The concentrations of HM in fish concentration in feathers is usually low, it should not be neglected that
muscle were observed in the order of Hg > Cu > Pb > Cd (see this concentration can be of endogenous origin (Bond and Lavers,
Table 4). Nonetheless, our outcomes were lower than those of Yi et al. 2011). Concentrations of heavy metal were significantly different
(2011): Cu, 0.361–18.76 mg kg− 1; Pb, 0.009–10.1 mg kg− 1; and Cd, (p < 0.05) between juvenile and adult birds, suggesting that metal
ND–2.0 mg kg− 1; except for that of Hg, ND–0.054 mg kg− 1. Recently, accumulation depends on the exposure time. In contrast, the accumula-
Paternina-Uribe (2011) reported the presence of HM in fish from tion levels of HM for the migratory seabird Thalasseus maximus showed
Cispata Bay and also found a high bioavailability of Hg around the a different pattern, possibly as a result of different exposure levels to
study area. It is well accepted that fish consumption elicits several HM from the different places that these birds inhabit during their life
beneficial effects on human health due to its content of polyunsaturated cycle. In addition, HM concentrations may be influenced by the feeding
fatty acids (n − 3, n −6), protein, vitamins and minerals. and metabolism of the assessed organisms (Pérez et al., 2005). As
The concentrations of HM in bird feathers were found in the order of Zamani-Ahmadmahmoodi et al. (2009) noted, concentrations of Hg in
Zn > Cu > Hg > Pb > Cd (see Table 5). An increased concentra- birds reflect the local contamination by Hg, while the Hg load from
tion of Cu was observed in Pelecanus occidentalis, whereas a relatively migratory birds reflects the food diversity from a wide geographical
high concentration of Zn (78.96 mg kg− 1) was observed in Fregata region. The concentrations of Pb, Cu, and Hg in feathers are correlated
magnificens. It is noteworthy that our findings differed from those of with the bill length, wing length and weight of the assessed organism,
Pérez et al. (2005), because the Zn and Cu concentrations in birds from indicating that these pollutants increase with the age of the organism.
Cispata Bay are higher than those found in seabirds from the Galicia From of our view, seabirds can obtain different loads of pollutants
coast, whose Zn and Cu concentrations were 12.54 and 0.81 mg kg− 1, through feeding, which could explain the levels observed here.
respectively. According to the same authors, Zn and Cu are metaboli- Additionally, the main entry route of these pollutants into wild animals
cally regulated in the tissues of birds, which could explain the high is through food, which consequently, depending on the nature of the
levels observed. Regarding the Hg levels, significant differences contaminant, indicates the concentration from different trophic levels
(p < 0.05) were noted between Pelecanus occidentalis and Phalacrocor- (Ruelas-Inzunza and Paez-Osuna, 2004). There was no detected Cd
ax brasilianus. As noted by Lucia et al. (2010), bird feathers provide an concentration in the blood of the assessed specimens. The Pb concen-
excretion route for excess metals such as Hg, since this metal can tration in the blood of P. occidentalis (1127.96 μg L− 1) in the current
accumulate in feathers due to its affinity for sulfhydryl groups in the study was greater than that in the blood of Audouin's gull Larus
keratin. Recent evidence appears to indicate that an Hg concentration audouinii from the Island of Isla Grosa, Murcia, Spain, whose Pb
above 5.0 mg g− 1 impairs reproductive performance (Tsipoura et al., concentration was 719 μg L− 1 (García et al., 2005). Note that Pb is

Table 5
Heavy metal concentrations in the feathers of birds from Cispata Bay.

Age Bird species mg Cd kg− 1 mg Pb kg− 1 mg Cu kg− 1 mg Hg kg− 1 mg Zn kg− 1

Juvenile P. occidentalis 0.009 ± 0.01 0.50 ± 0.67 1.76 ± 1.61 1.77 ± 0.71 23.31 ± 14.16
P. brasilianus < LD 0.15 ± 0.32 19.90 ± 18.14 1.76 ± 0.65 14.19 ± 2.55
F. magnificens 0.34 ± 0.32 0.19 ± 0.09 3.65 ± 4.99 2.10 ± 1.36 61.64 ± 42.39
T. maximus 0.16 ± 0.21 0.08 ± 0.02 0.35 ± 0.60 0.96 ± 0.46 19.33 ± 11.75
Adults P. occidentalis 2.01 ± 2.84 0.68 ± 0.25 86.84 ± 131.11 5.15 ± 1.52 21.88 ± 11.68
P. brasilianus < LD 0.69 ± 0.06 51.31 ± 3.23 4.99 ± 1.47 22.13 ± 3.28
F. magnificens 0.36 ± 0.23 0.51 ± 0.27 13.42 ± 26.23 10.19 ± 4.99 78.96 ± 37.55
T. maximus 2.43 ± 0.59 0.04 ± 0.31 45.22 ± 60.27 3.57 ± 1.37 27.39 ± 12.48

S. Burgos-Núñez et al. Marine Pollution Bulletin 120 (2017) 379–386

Fig. 3. Variation of the heavy metal concentrations in sediments, fish and seabirds from the Cispata Bay.

widely used as an anti-corrosive compound for ship painting and as an PAH concentration in blood from seabirds, fish, sediments and water
antiknock agent of gasoline and diesel fuels (Abdollahi et al., 2013). samples from the Cispata Bay. The assessed indices for the determina-
The Hg concentrations were registered between 0.23 and 1.09 μg L− 1 tion of the contamination source indicated a petrogenic origin with
with the greater level found in P. occidentalis. It is noteworthy that biogenic influence for all sampling points. PAH concentrations in the
blood provides a direct fingerprint of the dietary exposure to Hg current study were lower than those reported in polluted areas;
(Hargreaves et al., 2011). however, chronic oil spills in the study area impose risk to the estuarine
The bioaccumulation of HM and PAH in marine organisms was also ecosystem and the associated biota.
evaluated in this study. As shown in Fig. 3, the Hg and Cd concentra- On the other hand, HM concentrations in the blood and feathers of
tions indicate bioaccumulation in the Cispata Bay ecosystem, as the seabirds confirmed the presence of Hg and Pb and an increased level of
concentrations of these metals increase with the food chain level in Cu and Zn, although these species also play metabolic roles in marine
environments with very low levels of these metals. As illustrated in organisms. There was no relation between the HM concentration and
Fig. 3, filter feeder fish, such as sardine, have lower Hg concentrations hydrocarbon pollution; hence, these species enter the ecosystem from
(0.1 mg kg− 1) than largehead hairtail, Trichiurus lepturus anthropogenic inputs, such as runoff or transport through the lagoon
(0.67 mg kg− 1), who feeds on molluscans and other fish. Additionally, system that forms part of the Cispata Bay.
the concentration of the same metal in F. magnificens, which is at the top
of the food chain, was considerably higher (8.39 mg kg− 1). It should be Appendix A. Supplementary data
noted that the assessed fish in the current study have economic
importance. Thereby, Hg accumulation has received considerable Supplementary data to this article can be found online at http://dx.
attention, and mounting evidence suggests that organisms from the doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.05.016.
higher trophic levels accumulate more Hg than the lower trophic levels
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