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1 Abstract

2 Introduction
Dissertation Report
Submitted to
Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore
for the partial fulfilment of
Bachelor of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication)
Neha Rathore
Under the guidance of
Prof. Seema Uikey

Shri Vaishnav Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication

Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore

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1 Abstract

2 Introduction


I, Neha Rathore, student of BA (JMC) VI Semester (Batch 2017-20), at Shri Vaishnav Institute
of Journalism and Mass Communication, affiliated to Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth
Vishwavidyalaya, Indore, declare that the research entitled “Role of media in society with
special reference to television.” is my own work approved by the Head of the
Institute. I further declare that to the best of my knowledge, the research report does not contain
any part of any work, which has been submitted for the award of any degree.


Place: __________. Neha Rathore

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2 Introduction


This is to certify that Neha Rathore is a student of BA (JMC) VI semester, Shri Vaishnav
Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication, Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth
Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (M.P.). She has prepared his Dissertation report on the topic
“Role of media in society with special reference to television” under my

Prof. Seema Uikey

Supervisor Dissertation


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2 Introduction


I feel elated in expressing my deep sense of respect and gratitude to my respected

guide and supervisor Seema Uikey Ma’am, whose kind academic contribution further
guidance andmotivation throughout the study has made it possible for me to complete
this research work.

I would like to extend my thanks to all respondents of the different organizations for
providing me help in data collection.


Place: __________ Neha Rathore

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2 Introduction

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Page no.

1 Abstract.
2 Induction
3 Review of literature
4 objectives
5 Methodology
6 Data analysis and interpretation
7 Findings
8 Conclusion
9 Reference

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2 Introduction

Role of electronic media in society with special reference to television


The term media is derived from Medium, which means carrier or mode. Media denotes an item
specifically designed to reach a large audience or viewers. The term was first used with the

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2 Introduction
advent of newspapers and magazines. However, with the passage of time, the term broadened
by the inventions
of radio, TV, cinemas and Internet. Currently, media has become almost as necessary as food
and clothing. It is true that media is playing an outstanding role in strengthening the society.
Basic objectives of media are
(i) to inform
(ii) to educate
(iii) to entertain and
(iv) to mould the opinion of the people.
It helps us to know current situation around the world. The media has a strong social and
cultural impact upon society as well as it can play an effective role to bring positive change in
the society. Because of its inherent ability to reach larger number of public, it is widely used to
convey message to build public opinion and awareness. In this study, we will try to determine
the role of media in a society and try to understand what people's think about different media
organisations and their view in regards to change needed in Indian media and to suggest ways
and means for its further development to bring attitudinal change in the masses.
Key words: Media, Media Ethics, Print and Electronic Media.


Media is everywhere; it has become a part of our daily life. Media plays a dominant role in the
learning process also. Media has potential to shape personalities, change the way we perceive
and understand the world and our immediate reality. We can realize the power of media in this
way that every individual now days is spending every minute with media. One wakes up in the
morning with messages on WhatsApp and then throughout the day he shares information
through various media of entertainment and education and finally goes to bed again surrounded
with some media. Media has become the strongest mean to change the face of the society. Due
to media’s powerful influence in fast changing society it is essential to understand it by
analyzing it, in context of contemporary societal needs. So in this context, it can be broadly
classified as social media like Facebook, WhatsApp etc., educational media (print and non-
print), entertainment media and information media comprising of news channels, literature
festivals etc. This is concluded after discussing all kind if media and their role that media plays a
role of facilitator of development and disseminator of information and being change agent. Now
a day media is considered as fourth pillar of life in all over the world. The media has a unique
feature and play massive role in creating knowledgeable and inclusive society. The media do
not merely have an instrumental function in society but help in promoting right things on right

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2 Introduction
time. The world is changing every step we can’t ignored social problems and issues; media
helps us to estimate the reality of life and focus on the social matters by highlighting them with
pure and real fact. The media is all together has a significant role in molding good society and
act as a best tool in transforming the society. They also shape norms, beliefs and fields of
interest in matters such as identity- building, regionalization and the formation of the
multicultural society.
n some cases, professionalism in journalism to sensationalism that results in improvement in
packaging of news features, leading to superficial presentation. This change from social set up
to commercialization has led to deterioration in public life.If at one end of the socio-political
spectrum, the print media act as a bridge between the people and the
government, at the other should conduct itself as the watch-dog, without being judgmental in
reporting. Having emerged as the strongest pillar of the democracy world over, media enjoys a
unique place and privilege in society.
Both national and regional newspapers can help restore confidence in the folk by ensuring the
flow of desirable information to them. Without the mouth-piece or His Master's Voice, the
journalists ought to
be expressed themselves within the parameters and paradigms of professional training and
ethics.They cannot perform their best if sword of Damocles, the threat of being hired and fired is
constantly hanging over their heads. The media cannot develop or grow in stature in an
atmosphere of restraints and constraints and the society remains a silent spectator if it crosses
the bar of self-imposed decency discipline.
Mass media can be used for various purposes:

The original idea behind the creation of various „media means‟ was to entertain masses. Radio,
TV, Cinemas and Magazines spend most of their resources targeting on entertaining items and
Because of the growing population and developing lifestyle, the demand for more entertainment
is increasing. Every year billion of dollars is traded in entertainment industry.

News & Current Affairs:

One of the major duties of media today is to inform the people about the latest happening
around them and the world. They cover all aspects of our interest like weather, politics, war,
health, finance, science, fashion, music, etc. The need for more and more news has evolved
into creation of dedicated TV and radio channels and magazines. People can listen, watch and
read latest news whenever and wherever they want.

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2 Introduction

Political Awareness:
Media is the overseer of the political system. If it plays its role honestly, it will be a great force in
building the nation. It plays a great role in bringing common man close to their leaders. The
mediafocuses in bringing details of all major political situations, decisions and scenarios. Hence
people can better understand their rights and make better decisions.

Because the power of media is so extensive and huge, it can be used to educate people with
very little cost. Imagine a classroom in every city with thousands of students being taught by just
one teacher. But unfortunately, because of money-making approach of media and lack of
interest by government,
very less work is done in spreading the education.Public Announcements:
Various authorities and agencies utilize the power of media to spread informative messages to
This may include warning against a storm or epidemic, delay in arrival or departure of flights and
trains, etc. In some cases, it is legally binding to publish notices in newspaper like tenders,
change of property ownership, etc.

Tools of Media

Newspaper and Magazine

Newspaper and Magazine are the major tools of print media disseminating news on regular
basis to their readers. There are hundreds of thousands newspapers and magazines exist
globally, which are providing information to the people in the shape of news, articles, features,
columns, etc. on daily


Television is one of the most important media of mass communication. Common people may
watch television at least one hour every day. Some people usually meet news through television
and others may want to watch dramas or variety shows. We can watch a lot of programs

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2 Introduction
according to our tastes through television. Nielsen media research (1998) reported: “Television
was introduced to the U.S.A. at the 1939 World‟s Fair in New York.
After two years, the Federal Communications Commission licensed and approved the first
commercially available television stations. In 1950, about 9% of American homes had TV sets.
Since 1985, television ownership has been about 98%” (cited in Bushman, 2001, p. 477). Since
television was invented, media became very popular in our life. Now almost all families have
television at least one at home. Television has developed since 1930 as amazing invention can
give people a lot of information and enjoyment through video and audio both.
Most Americans watch television for 3 to 5 hours per day. As much as television has become
famous to people, it causes many problems too. The violence of television‟s programs has very
serious effects. In television programs, we can easily see a recurrence of a case. It causes
imitative crimes. Brandon Centerwall, a professor at the University of Washington reported that
from 1945 to 1974, 93% of the murder rate has been increased.It shows that television teaches
violence, and it also makes people be unconcerned about violence. It can also cause antisocial
actions. Television can bring addiction, which is one problem appeared since mass media was
developed. TV addiction is similar with other addictions like drugs addiction or
gambling. Especially TV addiction is bad for children. “A child who watched two hours of
television a day before age three would be 20 percent more likely to have attention problems at
age seven compared with a child who did not watch television” (Christakis, 2004).
Television programs are contained to the violent acts and sensational contents more and more
by pursuing commercial value. Moreover, they also maintain that television is forcing simple
thoughts. Television gives us a lot of information but they can just give that. Viewers just can
accept television‟s information we cannot communicate with. It is sure that the invention of
television brought great development in our society. However, as the market of broadcast has
been bigger, programs in television has been contained more violence and exaggerated. These
things give children and teenagers bad effects, so all broadcast need to adjust their program


Radio, being the most effective electronic medium of communication, is also the first with the
news, like newspaper, and has several news bulletin within 24 hours


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2 Introduction
The number of people using the internet has grown exponentially since the emergence of World
Wide Web . No one is exactly sure how many people have online access. it was estimated the
number of internet users is approximately 600 million people in 2002. The popularity of the
WWW, combined with the pervasiveness of computer technology in general, means that people
are becoming increasingly reliant on technology and the
Internet to conduct their day-to-day and work activities.Although internet appeared as a new
medium of media and it formed new society, internet is not mixed with society where we live, so
it caused many problems. We can accept tremendous information via internet because people
in all over the world could share their information on network. However, as much as there is a
lot of knowledge, in internet there is also information not true and useless.Also, since internet
was popularized, many illegal crimes have been happened through internet. These crimes
committed through the use of computer are called cybercrime. Cybercrime is a real and growing
problem that costs governments, businesses, and individual computer users millions of dollars
annually and that facilitates many of the same crimes committed in real space,

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2 Introduction
such as identity theft the trafficking of child pornography, only on a larger scale.The media has
the power of educating people, the good and the bad. Since it affects the eyes,
the ears and the mind simultaneously nothing can overcome the influence of the media. The
media in the advanced society should perform a noble mission of enlightening people and
discourage sectarian, communal and divisive trends.
Now a days content of television news channels are going down day by day if we watch news
channels on tv and if you are educated and understand system of governance in India
understand the outer world than you will deeply hurt by the content most of the news channels
you can find baiseness of must of the news channels it seems they are loyal to government
although media should be independent and should not be centralised in some hand such media
of any nation besides strengthening democracy of nation it weakened the democracy some
news channels you in our country puted journalism ethics in margins their responsibility is to be
a voice of minorities , womes and people's of weaker sections, people's of backward areas,it is
media's duty to protect rights of people and protect and maintenance supremacy of law , to full
fill aspirations of founding fathers to make india democratic secular and sovereign nation but
these news channels are creating differences between different debates are
source of knowledge it provides deep understanding of the issue helps in building opinion but
nowadays debate shows of news channels are becoming violent in nature spokpersons of
different political parties abuse each other and issues choosen by news channels are very
unsatisfying besides choosing relevant issues which are needed to raise they conduct debates
matters which does not bring peace and question government or do not debate on topics which
deveops scientific tempor in minds of people's of Ind

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2 Introduction


The media plays a very constructive role in today’s society. Media plays an important role in
increasing public awareness and collects the views, information and attitudes toward certain
issue. Media is the most powerful tool of communication in emerging world and increased the
awareness and presents the real stage of society. In this decade of knowledge and awareness
there is a huge and grand role of media, it is all around us when we watch on Television, listen
to on the radio, read to the books, magazines, and newspapers, every where we want to collect
some knowledge and information and a part of this media has to present a very responsible role
for our society. Without the media, people in societies would be isolated, not only from the rest
of the world, but also for the total formation of creditable world.
The term media refers to several different forms of communication required to educate and
make a socially aware nation. The communication forms can be radio, television, cinema,
magazines, newspapers, and/or Internet-based web sites. These forms often play a varied and
vital role in our society. With the evolution in the field of economic reforms, India has witnessed
a major advancement in the role played by the media. Media has impacted our society in many
ways. It has always played a very crucial role as a source of information, education and
entertainment. During the early days of advancement, media was not only informative but also
catered to the development of a civilized society. These days, we find that the television
channels and newspapers are racing and competing with each other to make fast money. The
condition is bad to such an extent that to become more popular and make more money, the
communication medium have surpassed all the limits in misguiding the society. The fact that
media is a significant resource in building a healthy and progressive society. Moreover, at times,
the media also hurt the sentiments of the people. The information that people get to know from
the media has a great power associated with it. It influences the masses in many ways. Further,
the impact of an unethical and unprofessional information shared through the various
communication forms leads to an avoidable aggression within our society. Simultaneously,
Media is also considered as a mirror of the society. The main objective of it is to inform, educate
and entertain the people. Now-a-days, media has solely become the voice of some political

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2 Introduction
parties. It presents the information in a more sensationalized form than ever before. We must
not forget the fact that there are some honest communication forms also. These forms often put
their lives at risk to inform us aboutanevent oractivity.These events/activities may be in the form
of a terrorist attack, natural disaster and sting operation to eradicate the social evil, viz.
corruption and/or other crime related news. Thus, these forms result in creating awareness
amongst the society. The communication form should be such that it provides a good
atmosphere to enhance the process of binding the society and not breaking the unity amongst
the society.

● To examine nature of content shown in electronic media.
● To determine, is electronic media following media ethics.
● To determine how fruitful is debates of news channels.
● To find out how much people watch news on television.


A research design is procedure for getting information needed to find the

solution of this problem .The method carried out for research will be quantitative in
nature The data and information have been collected by questionnaire .People of all
age group will be population ,sample for study would people who have knowledge about
media and watch news channels .Sample size would be of 80 people the information
would be collected through personal observation to provide effectiveness in the study
and find a conclusion.


How frequently people watch news channels

To be updated and being a aware citizen it is very important to get information and news people
use different media for getting news among them news channels are watched by majority of

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2 Introduction
peoples.The survey shows preferance given by news viewers to different news channels among
80 respondents .

Opinion ND Tv ABP news India TV Rajya sabha Republic Tv


Very much 22 22 2o 14 20

Much 25 16 18 16 12

Never 5 14 14 10 22

Less 20 10 18 22 18

Very less 8 18 10 18 8

Total count 80 80 80 80 80

Which news channels show violence in news

While showing news of any accident or any other news journalism ethics not allows to show
sensitive pictures video which can disturb people's and hurt their sentiments beside these
showing violence is also against journalism ethics ,the survey shows to what extent different
news channels sho Kow violence in their news items.

Opinion ND Tv ABP news India TV Rajya sabha Republic Tv


Very much 8 27 20 8 28

Much 10 18 28 6 22

Never 28 3 12 30 2

Less 12 12 12 24 18

Very less 22 20 8 12 10

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Total count 80 80 80 80 80

Nature of content people prefer to watch

When you watch news channels you will find different news which has different nature such as
some news are informative in nature some are current affairs,some news are violent in nature
and some are stressful or it is preferance of news channels that they show some kind of news
repeatedly. Survey shows 53.8% respondents prefer to watch current affairs, 26.2% prefer to
watch informative 13.8% stressful and 6.2% violent.

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Violent news items

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In the survey 35% respondents strongly agreed that news channels show violence in news,
36% agreed that news channels show violence in news,22.5% are neutral and2.5%,2.8%sl
strongly disagree and disagree respectively.

Do news channels always follow ethics

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2 Introduction

It is the journalism ethics which saves media from being corrupt or maintain its independence,
media should follow journalism ethics so that it can become strong pillar of democracy but
nowadays journalism ethics are not of much priority of news channels and they more focus on
TRP and enhancing business of media houses,the survey shows the opinion of respondents on
the question that do news channels always follow ethics 28.8% people strongly disagree,28.8%
are neutral about it,18.8% disagree and 12.5% strongly agree and 11.2% agree

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Watch debates of news channels

Debate on current issue helps in understanding the issue and helps to build opinion of issue a
debate should have strong topic Which is of great importance for nation and people than it
should have experts of related field survey on how much people watch debates of news
channels 30% respondents watch very less debates 23% watch much,22.5% Never watch
debates on news channels,12.5%, 11.5% watch very less and very much respectively

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2 Introduction
Element of violence in debates

Many times we have seen spokesperson of different political parties on debates become violent
even they abuse other party people on camera and sometimes when media organisations is
influenced by any political parties they shout on other party spokesperson they start shouting
loud during debates this vilonce is common on biased media houses in the survey 57.5%
respondents agreed on violence during debates,27.5% strongly agree,8.8%,3.8%,2.5
respondents belived Never ,strongly, disagree and disagree respectively

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Need of positive change in media

If people see loop holes any where they suggest changes similarly many people's thought there
is need of positive change in media 46.2% respondents strongly agree that there is need of
positive change,45% respondents agreed and 7.5%,2.2% are neutral and strongly disagree and
0% disagree.

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2 Introduction

● On how frequently people watch different news channels,Out of 80 on which scale they
put different news channels -
ND Tv -25 much and 8 Very less
ABP news -22 very much 18 very less
India TV - 20 very much 10 very less
Rajya sabha Tv - 22 very less and 14 Very much
Republic Tv - 22 Never and 8 very less

● 22 respondents believe their is very much violence in ND Tv out of 80.

22 and 20 respondents believe very much violence in news of ABP news and India tv
14 and 20 believe very much in Rajya sabha Tv and republic Tv respectively out of 80
on each channel

● 53.8% respondents watch news channels for current affairs.

● 36.2% respondents agree on news channels show violence in news.
● 28.8% respondents disagree on question that news channels always follow ethics.And
28.8% neutral about it.
● 30% respondents watch very less debates on news channels.
● 57.5% respondents agree on their is element of violence in news debates.
● 46.2% respondents thought there is need of positive change in news channels.
● Conclusion


Media plays important role in society it builds opinion of people and helps to understand current
issue but news channels are not following journalism ethics always, most people agree that their
is element of violence in news items and most of people agree that debates on news channels
are violent whare spokesperson of different political parties shout at each other and even some
times anchor itself starts shouting, most of people watch news channels for current affairs.what
media shows affects society violence in media gave negative impact on society even news
channels shows content which create communal differences.


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