A Father or A Guardian

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Father Not A Guardian - Prof Lesego Daniel 1

A Father Or A Guardian
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Chapter 1
I believe we have learnt a lot this year and God’s infinite knowledge is just too
wonderful. Day by day we get shocked and surprised of how God reveals Himself.
Let the world get shocked by how God reveals us. I mean, we are getting shocked
by how God reveals us, so let the world get shocked by how God reveals us.

You are a strange generation, a peculiar generation. If you are a peculiar generation
let us see the manifestation of what has been said in [1 Peter 2:9]. If it says you are
a strange generation, a peculiar generation, let it be known - let us see that these
people are strange, these people are not ordinary.

It says you are a peculiar nation, a strange generation to show forth wonders.
When someone wonders they get shocked. ‘I wonder if it’s real!’ If someone says I
wonder, you show forth wonders and these are the days of wonders - where people
will wonder what is happening with Christianity.

As usual, I like just to dish out and give all to you, to show more of you be-
ing strange, to show more of you being so peculiar. I want you to go and shock
your city and shock your nation. Go and shock your township, go and shock your
family, go and shock you neighbours because people are used to being with you,
growing up with you.

So, go and shock them, let them be surprised at who you are and what God is
doing through you. You are strange. Just go and enjoy it and hear God laughing
on the inside of you. God laughing at everything that is happening outside there
and that will make you know that greater is the One in you than the one who is
the world.

I am going to teach you a little, pray for you and you go home and meditate. I will
teach tomorrow night, meditate and go home. Sunday, teach you again, meditate
and go home. And the wondering will be greater after that.

[Galatians 4:1] “What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no

different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate”.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 1

Remember the Apostle Paul says that the law is only there as a guardian. So, as
long as an heir is a child he must be under guardians, under trustees. When we
talk about the Jewish tradition we talk about the law. Remember, you must be
under trustees. So, where there is a guardian, where there are trustees, somebody
is under. The law is only there as a guardian. A trustee there, you might find an
Apostle who is a trustee, a Pastor who is a trustee, an Evangelist who is a trustee,
as a guardian.

That is why when you go to [1 Corinthians 4:15] there are many teachers but a
few fathers. Teachers and guardians - talk. Fathers - power. It is not a matter of
talk, but it is a matter of power!

We were subject to the elementary teachings, meaning [Hebrews 6:1] let us leave
the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity. Meaning while you
are still there, there is no maturity.

[1 Corinthians 3:10] “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise
builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care.”

Who is building on that foundation? Somebody who is building there can be your
guardian because everyone must be careful how they build.

Some build with wood, gold, silver straw or costly stones. Their work will be tested
by what it is, because the day will bring it to light, it will be revealed with fire and
the fire will test the quality of each work.

Imagine the kind of work that has been done on that foundation if it is weak.
When you are trained by the same person who built there, if what has been built
survives, the builder will receive his reward but if it burns up the builder will suffer
loss. When he suffers loss, who has he been training? Who has he been develop-

Listen to this: if it is burnt up, the builder will suffer loss but yet he will be saved,
even though as only one who escapes through the flames. If he escapes through
the flames, who has he been developing, what about the people he was developing?

2 Chapter 1
[1 Corinthians 4:14-15] “I am writing this not to shame you but to warn you as my
dear children. Even if you had ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have
many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel.”

Did you hear what he says? In Christ! The law can serve there as a guardian. Who
is in Christ, who is teaching the law?

Remember it says there will be those who are in Christ, subjects of the Kingdom
who will be thrown out. They are subjects of the Kingdom.

It says many will join Abraham, Isaac and Jacob while subjects of the Kingdom
are thrown out [Matthew 8:11-12]. They are there in Christ but what are they
teaching? It says even if we had 10 000 guardians in Christ, you do not have many
fathers for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the Gospel. He is a father
not a guardian. A guardian will teach the law. As long as an heir is a child, he must
be under trustees, under guardians.

It talks about the Jewish tradition. According to the Jewish law one must be under,
before. But when the set time comes, the father spirit lives in the son.

I just want to show you more about guardians so that you can understand. It says
you will be under trustees, under guardians - as long as there is no law, you will
grow but as long as there is the law it is elementary, you will keep sucking milk.
[Hebrews 5:12] you will keep on receiving milk.

[Hebrews 6:1] “Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ
and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance
from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God”.

When you go on to maturity there is no more milk. You suck something but you
do not develop, meaning a guardian is still there, there is no development.

Now, guardians go minister when God has not given them to the people. God
cannot give what cannot develop; God cannot give what cannot accomplish His

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 3

So, what is happening? When the fixed date of the Father comes the work of Jo-
seph is over. That is why is has been explained clearly in [Matthew 1:19] - Joseph
was devoted to the law. He was the guardian of the Lord Jesus Christ.


4 Chapter 1
Chapter 2
[Hebrews 6:1] “Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ
and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance
from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God”.

That is why we have guardians in Christ. Let us leave the elementary teachings
about Christ, teachings about faith and the laying on of hands.

I remember when I took off my shoes the other time, some people started to criti-
cize because people were touching my shoes, getting healed. People were touching
my shoes and things were happening. They started saying that ‘the Bible says we
should lay hands, what is it that you are doing?’ Guardians began to speak.

When you are in the presence of God, everything is the hand of God because you
are now in the presence. In the presence there is no leg, there is no head, there is
no hand.

When God created Adam in the beginning, before God could breathe the breath
of Life upon him, Adam could still walk. Who said Adam could not walk? He
could walk!

As long as the Spirit of Life is not in you, there is the law of the spirit of death. If
so, do you think people who have the law do not walk, people who have the law
cannot turn their necks? But when the breath of Life comes!

When God created Adam, He started doing the leg, the head, the hand and every-
thing concerning the body, but it did not mean Adam could not walk. Why? He
was qualified to do that because he was in Eden. If he is not in Eden the breath of
Life is not with him. Meaning he went back to a state before God could breathe
the breath of Life in him.

He could walk without the breath of Life. When the breath of Life is in you, it is
the Spirit of Life - you carry the presence of God.

They went there and healed the sick, they cast out demons and they become excit-

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 5

ed then Jesus said, do not be excited that demons are bowing before you. Be happy
when your names are written in the Book of Life. Where there is Life there is the
presence of God.

The law of the Spirit of Life sets you free from the law of sin and death. After they
ate from the wrong one, they were taken out of Eden. They were in the state where
God created Adam before he could put the breath of Life in him. The breath of
Life went out when they went out of Eden.

The breath of Life was left in Eden, they came out without the presence of Life.
They were the original of before the breath of Life was on them. They were still
walking, they were still moving, they were doing everything.

Can you imagine doing everything without the breath of Life? You are teaching,
you are a guardian. That is why [Genesis 5:1] says they were made in the image of
God, but now when he gave birth the first born was made in the image of Adam
because he fell.

The Spirit of Life left, then it was sin and death. That is why it says death reigned
through Adam [See Romans 5:17]. From Adam death reigned.

The moment you are going to teach a person from there, you are a guardian. A
guardian teaches without the Spirit of God, a guardian teaches the law. The law is
only there as a guardian, so God cannot give with such. As long an heir is a child,
he must be under guardians, under trustees. When the fixed date of the Father
comes, God can release you - God can give you.

If you can understand clearly how the fixed date of God comes. When everything
of the law disappears, the fixed date comes. You are no longer somebody else’s
child, you are the child of God. The Spirit you received is not the spirit of fear, it
is of love, of power. That is why you no longer talk of its power; it is not a matter
of talk it is a matter of power.

The Spirit we received is the Spirit Who gives birth to sonship. If you do not have
such Spirit you are a guardian, you cannot give birth to sonship. The Spirit you
receive is that of sonship.

6 Chapter 2
[Romans 8:15] “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in
fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.
[a] And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father’.”

There is no difference between this Spirit and when God was breathing the breath
of Life in you. The Spirit you receive when we teach you is giving you the breath
of Life.

[ John 1:4] says in Him there was Life, and that Life became the light of man.
When Jesus became the second Adam, He became the second Adam with Life
but before the age of thirty [30] He did not have that Life because the Spirit like
a dove had not yet come into Him.

The second Adam had Life. Death reigned from Adam, but it could not reign
through Jesus because He carried Life.

Jesus as the son of Mary, son of Joseph. At that point before the age of 30 there
was no Life.

If the Spirit was not on me, I would be afraid of these people. I am not afraid of
people who say things about me. I am not afraid of the them. The Spirit in me does
not allow me to say I am afraid of somebody.

I will not undermine the Spirit Who is in me! I am not afraid of anybody; I am
not afraid of you. You can say whatever, be on the pulpit because of the position
you have, I am not afraid of you. That is why when you talk you cannot face me.
That is why when I invite you, you cannot come.

But why should you confess that you are afraid?

Jesus was placed as a Son at the age of 30 when John the Baptist baptized Him.
This is My Son. He is now placed as a Son. Before He was the son of Mary, the
son of Joseph, the son of guardians under the law.

[Galatians 4:4] “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a
woman, born under the law”.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 7

In [Matthew 11] Jesus came and John began to send His disciples to Jesus “go and
check if He is the One”. They went to Jesus and checked if He was the One. Then
Jesus was confident by then. You have received the Spirit of sonship, the Spirit like
a dove came upon You.

When John said go and check if He is the One, Jesus said to the disciples of John,
“go and tell John what you see - Life, Life, Life. The blind are seeing, the lame
are walking, the paralyzed are being healed. Miracles signs and wonders are being
performed. Blessed is the one who is not offended with what I am doing.

Jesus began to speak. Jesus, born of a woman, stood and said that among those
born of a woman there has never risen anyone like John. Meaning from John
going backwards to all the Prophets of old, they were born of a woman but those
who come after John there is nothing - part of the fix date of the Father.

These are the times when people have to preach the Gospel not the law. It is up to
you whether you choose to be a guardian, or you become a son placed from above.
That is why [Hebrews 6:3] says that God permitting, we will do so. God allowing,
we will go on to maturity.

When the law is totally finished, God says “I permit you,” because there is no trace
of a guardian, there is no fingerprint of a guardian on you. Now I can give you as
a Son. For so God loved the world. He cannot give a guardian, but He gives the
Father. When you carry the Spirit of the Father, that is why when Jesus came, He
would teach more about the Father.

When we pray, we say, ‘our Father Who is in heaven’. The time has come when
true worshippers shall worship the Father Spirit and in truth. You have seen the
Father; I and the Father are One.

It is a matter of a Father not a matter of a guardian!


8 Chapter 2
Chapter 3
There are many guardians but a few fathers. Who will you give with, a guardian or
a Father? If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.

The Apostle Paul says that I became your father through the Gospel. Not through
the law but through the Gospel.

[Romans 16:25] “Now to him who is able to establish you in accordance with my
gospel, the message I proclaim about Jesus Christ, in keeping with the revelation of
the mystery hidden for long ages past”.

Meaning what I preach, you will be established you will not be under. You no more
remain under, you are established. Established, you are being certified as a son.

It is easy to make the law and to invent a law. Joseph was committed to the law, it
had to be that way so we can see that he was the son of Joseph, son of Mary born

[Matthew 11:11] Jesus says that among those born of a woman there has never
risen anyone like John because those ones were from the law with all the other

In the olden times God used to speak to our forefathers through the Prophets but
in the last of these days He speaks to us in the Person of the Son.

I like what Jesus is saying in [Matthew 11]. He knows that now the set time has
come, the appointed time has come. Where is He? He is the Son of the living
God, no longer son of Mary, son of Joseph. When He talks about John, He says
that amongst those born of a woman. Can you imagine? You qualify!

When somebody comes and says, “man of God I need you to train me,” you can
see that this one is born of a woman. Now they must come and move away from
being born of a woman. Be born of the Spirit because the Spirit Whom you re-
ceived is the Spirit Who produces sonship. If He produces sonship, you take them
out from the woman. That is why some people will be shocked and ask ‘why do

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 9

you say you dream that man?’. Somebody is taken out from being born of a wom-
an, someone is taken out from being of a guardian.

It means when people begin to see such visions, to dream such dreams, God is
dealing with the law that they are under. God will take them from under. So, what
was man that God was so mindful of him and the son of earthborn who was made
a little lower than angels. Under the law. The law was given through angels yet
given power and authority over the works of His hands, for what reason? So that
He can take them out from under the law.

I am here, I am not going to rob myself; I am here to take people out from under
the law. They will have my visions, they will have my appearances, they will have
my dreams because I am here to take them out from under the law.

I do not care who am taking you from, God cannot commit a crime by taking you
from a father who is a talker, from taking you from a father who is a guardian. God
is not a man that He should lie, God will do that. If you come and preach grace,
God will use you as a Spirit to take them from under.

To keep His people, God will give you such a Spirit. When the fixed date comes
the law is totally finished. The teaching comes to finish it all. Amongst those born
of a woman there has never risen anyone like John. So, he is saying that the least
in the Kingdom shall be greater that John.

The Spirit that produces sonship has now come upon him so he shall be greater
than John, not born of a woman. When I come, the Spirit that produces you as a
son from takes you out from under.

Visions that you have, dreams that you have; ‘why do I have a father but dream
that man?’ in your interpretation I am giving you an answer today, you are under
the law. The Spirit that we receive is the Spirit that produces sonship. I am giving
you an answer today, I am giving you the revelation of your visions, I am giving
you revelation of your dreams.

‘Why do I see that man when I have a father?’ know that he is not a father, he is
a guardian!

10 Chapter 3
God takes you out from being born of a woman, to as much as those who have
received Him, He has given them the right to be called the children of God - not
a child of a woman. ‘Why do I see that one?’ The Apostle Paul says I became your
father through the Gospel. So, God was able to establish you through the Gospel
that I preach.

Through the Gospel that I preach you begin to see things differently now.

It is an offensive message when it comes to this but I am saying it because many

will begin to see. Many will begin to see, many dreams are getting extended, many
visions are getting extended. Why do they get extended? Many people are taken
from out of the law.

Listen to the prophetic message, starting from Christmas day. I want you to un-
derstand that visions are getting extended, dreams are getting extended, appear-
ances are getting extended for the sole purpose of taking people out from under
the law. Not being sons and daughters of a woman but taken from under the law.

The guardian-mentality has become disabled. Listen to the prophetic, I want you
all to hear this now, you are going to hear God laughing and you will see that God
is really laughing now!

I want you to understand, I am just interpreting what people have been seeing but
now the extension of that is happening. The more you keep the law - the extension
of that grace, the extension of those visions, the extension of those appearances
they become many. What does that mean? It means you are under a guardian.
Now God takes what belongs to Him, you thought you are owning them, they
belong to God.

I want you to understand this mystery, today am just giving this. I am teaching and
at the same time I am prophesying. You thought they were produced like sausages.
You haven’t seen nothing, you haven’t seen anything! The Spirit we received is the
Spirit that produces sonship not what puts you more into bondage.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 11

[Romans 8:15] “The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in
fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship.
[a] And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father’.”

It is not a Spirit that takes you again to being of a woman, born under the law.
No! I want you to understand this mystery. We must understand what we receive
as leaders. What we receive as leaders is to produce sonship not what puts people
once more into bondage. So, if they are under guardians, what must God do? You
will see those visions.


12 Chapter 3
Chapter 4
I want you to get the mystery. Saul, what was he under when he was persecuting
the disciples? Who was taken from under when He appeared and said Saul, Saul
why do you persecute Me?

[2 Corinthians 12:2] “I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught
up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know-
God knows.”

Fourteen year ago, where was he? It was him when he met with Jesus when he was
going to Damascus and Jesus said Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me?

Now you are under that law, now they will see such visions. Who qualifies, who
qualifies to meet such?

[Galatians 2] says after fourteen years when I met Him I did not go to these super
Apostles in Jerusalem. I did not go to Peter just because he had been with Jesus.
I stayed in the desert of Arabia and after three [3] years that is when I went to
meet with them.

I believe this is a manual to teach leaders to get to understand what is being in

the Spirit, what it is to carry the Spirit of Life not the spirit of law or the spirit of
sin and death.

If you carry the Spirit this is what is happening. They will have those visions.

While they are on their way to Damascus they will meet with Him. Who are you
under, why do you do this?

Without choice I am taking you out. I want you to understand yourself as a leader,
what spirit do you carry? These things are getting extended, I am going to meet
more of the Sauls and change them. Why do you persecute me? People have been
criticizing and persecuting, you will find them saying ‘what we thought.’

It was in your thinking, instead of the Son given it was thought of the son of Jo-

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 13

seph. So, never use it in your thinking. Never use it there!

Spirit producing what? Sonship!

God did not just give and say attack the law. God did not just say attack the law;
God did not just say attack the law for nothing. People are busy trying to imple-
ment the law: do this [the commission].

They do not know what is coming - laughter that does not end. Laughter that
continues, laughter that does not stop. No one will be under a woman anymore.
Born of a woman, never! The least in the Kingdom shall be greater that those born
of a woman.

[Galatians 2] After an interval of how many years? Fourteen years!

Remember [2 Corinthians 12:2] when he said, “I know of a man, who was caught
up for fourteen years. I do not know if it was the body or out of the body”. After
an interval of fourteen years, who did he meet? He says he was taken to visions
and revelations of the law. So, what did he see? And he became blind. “Who are
you Lord?”

You were under. You must understand when he answers. When you say Lord, you
are mentioning a Master; you were under a certain master now you are mention-
ing, “Who are you Lord?”

The law served as a guardian, a master. Now when Jesus met with him, he says
Who are you Lord? Now he found a new Master, no longer under a guardian.

Many people you need to understand this, why Apostle Paul, immediately after
meeting with Jesus didn’t struggle to move on to maturity? Why did the fixed date
come just like that? When the law is finished! Right there and then the law was
finished, and he started preaching grace. He went to the Gentiles and preached

So, let us leave the elementary teachings about Christ and go on to maturity. The
problem for people not to reach maturity is still carrying the elementary. You go

14 Chapter 4
to seminars, you attend seminars, great revelations without a manifestation. You
get those notes, you write everything. You get to know them by heart, recite them
like a recitation yet there is no manifestation. The law!

Uncle Peter started teaching the best message. When I was listening to Uncle
Peter I began to see how he did his demonstrations. He took one man and he put
him here, and he says you see this one, you see this one, this one is like this, this
one is like this. That is not a manifestation, you are talking to them, you are speak-
ing to the two people. You said, you see this one, you see this one; No! Without
you talking to these people, a revelation with a manifestation - God intervening.

After interval of fourteen years I went to Jerusalem. [2 Corinthian 12:1-2] I will

go into vision and revelations of the Lord - it is getting extended. I was caught up
in the third heaven so that is where Jesus met with him.

During that time, he was blind and said Who are you Lord. How did he know
He was Lord? Who are you Lord? Saul, Saul, why do you persecute Me? Are you

After an interval of fourteen years that is when I went to Jerusalem, that is when
I went to see Peter and others then he began to teach a message which he was
teaching to the Gentiles, which they were not teaching.

They were still having the law. For Peter to go and preach to Cornelius, God had
to go and qualify him through destroying the law. God had to show him a vision
which according to the law he was not supposed to eat those things. God had to
destroy the law for him to go to preach for the Gentiles.

These things are getting extended -more visions, more revelations.

This man is not my father. When you go to a father who is a guardian, you tell him
the dream and he says no, this is a demon. Get out, get out and who must get out?
Lesego Daniel? And there is no manifestation of Lesego Daniel. A manifestation
of prayer must be seen. I want you to understand, this is prophetic, I want you to
get it.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 15

The Gospel is amazing. During my time, during this time, the Gospel is exciting!

I want you to understand these matters, I want you to understand this grace.

Come, let me show you how to be fishers of men. Do away with the law and
then you will appear, you will hook them. You are a hooker, something desirable,
meaning what? A bait on the hook. They will look at it, want to check what is this
- when they see it, they are hooked. No longer under the law, no longer born of a
woman. Now born of God.

Fishermen understand these things. We make this look desirable, yet we hide a
hook. Whatever comes to eat we are going to hook it.

Come, let me teach you how to be fishers of men. I want you to understand these
matters. You are not going to be here as a son and not understand these matters.
Leave the elementary!

So, the appearance of Jesus to Saul, now he becomes Paul. I know of a man who
fourteen years ago was caught up in third heaven. [Galatians 2], after the inter-
val of fourteen years, so fourteen years ago he was caught up, he is talking about

He was caught up in this heaven, that is why he is saying I don’t know if it was in
body or out if body that I don’t know, only the Lord knows. If I boast, I go to those
visions and revelations of the Lord.

If I myself have to boast I go to my weaknesses, persecuted, having pain, having

whatever - that how I must have boast about my infirmities. If I have to boast I
go to visions and revelations - I know of that man fourteen years ago, caught up,
being with Jesus saying why do you persecute Me.


16 Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Why were those who were accompanying Saul busy out there saying ‘where is
he?’ hearing lightnings, listening to lightnings, Jesus speaking to the one who was
leading them. It was thundering, Jesus said that voice was for you. Now the true
Gospel thunders for you.

I want us to understand these matters. Come, let me teach you how to be fishers
of men. This is training of the matters of the Kingdom; you don’t just come and
attend it like a seminar. You are here to be taken from under the law.

On the road to Damascus Jesus met with him. He was caught up and that was the
beginning of those fourteen years. After 14 years [Galatians 2] that is when he
said, let me go to Jerusalem I heard that there is Peter, Mark, people who had been
with the Lord. Let me go and see them.

When he saw them, they got amazed ‘what this man is talking is a mystery,’ so
before Peter could be sent to people Jesus had to deal with the law in him.

Go there to meet Cornelius, you do not get to meet Cornelius when you are a
guardian. You have to be carrying the Spirit of the Father when you meet him.

Cornelius when he prays God hears him, when he gives, his gifts are a memorial
before God, so you do not talk with such a person with the spirit of a guardian.
No! You come with the Spirit of the Father so that when you preach, Cornelius
must receive the Father’ Spirit, the Life Spirit - Life comes to him.

Receive the breath of Life!

When Peter was preaching, the Spirit of Life set Cornelius free from the law of
sin and death [See Romans 8:2]. So, the Spirit that we have received is the Spirit
Who produces sonship. It is not the spirit that puts us once more into bondage.

What puts you to bondage takes you back to the law. Elementary, you are not here
to specialize to give people milk forever. You are to give them solid food, you are
to give them Life from above. You are to give them the Glory from above; you are

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 17

to give them what makes them to be of God not of man, not of a woman.

By the will of the husband the woman shall give birth but, if it is the will of God,
you are born of water and Spirit - you are born of God.

So, come let me teach you how to be fishers of men. I want you to understand
this prophetic, it is going on. This is from the mouth of God; this is the command
given. If you ignore this command, you will be ignored as well and while you are
ignored you will hear the laughter laughing at you.

[Galatians 2] says that after an interval of fourteen years, that was when he went
to Jerusalem. In other words, [he went to Jerusalem] after he met with Jesus.

He met them after an interval of fourteen years. So, I know of a man fourteen
years ago, I know myself in the Spirit. I know the Divine.

If I have to boast I will go to the Divine. I know myself; I know the Divine is with
God. But if I myself have to boast, I delight in sufferings, I delight in these hard-
ships, I delight in these persecutions. When I am weak, I am strong. When I am
blind, I can see because the Divine cannot be blind, the Divine cannot be weak,
the Divine cannot be poor.

If I have to boast I will go to the Divine. I myself have to boast when I am blind
the Divine can see. In the Divine there is no trace of the world; in the Divine there
is no trace of poverty. In the Divine there is no trace of blindness, in the Divine
there is no trace of weakness.

Jesus comes, “Father, Father, let this cup pass”. Sweat became blood but let Thy
will be done. The Divine came and strengthened Him. While Paul said, “take away
this thorn from me, I am weak” God’ Strength was made perfect in his weakness.

Come let me teach you how to be fishers of men. Even now when I am teaching,
I am busy appearing to some people in different countries, understanding and not
understanding, believing and not believing, criticizing and not criticizing. I am
pulling them out from under the law, from of being of a woman and be of God.

18 Chapter 5
I want you to understand this mystery now. ‘Why do I see this one, why is he
appearing to me? I saw a Satanist’ cursing your God revealing Himself to you. No
difference to those who called him Beelzebub. He said, if they called Me Beelze-
bub how more about you sons? So, it will be worse.

We need to understand this grace. I have seen a lot of people who created serious
law with their followers, not the followers of Christ. With their followers, you can
hear when they teach, there is so much law.

Go and learn from Apollos before he knew Christ the Messiah. Go and learn.
Knowing Jesus accurately does not prevent you from teaching the law, but adequa-
cy is the overflowing grace of the Father.

This man was caught up in the third heaven; he is talking about that one and this
one. This man was caught up in the third heaven fourteen years ago.

[Galatians 2] after an interval of fourteen years, who is he talking about? He is

talking about himself.

Remember [Philippians 1] and I gave you an example of when God took me

[LesegoDaniel] to heaven and I was so excited. He showed me this woman who
was so persecuted [during her time on earth]. I saw how she now lives in heaven
and I said yes, I am not going anywhere [meaning I wanted to remain in heaven].

That time I lost a sense of I got children, I got money, I got this. You will not even
care about what you have [when you are in heaven], that’s rubbish! You want to
be there with God.

While I was happy God brought me back [to earth] and I was crying. God says,
away from the body you are not fruitful, in the body that is when you are fruitful
[See Philippians 1:22].

So, I know of Lesego Daniel, I know about him there. But here, that is when I
cried because I am back where I can be weak, I am back where I can be blind, I am
back where the weather can affect me. But when I am weak, I know I am strong;
when I am poor, I am rich; when I am blind, I know I can see.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 19

We need to understand these matters. Away from the body, God says you are not
fruitful. When I am back, He says in this body that is where you are fruitful.

When I am in heaven, I am not fruitful, I am fruitful when I am here on earth.

We are not going anywhere; here we are fruitful. As I am fruitful here, there has to
be many appearances extended to show fruitfulness. There has to be many dreams
extended to show fruitfulness; there has to be many, many visions extended to
show fruitfulness.

Fruitfulness - drawing many from under the law!


20 Chapter 5
Chapter 6
No matter how you are oppressed, you have no chance of escaping. If it is this
Spirit catching you, the Devil knows that he has already lost the battle - you are
a winner man!

No matter what, the earth belongs to the Lord and the fulness thereof [Psalm
24:1]. Listen to this, it is over with seminars; let us enter the Kingdom.

Do we understand these matters?

I believe graphically you begin to understand how Jesus met with Saul. You get
to understand how the fixed date of God happens. When the law is totally eradi-
cated and when Jesus meets with Saul not even a trace of the law will be there, it
disappears completely.

He heard utterances beyond the power of man. God is not a man that He should
lie. You can speak in tongues of angels and of man but without Love you are

These are not those tongues - beyond utterances, utterances that are beyond the
power of man. There are people that you think speak in tongues, those are not
tongues. Tongues without a manifestation? Tongues, we talk about the revelation!

There are people who speak in tongues and there are tongues of man and angels,
but they are without completion. They are without perfection, they are without
God, they are without Love. They are without adequacy; they are without because
they speak in tongues that are not beyond man’s understanding. That is why they
can imitate you.

If you know you can imitate with tongues, those are tongues of man and of angels.
The ones that confront, are those mentioned in [Isaiah 28:11] which says, “I will
confront this rebellious generation with people of stammering lips and unknown

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 21

Tongues are confrontational, they confront. So, if you are in the law you can still
speak in tongues, a guardian can still speak in tongues. But come to the Father,
come to the revealer - God Himself.

It is an offensive message, but every weapon is finished. Do not worry it will not
come against you. You receive this message you won power over weapons. When
you go back, when you preach when they say, ‘who is this boy?’ It is a sign to prove
that you have already prevailed.

Away from the body. You see, where he was, he was away from the body but he had
to come back because he was not fruitful there. He had to be in the body. Going
back to the body, God said to Ananias this is My chosen instrument. I am going
to show him how he must suffer for My name’ sake. That is where he must delight,
in sufferings. That is where he must delight, in persecutions.

But a man who was caught up fourteen years ago, that one whom I do not know
if he was in the body or out of the body, only God knows, that is the Divine. He
cannot be blind; he cannot feel pain, he cannot say I am experiencing poverty.

He cannot say I am hungry; he cannot say I am full and to enjoy that life I want
you to get this. To enjoy that life, they come [to Jesus in John 4:31-34] “eat some-
thing,” they did not know Whom they were talking to, “eat something”. Has He
eaten something? My food, My meat is to do the will of the Father.

The Divine speaks, the Divine does not experience hunger. The Divine does not
experience poverty and the Divine does not experience pain!

Tongues of man, tongues of angels without divinity, without the Glory, without
perfection, without adequacy.

No matter how accurate you can be, where is adequacy? Can you imagine, you are
not permitted but you imitate tongues. ‘which man is not permitted to utter’. Man
cannot even utter that, man is not even close to that but when the breath of Life
comes, you are no longer man. When the fixed date comes you are no longer man,
you can utter those words.

22 Chapter 6
If you can utter these, think about the Gospel you preach now. God is able to
establish them through the Gospel that you will be preaching. Many utter what
they are not permitted to utter because they are under the law.

Let us understand this, let me teach you how to be fishers of men. I believe that
now we understand the spiritual world.

Drawing His Own, making them fishers of men. God could not send Peter before
He first dealt with the law. So, God took him temporarily out of immaturity and
matured him for a while because remember Paul still came and rebuked him.

The same [Galatians 2] says that he had to come and rebuke him. It means God
took him temporarily from under the law, but he went back again.

Because if he is going to be His important instrument, God had to finish the law
and let him go to Cornelius. He came back, he entertained the law again. So, what
are we going to do? There is nothing we can do, not by might or by power but by
the Spirit, thus says the Lord.

I feel bad for this individual, he is just speaking a lot and he is full of the law. I
heard him accusing saying ‘you drink blood and you say you are Christians’.

It is the blood of Christ! So, what do you mean? Yes, we drink blood! I saw that
he watches us a lot.

Yes, we drink blood.

There is no difference between the blood that Jesus gave and His saliva.

Criticizing Penuel saying he drove over people; they did not die. He says why do
we call ambulances when there is no emergency? No one died! They showed this,
after that what? How will we know that God exists?

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 23

You talk about circuses; you grew up too much in circuses not knowing the truth
of the Gospel. Your circus was your church that you have been going to, it was
a circus because they spoke something that did not manifest. They had to train
you for things to happen. They had to train you at the Bible school, and nothing
happened. True circus!

Here it is not a circus!


24 Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Come, let me teach you how to be fishers of men. The law kills but Grace gives

[2 Corinthians 12:5] “I will boast about a man like that, but I will not boast about
myself, except about my weaknesses.”

So, of this man’s experiences, meeting with Jesus the Divine - I will boast. You see,
he is talking about two people yet being him; him the Divine fourteen years ago
and him where he feels pain, where there is a thorn in his flesh. Where he delights
in pains, he delights is sufferings.

Fourteen years ago, that is when he met with Jesus and all the earthly finished, dis-
appeared and he came out blind. Ananias still had to remove the blindness from
him. It was over with the law. Taught by Gamaliel, this is a man taught by one of
the best lecturers of the law on earth. All the teachings of Gamaliel finished in one
day just after meeting Jesus, finished, over!

Those visions are getting extended; those dreams are getting extended; those ap-
pearances, are getting extended. Who qualified to meet with Saul? There was no
one earth who could meet with him. Everybody would run away. It would only
take the One Who was completely out of the law to meet with those whom people
thought they were tough and yet before the Spirit of God, there is no tough.

We need to understand these matters.

I believe you understand how to be a fisher of men.

Love and cherish who God has made you to be. Never undermine yourself, you
will see tangible results. No man could argue with that, no man would argue with
that. Anyone who tries to argue with that, they will be tiring themselves.

That is why I am saying it is painful to see people dying with cancer, accidents,
sudden deaths just happening, headaches and whatever. What were they talking
about, who were they talking about, which anointing were you talking about pub-

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 25

licly? There is no law there, do not come with the law and try to challenge that.

You try to influence people by using another man’s anointing. ‘We are not people
who take grass’. Cancer is not a child’s play. Don’t you know what used to happen
when people touched the Ark in a wrong manner?

You stand on stage because you want to influence, you want to draw people. If you
are able enough you do not depend on other people to elevate yourself.

We do not depend on other people; we do not use anybody’s whatever. You pre-
pare a nice sermon, on the way you deviate. You talk about Pretoria and grass. That
is why manhood is not functioning anymore.

I am mentioning this so that many can be aware. Manhood is gone from a lot of
people. I have seen it. Jumping, jumping, preaching but when God shows me, he
says “look, it is no longer functioning.” It is gone, manhood is gone!

Do not challenge things that are not challenged by the law. You carry the law and
you challenge grace, no! It goes. If you want to be the strongest man ever, confess.
Do not come and say consult. You went everywhere, using pills and everything but
you are failing.

I am saying this deliberately. Who must make people aware of this? I am crying
for those who are going through this. I want God to save them before they go.
Because some people are ignorant - though they know.

I like [ John 3:2], Nicodemus said it straight and said Lord, we know that You are
from God, not only me coming to you at night. All of us even though we were
criticizing, we know that You are from God. What is the reason? No one can do
the things that You do if he is not from God.

They knew that if anyone was doing the works that no one else had ever done, it
showed that they were from God.

26 Chapter 7
[ John 15:24] “If I had not done among them the works no one else did, they would
not be guilty of sin. As it is, they have seen, and yet they have hated both me and my

If I had not spoken to them, they would not be guilty of sin, but now that I have
spoken to them, they are guilty of sin.

I want to take you to the Spirit now. I do not want to lie, if I have spoken to people
and they are doing something behind, they backstab - they are guilty of sin. I am
not going to lie, it is the Spirit in me that is of Christ. Guilty, guilty of sin.

You know you are sick, you went to be prayed for somewhere but it did not go
away. You are so sure the sickness did not go. I speak. You know what is happening
every day but you are from somewhere. You cannot challenge Grace with the law!

I delight in weaknesses; I delight in infirmities but that one, he cannot feel pain.
Jesus can feel pain, but the Christ cannot feel pain. The Christ cannot cry, Jesus
can cry.

Jesus said, “My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?” but Christ cannot say
‘My God, My God.’ Christ is the very Spirit God Himself - the Divine. On the
cross He gave up the Ghost. Who is the Ghost? The Christ separated from Jesus.

[2 Corinthians 12:6] “Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because
I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is
warranted by what I do or say”.

Should I desire to boast, I shall not be a wickless bragged. For I shall be speaking
the truth, but I abstain from it. So that no one may speak of high estimate of me.

You always want people to be free to speak to you, the main thing is all about
winning them. You do not make yourself this being who is unreachable.

Do you understand this mystery? The visions are getting extended, the dreams are
getting extended, the appearances are getting extended. More of them being seen
simply because someone is taken from under the law. If you are a man of God,

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 27

they are under you if you teach the law but this how God takes them from under
the law.

What is man that God was so mindful of him and the son of earthborn who was
made a little lower than angels [Psalm 8:4], meaning being born under the law but
yet God gave Him power and authority over the works of His hands.

So, what is happening with that power and authority? You cannot be overpowered
by what you are under. He went through the heavens to take everybody who is
under to be raised with Him. We are being raised up together with Christ, we are
seated with Him, we are no longer under guardians.

[Galatians 4:4-5] “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a
woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive
adoption to sonship.”

Because you do not have to be a slave, you come with such Spirit, not to put them
once more into bondage. But it is the Spirit that produces sonship. Once the Spirit
that produces sonship comes, know that you are truly free now.


28 Chapter 7
Chapter 8
When sonship is conferred upon us, you are no longer born of a woman - you are
born of God.

I want you to understand this, recognition of you being God’s son is important. It
says, to be recognized as God’s sons. Do you think that when Nicodemus went to
Jesus he did not recognize? That is why he said we know, even the enemy knew,
the Scribes and the Pharisees.

Nicodemus was with them; he was one of them but he went to Him: ‘we know
that’. He is recognized as God’s Son simply because of the things that He does.
No one else could do them.

So, they knew that if someone on earth could do what no one can do, they were
sons of God.

They are recognized as sons of God!

The teachings you teach, let it be something fresh because if you have eaten the
Book you make a fresh prophecy.

[Galatians 4:6-7] “Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our
hearts, the Spirit who calls out, ‘Abba, Father.’ So you are no longer a slave, but
God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir.”

What does the word ‘Abba’ mean? Our real Father! No longer Joseph. Abba - our
real Father. Who is your real Father? True worshippers shall worship the Father in
Spirit and in truth. You are no longer a slave.

Song singing: ‘I am no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God.’ If you under-

stand this song, it talks about people who are from under the law. If you are no
longer a slave, you are no longer under a guardian because the Spirit we received
is not the spirit that puts you once more into bondage.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 29

It is no longer a spirit of slavery, no longer fear. What you received sets you free.

If one has to be matured, the law must totally finish. If the law is finished in you
even when you marry or when you give birth to your child, or when there is a fu-
neral at home and they try to apply the law on your things; confess, I am no longer
a slave to fear - I am a child of God. I am not doing these things; this is how it
should happen. I am a product of Grace!

Eight days after you were born, they circumcised you because you could do noth-
ing but at least now you can do something - refuse. The moment you feel that you
have fear, and they want to do those in your wedding or after your child is born;
the moment you feel that you have fear, check your spirit.

But the moment you become bold; it is a school that you pass. You pass this one,
you go to another step. Let the law be finished.

Let the law finish, let it be over with the law!

You are a son; you are an heir. If you are to share in His Glory, you also have to
share in His sufferings. You are an heir of God.

[Romans 8] is so powerful. I need people to understand this, as an heir of God,

you do what God does.

Those visions are getting extended now. Whoever, believing or non-believing

these dreams are extending. Criticizing or not criticizing, they are extended. Tak-
ing you from under a guardian.

I want you to understand this part: why did God meet with Paul? It was because
Peter was not yet matured, he was still a slave. Before God sent him to His Own,
He destroyed the law so that he could go there being matured.

When God sends you to preach to someone, He cannot send you while you still
have the law.

God cannot send you to such people while you still have the law. ‘I am sent by

30 Chapter 8
God, but I preach the law’, it is a lie - you are not sent.

What I am saying is in your Bibles, am I right? Just read it, it is your Bibles. ‘God
sent me,’ but after preaching we hear the law. No! You are not sent.

That is why people under you are taken out because you are a guardian.

The Spirit we received is the Spirit Who produces sonship. Not to put you once
more to bondage, not taking you to slavery but placing you as a son, an adopted

Many do not get to understand [Galatians and Ephesians 6]. You should honour
your parents in the Lord and also obey your mother and father. So, if you are from
parents in the Lord, you know what the law is when you go to your mother and
father so that all may be well with you.

Obeying your parents, it is also to refuse what is wrong because you are now born
of God. Have you heard people say ‘the Bible says honour your parents’ but they
want you to do what is wrong? Refuse.

This is how you do it: Let me show them how I honour them, take out the Bible
and say, you say this, and I say this - that is how I honour you. You talk to me; you
say I must honour my parents, but you do not eat pork. Go and eat pork then you
will talk to me, you qualify.

You teach the law in your house after that you want to come and say honour, you
are a guardian. Let us go and eat pork, go kill and eat! You will qualify to speak to
them, you will qualify to take Cornelius out of his life into the new Life.

This is the Spirit Whom you all receive today, of Love; power, and sound mind.

What I am saying is that I want to empty myself to everybody. God is here to

give you Life. In the beginning God created Adam out of the dust. When Adam
fell, he went back to the time he was created with dust, without the breath of Life
because death reigned from Adam.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 31

It started reigning from [Genesis 3] but the Spirit of Life he had in [Genesis 2].

Before God breathed, he did not have it. When God breath, he had the Spirit of
Life. Then after he ate what was wrong the breath of Life disappeared. Death be-
gan to reign. He was still moving; he was still walking. And all that he gave birth
to was his image, not the image of God.

Where the breath of Life is, there is the image of God. God is here to bless us all.
Consider yourself blessed by this message.

Go and meditate more. Because when Jesus comes, He does not care who you are
under. As long as it is the law, as long as it is a guardian He appears. And Jesus
did not consult with Gamaliel and say I am here to take Paul, I am here to take
Saul. No!

The earth is the Lord’s and the fulness thereof.

‘No, he is a demon,’ they are even advising you. God is here to extend such, to
show you that they are without choice.


32 Chapter 8
Chapter 9
I believe we need to understand these matters. God is here to raise us together.

I want you to see how God will laugh. God has already started laughing. If you are
a son, you will know and understand what I mean. God is laughing at those who
come against you. Have you ever seen someone like God on the throne? When
they come against you, He stops them.

God is having a good time in you. That is why He can say, “this is My Son Whom
I love. I delight in Him”. When you delight in a person, you cannot just say ‘I
delight,’ without you laughing. You have a good laugh because you enjoy being in

As we are in this training, we must understand this is the last training of the year,
ushering us to a new year where God begins to laugh. ‘What were they saying
those years? What were they planning, what law did they want to implement?’

I want you to understand what it means to be a son because when it was thought
of Joseph, it was thought of a guardian, it was thought of ancestral line.

‘The problem is that they do not have an umbrella,’ it was thought of a certain
Bishop. The problem is that they do not see that we are not of a woman, we do
not need an umbrella.

What is leaking, what is burning us that we need an umbrella? It was thought of,
this is man speaking. It is was thought of, it is in their thinking.

When you depend on the law, the law is in your thinking. A lot is in your thinking.

May the good Lord bless you; may our Father bless you; may our Father raise you
even more.

May our Father give you Life in abundance. We are no longer slaves to fear, we
carry Love, we carry power, we carry sound minds. And people who develop you
must be people who carry such Spirit.

Father Or A Guardian by Prof Lesego Daniel 33

God is here to bless us; we are together in Spirit and we are blessed with Love
from above.

Where there is Love there is perfection. Where there is perfection there is ad-
equacy. Where there is adequacy there is the Spirit of Life. Where there is the
Spirit of Life, sons have been produced.

I know of that man, and he is the one who can see into people’s lives. He is the one
who knows that this is a son; he is the one who knows that this is the fixed date.

If I have to boast, I will go there. If I, myself have to boast, I go to my weaknesses;

I go to my infirmities.

God is here to bless us all. You are truly blessed!

You will go home and say, ‘I have been drinking, drinking,’ drinking for the Spirit.
God is with you.

Just know that whatever you go through, I want you to forget about it and focus
on what you have been taught because this is to give you Life. Not just ordinary
life, but Life in abundance.

I see the blessings of God; I can see all spiritual blessings.


34 Chapter 9

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