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Kris Carr
Wellness Warriors,
I’m Kris Carr, author of the New York Times Best Seller, “Crazy Sexy Diet,” and founder of, an award-winning and fantabulous wellness site with daily articles from
leading experts and cutting-edge resources for building vibrant health and happiness. My
wake up call – a stage 4 cancer diagnosis, with no cure and no treatment (Zoinks!) – ignited a
personal revolution and taught me how to take responsibility for my well-being at the deepest
level imaginable. Now I want to show you how to step into your destiny and become the CEO
of your own health. Radiance is your natural state. You can banish the blocks that hold you
back with a plant-powered diet and Crazy Sexy lifestyle!

Each and every one of us has the power to ignite a wellness revolution in our kitchens.
Change now. Get juiced now. Learn to live like you really mean it and teach others to do the
same. By joining the revolution, you vow to wake up and take a stand for your well-being. No
one can take better care of you than wise, brilliant, capable, and STRONG you.

This self-care thing is bigger than many of us imagine. The pursuit of personal health, spiritual
wealth and happiness is actually a political statement, a peaceful protest and a powerful act
of love. Why? Because in order to care for ourselves in a full-tilt-boogie-I’m gonna-walk-the-
talk sorta way, we must rebel against the broken systems that support dis-ease and dismantle
the status quo. We can’t wait for special interests, government policies, subsidies, agribusiness,
factory farming, pharmaceutical industries and advertisers to change. But we can get off our
sofas, vote with our forks and knives and heal the way we eat, drink and think.

Read the guiding principles of the Crazy Sexy diet and lifestyle I’ve outlined below and make
these simple health habits stick. Get inspired – print it out, hang it on your fridge and read it
daily! This step alone will have a huge impact on your life.

Keep in mind, this is just an overview of the guiding principles. To dig deep and make lasting
changes, grab your copy of “Crazy Sexy Diet” here.

Make juice not war and remember, you are the change you’ve been waiting for…

Peace & Revolution,

Kris Carr
Guidelines for Dazzling Wellness Warriors

1. Get back to nature and back to the in ounces of purified water. Add a
squeeze of fresh lemon to your glass to
garden, preferably the organic garden help alkalize your body. If you’re drink-
when affordable. When not, choose ing green juices regularly, you’ll need
fruits and veggies that are sprayed less. less water. For an extra boost of alkalinity,
Find the Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides check out my favorite water ionizer.
at There are over 80,000
chemicals in our world today; eating
them and putting them on our bodies 5. Decrease the amount of animal
impairs our immune systems. products you eat (especially dairy
products), and move towards a varied
2. Create an anti-inflammatory diet. plant-based diet. The more animal
Learn about the health detriments of products we ingest, the more our chronic
inflammatory foods (wheat, gluten, disease rates soar. Need more convinc-
dairy, meat, sugar, coffee, soda, energy ing? Check out what Dr. Neal Barnard
drinks, alcohol, processed foods – AKA says here. Begin by reducing the amount
the white stuff). Also, get curious about of flesh and animal fluids you consume
pH, the acid/alkaline balance, and say (including eggs) to no more than 2 to 3
goodbye to the standard American diet times per week, instead of 2 to 3 times
(acidic and inflammatory) in favor of per day. Choose card-deck size portions
alkaline organic veggies, sprouts, green and look for the Certified Humane seal of
drinks, green smoothies, enzymes, vita- approval.
mins, minerals, antioxidants, phytonutri-
ents, oxygen and peace. 6. Dump refined sugars. If it’s made
in a lab, it takes a lab to digest. If it has
3. Make juice not war. A nutrient a shelf life longer than you, don’t eat it.
dense green juice is a terrific way to get White sugar fuels cancer and Candida,
an instant blast of sustainable energy. spikes your blood sugar, taxes your im-
Green smoothies are fantastic too. mune system, robs you of minerals, is
Adding healthy fats like avocado or highly addictive and floods your body
raw almond butter to your smoothie will with excess insulin and IGF1, which stimu-
help you feel satisfied longer. Here’s an late the growth of cancer cells. Learn
idea, reach for a fresh vegetable juice or about the connection between sugar
smoothie, instead of your morning cup of and cancer from Jacki Glew, RN, here.
java. Your adrenals will thank you! Check Get to know the glycemic index and
out my favorite juicer and blender and choose low-glycemic foods as much as
keep the green liquids flowing! possible.

4. Drink lots of clean, purified

water. Aim for drinking half your weight
7. Shake your booty and sweat your 10. Create an anti-inflammatory
prayers. Your lymph system, which lifestyle. Vibrant health is not just about
carries away waste, needs you! what you eat, it’s also about dealing
Unlike your heart, it doesn’t have a with what’s eating you. Inflammation
pump. Aerobics is the pump. Brisk (inner fire) creates stress. And stress cre-
walking is the pump. Yoga is the pump. ates acidity. Find and regularly commit
Shake it 4 to 5 days per week for at least to activities that help you “bring it down
35 minutes. And instead of carrying the a notch.” Some ideas: meditation, deep
weight of the world, choose weight- breathing exercises, gratitude journaling,
bearing exercises that will strengthen dancing, guided relaxation or visualiza-
your bones and your God pod. I love tion CDs, therapy, Emotional Freedom
rebounding and for a deep sweat that Technique (EFT or tapping), deep relax-
removes toxins and heavy metals, check ation, prayer, self-reflection and time in
out this sauna. nature. Learn about my daily practice

8. You are what you eat and what

you don’t poop. When needed, give 11. Snooze. Snooze. Snooze.
Optimal hours: 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. Without
your colon a regular spring-cleaning.
proper sleep, your body cannot fully de-
That’s right, flood your body with alkalin-
tox, heal and repair itself. Check out 13
ity and flush it of acidic toxins. Our bodies
tips to help you sleep like a baby from Dr.
are designed to assimilate and eliminate.
Frank Lipman here.
As the good stuff goes in, the bad stuff
should come out, on a regular basis. Our
grandmothers used to prescribe enemas 12. Chew. Your stomach does not have
to help us release blockages, headaches teeth. And stop eating late so that when
and toxins. Once laxatives came along, you snooze, your body can focus on re-
we abandoned holistic wisdom for syn- pair instead of digestion.
thetic chemicals. Don’t be shy; it’s just
a small hose and some filtered water
:). Check out Tracy Piper’s step-by-step
13. Set boundaries, so you have the
physical and emotional time to take
guide for a smooth moving colonic here.
care of yourself – it’s not selfish, it’s self-
preserving. Take a “time inventory” and
9. Use natural skincare products. systematically plug up the leaks.
Your skin is your largest organ and much
of what you put on it, you literally drink
in. Find out the toxicity levels of your
14. Make time for fun, love and
laughter. Giggles are good for your im-
favorite lotions and potions at skindeep.
mune system. Check out my Love List on
org. When toxins, chemicals and poisons
what makes me laugh instantly.
build up, you break down. This is known
as “body burden,” and it greatly
accelerates the aging process and
impairs your immune system. Annmarie
Gianni’s skin care line is divine!
15. Don’t be beige. Perfection is boring. 19. Build a support system. You’re
Consistency doesn’t mean you have to built like a reacecar, honey, and you
be rigid. Imagine yourself traveling on a need a pitt crew to keep yourself running
gorgeous, healthy highway. It’s okay to in top condition. My pitt crew includes
take detours from time to time, to check a chiropractor, acupuncturist, massage
out scenic roads and chocolate. Just therapist, EFT practitioner, life coach and
be really honest with yourself, and don’t yoga teachers. Check out my advice for
make detours a regular habit. putting your crew together here.

16. Educate yourself! We need to 20. Take it on the road. Whether

change how we’ve been thinking of you’re a busy mom, jet-setting fashioni-
illness. Let go of the old paradigm of sta, college co-ed or career-climbing
dys-functional medicine that only treats commuter, staying healthy on the go
the symptoms. Your body is made of can be tricky. Until there’s a green
inter-connected systems. An imbalance juice bar in every airport, wellness war-
in one system has a cascading effect to riors have got to be creative and plan
all the other systems resulting in dis-ease. ahead. Get my 12 easy peasy tips for
Watch this video from Dr. Mark Hyman staying green while on the road here.
about the root cause of disease and the
innovative approach of functional

17. Detox regularly. Whether it’s your

closet, your hybrid car or your colon,
o n u s
clear the clutter and the toxins! Mental B ip!
and physical clutter causes interference
on your hotline to the divine. And toxins
T Learn more
are just an invitation to create imbalanc- about food
es in your gorgeous God pod. Find out and chemicals.
20 tips to detox your home here and the Watch the film,
secret to making your detox effective “Food, Inc.,” and
from Dr. Frank Lipman here. And if you check out these
really need any more reasons to detox, information-packed
say goodbye to cellulite with Jen Reilly,
RN here., and
18. Be a bargainista. Let’s face it, this
diet and lifestyle can definitely cost a
little more in the short term. This lifestyle
ain’t for sissies! Get creative with cost
cutting strategies beyond clipping cou-
pons. Check out my blog here for 12 hot
tips to save some green on your grocer-

Make Juice Not War Green Drink

It’s our motto and our morning beverage. This recipe makes almost 32 ounces.

2 large cucumbers (peeled if not organic)

A big fistful of kale and romaine (or spinach, chard etc)
4-5 stalks celery
1-2 big broccoli stems (adds sweetness)
1-2 pears or green apples (optional)

Green Goddess Smoothie

Serves two. Adjust the recipe according to your crazy sexy taste buds!

1 avocado*
1-2 pieces of low-glycemic fruit: green apple, pear, banana, berries and cantaloupe
1 cucumber
A fistful of kale or romaine or spinach
Coconut water (or purified water)
Stevia to taste, and or a sprinkle of cinnamon or some cacao (optional)
* Use coconut meat or raw almond butter or nut milk in place of avocado.

For daily inspiration, revolutionary tips, recipes,
Prevention is HOT cheerleading and articles from the
best health and wellness experts, visit

For community, support and a wealth of juicy

knowledge, join, and meet
thousands of inspiring wellness warriors just like you!

To chat with me online, follow me on twitter and

like my Facebook Fan Page.

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