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Questão 1)

Some non-profit organizations make advertisings in defense of nature and wildlife, like the advertising below.

1) In your opinion, what is the meaning of the elephant behind the barcode?
2) What's the connection behind the image and the text "Stop the wildlife trade"?
3) Write a short essay about the preservation of the wildlife.

1) Resposta pessoal. Espera-se que os alunos percebam a intenção da propaganda de mostrar que animais
silvestres, como os elefantes, são vítimas do comércio ilegal de partes de seus corpos, como as presas.
2) O texto pede o fim do comércio da vida silvestre, e a imagem destaca um elefante por trás de um código de
barras, como se ele fosse um oroduto à venda.
3) Resposta pessoal.
Questão 2)

The intention of this advertising is

a) to alert the danger of carrying many things in a truck.
b) to protect the life of the animals in the transportation for another place.

c) to announce a performance of equilibrium capacity.

d) to show the strength of the silver truck.

Resposta Correta: D

A intenção da propaganda apresentada é mostrar a força do caminhão prateado, que teria capacidade de
transportar cargas muito pesadas.

Questão 3)

Marcia was a young girl in the 1960s. Listen as your teacher reads the text about Marcia's life.

"I was a young girl in the 1960s. My friends and I used to do a lot of things which shocked our parents. We used
to do things our mothers never did. We cut our own hair, we wore short skirts and went dancing. We danced to
the music of Elvis Presley and The Beatles. We also got the chance to see The Beatles live at a concert once. It was
amazing. My mother baked cherry pies once a week. She always wished that I would cook with her, but I didn't
like cooking. Instead, my friends and I went bowling every week. We were very happy!
Now, answer T for true or F for false.

( ) Marcia used to go bowling every day.

( ) Marcia's mother used to love baking pies.
( ) Marcia used to dance to Elvis Presley's songs.
( ) Marcia's friends used to cut their hair themselves.

( F ) Marcia used to go bowling every day.

( T ) Marcia's mother used to love baking pies.
( T ) Marcia used to dance to Elvis Presley's songs.
( T ) Marcia's friends used to cut their hair themselves.

Questão 4)

Don't sweat it: eight easy skincare regimes to suit your lifestyle

Yes, working hard, working out and even venturing outside can put a strain on skin health. But you don’t want to
stop doing any of these things. Instead, change the way you look after your skin
Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 26 ago. 2018.
O texto anterior apresenta um tom mais informal, que se assemelha a um(a):

a) entrevista informal.
b) conversa com o leitor.
c) texto jornalístico clássico.
d) diário de cuidados com a pele.

Resposta Correta: B

Alguns recursos utilizados no texto como iniciar a frase com "yes", trazendo a ideia de que se está respondendo a
uma pergunta do leitor, ou o fato de o texto se referir diretamente ao leitor, usando "you" e os verbos no
imperativo, transmitem uma sensação de informalidade, assemelhando o texto a uma conversa.
Questão 5)

Observe a imagem.

Analise a seção de notícias presente na imagem anterior e responda: a que tipo de público a seção se destina?
Explique quais elementos fizeram com que você chegasse a essa

A seção se destina a um público mais jovem. Isso pode ser concluído uma vez que apresenta notícias sobre jogos
de videogame, séries de ficção científica etc., produtos que são associados, geralmente, a pessoas mais jovens.

Questão 6)

Variations in English

How we speak is influenced by many things. Firstly, there is learning to speak English itself, where how we
pronounce our words is all part of learning how to speak and copying the speech of those around us. If we are
born into bilingual families, then we may learn to speak English alongside another language. Then, as we go to
school, we learn to read and to write a written equivalent of English speech that has standardised forms of
spelling, punctuation and grammar, known as standard English.
Adaptado de ASTON UNIVERSITY. Variations in English. Disponível em: <
english-speech-and-society/variations-in-english/>. Acesso em: 02 jul. 2018.
Leia o texto e responda.

a) Quais são os fatores que influenciam o modo de falar a língua inglesa?

b) Para você, qual é a maior dificuldade em aprender inglês?

a) O modo de falar a língua inglesa depende da maneira como aprendemos inglês, da pronúncia, do sotaque, da
escrita e da leitura.
b) Resposta aberta.

Questão 7)

Why isn't "American" a language?

Why does American English take such liberties with our common tongue? On the other hand, why has it not
taken more liberties? English speakers first started colonizing America more than 400 years ago. Since then,
American English has been evolving, influenced by other languages, culture and technology. As the linguist Max
Weinreich said, a language is a dialect with an army and a navy; the US has been an independent country for
more than two centuries – and boasts the world’s most powerful examples of both. So why is American not a
separate language? Money talks, and the US has not seen it as worthwhile to declare a distinct language, since
American English, like the American dollar, is the current dominant force globally, like it or not.
Adaptado de HARBECK, James. Why isn't "American" a lanugage? Disponível em: <>. Acesso
em: 04 jul. 2018.

According to the text, why isn't "American" considered a language?


Because American English is already a dominant force and does not need to be declared as a separate language
to influence the world.

Questão 8)

Read the text and answer the questions.

English as the universal language of science: opportunities and challenges

English is now used almost exclusively as the language of science. The adoption of a de facto universal language
of science has had an extraordinary effect on scientific communication: by learning a single language, scientists
around the world gain access to the vast scientific literature and can communicate with other scientists anywhere
in the world. However, the use of English as the universal scientific language creates distinct challenges for those
who are not native speakers of English.
Adaptado de DRUBIN, David G.; KELLOGG, Douglas R.. English as the universal language of science: opportunities and challenges. Molecular Biology Of The Cell. p. 1399-
1604. abr. 2012.
a) What are the advantages of using English as the universal language of science?

b) In your opinion, are there more benefits or disadvantages of using English as an universal language?

a) The advantages of using English are giving access to a vast literature written in that language and making it
easier for scientists to communicate with one another.
b) Open answer.

Questão 9)

Oh, the Places You'll Go!

Oh, the places you'll go! There is fun to be done!
There are points to be scored. There are games to be won.
And the magical things you can do with that ball
will make you the winning-est winner of all.
Fame! You'll be as famous as famous can be,
with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.

Dr. Seuss
Qual é a mensagem que o trecho acima passa aos leitores?
a) Que o sucesso é possível de ser alcançado.
b) Que viajar fará com que você apareça na TV.

c) Que o fracasso é uma parte importante da vida.

d) Que praticando esportes você nunca será famoso.

Resposta Correta: A

A mensagem principal do trecho é que existe muito sucesso que pode ser alcançado.

Questão 10)

John arrived home and it seemed that a hurricane had hit the house. There was water everywhere, his kitchen
cabinets were open, there was flour everywhere. John called out for his dog, Fido, and when he came down stairs
he had white powder in his mouth.
What happened at John's house?___________________________________________________________

According to the text, it can be inferred that Fido made the mess, because he had white powder in his mouth and
the kitchen had flour all over the floor.

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